Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Ashampoo Anti-Malware was available as a giveaway on August 19, 2011!
The official successor of Ashampoo AntiSpyWare and Ashampoo AntiVirus has been developed from scratch and combines the best of both technologies all in one solution.
The comprehensive security solution protects your PC and your data from external threats and blocks viruses, trojans, worms, malware, rootkits, bots, spyware and adware efficiently without putting so much as a strain on your computer’s performance.
In addition, the software offers a variety of security tools (e.g. File Wiper, Internet Cleaner, Startup Tuner etc.) based on our prize winning Ashampoo WinOptimizer series. Thanks to its innovative design and intuitive GUI, Ashampoo Anti-Malware is very easy to operate.
This version includes 180 days signature updates.
Windows XP (Service Pack 2)/ Vista (x32/x64; Service Pack 1)/ 7 (x32/x64)
125 MB
Just recieved an email from Ashampoo stating that we need to delete our past download that we registered & download, install and register a new version.
They don't state why this is necessary. Possibly it is in responce to the problems some are having with the updates and the licence.
The question is if we are not having problems do we still need to Delete, Download & Re-Register?
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I installed and activated this according to the instructions in the readme file on August 19th, but did not have a chance to actually use the program in any form until very early this morning, August 22nd. I attempted to update the signature files database and was told by the program that my license was not valid and I could not download any signature files updates. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, any recommendations on how to fix it?
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I know, I know... giveaway is long over.
Feel obliged though to add this. In addition to (or maybe as a result of) expired/invalid license bug (of which, BTW there were at least seven of us complaining here and yet not an answer from Ashampoo dealing with it), so as a consequence or added trouble, Ashampoo Anti-Malware allowed my machine to get infected by a virus no less. Avast (free) caught it right away upon reinstall.
REALLY disappointing experience, I think GAOTD should do some check on the functionality of the SW here offered, esp. when it is not the issue of a screensaver, but about a crucial component like AV.
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I tried it on my computer and it found 2 high risk trojans and 1 on my sons computer. I was surprised it found anything on mine as I don't visit dubious websites or open strange emails. I give it a thumbs up without a doubt
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Thank you GAOTD. Easy installation and no problems. This found 3 trojans, many adwares and other item that my paid AVG was not finding. Also enjoying the file wiping and other tools. Thumbs up here.
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Takes forever to load when XP starts
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I'm also having "license" problems with updating the "signatures."
But my bigger problem is about Vista's User Account Control/UAC. I did a restart to turn it off and let Ashampoo/AAMW take over from Microsoft Security Essentials/MES, because whenever I asked to turn AAMW on, I was asked if I trusted it, I said "yes," and nothing happened. So with UAC off, I turned MES off and AAMW on. Then I restarted to put UAC back on, and it had reverted to MES being on for both anti-virus and anti-malware and AAMW off for both, plus now it doesn't even let me try to change this.
Do I need to leave UAC off for AAMW to be supplanting MES?
About the virus-malware debate, the Windows Security Center considers AAMW to be both anti-virus and anti-malware, just like MES.
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3 computers installed on A OK, on B signature updates not valid license any more, and on C laptop still waiting to see what happens as of the next morning. won't uninstall it maybe just keep it for the cleaning tools alone it's good.
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I don't know if it was just me or not but my computer slowed down and this morning switching it on it was 5 minutes before anything would happen.
I have un-installed it but will reinstall it to see if it is any better.
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#67 thanks for your review. with 1 mins left to finish downloading and installing, it is still 19 mins away ! maybe give mins/per mb of download from cutoff to install ?. ta
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I had to ret several email addresses before I could get my reg code - my hotmail address was not accepted.
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I know this is late but have only been able to check this out now. I have searched here and their site and still have not found an answer, I am wondering if this is for 1 comp or two/three personnal computers originating at the same IP address. I have installed this on one of my comps but would like to try it out on another. I do know that I won't be getting a response until the next day if any, but maybe the same reg will work which would be great. I do have many many Ashampoo products (mainly free promo ones) and all I find are very professional.
I will check back tomorrow to see if there is any response which I'm hoping will be positive. If not I appreciate this offer nonetheless!
Thanks GAOTD and of course Ashampoo!
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I have installed Ashampoo Anti Malware on my Windows Vista 32 bit without any problem and the signatures updated with no problem and has been running on my computer for 22 hours now with no problem and as far as the emails I only get an offer from Ashampoo every once in awhile so that has been no problem for me, thanks GAOTD and Ashampoo for today's giveaway.
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Uninstall (reboot) reinstall fixed my problem with signature update. Before I ran Antispyware I stopped the mamantu and MS security essentials services but am not sure this was necessary or not. Hope that helps :-)
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Signature Update Resolved (Shenanigans !!)
I installed the software putting my email address in the window that pops up SAVING but NOT USING the key sent to my email. I went to Internet & Help and clicked on the Free 30-day trial version. It asked me for a password which I didn't have so I clicked forgot password. I input my email address to reset the password. I clicked the link in the email sent and created a password. As soon as I clicked to create the password the signatures started downloading without having pasted a serial in the program. Once this finished the program showed as trial but signatures where good. I pasted in the original serial I received and botta bing botta boom forget about it!!
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I was excited by today's offering as I have been disappointed by both AVG and Avast. I can not comment on the performance of today's giveaway as I was never able to update the signatures: a common problem, judging by the comments. Ater several attempts at re-installing and several emails to Ashampoo support, I have given up. The company's total lack of responiveness either to my specific inquiries or those posted here has lost them a customer for not only this product, but sny of their msny offerings.
I appreciate what this site does, and thank them for their efforts. Too bad Ashampoo did not show the same respect.
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@71 that means your email provider is blocking emails from Ashampoo. To participate use an email from a different provider. If you do not have one, just create one. It only takes a minute of your time.
What I've found that works so far with Ashampoo:
any custom domain with x10hosting (for advanced users)
I cannot remember if I have tried it with gmail - It *should* work, but I make no guarantees. I don't see why it wouldn't work with Gmail.
Hope that helps :)
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"...#58, Lynn, if a computer is not connected to the internet, it does not need this kind of software…."
Comment by Casey
To Casey #62: I have some malware on a laptop that can't get the internet anymore.
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I have tried to use this on Vista, but have been unable to get it to work. The key they give you activates the software, but when you try to update the signature updates it gives you a license error. Like several people have stated.
I tried to uninstall & reinstall nothing works. I never get the option to run & update it without activating it 1st. It just says the trial has expired & ask you to activate. I have been around in circles with this product & am giving up.
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Mine isn't working either, with the same problem as others re expired signature license - however using the check function says my license key is valid until 2/23/2021!
Also I spotted an error that popped up for a short time mentioning that there was an http directory missing. Maybe this directory failed to be created because the installer didn't run as admin?
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Why would anyone even consider this as a viable anti-malware product? My reasoning is this: They aren't even reviewed or considered on any of the major Anti_whatever_ sites, they have a horrible reputation of sending out self-serving and rather annoying spam, and the only time you ever catch wind of Ashampoo products at all is on the GOTD web site. They seem to operate below radar, and that alone does not instill confidence (in me, at least), plus they can't even seem to get their own licensing timeframe correct. Too many other free programs out there to even consider this one. I HATE spam. It signifies devious shenanigans and disreputable tactics. Is this a review of today's giveaway? Yes, it is, in my mind.
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Hi all,
I installed this software all ok and updated the defs as well, but on start up it comes with an error msg saying the drivers for (on access scanner) can not be located and ON ACCESS SCANNER IS OFF and I am un able to turn it on?
Any advice will be appreciated....
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To all the brain surgeons worried about spam...I agree, Ashampoo sends tons of junk. Have you ever heard of gmail or yahoo? Apparently you can have as many email addresses as you want! Set one up and use it. Ashampoo has great programs and that's a silly reason to avoid their software. Just my opinion.
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I really love this site and have never posted here before but i installed around 10 am today. ever since have had alot computer problems. get messages like the driver that is required for on-access protection could not be started.Never had problems til i installed this software. I will be removing it and looking for a different anti virus
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@71 in the program select internet menu then my ashampoo login. it takes you back to the page which DISPLAYED your code. maybe your email had a typo ?
@70 Ashampoo does a free firewall though i dont think its HIPS like Comodo or Online Armour (also free).
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If I was not using MSE I would grab this offer with both hands.
Ashampoo is brilliant. I must had used at least 30 of their programmes. some free, some paid.
To complain about their e-mail notices is just nonsense. Don't you know how to delete? It is certainly NOT spam.
@ no 71 - that wait is far too long. Usually replies are by return, almost instantaneous. Something wrong with your 'set up'
AVAST - I'd not use that ever again even if they paid me. One update completely fried my PC, requiring reformating. Never again.
You cannot expect free updates for ever: no programme of this type will do that (a paid programme). I believe this will be a keeper (for years) by those who actually give the programme a chance.
I wonder how long a full scan takes with this? I may be tempted to remove MSE only on that basis. A full scan using MSE takes SEVEN hours on my laptop, which is far too long. The fast scan is thankfully rapid.
Even if you bought this (and IT IS FREE), there is a 99% chance Ashampoo will discount the price - and do so substantially.
It is antivirus and anti most everything else. Read the info!
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Looks like a good program - BUT anyone else finding the signature updates just freezes at 3/52? I had to reboot my system to get out of the freeze, at which time I also got the BSOD. I am trying the signature update again, biut looks like the same issue - freezing on 3/52. Anyone found a solution to this?
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I am surprised nobody has mentioned Threatfire, which is a free anti-malware (including antivirus & the rest of the usual malware) program based on a heuristics scanning model to catch threats not contained in its database, also with free updates for product and database.
"They" may recommend not running 2 antivirus programs, but I have been running Threatfire alongside AVG on one machine, and alongside Avast on the other, for a long time, with no trouble, not even a warning from Windows. I think it's great - it also catches stuff inside programs (like downloaded games or programs that take data and injet it into a different program)) you might want to be aware of that could be trouble of one sort or another to you, quarantines them and gives you the choice of restoring or deleting the problem files.
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My license says it's good untill 2/23/2021 with 3476 days left...cool if true!
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... its funny 1st time i skipped the "signature database update" and got the problem like everyone else here, then i follow up the steps from "mike" Nr.: 50. (Comment by mike — August 19th, 2011 at 10:59 am) didn't work for me ..., so i uninstall cleaned after that CC = reg scan and try ed the version Nr.: 63 from mike (August 19th, 2011 at 12:14 pm) and magic i am cool until 2/24/2020 ?!?!?!? sorry @Bubby Nr.:6 ( Comment by BuBBy — August 19th, 2011 at 3:46 am )
.... only problem is I still dont get the "signature updates"
when I try to update.
“License error
Your license key for signature updates is invalid or has expired. You are therefore no longer entitled to download signature updates. Please purchase a license renewal. ”
any one from "Ashampoo" can fix this please I am happy to give back 2 years of the license for one year "signature updates"
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Can anyone comment on what I should do to get around a message on startup, and module activation that says that the two drivers needed to run cannot be started. Using XP64.
Otherwise following the notes here I was able to install and update and activate without any other incident. It is just not usable for the realtime monitors.... The tools I haven't tried but I'm going to assume they will work.
I have Avast installed but had deactivated it during the install and when the two missing drivers were messaged.
"The driver that is required for realtime protection could not be started ... Realtime protection not enabled"
The driver that is required for on-access protection could not be started On access protection is therefore not available"
I did not reboot after install
any ideas. I prefer to leave avast installed but inactive just to avoid the hassle of an uninstall and reinstall.
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Personally I find that sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. Ashampoo is the worst abuser of privacy I've ever dealt with. I'm not just talking about emails. You can block them. But I have purchased programs from them that give pop-ups when starting. I try to open a program to do a project and I have to reject one of their pop-up offers befor I can continue. REALLY unprofessional. I'd rather have spyware on my computer than Ashampoo programs. It's far less annoying.
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No it did not at all, and here is why.
Licence info
"Your license key for signatures is vaild until 2020-02.
You still have 3111 days before you need to purchase a new license"
To me that is cristal clear, I am able to update my signature until 2020.02.
If the license validity is only vaild to 2012.02 but renewable untill 2020.02 then the above license info if far out wrongly written.
However my license just got expended with another 2 years????
I am removing this software, I can not trust a Malware that can not even handle a simple thing as a license key, or display proper license info.
It is pretty clear that something is werry wrong here now. A license should not just change its validity like that.
As mentioned by others here.
Uninstall if installed.
Else you will get a vaild license that is not vaild for updates even tho it states so.
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Yee-how, what a great piece of software!
I love Ashampoo, use some other software of theirs.
So I removed my previous Antivirus, install went fine (Win7 x64), update too, license key was in my inbox in moments, and voilá, full registration done.
Turns out I shouldn't have removed my previous Antivirus; after reboot, upon another attempted signature download it tosses me the ---------------------
“License error
Your license key for signature updates is invalid or has expired. You are therefore no longer entitled to download signature updates. Please purchase a license renewal.”
message. Sweet. Naturally my software key's already entered, hence, the "Buy" button is removed from the "Internet&Help" menu, so I can't even input the code again to wake up miss sleeping beauty here from her dreamworld of expired licenses.
This is amateurish. Free software does much better than this.
If this was beta-testing, then I'd understand. Was ist los, Ashampoo?
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I would consider trying this except it only provides updates for 180 days.
I use FREE Panda Cloud Antivirus and am very happy with that. You never have to update virus signatures because it runs from the cloud. A second one that is free and will run along side virtually any other anti virus is PC Tools Threatfire for even more protection.
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Instead of continually complaining about spam e-mails why don't you all just create ONE free e-mail account just for when you have to give a e-mail address?
That is what intelligent folks do.
I use AOL for all my spam e-mail.
Only reason I have one from them.
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It is nice that this is being offered and thank you for that but 6 months of updates is just wasting my time.
Thanks anyway.
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This program has slowed my computer to a craw. Besides that I installed it about an hour after it was posted on GOTD and started a whole computer scan. It took going on 13 hours to complete just over half the scan. I finally had to stop it. My browser Firefox 6.0 takes about 30 seconds or more to load. Unless somebody can give me a fix I will have to uninstall this piece of crap software.
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This is interesting - My copy is activated until 2019!
Unfortunately, it also says I cannot update the definitions.
Other are complaining here as well of the same problem.
GAOTD - what gives?
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Have been waiting three hours and still no email from Ashampoo giving me a code. Have submitted my email address three times. And yes, I checked my spam folder.
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I've used and liked several Ashampoo giveaway programs and have generally been favorably impressed. However, I have to take exception to the comment that "you might get a very occasional email from Ashampoo, maybe once a month or less frequently – hardly Spam!" While you can take steps at your Ashampoo account page to stop the emails, until they do stop (and that can take some time and repeated attempts) you can expect emails up to several times a week. This, in my eyes, does not constitute "very occasional email", and is the one glaring problem I have with the otherwise fine folks at Ashampoo.
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Now that I *think* I figured out the update license problem [as in earlier post update then activate], Ashampoo's Anti-Malware is a somewhat lighter weight AV app that like most all their products has been designed for ease of use. It does not integrate itself with Windows the way heavier weight solutions do, e.g. McAfee, Norton, CA, Microsoft Security Essentials, & so on... Depending on what you're after that can be good or bad -- malware may be designed to alter, remove, or otherwise circumvent AV software, & something like Ashampoo Anti-Malware may make that easier by more-or-less sitting on top of Windows rather than putting down extensive, protected roots so-to-speak. OTOH more nasty mal-ware can insert itself into the 1st track of your boot hard drive, & by making sure Windows can't *see* the actual malware files, make AV apps almost irrelevant, never mind how deep any roots go -- if they're invisible there's no need to try & turn your AV stuff off. And you can certainly get rid of every trace of Ashampoo Anti-Malware much, Much easier than a lot of the competition, which can matter if/when you decide to switch brands, or sometimes even update to a newer version.
Today's GOTD does not include a firewall -- I think how important that is is open to debate... The last stats I read show Microsoft's Security Essentials was one of the most widely used AV packages, & it doesn't include a firewall either. McAfee's top packages do include firewalls, but at their default, out-of-box settings you might wonder why bother? Setting up a firewall, controlling access is a bit of work, & just like using Mamutu, making sometimes frequent decisions to block or allow something drives many people nuts. So companies like McAfee set it to operate in a mostly neutered state. If you *use* a firewall it's better than not having one, but if you have a firewall that's mostly turned off, does it make enough of a difference to bother having it? That said, there's nothing preventing you from adding & using a separate firewall app...
Otherwise Ashampoo Anti-Malware has 4 a2*.* files in its program folder -- a2mor.dll is a a-squared file from Emsi. You might be able to find more info with an extended on-line search, but I don't see anything indicating how much [or how little] Emsi code is used or involved. You can easily find tests, comparisons, reports etc. for AV apps from big name companies like Kapersky, Norton, McAfee, Trend etc., but not so easily for Emsi, & certainly not for Ashampoo. If you decide to trust it &/or you use it for a 2nd opinion, Ashampoo Anti-Malware does offer ease of use, including settings that are easy to change, & has several utilities built in, like a StartUp Tuner & a Internet Cleaner.
Installation isn't bad, particularly for AV software, though it does take up a bit of disk space -- the "Ashampoo" folder holds 613 files, 11 folders, ~160 MB, once it's installed, activated, & updated. You'll also get a Ashampoo folder under User\ Local Settings\ Application Data [XP] or User\ AppData\ Local [win7]. Recording installs in XP & win7, you'll get ~180 new registry entries, which include one service, a few shell/context menu related keys, a couple Ashampoo keys, & of course a key for uninstall -- overall Much less than you'll get with many (most?) AV apps/packages. As it's set from the factory Ashampoo Anti-Malware did not slow or interfere transferring folders full of files, & has very low resource use, evem in a relatively anemic [resource wise] XP VM.
Anti virus &/or anti malware software is a competitive field in a bad economy -- I've seen just about every major brand on sale for $0 after MIR. Not wanting to go the MIR route, I bought McAfee Total Protection, 3 User, for $12 shipped, & their Internet Security, 3 User, for $7 shipped. That's not to mention the stuff that's always free, like Security Essentials, or the occasional giveaways. Long story short, you can go for max protection [1 month stats at shadowserver.org show Ikarus #1, then AntiVir, BitDefender, & in 4th, Avast Commercial], you can go for light resource consumption [e.g. one of the cloud-based solutions], or you can go with AV software you like to use, with an easy interface etc... judging what's available for free (or nearly free), IMHO that last is probably the main reason you might want to use Ashampoo Anti-Malware.
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#66 That is true as long as no other external devices are shared with the computer that is not connected to the internet. A thumb drive or other device could be infected and transfer undesirables to that computer.
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First of all: Ashampoo is only one great German developer of some very fine software. I`m using their Burnung-Studio since 2008 after I kicked the blown-up Nero for that. Nero: never again since that!
So I gonna give Anti-Malware a try because of I was using their "Anti-Spyware" a few years ago.
But: did someone ever tried Panda-Cloud instead of Avast, Kasperky or anything else? These Panda-guys are doing a great job there!
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To poster number 60,
You are confused my friend, this software consist of two parts:
A) Main program that runs constantly in the background
B) The daily updates of the reference data base of known malware viruses
Your updates or part B above will stop in 6 months, but you can start paying for the updates until 2018, at which point the part A or the main program will stop working and you will have to buy new software for part A and B and start all over again.
I hope this clears the confusions for all.
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#58, Lynn, if a computer is not connected to the internet, it does not need this kind of software....
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Only 180 days of definition updates? No thanks, I don't do half year buys or freebies.
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#37, CompNetTeach, Agnitum Outpost Security Suite is available as a free version. This is an all-in-one solution, do not use any other realtime scanners with it. The free version is the previous version, which is lower performance (although Outpost Security Suite was already higher performance than almost any other all-in-one security product) and lacks some of the features of the Pro version, which is well worth the cost. There are no perfect security products or combination of products (the combinations usually perform worse due to conflicts and duplication of effort).
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AN update on my earlier post, re: updates reporting license expired...
With the Aahampoo Anti-Malware install that would not update, shutting down the app [right click icon & select Terminate], I deleted the 1/2 dozen registry values for the activation, restarted today's GOTD, then updated signatures 1st, activated 2nd, all is well. :-)
It would seem necessary to update signatures immediately after install as advised by the app's setup, then activate.
For those with a misbehaving install, the values I deleted were at HKLM\ Software\ Ashampoo\ Ashampoo Anti-Malware\ ash_inet\
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When I first installed the software, I chose not to run the signatures when it asked. I wanted to look at the program first. When I then ran the signatures, it said my license code was expired. I uninstalled then reinstalled - entered my code and when it asked to run the signatures, it works.
The only thing is it is finding problems with some of the programs I use. I am not sure what to do about that. One is my exe file for media player. ???
I too read the description of the software as Anti-virus and Anti-spyware - quote - "protects your PC and your data from external threats and blocks viruses, trojans, worms, malware, rootkits, bots, spyware and adware". "The official successor of Ashampoo AntiSpyWare and Ashampoo AntiVirus has been developed from scratch and combines the best of both technologies all in one solution."
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