Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Crave World Clock was available as a giveaway on January 28, 2011!
Crave World Clock is a must-have world clock software for people who need to keep track of current time in different cities and time zones around the world. The current time will be displayed on a real world map along with day and night effects.
You can add cities of your choice on the world map and also set the world clock as your desktop wallpaper. You can also add analog clock and digital clock on your desktop to keep track of time for multiple cities.
Note that the best improvement idea (or even ideas) will be rewarded. Use Idea Informer widget to submit your feedback and do not forget to fill in your name and e-mail – otherwise the Developer will not be able to contact you in case you are the one to win!
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003 or Server 2008
4.44 MB
DiskAnalyzer Pro helps you to locate and remove space wasting files on your hard disk drive. You can see exact disk space utilization with detailed disk space reports. You can see reports grouped by file types, attributes, file size, ownership, date and time. You can search and filter for all types of files, move or delete unwanted files, copy files to another path, compress files and create a single ZIP file.
ExtraRenamer allows you to rename your pictures, videos, MP3 music and even folders using flexible renaming options. You can add text, file date, counter to the file name, remove specific character or replace words, characters at specific position from file name. You can also insert text at specific position in the file name. You can save the rename options as a preset and use it every time you need to rename similar file types. Renamed files list can be exported as a CSV file or M3U play list if you rename MP3 files. You can copy renamed files list to another disk location or to USB disk drive from within the program.
I had this on my computer for around 3 months. I liked it, but I had to remove it due to frequent crashes; it uses a lot of RAM, and that led to my problems. The computer (running Windows 7) has been fine since I removed it. Nice in a lot of respects, but that heavy RAM demand is something to keep in mind.
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I decided against this software.
I attempted to uninstall using the Vista program. It was unable to remove three files, which I was able to locate and delete.
_I still get a screen on startup, asking me to buy._ When I escape this screen I get notices that the files are missing, and suggesting I reinstall.
This is a PAIN!!! How do I get rid of all traces of this infernal machine?
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Ideally it could use 3 more user options, now:
1. the ability to allow the user the set the map size (I'd like 1400 x 700)
2. If the user is applying the clock as a desktop wallpaper then ideally the ''Time, Day & Date of year'' (which is located centrally when program is not set as wallpaper) could be user moveable from leftside (which it is currently) to centre or right side (because most Windows users have their icons on the top left corner)
3. the ability to save and then import/export the user settings
and, The following would be nice features sometime in the future:
4. ability to synchronize with atomic clocks
5. OATS Compliance (Order Audit Trail System)
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#3 / Keya Brown - Thanks for the laugh. That is FUNny! :) By the -ve check marks you've acquired for that comment, and from past experience on this site (and in the world in general) think we can safely say, folk here need to get a sense of humor and do some 'reality checking' huh :) Cheers Ears
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Thanks to GOTD & Reflection Software.
This is the latest version 1.4.
Installation & Activation went smooth. XP sp3
Not much on memory or CPU.
It also includes Daylight auto-correction.
What more we could expect.
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I left a comment (#34) pertaining to an error “CWClock.exe has stopped working” I was getting when launching the software which several others here are experiencing also. I contacted Crave World Clock support and within 2 hours they solved my problem. They have fantastic support!!! I suggest if you are experiencing any errors, you should contact them before this great offer ends!
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For those having problems with running the software itself or installing it, I would suggest that you might be experiencing the effects of a corrupted download which is not uncommon. I suggest that you uninstall the program, delete the original downloaded and unzipped files and then download/install it again.
I had an error pop-up when starting the program after the first installation (although the program seemed to work the error popped up each time I started the program). I decided to reinstall it and after downloading an installing it the second time (as per the paragraph above) it runs perfectly and the original registration was still activated.
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I used version 1.1 intensively for a couple of months relating to very important events occurring in real time and it was extremely helpful. I also developed a better natural sense of world time (day/night) after using it.
It can enhance the user's perception of world timezones, daylight and darkness hours, the relative position of the earth to the sun at any moment and the perception of world events by knowing the time and relative position of the sun at those locations.
In a reply to the company about why I uninstalled v.1.1, I wrote in part: "It is very good software to the extent that it may "Help to save the world." Think about that for a moment. Example; it can help the right people at just the right moment in time, providing an accurate and possibly strategic advantage to engage in or act upon something that may make a difference in outcomes, short or long term."
Thank you very much for the opportunity to try this new version
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The Clouds feature is missing from this latest version. Doesn't matter as it wasn't correct anyway (version 1.2). Australia is surrounded by cyclones (well, not quite), at the moment, yet the cloud pattern was the same, just before I uninstalled it to make way for this new version, as it has been for the last week.
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just if you really need it, when you are not connected to the Internet
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Would download this if it included a way to display customizable date/time on the desktop taskbar. Ideally, it would replace Windows' time with something more customizable.
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I seem to have found a problem... Screenshot Attached.
I went to add an analog clock, changed the theme to "Roman 1", and hit the "8" for text size, and an infinite loop of error messages (every second) the error pops up.
As a note, where you see it stop at the bottom, it doesn't actually stop - It keeps layering error messages on top of each other - The only way to get through is kill the process or hold down the enter key.
Another note: problem goes away if you can get the message to go away long enough to change the size back to "7". Also: this is just to let you know of the error - I'm still liking the program.
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
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we like it~thanks~
with family & friends scattered all over the globe we are gonna use this off-n-on a'plenty !!
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It is showing a different time than it should be. How can I change the time? It is Saturday 6:00 am here but the program shows it is already 11 pm?
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RE: San Diego Time Set Incorrectly:
The TimeZone is set incorrectly as -7 in the citydata.dat-file (in program folder) instead of -8 . You can easily edit citydata.dat using Notepad. Just change the -7 to a -8 .
I am surprised that this error exist if this same data file has been used in previous versions. I suggest that the developer "double-check" all of the info in this data file (for accuracy).
Interesting looking software. Thanks to the developer AND GAotD.
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Cannot install GOTD Crave World Clock. When I install the .exe, the program has a popup window appears with the error message CWClock.exe has stopped working, A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program.
I never get to far enough to activate the software before the error message appears.
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For those looking for a simpler (non-worldclock) alternative, you might want to check out the free vector clock. http://www.crossgl.com/vcl_overview.htm
It has an alarm clock, plays music for the alarm and has a portable version.
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This is wonderful now I will know what time zone my friends are in.
and for teaching time zones for younger children.
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I didn't understand the very poor approval rating, as it seems like such a useful application (for those of us w/a lot of international contacts). But after installing it and attempting to run it, I found that I had to add myself to the "thumbs down" crew.
It didn't matter whether I installed it as myself (a Computer Contractor) or as administrator - the program ALWAYS ends abnormally, providing the following info:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: CWClock.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 2a425e19
Fault Module Name: StackHash_4ad9
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: c0000096
Exception Offset: 010d342b
OS Version: 6.0.6002.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 4ad9
Additional Information 2: 480e4d51bac9a22a99042c081c00fe69
Additional Information 3: 724a
Additional Information 4: 8d2289dfab7e0863e2c4d24ca8404d62
The system on which I attempted to use it was a HP d5200t, which uses an Intel Core2 Quad-core 2.66 GHz CPU, w/4GB of RAM, ~340Gb of free disk space, is running 64bit Vista Ultimate SP2, and Spyware Doctor v antivirus.
I can't think of any reason others have been able to install and operate this program, (but not me) as I usually NEVER have any difficulty taking advantage of GAotD offerings.
I will monitor this website to see if someone can suggest a solution to my problem.
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MANY THANKS to Bev at post 31 for dealing with a really important aspect of this app. My post at #22 referred to an apparent inability to remove cities which had been added to the map. Bev's helpful post points out that no, you *must not* attempt to remove a city from the "available cities" list, but do so from the "selected cities" list.
Bev's clarification is incredibly helpful (and certainly validates the essential nature of this comment thread that enables GAOTDers to commmunicate with eadch other.)
On the basis of Bev's advice -- which (a) I've now tried and which (b) works -- I've no hesitation in commending this free offer software to everyone.
Thanks again then, Bev, and GAOTD and Crave.
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I was rather skeptical thinking, "Do I really need another clock?" when I saw it being given away. But I decided it couldn't hurt to install it.
Installing and registering went like a charm, make sure to read the readme file. But I found myself using the program for the calendar function and the world wallpaper and not for the clocks themselves.
I find that the clocks rather boring. Don't get me wrong, they're easy to use and set up which is great, it's just after using Vista/Windows 7 gadgets, the Yahoo! Widget Engine and Rainmeter that I've come to expect a little nicer graphics and more customizing abilities then what "Crave World Clock" offered.
However, the nice calendar views are great and I absolutely love the live windows desktop wallpaper.
You can add cities to it, so you can always have the time handy for the various countries/cities across the world. Great for people like me who do a lot of business overseas.
I've not played with all the functions yet, but due to the wallpaper feature, I think I'll be keeping this one. If it just offered desktop clocks, I'd have gone with one of the earlier mentioned widget engines as they can provide you with the same features but with much more eye candy.
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When I added clocks for San Diego, CA and San Francisco, CA,
the software showed 2 different times for each.
The 2 cities should be in the same timezone.
Bugs? Please fix it. A good software though.
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#22: "... Running the Gibraltar / Malaga “test” on v1.4 results in the same unreadable mess that occurred on v1.2."
Would it help to edit citydata.dat & change the coordinates for one or both cities? The edited location might not be accurate, but not sure that would matter to you, & spacing them further apart should give you enough room for text to display properly.
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Crave World Clock shows both a world map view, & allows you to place clocks on the desktop showing the time in whatever location. You can set individual clocks to always stay on top, & set their transparency, but you can't lock them in place. It does use PC/laptop resources, & with Microsoft's free Security Essentials AV software, I found it necessary to add Crave World Clock to the list of apps to exclude from monitoring -- otherwise the AV software wasted far too many resources [I'm tempted to say "Watching the clock" :-) ]. There are a few minor, unsupported mods or customizations you might do, e.g. in the C:\Program Files\ CraveWorldClock14\ askins\ folder you might edit the clock faces, &/or you can edit the citydata.dat text file, adding a city name, lat. & long. etc. Choosing a city to show on [or remove from] the map, or selecting a city for a desktop clock you're limited to what's on that list [citydata.dat]. Added conveniences include reminders, a simple 12 month calendar display, & a list of international dialing codes. While it seems an overall stable app, I did have it crash once for me, with an anoying series of cascading error messages.
Setup.exe added the program's folder [with 50 files, 4 folders, taking up ~7.5 MB], along with a folder under User\ Local Settings\ Application Data\ where 3 more text files can store configuration data [e.g. reminders.dat]. Installing Crave World Clock should have little impact on Windows -- installed & registered I counted 94 new registry entries.
I'm used to seeing things on-line automatically tailored to my location, be it targeted ads &/or search results based on my ip address. I'm used to entering my zip code for something more specific like local TV listings, store locations, or the weather. While the time's the same here as in the closest big city, I none-the-less found I liked Crave World Clock a whole lot more once I added my own small town -- I guess it's just the level of personalization I've become used to. I didn't mind finding/editing the text file to make it so, but I don't think customers should have to -- IMHO if Reflection Software Solutions tackled that aspect, made it easy to find & add your own coordinates, Crave World Clock would stand out a lot more than it does.
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Not bad. The day/night boundary and cloud overlay are interesting. Could be useful for travelers and amateur radio operators.
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Hi Bommi, (comment 27)
It is quite correct to show Brisbane, Australia as one hour behind Sydney.
Because they have similar longitudes it is easy to assume they are in the same time zone, but they are not - Sydney uses DST but Brisbane does not. Hence in a Southern hemisphere winter they have the same time, but in a Southern hemisphere summer they have different times.
Cheers, Simon
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Cannot install GOTD Crave World Clock. When I launch the .exe, the program abends with CWClock.exe has stopped working, A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Please close the program.
Downloaded the commercial version, noted the difference in the size of the executable, ran it, but it would not accept the GOTD key.
Guess I won't be using this one.
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This is an excellent piece of software. I tried it before and missed it so much after a reformat that I had to buy it. It's not very expensive and absolutely worth it.
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@Bommi #25
I opened citydata.dat-file (in program folder. I was wondering what were those numbers? I surmise the 1st value is the time in GMT and the 2nd and 3rd were the coordinates. What was the 4th value?
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Looks great on the video but can't get it to work after installing. Keep getting "CWClock.exe has stopped working". Tried running as administrator and made sure anti-virus was off during installation also and still didn't work. Will contact support and see what they say.
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I looked at the demo on the developer's website. It looks neat and makes a nice desktop.
However, how useful/practical is it?
For genuine at-a-glance useability I recommend the FoxClocks add-on for Firefox. Places little digital clocks along the bottom of the screen above the taskbar by city or country, together with a country flag, but this is user-configurable.
Always free.
Of course not available for IE.
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To Mark #21
"* Window size is fixed/set – can be minimized to tray, but not maximized. —>> Map / Change Map Size (here you can minimize & maximize the the window size)"
But when I look at that option, I don't have any minimize/maximize option in there. It is just a list of fixed sizes that I can have and none of them even close what I would like to have. Sure, if I could have a handle to drag the window to my own size, the map would be distorted, but that would be up to me if I would like to have it like that or not.
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@MikeR - I thought the same thing about removal, but I then finally realized that to remove a city, you must select it from your list of selected cities, not available cities - then click 'Remove from map' and 'Apply the change'.
That being said, I am very impressed with this program. It will be very useful to keep track of agreed times to call family and friends in other countries. There are so many options and so much information, I am really quite impressed.
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MikeR, have been using v1.2 for some time now and never had any problem removing cities.
Just hope when I upgrade to this one your problem doesn't surface for me...
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It's gem being analog! Extremely easy to install. Only key required to register. From my residence in Sweden I have daily connection with Dallas, Texas, U.S. and with Québec, Canada, and seeing local time is conditional. I have earlier used the link to http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html, but this analog clock is a beaut sitting on the desktop. Bravo GOTD.
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Great program. I love it and will keep it.
Consumes 30-40 MB of RAM.
Crave World Clock does not need regular installation. Just copy the program folder for a backup.
If you want to keep the mouse over on the map (hidden city information) save the Registry entries:
1. Start regedit.exe
2. Search for "World Clock 1.0"
3. Export this branch (or the Settings-Branch below)
This backup includes your settings of "Display Cities".
Reimporting with double-click on the reg-file, as you know.
As San Diego also Brisbane, Australia seems to be wrong (is one hour behind Sydney).
Corrections can easily be applied in the citydata.dat-file (in program folder).
San Diegos first value in the line should be -8.0
More Cities (villages) can be added here too.
Thanx GotD
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@12 I was having problems as well when I tried to install the program as an administrator. It was crashing at the point where it was trying to access the Internet to talk to GotD, so I tried to disable the firewall (Comodo) and allow the program to talk to GotD. However, my firewall wasn't on at all! I started Comodo up, started to install the program as administrator, and then allowed the program to talk to the Internet when Comodo asked if it was OK. It then installed smoothly.
I don't know if you have installed programs from GotD before, but I hope the above helps.
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Yes! The key is working for 1.4.
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Elegant little program, with the balloon feature I just do a quick rollover and see the time where my daughter is stationed (in the Army).
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Help with an installation problem please.
The program installs fine but when I click on the icon to open the program, or indeed, go to 'program files' to open it, nothing happens - it won't open. I am running Vista. My Internet protection [Kaspersky] warned against installing the program but I 'allowed' it. Any help would be appreciated, thankyou.
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Thanks for re-offering this one GOTD team. I just got a new laptop last week and this was one of the perks I knew I was going to miss. It is easily readable and fun to watch. The graphics are pleasant and the set up is a breeze. I am pleased to have it back in my taskbar, just a click away.
I saw someone mentioning weather. Wow, a world weather map that works with the same set up as this would be awesome.
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Today's Giveaway download appears to be of World Clock v1.4, retail $19.99. This version was released on December 19 2010 to incorporate new features and fix "minor bugs". It followed on from v1.3 of October 2010 and the major revision of 1.2 of March, 2010.
Today's download, installation and registration was, for me, quick and fuss-free, so kudos to the developer. But even at version 1.4, it's a little eccentric: if the File options list is used, then it's possible to select "exit" or "minimise to tray", whereas if closed in the usual way -- clicking the top right x -- the app doesn't exit but instead minimises to the tray, from which it can be one-click maximised (post #11, and the list of "cons", may confuse people.) Clicking on the tray icon allows access to the Exit command.
A crucial aspect of this app's usefulness is the ability to add and / or remove cities to the map. Without such a facility, the app wouldn't be worth bothering with. Version 1.4, like its predecessors, has this facility. As before, it also allows the user to pre-select one of nine "map sizes". My display accommodates all sizes up to a maximum of 1800x900. However, even at that size, the default font size of 8pt is still too small; I have changed it to 10pt.
This latest version of the app should therefore be the best yet. But strangely, I'm still encountering the same problem with v1.4 as occurred with v1.2: what seems to be a major glitch with the add/remove cities function.
Situation here is that although the software is capable of adding to the world map whatever cities one wishes from its locations list, it doesn't appear to be capable of removing them. Yet removal is as important as adding.
With v1.2, my wife unthinkingly added two locations which are close to each other: Malaga, in Spain, and Gibraltar. We really don't need both. More to the point, we couldn't use both anyway: their proximity on the map is such that the text of one scrambles the text of the other, so neither are readable.
In World Clock v1.2, the removal function simply didn't work. I tried adding various cities worldwide to the map, and that was OK. I then looked at the resulting illegible mess and tried removing those I'd added. Result: no change.
I have no idea if that failure was due to the app or due to this PC. But as I hadn't experienced it with any other 'world map' apps, I decided not to waste further time, and so I uninstalled World Clock 1.2.
Having just now read all the glowing comments from all the posters who say they have downloaded and used today's Giveaway, I've done the same, on the assumption that my experience of v1.4 will be better than v1.2. But it isn't. Running the Gibraltar / Malaga "test" on v1.4 results in the same unreadable mess that occurred on v1.2.
I'm not going to uninstall this just yet because, as noted, I don't know if the app is flawed or this computer's config is at fault. To judge by all those testimonials posted here by others who have, presumably, actually used today's giveaway, no-one else is experiencing the same problem.
Unless, of course, you know different?
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@ Inas (post # 11)
Some corrections to your useful post ;)
* Window size is fixed/set – can be minimized to tray, but not maximized. --->> Map / Change Map Size (here you can minimize & maximize the the window size)
* No skin choices for map – skin options available only for clocks. --->> Also GUI can be skinned (3 different options in Tools / Change Theme)
G'day everybody ;)
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Some other software
If you just need to see day and night Xearth (free) sets up as wallpaper which shows a world map with moving day and night with a lot of different projections and other options, including showing the most recent earthquakes as circles with size depending on magnitude. It's a VERY small program, a couple of hundred K.
Geoclock is also good, showing time at hundreds of locations, day night map, globe, etc. but the graphics are fairly low resolution. Unlike most others it allows you to zoom in on e.g. the USA, Europe, etc. The free version has five or six maps, I think, the regisrered version 30 or so.
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Nice clock, but I live in San Diego and the clock is wrong by one hour.
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I installed this a year or more ago when it was the GiveAway of the Day. It works fine with Windows 7 64 bit, with no problems. A useful program to have on the computer, especially helpful when calling friends or family in other parts of the world.
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I just watched the video demo on the developer's website. It looks really promising. One can easily add or remove multiple clocks, view times in different cities around the world, and set the map as your wallpaper. Something that wasn't brought out in the demo was whether or not you can resize the clocks. But what was shown was that you can make them very transparent.
Watching the demo made me want to check it out.
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This is a nice application for me since I need to find the times of different places every now and then. However, it assumes one has the proper time zone set up in one's OS to reflect the correct time zone of your place. I find setting the date and time in the clock is not enough; need to troubleshoot my vista to indicate my real time zone. The software has a couple of addons that I also like: setting the world time map as wallpaper and the calendar year at a glance. Thanks Reflection Software and GAOTD for this nice gift.
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Frankly (for the same price) I think that EarthTime by DeskSoft seems to offer more and in any case it has a nicer look and starts faster since the runtime map loading process is much quicker!
But (today) this is free... Carpe Diem ;)
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Interesting program. Would be handy for world travelers needing to keep track of the time zones. Also a good one for teachers to use. Or for those just interested in this sort of thing. Very easy installation and activation. It does need the capabilities of adding more cities and possibly a weather option.
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