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Audials Radiotracker 8 Standard Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Audials Radiotracker 8 Standard

You know the music. Audials Radiotracker has got the stations. All hits and stars, every genre and every radio station. It’s your music – legal, free and fast!
$39.90 EXPIRED
User rating: 621 82 comments

Audials Radiotracker 8 Standard was available as a giveaway on July 4, 2011!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
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You know the music. Audials Radiotracker has got the stations. All hits and stars, every genre and every radio station. It’s your music – legal, free and fast!

Audials Radiotracker’s groundbreaking technology automatically downloads your songs in less than a minute, making it the most popular, the most decorated and the absolute best-selling web radio software in online and retail outlets in the process. No subscription, no hidden fees, just music edited perfectly in music shop quality and, due to free and legal real-time recordings of Internet radio stations, there’s no copy protection!

The Audials Radiotracker player allows you to listen to web radio stations, play music, burn CDs/DVDs or transfer files to an MP3 player. Audials Radiotracker also finds ID3 tags, CD artwork and lyrics and allows you to easily organize and manage your collection. The generator for cell phone ringtones lets you create ringtones for your cell phone from downloaded music for free.

System Requirements:

Windows 7/ Vista/ XP at least SP2; 1 GHz CPU; 1 GB HD space; 1 GB RAM; DSL internet access


RapidSolution Software



File Size:

74.1 MB



Comments on Audials Radiotracker 8 Standard

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While this is the standard version, It is not the FULL VERSION. There is some functionality that is disabled in the version being made available. Wishlists are NOT supported, despite the fact that it is an accessible option. And yes, the but now button at the top is annoying.

Frankly, Stream ripper does a better job.

Reply   |   Comment by Ikehel  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Improve ID3 tag data recognition. Check at start middle & end of track & take the average. When confirming ID3 tag data & pictures check artist & song titles of previous & next song if no match found in ID3 tag database.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave Clark  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

the idea behind the software is good but many stations cannot be reached as it claims that only the pro version can do it. what leaves me with a free piece of advertisement for the company's paid version. 20 down fingers for this sort of offer.

Reply   |   Comment by obj.bhz  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I imagine there will be lots of sad people wishing they had gotten this while it was still available. Great program and great price today. Most "alternative" suggestions that have been made aren't remotely as good as this. Quite nice, even if the "lighter" version. One of the "must grabs" this year.

Reply   |   Comment by Thom  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Tried Audials One from the last Giveaway, but I really disliked it. Considering how today's offer isn't even as complete as Audials One, I'm not even going to bother trying it.

However, after looking at the comments, I decided to check out RadioSure and so far, so good. I was able to connect to British radio stations that aren't even mainstream (I'm in Canada, if that makes any difference). Haven't tried the record button yet though.

Reply   |   Comment by Teenyah  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

there are features you have to upgrade to in order to access. like wish lists etc. I do like it, absolutely fascinated with clearly bringing in stations from FINLAND for godsake!!!!! I am a Stratovarius freak and trying to grab a song of theirs from Helsinke radio didn't seem to want to work for me. Maybe I do have to upgrade to get the specifics I want, but will spend happy hours listening to what you Do give us free, and heavens sake I want to thank you and don't want to look a gift radio in the speaker so to speak. works great on my Win 7, 64-bit Home edition and am still playing with all the toots and whistles. a keeper. Now will attempt to download a copy for my USB stick thing so I can do my radio Helsinke to ooo and ahh my friends on their computers. thankx for the birthday gift here! a week late, but no matter when you are near 60.

Reply   |   Comment by Kathy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I like Pandora, but it seems limited. I wanted something that played 60's and 70's. And not from just North America. Radiotracker was a bit more load on the CPU judging by the RPM's of the cooling fan when it ran, and running simultaneously while I was checking email made things worse. So it was uninstalled. I did a brief search after some helpful hints above and came to find ESP (Enhanced Shoutcast Player) at http://www.remlapsoftware.com/ It offers an extremely large selection of stations, genres, and has a low CPU footprint. ESP is a Shoutcast Player that is freeware and works great on my XP SP3 machine with 1gb of ram. (and it saves what I listen to in a file of my choice as an MP3)

Reply   |   Comment by Oldphart  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was very interested and tried to install it this morning: it stopped almost at the end. Tried twice again tonight: no luck either.

Reply   |   Comment by nena  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Free Revo Uninstaller is NOT crippleware. Nor can its functions be regarded as less than CCleaner. I do not know where you got that idea.

Free Revo will not work on 64 bit computers: you need the Pro Version for that. (This is my understanding at least).

Perhaps you have used the wrong one!

Reply   |   Comment by Bill  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

It's a solution looking for a problem. It's Sooooo easy to find and bookmark streaming content on the web, really the last thing anyone needs is something like this in the middle. Just use your browser and set up some bookmarks to your favorite content. thanks

Reply   |   Comment by Bradlee TheDawg  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Can't get any of the stations I like on this - classical & jazz - but it's OK for podcasts. thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by oliviab  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I'm confused by all the comments comparing this to other internet radio players. This is a song "scooper," not just a player. Its main feature is to make you a song library. You specify a genre, and go away, and come back in a few hours and your disk drive might now contain 100 new songs. Yeah, you need to listen to them and cull the bad ones, so it's not as good as buying songs. But free is good.

My post above (#20) explains this capability, as does #30 (JOhn2323).

Caveat, I don't know if this edition is so crippled that it doesn't have this "scooper" capability. I didn't install this because I already own the full version. On my full version, you click "Radio", and then the next line down is where you specify genre and "Start Recording". Before that, on the bottom under "Convert", you specify the output format and bit rate. And in Options specify the destination directory and the minimum streaming quality to record.

While the missing feature "wishlists" are neat, they take a long while. I've had one running for about eight hours looking for anything by artist 50 cent, and I've only collected one song, a remix.

The real competitor to RadioTracker 8 is dar.fm. Especially now that dar.fm is free. (It may charge in the future, when it's out of beta.)

Reply   |   Comment by Joe T.  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Sorry - apologies! use the country selector and you will find practically any station out there listed with today's GOTD!


Reply   |   Comment by sparkles  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@ Julia #9 Get REVO uninstaller. It will get all those hidden files, folders, and will clean up your registry after a bad install like this.

Reply   |   Comment by David Johnson  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Plenty of free streamed radio stations or free websites/ free players for Internet radio, though the record option might be useful!

Biggest gripe is major omissions with some very well known radio stations, for instance why is Folk Alley not in their listings!

If you want to listen to some of the best music on the web, go to listen live at www.dapperfm.co.uk - I guarantee you won't be disappointed. It's a local online radio station, but their selection of music is second to none. The station manager buys about 20 new tracks a week, mostly from the current top 40!

Reply   |   Comment by sparkles  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Download easily on usb. Launched fine and seems to work ok. Slight freeze but continued on then worked.

Does anyone know if this is a standalone on the usb or is it tied into your windows installation.

Can I use the usb on another computer?

Reply   |   Comment by joe  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My question is about the recording bitrate -- Can anyone answer what bitrate is used? And if it is dependent on the broadcaster, is it recorded at exactly the broadcast rate?
(I hope not lower than broadcast, which would degrade sound, and not higher than broadcast, which wastes space for quality level not present in the radio source)
What I read on the Audials site makes it seem that they "over-record" at a rate higher than broadcast, so that one is fooled into thinking the quality is better than it really is.
Quote: "Most online music stores offer WMA and MP3 downloads with a quality level of 192 or 256 kbit/s. With Audials Radiotracker, you can directly access Internet radio stations with a quality of up to 320 kbit/s, making it possible to record MP3 music titles with the same or even higher quality than offered by online music stores—but with Audials Radiotracker, the MP3 tracks you get are free."

Reply   |   Comment by Bruce Tech Guy  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If you have Audials One 8 from the previous giveaway you don't need to install this version. It's a less complete version.

Reply   |   Comment by Patrick McNamara  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Me again, just been checking if anything can record multiple streams at the same time as todays's Giveaway can but Radiosure and Screamer can't. I found http://streamwriter.org/ which is free, records as many streams as you want ( ! ), has a wish list (Audials's needed an upgraded version), ad skipping, mp3 editor, much less CPU intensive etc.... I have never heard of this until a few hours ago but I have already uninstalled Audials (again) and it's much easier to use than Audials. I hope this helps !

Reply   |   Comment by Neil  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Installed on Win 7/64 bit to USB drive. I found it easy to use. Selected my genre, then clicked on the 'RADIO' tab, and stared recording. It immediately started recording several stations at once. After scanning the controls, I changed 'STATIONS' to 1 so it is now only recording 1 station at a time. CPU usage is only 2% during this phase. If your CPU usage is too high, try changing the 'STATIONS','BANDWIDTH', etc to a lower number. I did notice a few second lag during the process. It might have been when the encoding started (or it might have been something else entirely). I hope I can find a control to allow encoding in the background at a very low priority.

The program is working so well for me, I may upgrade if for no other reason than to support the manufacturer. I'm not sure I'd use Wishlists all that much.

In the past, I used Audacity,etc to record an audio stream to disk. This is much easier!

Give it a try!

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I only installed this to see if the scheduler would work with BBC Radio4 (New Torchwood radio plays start next week!), but BBC radio isn't streamed in the right format (not MP3, WMA, etc.) Still, it turns out to be a nifty program and I'll keep it. Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by hklbry  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

This application raises suspicion when it uses aprox. 300MB(learn this when go into control panel to remove it) of space.Beside the software from Microsoft, it turned out to be one of the largest applications on my computer. As with many of the other applications, over the months down loaded here, my security software(Zone Alarm) indicates or ask permission to allow or give "red-light" permissions to just about every single one of your downloads that suspect go places and do things deep within the inner workings of the machine. This always raises red flags in the validity and integrity of your so called "free" give away promotions. After trying out and testing your giveaway for today, must admit that the initial anticipation turned to rank disappointment as would have been better off using my time in a more efficient manner.

Reply   |   Comment by mark mcfield  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I have both Tapin and RadioSure, portable versions of each, as mentioned by Peter and Edu in posts #26 and #28.

Does the portable version of today's giveaway, with its humongous footprint, offer anything that one does not have with Tapin and RadioSure??

thanks, Matty

Reply   |   Comment by Matty  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

This software ROCKS!!!! This is the 2nd best software I received from this site next to the Aston 2 desktop. I have told everyone on my FB to get this.....I'm addicted now!!!

Reply   |   Comment by r00tb33r  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

I have recently uninstalled the GOTD version of AudialsOne - it just seemed a bit slow and unintuitive to me - like NexusRadio. ( I used Revo in advanced mode like #18 suggests ) but I got the same message as #10, so it's been reinstalled again ! Still bloated, but will persevere a little longer. Like many of you have commented, it's hard to beat http://www.radiosure.com/ also try http://www.screamer-radio.com/

Reply   |   Comment by Neil  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I had to install it twice to install properly on Win 7 x64 SP1. After playing with it some I think it would run OK on a dual processor or above. It is going to take up a lot of space on your hard disk. And you do need to filter or listen some & remove what you don't want. I rather liked it & intend to keep it. I think that proficiency in using this program would increase considerably with use.

Reply   |   Comment by Marshall  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Program seemed ok. Bit tricky if you don't know what to do. Had a previous giveaway of audials 8 download for drm removal. After installing this, the drm removal version, is now no longer available. Something to keep in mind for those who did what I did and didn't know that the drm removal would be removed!! Had I known that in the before downloading I never would've done it. Installed fine on xp service pack 3.

Reply   |   Comment by Tammi  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ditto to $47 for TuneIn. Finds all the NYC NJ local stations from jazz to college to even Stern. More channels than I ever guessed there are here, and there are lots. So pass on prggy esp w/ the heavy barrage of neg comments, wow.
Really does pay to get one of the mentioned deep uninstallers.
Thanks for comments & to GOTD. Happy Boom Boom tonight.

Reply   |   Comment by beergas  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

What is the difference between this and Audials One version 8 that was given away earlier? Does this software provide any additional functionality not present in Audials One that was offered here on April 1, 2011?

Reply   |   Comment by Raymond Dunton  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I'm really less interested in downloading music than just finding/listening to it, which there are several feel alternatives. This seems much more geared to downloading audio. And as others have said, the wish list is restricted so you can only download certain artists/songs without buying an upgrade!

To download music, I use a free plug-in for Firefox, YouTube mp3 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-mp3/ that lets you download any song you can find on YouTube. (Or you can paste the link at their web site.) Being that I'm only going to download a few songs, I don't need to fill up my HD.

Reply   |   Comment by GeekGurl  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#12: "What exactly requires 74MB of space in this program?!?"

74 MB is the compressed size of the setup files -- it takes up ~500 MB on my USB stick, 238 MB just in the program's folder installed to regular hdd.

* * *

#16: "... It’s either for faster Computers with different (to mine) Graphs, or the paid Edition works better..."

When you select one of the categories & click Record to load the individual stations, Radiotracker loads however many, connects to each one, & proceeds to start downloading/saving their streams onto your USB device if that's how you installed. That's a bit resource intensive. While I didn't have a lot of luck right-clicking individual stations to stop recording, you can try that, or you can use the drop-down arrow up top to set the number of stations -- set to 1 for example your resource use should drop very dramatically. If it works for you that way, you might want to check out the favorites features so you get just the one or two stations you like best.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

When installing for the first time it detected a previous installation offering from here, Audials One, which it seemed to add itself too.

Unfortunately it did not allow downloading of music, just video, so had to uninstall all and re-install again.

Once installed, the first thing you come up against is the clunky and non intuitive interface, which takes a little getting used to.

Once I had done this then I found that it did what it claimed to do and worked well.

Reply   |   Comment by PhilS  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Audials Radiotracker, like the Audials One on GOTD back in April [ http://goo.gl/hGasU ] is complicated, with optional drivers plus a semi-portable USB install option. What you get with this .NET app [.NET 3.5 also included] is an attractive interface, the ability to record several streams at once, some minor video capabilities, & a built-in though limited converter. That said, a quick Google or Bing will show you that there's loads of competition, like the lightweight, portable & free Screamer [screamer-radio.com].

Regular installation has a high impact on Windows -- higher if you don't already have .NET 3.5 + its updates installed. Including the Microsoft C++ runtime install, but without .NET or the optional drivers I recorded 2,123 new registry entries in the XP Mode VM [win7 VPC Virtual Machine]. With a recorded 1,066 new files, I had one new "RapidSolution" folder under All Users Application Data holding 53 files, 15 folders, 60 MB -- 2 new folders [RapidSolution & CrashRpt] added to User\ Local Settings\ Application Data, the 1st holding 111 files, 58 folders, 128 MB, while the 2nd only contained 3 empty folders -- 2 new empty folders under My Documents -- The RapidSolution program folder with 739 files, 53 folders, 238 MB -- plus the C++ runtimes & several files left over in the temp folders. Adding the drivers through the repair driver shortcut in the Start Menu added 2,184 new registry entries, taking over a few keys for the sound hardware as well. Running Audials Radiotracker from a USB stick runs a modified setup routine that does the same things, just leaving out the program & output folders which are on the USB device. To help make up for that installation impact [which IMHO is fairly high as Internet Radio apps go] the USB version adds uninstall shortcuts to the Start Menu which by & large do work, though you will have a few leftovers, & the C++ runtimes &/or .NET if installed, stay installed. [RE: win7, FWIW... I can only use InstallWatch Pro reliably on the win7 V/Box VM -- not on a win7 VPC VM, nor on a win7 64 V/Box VM, where it just won't work well. The latest version of V/Box running in win7 ult 64 SP1 doesn't do USB very well, & that may be why the USB version of Audials Radiotracker would appear to install but crash late in the process of starting. Recording that installation I got 151k+ new registry entries.]

Personally I like simple if/when simple will do -- I'm not opposed to complicated, unless there seems little reason for it. To my tastes the portable Screamer seems to work just fine, though fancy it is not. Running Screamer in the XP Mode VM, I was able to listen & record just fine using a small USB audio adapter I picked up on Sale for $3 [ http://goo.gl/xuGOS ] -- I used it in that VM because I could eliminate all other hardware that might have a bearing on testing, plus without the adaptor I couldn't record speaker out. [That adaptor BTW is cheaply made, but it works, installing drivers automatically when plugged into XP &/or 7, removing itself from Windows when unplugged.]

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

@Julia #9 they are located in Germany not Romania. Where did you get Romania from?

Reply   |   Comment by Karin  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Just did a small amount of research attempting to find a product that searches for a particular title (or such) while doing it through the number of stations this product does. I did not find another program. Also rare was the recording quality level Radiotracker 8 offers. Those people that have suggested alternatives may be wise to compare those two features against their suggestions before passing on this GAOD.
The only question I have is the designation "Radiotracker 8 Standard"...what does the "standard" limit and is there an "upgrade" I've missed?

Reply   |   Comment by questions  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I just installed this and am very pleased with it. Found a lot of stations and am recording from one now. Found lots of music I never heard before and like. I recommend this.

Reply   |   Comment by Karin  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Another url you might try for radio stations around the world is:

To the rest,
TuneIn is not a program as listed in this GAOtD offering, just a means to listen to radio station.

Reply   |   Comment by questions  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Just got it up and running, thank you GOTD! Win7-64 put on USB, and it works great. Nice GUI, and quality options for 256 & 320bps. I have been using radioshure usually gets max 128bps, this one may replace it for me. Good search and genere choices. Good job to the developers, and GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by HaMeR  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Sounds like I cannot specify a tune to record but instead must record everything, pick out what I like and delete the rest. Sounds like a real time-waster to me!

Reply   |   Comment by dan  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)

DrLongBear @ no. 29 Pandora seems to be only for U.S. Their web site states :-Dear Pandora Visitor,
We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.

Reply   |   Comment by Derek  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

NR 18. the FREE version your pushing is crippleware. It does not more then what's already built in to windows. CCleaner is totally free and does much more then Revo's uninstaller. Now on the this offering. I installed Audials 8 back when it was free here. I've used it long enough now to be willing to shell out the 40.00 to upgrade. I've been around since the Bear Share and napster days and I've used the likes of Audiojack and other "radio recording" programs. Regardless of quirks others have posted here, I'll download this app for my laptop as Audials 8 is on my tower. I've not used anything else (trial or free) that really works better. Notice I said better. Maybe the same, but not better all around.

Reply   |   Comment by tc1uscg  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

First number 9, I guessing that you work for Apple, and are afraid, of all the money your going to lose. 29, you can download @ listen to and music from Pandora,with this at the same time> I had no trouble finding the music I like, and al ready put some songs in I-tune and save about ten bucks. What I don"t like is sometimes Audials, records song I don"t want> I would suggest that you manually records any song you want, and then turn it off. I have Window 7, 64 had no trouble download it or any songs, which despite what 9 said is faster then I would want to.

Reply   |   Comment by rmichem  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Craig(#10) and Peter(#28)Thanks a lot for the tips.

Reply   |   Comment by ivan  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

It wouldn't install because it needs net framework v3.5!

Reply   |   Comment by Buzz  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Installed without issue on a Win 7 64-bit computer. Since I don't listen to much music, on the Internet or otherwise, I thought I'd try Audials just for listening to music and not recording. I found the user interface a little confusing. Looks like overkill for what I was looking for, but definitely a keeper.

Although I didn't use it, I was given the option to install to a USB device I didn't use it. Nice feature making it portable to any computer you happen to be on.

Reply   |   Comment by Joe  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

I purchased RadioTracker a while back- version 6. I really like the program and mostly use the Wish List feature to get music from artists that I like. I have noticed other reviewers who have observed that this seems to be a trial version. I think that is the case. The wish list feature does not work in the trial version (or it did not in version 6.) The version offered today by GATD is the same version you can download free from the publishers web site (http://audials.com). The free one is offered today both from GATD and directly from Audials. I am not sure the point of GATD offering software you can get everyday from other sites. I actually paid money for my version of RadioTracker (and don't regret it). It would have been great if the full version was actually featured.

Reply   |   Comment by Tim  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

These radiostations, are they shoutcast, or did they handpicked 50.000 radiostations from all over the world?

Reply   |   Comment by Terry Nachtmerrie  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

@ Craig (#10) Thanks for the tip !

Reply   |   Comment by Jeanjean  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

Does not sound any different from when it was first on offer, deleted that, as you was unable to download many off the search results. All you got was unable to use this function in this version, rip off.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

I also use RadioSure. Freebie. You can even build your own skins, upload them so others can use them, and get a variety of free skins to play with. No need for today's software.

Reply   |   Comment by KMHamm  –  13 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)
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Word Cage is a new relaxing word search game with an original gameplay.
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