Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Barcode Reader 11.2.0 was available as a giveaway on September 26, 2020!
ByteScout BarCode Reader reads various types of 1D and 2D barcodes (Code128, Code39, PDF417, Datamatrix, QR Code). The program also reads barcodes from live web camera devices, bitmaps, JPG, PNG, TIFF or PDF, it works quickly and independently.
Use the activation key to allow your registration and to run the program for business purposes.
Windows Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; 50 mb of free space, Windows Media Player and .NET Framework installed
11.2 MB
Document Parser SDK is a new ByteScout tool for working with documents. It provides Built-in template editor for speedy and smooth document processing. It supports multiple documents and tables, image processing, PDF scans and more
This is a REST API server (on-premise). It allows you to:
ByteScout RPA Tools is innovative for automating work with invoices. It saves your time on routine tasks. RPA robots are adjustable and fully automated. The tool works offline and includes built-in templates.
PDF.co Web API is REST Web API for:
PDF Extractor SDK is a fantastic tool that extracts text from PDF, extracts embedded images, metadata, enables text search with regular expressions, repairs damaged images, converts PDF to CSV, Excel, and XML, includes OCR functionalities, merges and splits PDF files and more.
Soooo , I must take my smartphone with me and go to the store .
Then take a gazillion pictures of the barcodes of any product I find interesting .
Then go to my home and processes all those pictures using this program .
Read all the available info and choose what I want to buy .
Then go back to the store to buy whatever I chose . ??? !!!
This program would be very useful IF when visiting an e-shop , the barcode of the
products was visible and thus all the info hidden in the barcode would be available
to the visitor/customer .
Any other ideas ???
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Yeah, I have an idea. Skip this download and just us a barcode scanner on your smartphone and avoid all the insanity from the start...
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The usefulness of this software escapes me. If you are in a store or most places where you would use a barcode scanner then you need a mobile scanner which this is not. There are many mobile barcode and QR scanners available for your phone, many free, that work quite well.
Also, some of the phone apps and some websites let you make your own barcodes and QR codes which this software does not. I also own 2 barcode scanners (for reasons unknown) and can’t think how this software would work for those as well.
If I am missing something please enlighten me. Thanks!
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I just read some help files from their website and it appears you have to go through multiple drop downs in the software picking what type of barcode you are looking up (seriously?) for the software to decipher the barcode. Maybe there is some sort of business use for this software, but for personal use it appears cumbersome and pretty much useless.
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Not sure I want/ need this, but some folks are wondering how it could be used on a PC/Laptop, with camera?
These days if you buy something and want the full instruction/usage manual you have to download it (for example).
Often there is a QR code on the package/box for you to use, to go directly to the download site, etc. I have done this but using my Mob Ph. Then, of course, I have had to transfer that to my PC. This app would cut out the mob. ph. use and download straight to your PC/laptop...
Just an example...
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I feel like I read all of this comments and still don't know what this software is for.
Can someone give my a clue which helps me to understand what this software is useful for and how?
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The gist of it is:
1) Barcodes can contain all sorts of information, above and beyond the simplistic UPC barcode found on products.
2) The software can read and decode (and potentially act upon) the information contained in a number of barcode types.
3) That barcode can be located in an image file (bitmap, JPG, PNG, TIFF), a PDF file, or if scanned via a webcam.
As for what you would use it for, who knows. It all depends on what type of barcodes you are looking to read with it, and why you would want to read them. It also depends on if you have a Windows based device that is portable enough to make use of such software for anything beyond whatever casual scanning you may do in your home or business of the things you have laying around.
I use an old Cue-Cat barcode reader with my Windows PC, along with a piece of software called DVD Profiler. It doesn't see a lot of use any more as I don't purchase physical movies much anymore. What I used it for in the past was to quickly scan the UPC barcode of any DVD or Blu-Ray I purchased, in order to enter it into the DVD Profiler cataloging software. The cataloging software is a great way to keep tracked of my movie collection, and all the details of each movie/disc in my collection, which is in excess of over 3500 DVDs and Blu-Rays.
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On the developer website the demo video is showing a button for "Find all Barcodes (1D and 2D)" in which the person that was doing the demo was using it many times, i don't see this in the software , how can i show this button? Thanks
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Appreciate the offer but a barcode reader for a Windows laptop? Vaguely reminds me of CueCat, the free barcode scanner (hardware) given away 20 years ago. Wonder if this software would work with one of those.
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@Buckley, I don't see how. Cuecat is limited to a 1D code.
The 'encoding' has been figured out and is available in various formats, inc. one for spreadsheets.
Try eBay etc. for a USB type scanner. They're point and shoot. Item 323642402720 is one example. They're actually quite clever.
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No non-sense, life time license.
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OK, finally...
If there are any 2D codes on the product or store shelf sticker (those blocky square-pixel-pattern s, often as "QR"), then you are likely to obtain more information as they are designed to self-contain and/or trigger the revealing of much more information than a typical/simple store shelf sticker inventory barcode.
(OK, I'm stopping now!)
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Does this read a barcode on a product in a retail store and tell me the price of the product?
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Yes, if you can carry your Windows computer to and around the store.
From their website:
"Bytescout BarCode Reader is able to open and read barcodes from image files (PNG, JPG, TIFF, GIF, PDF) and extract data value as text (you can select and copy extracted value). BarCode Reader can be used to read barcode from Web camera – click here to learn how."
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Of course I was joking somewhat... ;-)
Actually, the barcode on the product's shelf sticker may not reveal the price (if not visible) if it requires a typically-secured data connection to the store's database for that and inventory info (which is likely updated hourly).
Obviously you'd be better off using a good smartphone app to reveal whatever info may be available beyond the literal code-as-text which is likely printed adjacent to the barcode.
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TeddyBearsPicnic, It's not magic. How do you suppose it could connect to the databases of every retail store in existence?
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Isn't it easier to read the price on the shelf sticker? Or the product itself?
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Niv, I have used my phone bar code reader at a few stores and it does show a cheaper price for some items. I show the cashier and get that price many times.
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Niv, you are assuming the store has a price posted. Too often these days they don't, which is really stupid as studies have shown you lose half your sales if prices aren't readily visible.
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