Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Digital Physiognomy 1.83 was available as a giveaway on April 22, 2012!
The idea of Digital Physiognomy is simple. It works like a police sketch but reveals person's temper, intellect, level of optimism, conformism - adventurism, egoism - altruism, laziness, honesty, and even luck.
First upload a photo or push the keys 'Ctrl+V' to paste an image stored on the Windows Clipboard. Next create a sketch the traditional way - piecing together individual features. The program let you see a psychological profile and PType based solely on face image.
This is purely for entertainment purposes.
Windows 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7
6.28 MB
you can still download trial version and reg using code provided by gotd. it unlocks features, though indications it is a trial still show, prob a bug, and about shows only "for gotd" can anyone advise if it actually says registered in their installs?
Also trial version is 4MB and gotd version is a 6.6MB download. The difference in installed size may be of the order of 32 vs 44 MB? any suggestions as to why?
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Installed fine.
Did not register well. It says it is Give away of the day version, but every time I close it, up pops a nag screen. You have to click either ok to buy a registration code for 17 dollars or to click no thanks, buy it later. In order to get the Ok button to light up so you can click that to close it.
this will be uninstalled as garbage crap ware. This is not a true registered program its a tiral ware program It says its registered but only lets me do two things at once..
Since it is past midnight I can no longer try reinstalling it to see if that will work.. Trying to register it with registration number provided in the read me, did nothing about the limits or the nag ware pop up, that happens every time I exit this program
I recommend that you skip this program use your revo un-installer and toss this to the pit. I will now delete it and I will also skip any further programs this company may offer in the future..
This got a gigantic thumbs down from me
I am disgusted at this software & give away of the day for even allowing this on there site this is more spam ware than soft ware. absoloute garbage
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Installed and tested OK XPsp3.
I was waiting for this soft all my life. Now I can prove to my neighbour who he is.
Funny program for usuai people who are not so serious. Do not try your own photo and be happy.
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Fun little program, no need for being serious! only thing, "find map" does not seem to function on my machine XPSP3, produces error, otherwise fine, IT does open your own pics/jpg,bmp etc !Phy are the program's own.
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Apparently it is already registered. Under about it says For giveawayoftheday. Thank you GOTD and UNIPHIZ Lab.
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Where exactly do you input the registration key provided in the readme? In the help file it says that there is a register selection under the help file, but there is none in the program I downloaded?
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About as user friendly as a trainwreck.
Needs a ton of fixing up, I would be embarrassed to release something this confusing to a user.
It's awful, used on several pics of me, then someone else and couldn't get it to change the results? If it even was giving me results?
I should not be this confused!?!
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Installed on Win 7 64 Home Prim. "The Robot" popup is disturbing!
Upon Closing the program TASK MANAGER shows "DigPhys.exe"
You will not notice it till you try to RESTART the PROGRAM and nothing happens "NO PROGRAM START-UP" Check Task Manager you will see DigPhys.exe did not close"EXIT".
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Finally got it to install.
This is something I've wanted for a long time, so I have my prejudices. I like it. I'm glad to have it. I don't care about the science. Of course that's just falderal. It's supposed to be fun, and it is.
I write, and like one of the other posters said, for writers, it can be useful. Thanks UNIPHIZ Lab and GOTD!
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ok here is my review. It rely on slide when you want to align the subject or the face. It will be better to drag the picture than slide. And the worst part is when you click the icon play there is a pop up message Please take a moment to get Digital Phsiognony. Get now only $17.00 or Buy later. Even this is preactivated software the pop up Buy now still there.
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Eerie. Next they should bring out Karma software
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Hey, I go to the movies to be entertained, and for the most part I try out software for the same reasons. This one is just plain fun, I probably wouldn't pay $20 for it, but I've seen much worse software go for much higher prices. No problems installing, it was preregistered, easy to bring pictures into. Do I accept this as factual information, no, but it's fun to play with. Thumbs up and thanks for providing this little toy!!
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This is a strange little program. But its hard to pick up and use without a manual, as for the face editor. I with it was in 3D, Like the ones in RPG games, like in Skyrim. I tried to make my face and it was really hard to make it look alike. It's just not diverse enough.
And the feature; auto robot. I think its supposed to scan photos and replicate them into the police sketch bit. Is sold separates, I call shenanigans and wash my hands of it.
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I uploaded a couple of politician pics and wished I could add some adjectives.
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Oh yes, you can tell much about a person overall by the lines etched in a face! I'm gonna love this software! Thanks for offering something psychological for a refreshing change!
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I hope this is not what the police and FBI are using to find criminals or we will never get ri of the scum of the earth by following this program's profile. It is a childish looking program. And it appears that all the hair samples are from mestiso or blacks. I could not find a slick or ava silky type of hair. Overall, I don't like it. Maybe if you make it more serious. And, where do we enter the code number for registration? It appears to be unregistered.
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Installed fine, I get the Buy Now when I click on photo-robot, but the thing seems to "save" pictures if I want,.. a glitch? Main window for me doesn't have yellow text,.. has black, easy to see,... Win 7 64
here. Kind of fun! Loaded in a jpg easy enough as well,...
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dont work on 64 bit 7 ultimate, wont register, 2 thumbs way down
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Should the police ran after me, with this software they'll never catch me! Unfortunately, they got better than today's GOTD. But I guess Digital Physiognomy's purpose is elsewhere.
What should be improved: more patterns (my head is not square), oval should be oval, better positioning, better resizing. Extracting face elements from a picture could be improved, because it's very poor (the edge function works badly).
A better intuitive interface could easily be designed, because this one sucks a little too much. I had to view inside the xxx.phy file I created to understand how to save "my" face (I put quotes because I couldn't get it near any resemblance how hard I tried).
Because of the limitations, the fun stops quickly. It's then much more interesting to visit the web site, follow the links, and learn a thing or two on psychological profiles.
Poor Shakespeare, wrongly spelled 'Shakespear' everywhere, in the software (with a unique exception in the find window) and the web site.
Many thanks GOTD and uniphiz for this very original software. Originality is too rare here to not appreciate the offer.
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Follow up note on uninstall. Uninstalled with Your Uninstaller but had to remove left over folder and files manually.
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Took this the last time and it was cute for about ten minutes; then it got uninstalled.First the graphics are terrible; second it's just a facial construction program that isn't even realistic. There is no science here, and some of its claims are "creative."
I's say it was ok for kids to fool with, but the interface is sometimes difficult. I'd say pass.
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I agree the installation was easy and fast, but the user interface was all but impossible to navigate.
I spent about 20-minutes and couldn't get it to take any picture -- regardless of its format -- couldn't get any "reading" on a picture that wasn't pre-loaded in their gallery; and all I could do was play around with the black and white drawings which aren't even close to reality.
It would have been cool to see how close the psychological profiles were for folks I know well.
Also, this IS only a trial version as it asks over-and-over for you to buy a fully registered version.
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Installed fast/flawless on XP SP3 and registered automatic. Install was 44.0 mb vice the 6.28 mb advertised file size. Had no problem opening a personal jpeg picture however it was reported unrecognized. Some of the "famous people" images that come with the software were also reported unrecognized. I gave it a test drive without using the help files and discovered it is not very intuitive and you need to read the help files. This is definitely just for entertainment but honestly did not find it very entertaining for very long. Price would be better around $9.95 If it were a little more intuitive it would be a nice little rainy day toy for kids but not much there for adults. Thanks anyway GAOTD and UNIPHIZ
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Re No 1, it's easier than you think, Get The Kindergarten Kids into this, and simply shoot the brat types. This Software has a bright future, unlike the kids.
Similarly, Police Line-ups
All in jest, but remember you saw it here first.
The software ..... Good to mess about with.
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Dangerous piece of software 'cause its basis is pseudoscientific. Even common sense shows us that you don't judge a persona by his face. Please read Stephen Jay Gould's The Mismeasure of Man, which teaches us that throughout history, all efforts to measure man's intellectual abilities have always boiled down to trying to prove that some particular group (natives, women, non-french, immigrants, blacks, etc) were dumber than the rest. In times
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Hocus Pocus. Do they have Tarot Cards, too? How about Numerology or Astrology? Hey, let's write one for tea leaves and palmistry!
Give me a break, people. If the police use this, they are dumber than Congress!
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Couldnt get it to work properly. Crashed my pc trying, ran a simple debugging program and it says files are missing to run properly. Having problems removing complete program from my pc. Waste of time, and now more time wasted assessing the damage to my PC. NOT HAPPY.
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Complete pseudoscience, but fun for five minutes. Then uninstalled again (win7x64).
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Maria (@5): There is a brief (2 min.) tutorial on how to use the program on the company's web site (click on the "Presentation" tab).
Their other "On-line help" section contains only info on how to interpret the results.
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It look like I can make scetches of fotos, it could be fun!
Thanks! I'll give it a try :-)
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@Linda (#10):
The readme also says "The provided software build should be pre-registered. Still if your copy appears to be trial, register the software using the registration key provided."
Have you tried inputting the registration key provided in the readme?
FWIW, I installed on Vista HP x64 and everything went without a hitch.
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Downloaded, installed and registered without problems on Windows 7
Premium x64 bit.
I like this giveaway and can see it coming in handy at parties etc.
I like experimental writing and has SWIM No6 stated, it will most
definitely come in handy for building character references in my
I may well buy the software also, as i think it will be interesting
watching further developement.
Thank for an unusual piece of software GOTD and UNIPHIZ LAB.
Thumbs up from me.
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This Program only accepts pictures in PHY. Format. If you cant convert the pictures to PHY then don't bother.
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This tool is already used by police in 1957 !
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"This is purely for entertainment purposes."
Oh yeah? See report in today's N.Y. Times:
"How important is a political candidate's appearance?
...It turns out that a candidate's appearance - not beauty, but
a look of competence - can generate a far greater vote swing than
we previously thought....A related series of studies...showed that
candidates could exert some control over the appearance factor...."
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Just thought I would post this info re this download. I downloaded and installed the previous version from GAOD (1.782) and decided to see what has changed with this 1.83 version given away today. On the site, it doesn't say anything re changes made since 1.782. I downloaded the program today and read the read me file and would you believe that the registration #'s are exactly the same as the 1.782 version? So I attempted to update 1.782 and naturally you have to pay for it. Haven't decided on whether to uninstall and install this newer version as yet. But I wanted to let you all know about the registration keys.
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TQVM for the great software
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After applying this software to Mitt Romney, it seems he will lose the 2012 election.
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Fantastic! I took a shower and make coffee during the time it took for the program to start (21 min)
Installed it on an external HD. For the first time an installation on this HD has caused this kind off problems! Does anyone know why?
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Installed in Vista without any problem.
The readme says "should be pre-registered. Still if your copy appears to be trial, register the software using the registration key provided." But I can't find a place to enter the registration code.
My installation is acting like a trial version. When I select "photo-robot" a window pops up basically saying "Buy now or buy later".
On main window, yellow text on gray background is hard to read. Help system doesn't apply to the actual software. i.e. Search index for "register", and select Menu. The menu help displayed doesn't match the actual application menu.
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I was looking for a soft like this for a long time
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For some reason, when I think of this software, visions of Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro) in the movie "Meet the Parents" keep dancing in my head.
All you little Fockers out there better watch out!
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Lighten up, everyone. It says "This is purely for entertainment purposes" in bold print. It's a toy, and doesn't claim to be anything else. And it's a pretty cool little toy at that. Is your pathetic life so empty that your Sunday is now ruined because the GOTD isn't some expensive piece of high-tech software? Try getting over your sense of entitlement for a day and either have some fun with this or just move on and hope tomorrow brings something you won't cry about. Thank you GOTD and UNIPHIZ for a nifty little diversion.
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Quite an interesting program for fiction writers wanting to develop 3 dimensional characters. Design a face based upon the characteristics that you want then, voila, instant visual character that you can use as a reference. Regardless of accuracy, the software is quite frankly kind of amazing for this application.
Use of the program is straight-forward and I encountered no problems in installing, registering, or using it. Sure it's kind of odd and most folks won't really know what to do with it, but it's one of those things that -- if you do have a use for it -- you'll say "thanks GAOTD, my many (many) visits to your site, fruitlessly wading through some not very useful programs, has paid off".
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Installed fine on Win7 Home (x86)
It's not intuitive software to use. I was clicking here and there to see what it would do before I looked at the help file, if I can figure it out this way then so much the better as it implies the s/ware is easy to use/well designed. In the end I had to use the help file and whilst it told me what the physionomical categories are it didn't really tell me HOW to use the software. I'd like to have seen a tutorial included.
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This software does not do what it says. It is useless. I tried to upload an image for the gallery, and it did not save it as an actual gallery photo, it only saved the title and then said does not recognize it. I give this one a BIG thumbs DOWN. Not worth wasting your time, unless you have a ton of time just to simple play, which most of us do no. Thanks for trying GAOTD.
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Downloaded on Vista HP x64 without any problems. Just wondering why in the info above it says 6.28 MB and upon installation it showed about 34.0 MB? Another thing is that when you click "About", it shows that I have the 1.782 version instead of 1.83!!! When I click on "Properties" it says 1.83 so which is it? Any reason for this? Anywhere I can upgrade? Maybe there's little to no difference between the two versions but it would be nice to know.
I looks like a nice little program to play around with. I won't hold my breath for the program to give accurate information based on profiles but it's still fun. There's a lot of components to choose from and change plus lots of images. A user's manual would be practical.
If anyone has the answers to the issues mentioned above please let me know. Thanks to whomever will help me. Thanks to GOTD & Uniphiz for this software.
Have a Nice Day everyone:-)
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I understand that this software is meant for hairdressers, cosmetologists, facial surgeon & police...
But since when have it been the face that make you a bad guy ?
Can this software be used to find the cruel and mean kids in the kindergarden, so it is possible to stop their bad behaviour and make engels out of them instead ?
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