Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Ashampoo Snap 3 was available as a giveaway on November 11, 2010!
Capture Anything on Your Screen – Including Video! Ashampoo Snap 3 can capture and store anything on your computer screen, including video. If you can see it on your screen, Ashampoo Snap 3 can turn it into a snapshot or movie and save it to a file. And with its amazingly simple editing functions you can produce results that you will be proud to share in no time.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7; 256 MB RA; 20 MB Hard Disk Space
17.4 MB
Ashampoo Snap 4 enables you to create high-quality screenshots, videos and demos of your screen content. Edit, save and share your excellent results with others. This new version offers lots of innovative features and improvements, especially in the areas of video capture and editing tools. Upgrade now - only $11.99 for GOTD users (regular sales price: USD 19.99)!
I could not record audio at first. I went into control panel, sounds and audio, and then sounds tab and changed the sound scheme to windows default and now it works. (Windows XP)
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I was simply unable to install this product. After language selection, teh installer try to open a BMP file that seems not present (yet) and stops the whole instalation process, every single time I've tried. So, I wasn't able to install and test this product on my computer.
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Can this program take full page screenshots (not just the visible screen portion) of Mozilla Firefox v3.5 onwards
I want a program that captures both the entire Firefox webpage or open tab as well as the surrounding Menu/Location/Status Bar of Firefox which Screengrab and other Firefox Add-Ons don't do.
If NE1 knows of a product that captures the entire webpage & the surrounding Firefox Bars please let me know here. same for IE 8 and onwards for both browsers
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@ 12, Anthony, So far Snap 3 works for me. @ 47, ebax yes it will pick up outside noise unless you use a splitter inserted into the headphone jack with headphones in one plug and the other plug contains a stereo wire that plugs into the mic jack. This way you get the best of what you see on the screen and if you are doing it for your own use or for sampling you won’t be in violation, see fair use Supreme Court ruling regarding Betamax 1984. I also use Aiseesoft Streaming Video Recorder, RipTiger Ultimate and sometime Orbit. Mainly I record Weninars but sometimes music videos for mashups and such.
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Snap 3 is working fine for me on Windows 7 x64. Pointing the video capture setup to my soundcard enables audio capture along with video - no problem. After entering the registration code I got a message that the key was invalid, but the software was properly "unlocked". I think this may be their little joke . Anyway this is a nice program. There are other freeware screen capture utilities, but the video capture distinguishes Snap 3.
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I'm finally able to capture JibJab videos. I couldn't do it with the other screen capture program that was offered recently. Awesome! I'm not saying that I would do this! ;-)
Chris, thanks for the 10minutemail info.
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Uninstalled it after 20 mins trying to register as script on registration page does not like my e-mail name (the bit before @live.com
Tried many false combinations and determined that it's blocking certain words it doesn't like. i.e my e-mail name has 'spam' in the middle of it as this is my default address for registrations to avoid being spammed on my regular address.
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First off I have used Ashampoo products for several years too and i have definately not been bombarded with emails from them. Maybe a couple a month sometimes a bit more sometimes less so not a problem that I can see. I haven't tried this for a video yet but otherwise i really like it. I kinda wish it was a bit more user friendly (in that having to remember hotkeys and such) but otherwise great and I do like the ability to capture a whole website screen without you have to scroll down and hit capture and repeat etc.
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I haven't received an email with registration key. Waited 15 hours so far, and tried again from a different computer.
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Does anyone know if this software will capture Skype video AND audio? Skype audio seems to be a problem for most capture programs.
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Hi all,
Installed quickly and easily on Win7x64, however I cannot get the program registered. I put my email address on their site, and also wrote and requested a reg number and explaining I'm with GAOTD, but no email has come. BTW: I also noted you can un-check get more information on future products, in case this is the reason they spam everybody.
Thanks @ 78, tried your email address suggestions, but not getting email returned, however other emails are arriving????
Thanks @72 for link to free program. At least I'll have something.
Will wait till midnight, then delete. Too bad. Looks interesting.
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If you previously are a subscriber to Ashampoo like myself then the web site keeps giving you the wrong code. However if you check your emails that for me was the right code.
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Here's the link to the registration page for anyone interested.
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I have problen recording sound on vidio!
I undrestand it will record from Mic. or sound card directly, can someone help? Thanks .
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Still can't install. It gives me a license key, but asks for a password
and that key won't work. Don't remember every having a password (to their site?)
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Bombarding people with emails is malicious behavior, I'm surprised a reputable vendor such as Ashampoo would use such tactics, but then, I was also surprised they tried to slip a toolbar and homepage hijack past me too during the setup. At least there was the option to uncheck those.
Why do sites want to use such sneaky tactics anyway? If I want their toolbar, I'll go to their site and download it myself. If I want their page to be my homepage, I can set it myself. I don't need them trying to sneak such things into the setup process for the application.
I'm sure I'm not the only person here who strongly disapproves of such tactics. Vendors that engage in these kinds of behaviors are vendors that I avoid buying software from if there are any decent alternatives from honest straightforward vendors available.
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advertising email. Whats the problem? create a folder in your inbox for each advertiser that you downloaded free or bought software from. Then divert their incoming mail into the appropriate folder. You can read and delete if not wanted. You wont miss out on useful/interesting/bargain price software and it wont clutter up your inbox or you can divert to your deleted mail folder and set up your browser to clean deleted mail on exit from browser. Good hunting.
I am happily running more than one bit of free software from ashampoo. Keep "spamming" Ashampoo.
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I downloaded this to a Mac. Does this work? When I press set up it opens a box with codes but no instructions or automatic running.
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What is the differenve between version 3 and 4?
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can someone plz post the direct link to registration page
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Must be very popular this Snap 3 the GAOTD servers are running really slow this is only 17 mb and its taking forever when it should be instantaneous.
Ashampoo is good software and i have a few of their things mainly from here and its always the same mo with them, they put their older versions on here for free and then send you reminders to upgrade. If only 5% of users take up the offer, then its been a successful strategy & i would think that more than 5% take up their offers to upgrade @ a reduced price because some of their software is worth upgrading because its useful.
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@Charles (#8), @JC (#25), @Lucky ($49)
Create an extra free Gmail or Yahoo mailbox that you don't use for anything else. Use it only for software registrations. Then you can easily ignore any other emails that come in to it.
Video capturing:
There are many good and free programs that can capture video and audio from YouTube and other sites. Firefox extensions such as "Karbon FLV Downloader", "Net Video Hunter", or "Flash and Video Download" work well. Also have a look at Iwisoft Free Video Downloader.
Screen capturing:
Use the Print Screen key on your keyboard to take a snapshot. Then paste (Ctrl-V) into freeware Irfanview. Crop it, resize it, do lots of other tricks, and then save it to your choice of several graphics formats.
Video editing:
I don't think a more powerful and versatile tool exists than Iwisoft Free Video Converter. It offers greater variety of output formats than you will ever need, and lots of options to configure that output just the way you want it. If you only want to use part of an input file, you can extract just that part. You can take several inputs in differnt formats and merge them into a single output file in your chosen output format.
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#73: "this product is great it captures anything but the quality isn’t good and it lags compared to videocacheview but it records anything"
Nirsoft's Video Cache View accesses & optionally saves on-line video stored in a cache on your PC/laptop -- if no video's stored there [e.g. pure streaming] it won't work, & neither will it record anything on your screen. Snap 3 OTOH will record, but the quality is limited with the WinMedia encoder plus the lack of accessible settings for the encoder. I'd expect Snap 4 to do much better in that regard because you can use something like HUFFYUV or an mjpeg capture codec etc., then re-encode later. Better yet might be a *fast* mpg2 Direct Show encoder, which could work well for HD on lower powered hardware, but with them relying on VFW in Snap that's not an option -- VFW versions of X264 [videohelp.com] OTOH might work well encoding on the fly to AVC [somthing I want to try later today].
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Ashampoo Snap 3 is a nice screen capture app that works for both stills & audio/video. When it comes to video it relies on older tech, e.g. the original Windows Media Encoder 9, & screen captures are a bit limited, with a max 25 fps, a max 2.0 Mbit/s bit rate, & video in plain Jane .wmv format [with apologies to Jane], without any of the more advanced Winmedia settings possible [& there are quite a few]. As such for video at least, it's OK for smaller on-line clips that you can't save otherwise, if/when the standard YouTube quality level will do -- it's not the quality level you'd be happy with capturing/recording TV shows, std. or HD. It should also work well enough for the occasional screenshot video demo or tutorial -- if you did that sort of thing regularly you'd soon want more power & flexibility. For tutorial still shots OTOH, 2 pages of options for curser & shadows etc. [Configuration -> Mouse Tools 1 & 2] could mean Snap has most everything you could wish for.
Upgrading to Snap 4 gets you a fair amount of bang for your buck when it comes to video screen capture, with the ability to use VFW (Video For Windows) codecs you've installed (not just WinMedia), fps up to 30, & bit rate up to 20 Mbit/s... unfortunately audio recording is still a bit weak, with few options & max 16 bit, 44.1 KHz [CD quality]. For slower codecs [speed can vary a LOT] you can capture to an intermediate cache file, then do the encoding later. You also get more, better effects & tools.
Installation of Snap 3 isn't bad provided you uncheck options to install the Ashampoo Toolbar etc. <em{unless of course you actually like that sort of thing], though if you don't have it installed already "WMEncoder.exe" is included & will install the WinMedia Encoder 9, something that does have a higher impact on your system. The Snap 3 program folder takes up ~12 MB with 212 files, 6 folders -- Snap 4 Trial = 512 files, 19 folders, ~22 MB [they install side by side]... neither adds any other files besides Start Menu shortcuts, though Snap 3 can potentially add the included WinMedia Encoder 9. Installing Snap 3 adds 1 program & 1 uninstall key to the registry -- Snap 4 adds 2 program keys & 1 uninstall key.
When you 1st run Snap 3 entering the key you get from Ashampoo can be confusing -- you open the Configuration window, then go to the Internet menu. By default an auto-hiding menu bar is displayed across the top of your screen -- it can be re-located or turned off [Configuration -> General]. Other configuration options are pretty much self-explanatory. When you capture a single still, or finish capturing a series of stills & then click the Stop button [Checkmark] Snap goes into edit mode, allowing you to optionally modify/edit & then save your screen captures. Most every step of the way you'll see Help/Hint screens that you can turn off. You don't see much of anything in the regular configuration dialog for video -- a wizard-type dialog pops up when you click to start video capture... there you're given options for fps, bit rate etc., as well as the option to turn on audio recording from your hardware's mic input -- by default it records speaker/headphone audio, which not all PCs/laptops have available. When you're done recording your video Snap again enters an edit mode -- "Keeping" your recording rather than Saving at another location *might* get you slightly better quality, since Snap then *appears* to re-record your original recording.
Overall Ashampoo software isn't bad, though some will feel they go overboard trying to be too easy to use... that applies to Snap as well. That said, it looks like version 4 might be worth the $12 for on-line video, though it'll take a bit more testing before I dig out the PayPal numbers.
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Edit: to clarify, when I said
"It works fine on XP, but I seem to recall that at the time I set mine up, a few months ago, it was difficult to get working with Win 7 because of the DRM it incorporates."
on the post above, I meant that I have XP, but I did read on forums that people with Win7 had difficulty capturing streaming video. They may have succeeded - I just didn't follow it up.
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You can capture any streaming video with Snap 3, though it took me a while to work out how to do it, and I had to buy a new sound card.
It works fine on XP, but I seem to recall that at the time I set mine up, a few months ago, it was difficult to get working with Win 7 because of the DRM it incorporates.
You need a sound card or chip that supports Stereo Mix or "What U Hear", for instance, the Creative Sound Blaster cards listed on this page: http://support.creative.com/kb/ShowArticle.aspx?sid=87127. Other sound cards may also do the trick, I just looked at Creative because they are relatively cheap locally.
You also need to show the "stereo mix" or "what u hear" option on your sound card.
For instance, see this thread:
Or google "stereo mix" site:techsupportforum.com/hardware-support/sound-cards and you get several threads popping up, such as this one:
Once I got the card and good info from google (the most useful to me was the stuff above), it worked a dream, and I can catch any video showing on screen regardless of the source.
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I purchased Snap 3 awhile back and have been very hapy with it. I dock it at the top of my screen so it remains unobtrusive. I use it to grab snapshots of receipts of online purchases I have made because I don't hvae a printer hooked up to this computer. I also use it when writing a 'how-to' document so I can insert screnshots of whatever program I am writing about.
The only drawbacks have been no sound for videos, which I use Real Player SP for, so that isn't really a problem; and sometimes Snap 3 won't actually capture a scrolling window - then I just take multiple screenshots to get the whole window.
The program does capture scrolling windows, I have just found it doesn't capture all of them - usually I think it fails when the scrolling window is inside another window, like a java script or a flash window.
Otherwise I like this program alot. I wish it had been $9.99 when I purchased it long ago.
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Does not pertain to software, but can help in the future.
In regards to registering any product or even website sign up, if it requires an email address do this.
If you just need an email address, but do not need to check it for a verification code or confirmation reply, then use "anything you want here"@dodgeit.com ie: blahblah@dodgeit.com. The app or site just verifies it as a legit email, while the dodgeit.com server just receives the message and cycles it through.
If you need a verification code, or reply to an email or click a link for confirmation then use http://www.10minutetmail.com. AS it obviously states it gives you a email address to use for 10minutes, that is check on thier site. You can click "give me 10 minutes more".
I have a completely clean email address from my ISP, but registered for tons of things using the above method.
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Couldn't get it installed on 2 computers.
One I get an icon that won't open. Maybe because I installed Burning studio, they won't give me another freebie.
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how do you activate this? it says it is a 10 day trial, and gives me the activation line and says type in the key.
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Could someone please post the URL of the registration page?
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This is actually the first time that I have commented but I feel compelled to say something. I downloaded several ashampoo's products and I like them very much. I know some have problems with registering products. If you are having problems with registering this one here is the trick: open up the snap program,You will see an icon in your task bar-right click and open configure. Click on Internet and then just copy and paste (from the key that is sent to your email) in the register box. It will take you to their website where they have great deals. Thank you GOTD!
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Here's a free alternative. http://www.screencapturer.com/
I've tried a lot of screen capture programs and this seems to work on everything for capturing video and sound.
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#20 get license from email not from site they put wrong one
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can figure the registration out. i click the internet tab under config and click on the "obtain your free full version code" but nothing happens. help :)
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I use Screengrab for all of my image captures and DownloadHelper for all video w/sound captures, all available free add-ons from Firefox. On top of that, I can change anything and everything to any format using Format Factory, also free!
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I have been an ashampoo customer for quite some time. You might want to check out some of their emails, I have received a LOT of free product simply by checking out their emails. Even this one Snap 3, I received as part of a free bundle some time ago. I don't mean free with purchase, I mean free.
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Just want to say that i use other software from this company and i stopped the emails in one simple step by following their instructions.
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Installed just fine on Windows XP Media Edition. Thank you Randy, posting #13, for the registration tip. I have been quite pleased with the Ashampoo products offered here. Thanks GOTD!
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Ashampoo Snap is a GREAT product! I got Snap 3 as a giveaway of the day and love it. Of course, it's an older version. You'll be given the opportunity (repeatedly!) to upgrade it to Snap 4 at a discount. I recommend you do so!
For those who have had problems getting sound with the videos you capture: I had that problem too. You can do it, and it's very easy, but a little hard to figure out because of some bad wording on their screens. When you click the icon to capture a video, there is a check box (unchecked by default) under "Audio/Video Configuration" that says, "Capture the Microphone As Well."
Like most people I didn't select that option - I didn't want my microphone picking up room noise while I was recording a video from YouTube. But it doesn't pick up the microphone when you're using video screen capture, only the sound being processed by the sound card. So select that option, and all is well.
Great program. I highly recommend it.
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Now this is a real good giveaway! I use this software every day. I use it to do all my screen shots for my website slide shows and have been very pleased with the results.You can check it out for your self @ http://www.xfastpc.com/slideshow.html
The quality of the still screen shots can be in BMP,/JPG,/ PNG,/ PDF.
capture scrolling window(text)
capture scrolling window(website)
capture single window
capture free rectangle region
free style region
fixed region
and video. this is not the best. video output is WMV. even after conversion to AVI HD still remains grainy. also it will install Windows Media Encoder Runtime.
you choose where you want the options bar and how you want it to appear.I have mine tucked away on the right side of my screen so that it does not interfere with my icons on the desktop.so all I have to do is mouse over and it pops out ready to be used.
you can let it run in the back ground all day and wont even know it is there.
choose between two capture modes for stills,1)single capture( opens editor after screen shot is captured)
2)mutable capture( just saves your captures to a file with out editing after every capture.)
it will make a folder named ashampoo snap 3 and place it in your photos folder as a sub folder for easy access.
the program takes up 11.6 MB on your hard drive after install.
As for the email, let them come! you would not believe the savings they offer you,also you are the first to know about the promotions that they have going on. example ,the promotion for the 5 pieces of Ashampoo software a little while ago was sent to people on their email list first and they were asked to post it where ever they can. brilliant advertising move, give away software not just one piece but five, then tell your friends cause after they try Ashampoo software they will go back for more.
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locks up on drm files. ng, running back up without this.(uninstall)
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It took a lot of fiddling after having no sound to great sound & video, recording a you tube video streaming.
Thank you GOTD!
From their tech help;
Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7:
To get sound, please go to "Start - Control Panel -> Sounds - Recording" and activate the "Stereo Mix". Maybe this device is disabled there so you have to do a right mouse click into this window to enable disabled devices.
In Microsoft Windows XP:
Please click on Start->Control Panel->Sounds and Audio Devices->Audio and then click at Sound Recording on Volume. Please look if "Stereo Mix" is listed in there. If not, then please click Options->Properties and then choose Recording and check the box for "Stereo Mix". Then click Ok and set the volume of this device.
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42 emails since the last Ashampoo GAOTD. Kind of a giggle, thank God for Hotmail. I've been waiting for this day since Aug 26, it really torque'd me off.
Of course they're not all from Ashampoo, some are from Rainer Lesani or Ann Peters, who just work for Ashampoo. Or the personal letter from the Ashampoo CFO. Like that makes a difference. They all bug you to try/buy more of their products.
It's a shame that the number of days that I'm annoyed by their marketing exceeds the number of days I love using their GREAT software.
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this is 1 of those few GAOTD softwares which failed to run properly on my HP dv1006 laptop with vista home premium. yes it failed last time as well. although registered properly with code, it never shows the capture bar. only sits in system tray (hovering mouse on the icon there pops up a box containing different options, clicking on which gives no result including "show capture bar"). i never experienced such thing since 2007 but wanna really get it working. any help plz?
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I have to agree with #8 and #18 I like the products but dang lay off the spam emails a bit or soon no-one will be giving them a try because they dont want hit with all the marketing
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I absolutely hate when a publisher gets my email address and is relentless! Stop it already! I get to the point that using the software is not worth it if I have to "pay" with being tormented with emails and offers constantly. I will not purchase any Ashampoo product because of this marketing strategy. jmo. I am sorry I tried their other offerings because of it. Oh and asking them to stop doesn't work, trying to block with windows junk filter doesn't work. I know eventually I will get rid of them but it will take a while. Stop spamming, its annoying!!
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It installed on Win7 32 and Win7 64 bit without a hitch. Even on my older Win 7 laptop (1.8ghz) it ran quite well. It's got a pretty straight forward user interface making the learning curve easier.
But no sound upon capture? That pretty much defeats the whole reason for wanting to capture video.
There are other free programs out there which can pretty much do exactly what this app does and more, like the ability to capture sound.
Since it's being given away for free, you have nothing to lose. It IS good software but not for what I'd use it for.
Free alternatives include:
Firefox plugin "Download Helper" which downloads most FLV videos out there. As well as other formats.
Firefox plugin "Screengrab!" which captures an entire website, selected area or window
"CamStudio" from CamStudio.org captures video (with sound) for free and it's open source.
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Oh good grief, enough with the 'sound' griping. I downloaded, installed and tried this out (WinXP SP3). I recorded a 6 minute youtube video to .wmv, WITH SOUND. The video grade was good and the sound was in sync.
Many thanks to post #39 by johnl. He gave the link to the FAQ which provides the steps to enable the proper sound recording settings. If people would just READ thru the postings before they start griping about something most of your questions have already been resolved by someone who shared their answer.
One hiccup I did get was during my recording session, my email program announced that I had received a new email... yep, that was recorded along with the video sound. :-)
Oh, and I created the recording without reading instructions or watching a tutorial, so THANKS Ashampoo for creating an intuitive product and GAWOTD for sharing it with us.
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Pasted in registration key as comment #13 detailed. Did not work; all I got was an "invalid registration key" error. Uninstalled. Goodbye.
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