Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Connectivity Fixer Pro 1.1 was available as a giveaway on January 17, 2012!
Connectivity Fixer PRO is a powerful Internet connection repair and monitoring utility!
Note that 3 best improvement ideas will be rewarded with a full license for Latency Optimizer 3.0. Use Idea Informer widget to submit your feedback and do not forget to fill in your name and e-mail – otherwise the Developer will not be able to contact you in case you are the one to win!
Windows 7, Vista, XP
1.62 MB
$ 15.99
Latency Optimizer 3.0 includes a set of powerful optimization, testing and cleaning tools to assist you to reduce high latency, fix lag, boost online games and applications and speed up Internet connection and PC! Latency Optimizer is an "All in 1" application: Internet and network Accelerator, online game booster, network monitor, speed and latency test, system cleaner and system memory booster.
wehn will this giveaway again i so much want this software.
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@ #111 sjs
It's not very professional to write bad things about Badosoft since we ever tried to help you in every possible way. We care about our customers and want to satisfy all their needs. However the issues you had is caused by your side by unpacking and copying our software to different locations and using our software on the way it was not made for.
Till now none of our customers had problems with the Email activation. Our technicians reported you for trying to make a portable version and you even mentioned it in your last message on our support but we did proceed anyway with your activation and have sent you Offline packed installer 3 times for 3 different PC's (that's 3 licenses).
The last ticket in our support is still from our technicians who asked you if problem is solved since you wrote you need to reinstall your Operating system!
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Unbelievable...failure. I missed the free day so i paid for it. What a joke. It's a nightmare to get installed on a machine without Internet connectivity because they use Internet verification to register it or key transference via installed PC only. So, i then used their uninstaller to remove the program and IT DELETED THE ENTIRE FOLDER ON MY EXTERNAL HDD!! (Just like a virus, only...the same - ARRGGHHH!). Thank goodness i didn't run the beotch on a root level or my C: drive! Their support is totally clueless on explaining anything or understanding anything. Maybe if the program was portable it would be of value. Since REGnow wouldn't give me another download link and the uninstaller removed the download i'm out $10. Can't even run it on my Internet-functional computer now. Oh well, needed to upgrade to Win7 on my borked PC anyways, but what a PITA from a program that was designed to maybe, just maybe, save a person from a lot of winsock registry repair time. Would have been sweet to try and this program and have it repair my broken internet for a day until i could migrate on my own terms. It's just sad their support team is so pathetic and incompetent. I used to work support and i always believed that getting a problem fixed always won over office politics!
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Same as No. 38. , no installation what's gone wrong
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When trying to install it , it says successfully activated. But the software is not installed. It even not showing the installation dialogue box. Software is not installed but it is activated!!! What is this? Magic or something?
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Ironic! I clicked on the Whois link on the network info tab and it took me to the Badosofts 404 Error Page not found.
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There seem to be a lot of concerns here--but (as far as I can tell)since #1. This does not bode well for future technical support needs. This program sounded great, but thanks to everyone's helpful posts, I'll pass this time....
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install worked til email verifcation - received 2 emails same email account none worked - all resulted in email verification error no other information - guess they made it to hard.
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Fixed the problems I have had with my WLAN! Excellent little bugger!
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In mid-October, for reasons unknown, I suddenly could no longer connect to the Internet through a LAN connection that had worked flawlessly for three-plus years. Windows' repair was unable to resolve the problem. Connection via WiFi works well, so I've been using that. But I would like to be able to go back to using LAN instead.
I'm running fully updated Vista on main PC, have XP and Vista on another PC, and Win 7 on a laptop. Anyone think Connectivity Fixer Pro 1.1 might be able to resolve my system's inability to connect to the Net via LAN? I ask in part because a commenter made it sound as though the program in for WiFi, not LAN, repair.
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giveawayoftheday offering not working
waiting for email verification error
have tried different email addresses all the same error
I did receive a key @ hotmail but key will not verify. would not register so I closed the program and tried again.
Thank you for contacting us!
Please can you provide your IP address? It is possible that our security system blocked your IP per accident. We have a big download requests today!
Best regards,
Badosoft Support-Team
http -www.badosoft.com
email: support@badosoft.com
3 Hours left don't think I will get it activated
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Hello everyone,
I will not comment on today's giveaway because I will not install it for obvious reasons which some are already mentioned. No program can make a non-existing page appear. That's not a fix, that's a miracle!!! As far as I'm concerned, internet connection has to do with IP and not a program.
I agree with #4-Fubar that it's easy to mess up internet access so, unless one is advanced in that domain, it's better to stay away and be safe.
Yasser - #6/Stephan - #9 I also agree about the voting system and how/why people use it. If you agree with someone who doesn't think like the majority, there goes the down-voting. I agree that it should be removed since not many people use the system appropriately the way it was intended to be used. Therefore, the numbers mean nothing in regards to comments made and/or to the giveaway.
I also realize that Fonnel did NOT help the cause but most people fall for it. That person is an attention seeker!!! Whether it's positive or negative attention, it doesn't matter, it's still attention! So everyday that Fonnel comes on, people get sucked into it and down-vote. TRY ignoring, I can guarantee you that after a while, we wont see that name anymore.
ADAD - #14 Personally, I found Yasser - #6 comment more useful than yours but I did NOT down vote you. Someone that who thanks for an installed program says a lot. Plus, politeness always has it's place.
One has to use logic and common sense. It IS optional to vote! So if I read a comment/question about registration for example, there's no need to down-vote, I don't vote at all. In fact, I only vote when a comment has really helped me. I saw people being down-voted for asking questions. Well, if you can't ask a question about the software here, where else can you ask it?
Trucker-#15 got down-voted as well. Why? Childishness!!!
Contrary to Fran - #16, I don;t find the voting system to be fair at all nor to be a valuable guidance. I rely on people's opinion not on the numbers people might have attributed them.
BTW speaking of the voting system, the few times I've used it, there was something wrong with it. Let me clarify...if I click yes or no, it should go up 1 number or down 1 number. In my case, sometimes it would go up 2, 4 even 10 at one time by just clicking yes. Sometimes, it wont let me click at all. So how can it be reliable if it goes berserk like that? I knew I couldn't count on it when I noticed that so that's why I don't make my decision based on that.
I noticed that whomever said today that they liked the giveaway got down-voted. How does that make sense? You get down-voted for being polite, asking questions, not being clear enough... In the long run, it can be more hurtful than anything else.
Anyway, that was just my opinion so have fun with the voting! I will still take the time to thank GOTD and developers for their giveaways and all the hard work. Thank you and have a nice day everyone:-)
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@ #66 and $63
Thanks for the heads up. Disabled from running at startup. I use all of my programs in conjunction with Peer Block. I am glad that I know about this vulnerability. I may add a rule to block info going to the web addresses that this offer uses.
A side note - Microsoft Security Essentials does not conflict with this program.
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Thanks for your links to freeware that is better than what is offered today.
I fully agree with #63 and #66.
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Installed fine on Windows 7 x64 Home Premium.
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Installed and tried it. Absolutely useless software. Does nothing. Uninstalled.
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I've tried installing this on four different computers and have requested a key using different Emails for each one. Every one throws up a message saying their is a problem with the Email. I'd loved to have tried this because I have connectivity issues with two of the computers on my network.
If I knew that the program could solve the issue I'd actually buy the software, but there's no way i'll find that out now, as it's too late :(
Ah well, Cest la Vie
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Post 19 (Cannot install, as you first have to fix your internet connection).
I would hire and watch, the movie called 'Catch-22'
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didn't under stand why it needed to know what my IP address and port. I'm on an open spot anyway, so have no idea. Normally don't question sw from here, but Seemed very suspicious and opening me up to attack. Cancelled installation,
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#4 Fubar
.... that one knows how to setup one’s network correctly, I’ve yet to run into a problem that the Windows 7 Network Troubleshooter (right-click the terminal icon in the tray, select “Troubleshoot problems”) couldn’t identify or fix. On rare occasion, network access is OK but browser access isn’t, rebooting fixes that for me. I would want to know precisely what a third-party tool does, it’s too easy for one to mess up Internet access.
Disagree. For me, on netbook. Able to connect at home but no longer at like McD's or other hot spots. Win 7 net troubleshooter determines it is a problem with the router and to talk to net admin and reboot. Nope. Others around me are on. More likely some setting changed on my computer. (Happens with all browsers) So can't connect. Hopin this software will be able to correct.
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Hello. I have been unsuccessful in installing Connectivity- Fixer. I download the file, but never get past the setup page-- instead the window which says "connecting to giveawayoftheday, checking for availability" seems to remain in place, frozen. My friend is experiencing the same problem. Help/Advice will be appreciated!
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#67 @Mister Fister
...like a Process Lasso for internet/network traffic.
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What I'd really like this little thing to do is tell me what software is using my internet connection (including how much bandwidth that particular software is taking up), what sites that software is communicating with, and maybe even what is in the packets it's sending. That info will give me a lot of information about where problems are.
This might be a pie-in-the-sky want, but a lot of the actual program names are nebulous (rundll32, anyone?). Any information on command line switches or programs that are calling these programs would also be helpful.
Does anyone know of an alternative piece of software that would do this?
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This is such a joke!
I'm running on Vista 64bit and the program fails to even get past the activation process. This has nothing to do with my internet or any other form of connectivity etc. I assume it's a problem with any 64bit versions of windows.
This needs to be resolved and I expect to be given a version of the program by either GOTD or the original manufacturer / producer of this product, as I feel treated unfairly and given a false impression of a seemingly useful program. Good try GOTD, but it wasn't listed that this program does not work / isn't compatible with 64bit.
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This voting has no point people wote down or up before they even try the software. As you cen see in results 500+ down votes for a great software!
Half of comments are comercialy so on...
Anyway thanks!
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@24 Tester - The "free" (limited) version of Latency Optimizer 3.0 is mentioned in the first post on this page. How nice of you to mention this for us again in your post and to say "You need to get some visitors to get the it for free". Not so nice was putting YOUR REFERRAL CODE in your shortened link. Hope you (don't) get your free full version at all of our expense. Pretty underhanded IMHO, and against TOS in alot of places.
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I have connectivity issues with two of my computers (well, ones my sons and the other is a back up that the whole family uses. I requested and received four registration codes (using four different emails) for the four computers I wanted to install this program onto but when I try to register them (despite receiving the four codes each time I ret to register the programs I get an error message saying registration failure and aother message saying a problem with my email. So I haven't even been able to install this program.
I was hoping it would solve the problems I've been having connecting to the internet wirelessly on two of these computers. At the moment I have to run two ethernet cables down stairs to where the super hub is situated just so that they can be connected to the net. These are very unsightly and i'm desperate to get all my computers connected wirelessly. I was hoping that this program may have solved the problems I have connecting the two that are problematic (both have Win 7 ultimate installed and both have only recently been reinstalled after rebuilding the computers. (I've contacted my providers tech team and even they couldn't sort the problem).
If this program had worked I would have been very happy to purchase a copy so that I could receive tech support and upgrades, but not being able to install just makes me wonder ????????
If the developers read this can they offer any suggestions?
I tried to register on their site but wasn't able to so couldn't post in their forums.
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@10 Robert. Do you know that I have a FIVE HP programs running constantly in the background for my HP Printer that only gets used once every 2 months when there's that 1 page that I have to print. Adobe wants to run something in the background to make sure that I have an up to date version of their Reader.
I have 108 processes running on my PC and I don't know what 95% of them are there for and I'm afraid to stop most of them because of the repercussions.
Why can't HP start those 5 programs when I click on Print? Why can't Adobe start their program when I click on Check for Updates? Actually why can't everyone not run things on my PC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week unless absolutely necessary?
I haven't yet had a connectivity problem. If I did, couldn't I just click on your icon on my desktop to start it? So why would I download your program and have it be the 109th process running on my PC? "Just something to think about ;)"
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I think in view of how many XP users are having troubles with this program,and my limited knowledge of my computer,I will pass on this program. Thank you GOTD for offering it though,and hopefully it will work for others well.
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Due to beta problems with free us.real-vpn.com, I switched back to us.hotfreevpn.com.
This vpn connection needs additional activation by visiting their website.
THIS is where CF Pro fails. When vpn is connected, but not yet activated, CF Pro considers this to be a network problem and will automatically re-start the connection - by which you cannot visit the activation page and activate your internet. Only solution is disabling CF Pro...
@#25... Zero Point One Wireless Networking Utility does not seem to work in Vista. Process starts with huge cpu spikes, but no tray icon appears and the batch scripts cannot be run. And I don't think they scripts offer anything special beyond the default repair network connection. I prefer this days gotd : )
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not if this caused my firefox icon and prog to disappear but had to reinstall ff after installing . will keep off till need the prog due to sending info back to hdq. works on w7 64 fine.
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#63 I think you shouldnt post here licence agreement out of context.
Read it again!
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Good freeware alternative:
TCP Optimizer from www.speedguide.net
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@#14 & #57 It's not that I could not FIND the options with the icons at the top. I just don't like not being able to see the entire GUI of a program. It makes me nervous about what I can't see.
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My bad!!
Among the FREEWARE ALTERNATIVES I previously forgot to mention what is probably the BEST Internet tune up and TCP/IP Optimizer utility available right now on the market
==> TCP OPTIMIZER 3.0.8 reducing the high latency while playing online games nd make the system more responsive and stable), with the only difference that they are both FREE...LOL!!
Enjoy & Prosper!!
Cheers from Italy!!
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Downloaded OK, but when installing, after I receive code in e-mail and enter it, the program says code not valid and freezes and if I start over I have to enter a different e-mail because the other one has been used, is there a fix for this.
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Well this is interesting. I am writing this from a clean install of Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit. By clean I mean I just installed it and have not installed anything else.
I saw some comments about the Segoe UI font, and that's because that font is not in Windows XP (unless another program installed it for you). My original idea was to try it out to verify and see if I could get the error as well, but I learned something else. This program has a dependency that they don't tell you about.
I don't know what it is, could be .NET, could be Python, could be anything. The most likely answer is probably going to be .NET, but then which version? I don't have a problem with this on my Windows 7 install, because I have some development programs installed that have the entire .NET framework 2.0+
Well that's nice, but what about my Windows XP install? This program doesn't really do me any good in Windows 7, but this program automatically does things I have to do manually in XP, so I could use it there... but I cant even get it to run.
I'm kinda thinking the problem is not .NET, because normally in a .NET program, if you run it and you don't have the right version installed, it will immediately give you an error message. This does not. It doesn't display anything. As soon as the GOTD software wrapper finishes verifying the date and promotion with the GOTD servers, the activated/add us to your bookmarks window pops up. No installer.
To the developer - What is this mysterious dependency that you did not mention? And why was it not included in the installer?
For the people who get the Segoe font error, try copying these fonts to your C:\Windows\Fonts folder. I can't promise that it will fix it, but you can try. (Copied from my Win7 fonts folder :D) Right now I can't even get this program to run in XP at all, so I can't tell if it works or not...
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The first thing that needs fixing on a slow wi-fi is securing, locking or whatever its called in your are, otherwise anybody can and pobly is using your bandwith and with a programme that hogs your connection You pay for the bandwith they use it. With windows XP open wireless connections and if your connection has no padlock shown anybody close can use it.
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Connectivite Fixer Pro Installer
When enterin Email address and key on continue , Get message , There was a problem with E-Mail Registration Process ! so will have to pass on this one for no way of geting the serial nombe to install the program
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Connectivity Fixer Pro Installer
When Enterin Email Address and Key on continue , Get message , There was A Problem with E-Mail Registration Process! So I have to just forget this one
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Correction to my earlier post... I meant CompNetTeach's post (#60), but Ben's alert to the Privacy issue in post #63 warrants reading too.
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After reading through these comments and visiting Badosoft's website, I think I'll pass on this one. There just seems to be too many potential issues unresolved...
1) The program uses a font that is NOT available for XP.
2) Higher resolutions are not supported due to the window being unsizable and no scroll bar is included.
3) CFP doesn't play nice with UAC in Vista.
4) CFP has issues with some routers/modems (if you use a portable with WiFi, you often have no idea what router/modem you will be connecting to).
5) CFP makes changes to your network settings without detailing the changes.
6) Only supports IE even though Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari have sizable shares of overall usage.
7) Documentation is very poor.
8) Per the License Agreement -
In addition to all of the issues above, they stress that most of the problems that CFP fixes are due to viruses, malware, & adware yet offer no protection per se but only a way to circumvent the effects of those viruses and malware once they are on your computer! If you have a good set of antivirus, anti-malware, & recovery software installed and use some common sense in your internet surfing and email usage, you shouldn't have most these problems 99.9% of the time anyway.
For some better options, see Giovanni's list (post #49), and Ben's advise (#60) is very useful for anyone with an internet connection.
These past few weeks have been filled with some great offerings here on GotD, but this one is sub par IMHO.
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DL'd and installed without problems here, but could have been lucky. GUI is OK but -- and it's a big 'but' -- this software is actually operating in an area that's vital to your computer's links with the wider world. . . and I'm unconvinced that either it, or its developers, fully know what they're doing.
The most obvious warning is given by the 'repair Internet Explorer' facility. As this is in a section of text which also flags up the danger of malware on a computer, it's as baffling to me as it will be to many others that the developer doesn't even seem to understand that Internet Explorer, in whatever guise, is a disaster waiting to happen.
To "repair" Internet Explorer most effectively is to stop using altogether and opt for another browser. Malware scum will always, but always, target their efforts where the percentage chance of success is at its highest. Thus, Internet Explorer and Adobe Acrobat Reader -- being the most used worldwide as browser and reader -- are the most susceptible to attack.Thus the amount of time Microsoft and Adobe have to devote to constantly 'patching' Internet Explorer and Reader.
Internet connection difficulties can be amenable to quick solution or can be complex and need a lot of sorting out. In which case, the more information provided by the remedial software concerned, the better. But Connectivity Fixer Pro provides almost nothing.
This wouldn't be too bad if one could turn to a lively support forum where members are able to offer advice based on experience. Sadly, this developer's 'community forum', operating since June last year, seems to have less than, er, 20 members -- another warning, because if Connectvitiy Fixer Pro really did live up to its name, it would very soon have amassed a large user baser. But it seems not to.
A final alarm bell rings with the developer's 'badges and awards', none of which is meaningful.
For those with connectivity problems, the first step should always be to go to a known and dependable specialist resource, of which few, if any, are better than:
with more than 97,000 users worldwide. Out of that shared expertise and experience has emerged a superb little utility, TCP Optimizer, which has and always will be freeware:
Thanks then, GAOTD, for today's offer, but having tried it, I've no real idea what it's done or is doing. I'd rather use TCP Optimizer, and the back-up of a huge worldwide user forum.
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I second Ben's comments - post #63.
Folks - please read the agreement - especially part 5.3 !!!
As a security consultant, this is NOT what I want installed on my system.
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Why is the interface box so small and not expandable. It is obvious that all the information is not being displayed and with no scroll or expand window how can this be utilitarian?
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The only thing that i could think of that needs to be fixed is that my kaspersky was alerting me that the fixer is a virus. If that would be fixed then one of the nuisances would be gone.
Also what i noticed with other people here is that they have problems installing it.
Also if there would be more settings we could use to configure the fixer , for example to turn it off while gaming or slow down how often the monitoring should check the connection. And when monitoring show a display with how good the connection is and how fast you download.
I like the stats but you also just want to see some kind of visual statistics.
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Un-installed due to it not being able to repair my internet connection when it lost it itself in the first place.
Running XP Pro SP3 using a 3dongle for my connection.
Internet works fine again now I've un-installed it.
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Hiya: On a unrelated technical issue, I had almost no internet connectivity on a lan set-up I installed using data cable. Only 2 female ethernet plugs were working, these were supplied by a local hardware chain. The ones from Home Hardware did not work at all. I want to tell you it took hours to deduce that they were defective, not having the connectivity testers a real installer has.
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Apparently I need to have this already installed in order to download it!
Can't get past the "Connecting to gotd ... Checking availability..." info box.
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I got the key in the email and entered it. Then I got an error and I can't go any further.Will not allow anything else,it has completely blocked my computer.
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