Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Around the World: New York was available as a giveaway on July 20, 2008!
Enjoy the spectacular view of New York City at the end of the 19th century featuring one of its most famous landmarks, the Brooklyn Bridge. Being the longest suspension bridge in the world upon completion, it has become an iconic part of New York's skyline. Take a walk across the bridge and you will find yourself in the very heart of the city among magnificent skyscrapers, American symbols of power and ingenuity.
Pentium III or higher; 128 MB Video Memory; DirectX 9.0 or higher; DirectX-compatible sound card; Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista
9.02 MB
This screensaver is an outstanding 3D model of the solar system. Every planet is there along with its satellites and even a small info graph with basic facts. All the proportions and trajectories are right. It's not only the sheer beauty but also the educational content that make Solar System 3D Screensaver an absolute must-have.
Find yourself in the pristine kingdom of a cute little dwarf, a fairy creature preserving and caring for wildlife. Be the first one who visits this fantastic place nestled gently in the magical woods, among the magnificent old evergreen trees. Surrounded by lush greenery, gorgeous flowers and colorful fluttering butterflies you will be truly impressed by the picturesque beauty and harmony of the charming floral setting.
Let this fabulous screensaver take you to the very heart of London to explore one of the world's most famous landmarks. Go for a walk along the River Thames and enjoy the stunning views of the legendary Big Ben and the magnificient Palace of Westminster with a glimpse of the ancient Westminster Abbey. When day turns to night, you will be fascinated by the grand gothic splendour of this breathtaking setting.
Igot rid of all your icons but your screensaver still comes up
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Interesting read, hey check out my audio-sharing website http://www.SoundLantern.com/ it's like a "youtube for audios" you can listen to thousands of sound effects and all kinds of cool audios, check it out.
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There are a disturbing number of programs offered here that 'call home' for no apparent reason.
Has anyone considered that it doesn't take 'quality' software to get someone to download it if its free? And once downloaded and installed, it doesn't matter whether the program is used or not, because the payload has already been delivered to the victims machine?
I do not accuse GAOTD of course, but only suggest that folks do some more background checking before downloading and installing. These are 3rd party vendors and should be treated with caution at the very least, with suspicion in some few cases, and with commom sense as to what you let happen on your computer.
I'll be interested to see if this post gets deleted. . .
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Uninstalled because of lack of support for dual monitors. If it had it I might have kept it longer.
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Well, actually, I did not even download it as who wants to look at that huge slum, NYC?! I was there and was glad I left. Moreover, the days of screen savers are pretty well over. Save the environment and shut off the monitor or use Power Saver.
I am not even sure why they have a comments section here. Probably, the best thing to do is have a poll with Good, Fair, Poor...so people can tell the software company what they think of it. Plain and simple. This will help the company decide where they want to take this software. The rest of the noise simply takes up bandwidth and adds no value! If you don't like it, just ask for your money back! :) I never have and never will pay for a screen saver despite how magnificent it might be.
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Even in a music album, there are always "fillers" to supplement the "killers". So, what's the big deal? Here's a screensaver to fill up today's slot. You like it, you download and use it. You're not sure, you download and try it. You don't have a need for it, you ignore it and don't vote. I've tried one of the screensavers and although I think I don't need them, they are not totally useless and it's not like *you* (most of you) know how to build your own.
But I do agree with #54. A tour of New York (or London, or Paris, or whatever nice places) will be more worth it.
Anyway, where else can we sample screensavers like these? It surely seems that most of us here don't care about screensavers. But who knows, we might like one or two. So, thumbs up to GAOTD for bringing us a variety of stuff, even those that we don't think we need. At least now we know about those things that we don't need - expand our horizons.
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tottaly #55 you nailed it!!! well.. it runs fine on my windows vista and ive had no technical problems... =) so there lol i did what we supposed to do in the comments section =) lol
There are plenty of places on the Internet where wannabes can post unsubstantiated and misleading babble about whatever the want. Let’s keep the posts here relevant to the download offered. Did it install correctly ? Did it do what it advertised to do ? Did it hose your computer ? What is it similar to ? That is all useful information - but you have to have familiarity with the software and/or publisher to add that commentary.
FWIW - I too would like more in the line of the Backup software and less in the line of screensavers. I personally loved the PowerPoint add-ins because I’ve used the $700 alternatives - but again, I KNOW how difficult it is to line up these kinds of deals. One a week would be bad enough, but one every single day ?? Trust me - somebody is hustling their butts off to find that many titles for us. You’re not gonna get all ‘A+’ downloads when you need 300+ a year.
Finally - fact is, most of these categories are covered - usually as good or better - by some totally free open-source alternative. Finding commercial software period to make the deal with is the first challenge. A lot of what’s out there available is the poorly written, somewhat out-of-date stuff from before the open-source explosion. My guess is that those are also the publishers with fading userbases and declining markets who are willing to do something like this for the PR benefit. Much of the stuff I’ve seen here is somewhat sub-standard, old-fashioned, or otherwise not-as-cutting-edge as much of the Web 2.0 or open-source stuff out there, but that said… there have been some very good giveaways. If they can give us a couple winners per month that’s a nice benefit we didn’t have to pay for, and I’d say they’re batting way ahead of that target. I’m hooked - I check the site every day now. I’ve even purchased some alternate titles from a couple of the publishers featured - so it’s working to their benefit as well. Good job GOTD - keep plugging away.
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I ditto what #27 said and add that these are may favorite freebees to download. I call them Screen Burners because I run them so long.
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I like the idea, however, when you go the their website you can get a trial--like the one here of ALL the screensavers they have--for free. Shouldn't we have a registration for the full version if it being offered "free"? Otherwise it's just giving us a free-free item. Oh well. Did I miss the reg. number somewhere?
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I might append my comments to say "if you haven't downloaded OR are not familiar with the publisher - don't post.
Make you happier?
My point is random comments that don't relay real experience with the software are a useless waste of everyone's time, bandwidth, and hard drive space. Ditto flames against GOTD or opinions of whether something is worth $19 or whatever. Things are worth what the market will bear. This company seems to have a pretty good business selling "3D Screensavers" (whatever that means) for $20. You can buy a CD with all of them for $100+. Maybe there are some people who just like that style of illustration/artwork and think it's the best way to drop a $100 they've ever seen - who are we to question that? Lots of people like Thomas Kincade too - I don't, but so what?
There are plenty of places on the Internet where wannabes can post unsubstantiated and misleading babble about whatever the want. Let's keep the posts here relevant to the download offered. Did it install correctly ? Did it do what it advertised to do ? Did it hose your computer ? What is it similar to ? That is all useful information - but you have to have familiarity with the software and/or publisher to add that commentary.
FWIW - I too would like more in the line of the Backup software and less in the line of screensavers. I personally loved the PowerPoint add-ins because I've used the $700 alternatives - but again, I KNOW how difficult it is to line up these kinds of deals. One a week would be bad enough, but one every single day ?? Trust me - somebody is hustling their butts off to find that many titles for us. You're not gonna get all 'A+' downloads when you need 300+ a year.
Finally - fact is, most of these categories are covered - usually as good or better - by some totally free open-source alternative. Finding commercial software period to make the deal with is the first challenge. A lot of what's out there available is the poorly written, somewhat out-of-date stuff from before the open-source explosion. My guess is that those are also the publishers with fading userbases and declining markets who are willing to do something like this for the PR benefit. Much of the stuff I've seen here is somewhat sub-standard, old-fashioned, or otherwise not-as-cutting-edge as much of the Web 2.0 or open-source stuff out there, but that said... there have been some very good giveaways. If they can give us a couple winners per month that's a nice benefit we didn't have to pay for, and I'd say they're batting way ahead of that target. I'm hooked - I check the site every day now. I've even purchased some alternate titles from a couple of the publishers featured - so it's working to their benefit as well. Good job GOTD - keep plugging away.
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graphics suck.. doesn't even move. i thought it would tour around new york. now THAT would be worth some bucks
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Garbage. Wouldn't even take it for free. Puts screen saver manager on your system that calls home for some reason. Keep away.
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Strange how some posts here are identical to posts made for previous screensaver giveaways! One might be led to wonder if someone is just resorting to copy and paste instead of taking time to actually evaluate the merits of the current giveaway!
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lmao, had a good laugh at this. What are they going to offer next on GAotD? Viruses spywares trojans ect? lmao, can't stop laughing at this garbage. Thanks anyway GAotD, maybe tomorrow.
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I'm just going to ignore all the negativity about this screensaver and use it anyway. I like screensavers for one thing and this one while it may be simplistic is still nice to look at. People are free to complain as they want and I will not stop them nor will I complain about them complaining. I like the screensaver and thats what counts. If someone dont like it, I dont care... really.
In a free world we do as we please :)
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Are negative reviews are out of line because the programs are offered for free?
What are the guidelines for posting here?
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I use Windows XP and Astro Gemini products always crash my computer. A while back GAOTD gave us a program for making our own screensavers. I used my favorite Hyde video. Basically it reminds me I haven't used the computer in a while and should turn it off.
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Well, I kind of liked the manager, the ability to alternate through your favorites is neat. However, the screen saver is a quite dated. I have seen better ones that date back ten or fifteen years. The free Dolphin screensaver at Freeze.com really aces this one. I think I would suggest these folks go look at some quality savers. The one thing I think might make it better though, is the whole series, set to run alternately, that would take the boredom out of it.
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#11 how very true your statement is. You are absolutely right, NO way can WE please everyone, everyday. I think everyone has a right to their opinion and everyone has the same right to share their opinion. I myself like a new screensaver from time to time also but not sure I will get todays offer. Thanks GAOTD and also thanks for the great games. Have a Great day everyone!!! :)
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Though I have a LCD-screen on my laptop (and there is no need or use for a screensaver) there are a view screensavers I like just because I'm attracted to the visual delight that it causes (and I'm sure I'm not the only one).
This is not one of them, but who cares, there are others who do.
Last week was a very nice GAotD-week. Once a week a screensaver like this sunday is not a bad deal at all is it?!
No one forces you to install, download or even come by. And more you don't have to pay today; more bluntly put "did you ever have to pay for something from this site?"
@Dan #36:
I do agree fully with your comment. And you can get it the way you want. Just copy the .scr (“Around the World - New York.scr”) file from c:\windows\system32\
Uninstall the screensaver but keep the .scr-file.
Put the .scr-file back in the system32-folder. Activate (today !!) with activate.exe
You have the screen saver without the promotionconsole (scr.savermanager from Astro Gemini). This will not work always, but today it will (I did so myself to test it).
Even better is using Returnil (free version is good enough) before installing the GAotD-setup in protectionmode.
Tip: Google for "electric sheep". You will find a freeware screensaver. When you fall asleep you count sheep, right? When your pc falls asleep it'll dream about electric sheep! What will that look like. Find out having a look through your screensaver "electric sheep". It needs internet connection while running to download more e-sheep. Be patient, the patterns will grow more complex.
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We all know why Astro Gemeni is giving their screen savers away. Freebie scavangers who download anything as long as it's free are potentially future costumers who whine "don't complain, it's free", while the rest of us wouldn't dowload it even if we were paid to do it.
Ok, I would download it if I were being paid, but I wouldn't install it.
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Free and at least it looks a lot better (ok fine, no NY static)... http://www.reallyslick.com/
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Key word here people, "free"! I will not use but for the Makers sake cut the bitchin it's free if you can do better post it. If you do not like just a short note being constructive and stop with attitude because frankly I really do not think anyone cares what you think past whether or not you like it or don't and why. It really gets old fast when you do nothing but thumbs down. By the way, the thumbs down meant you live, up you die. Just one of those facts most don't know and others could care less.
So much for classroom.. I'm outta here
Thanks GOATD
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All things considered, I tend to disagree with you on several points.
#1. One does not have to try it. Experience with a product from the same vendor relayed in a comment is valuable information. Newbies finding this site for the first time would appreciate that info.
#2. If you tried it, and either do or don't like it, whether you uninstall or not is not important. The feedback based on whether or not a program fills a niche, utility, or future need is what is hoped for by other visitors to GOTD & the maker of the program. Good feedback includes both likes & dislikes.
#3. Think about your comment at the end of your input. A flame does more to detract than add value. I read all comments prior to downloading. I visit the authors website. I will even do a google on the product to see if there are other reported conflicts such as using the terms "gemini screensaver annoyances" or similar terms.
I beieve that GOTD does the internet community a great service. In the past years I have downloaded many programs, but only purchased two. Trying before buying is vaue to me. I appreciate all comments on all programs. Just some comments have more worth that others.
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@#15 Ken Kelly
Again you amaze me with your Off The Wall Advise.
I hope you’re not confusing LCD Flat screen with Plasma screen. Your advice is totally wrong. Where did you get your info from?
If you EVER use Plasma for your computer you WOULD NEED A SCREENSAVER.
Anyone using a Plasma screen for their computer is risking damaging it. In most Plasma TV manuals it advises not to hook up any device that would use Static Imaging. Like the old CRT monitors, image burning or IR (image retention) onto the screen could happen. It’s known that Plasma can have image burn faster then old CRT screens.
I’d hate to see some one buy a $3000 - $5000 Plasma screen and only to have shadows of Windows icon images stuck on the screen while trying to watch their favorite TV shows.
Though some Plasma screens do come with the old style CRT plugs, just because they provide a connector doesn’t eliminate a common condition of all plasmas which is IR and Burn in from static images.
The option to hook up a computer to plasma is more a personal decision and should be done carefully.
The best advice if you’re using Plasma is:
1) to have no Window Icons on the screen.
2) Set the auto hide option on the taskbar so it only pops up when you run your mouse over it.
3) Use a good screensaver set to turn on within 3 minutes of no screen action.
If you get IR on the plasma screen you might end up having to run the scrolling pattern for a few hours to eliminate it.
A lot of this advice is from a forum I visit from time to time. Here’s a link to the subject:
Sorry Ken Kelly but you need to research more before giving advice like that. People using plasma with their computers could have problems if they followed your advice.
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Why are you wasting your time writing? You want it, get it. You don't want it, ignore it. A/G will keep phishing anyway, despite your negative comments: there are always Johns that fall for it and pay 20 bucks for something you can get for free at exactly 212 different websites. Just google them up.
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To the heartless idiots posting flames - why don't YOU attempt to negotiate 350+ deals per year for something you can offer for free from your site? It's a steaming Sunday in July -what did you expect, a free copy of Microsoft Office 2007 Ultimate?
1) If you haven't actually tried it - don't comment at all
2) If you do try it and don't like it - just uninstall it.
3) Keep your comments to factual evaluation of whatever was offered. "Old-style screensaver with some nice pics of New York City" is all you need to say. Everyone with a brain can decide whether or not it's worth $20 to them... and BTW, it doesn't matter what it costs because today the price is $0.
Grow up people.
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If you want a good, decent animated screensaver for free, check out Magentic. It's made by the makers of IncrediMail and it is totally 100% free to anyone. They have several choices of screensavers to choose from and you can add them all to Magentic on your desktop.
Magentic also lets you change your desktop wallpaper and you can set it to change automatically. I have mine set to change every hour. You can choose from tons of pictures they have available and even add your own.
Just search Google for Magentic.
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It would be a nice screensaver, but the "Control Center"
is spyware, which Zone Alarm recognized. All they have to do
is have a built-in setting like all regular screensavers do.
The whole control center thing is a joke, with advertising.
It also has a registry key to start up with windows.
Is there a way I can just get the screensaver with out all the
other crap? When I tried, it said it was a trial.
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Well thanks for the screensaver. I got that since I don't like shooter games nor can I seem to play games very good with my keyboard. Do better with the mouse.
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Great! Thank you. I love NY!
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Mr 26 you also have to understand that these programs are put here for more reason than the goodness of their heart. Programs need testing and what better place to get people to test their product. Many of them do have major problems and most of the time they do get fixed because of what people say. I agree some get out of hand with their coments but then they do get brave when they think no one can find them.
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Sorry, but it wouldn't break my heart in the least if A/G quit giving away free software. I've tried any number of their screensavers and haven't considered even one worth keeping. The free screensavers that come with Windows are better than A/G.
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Expensive Hard Drive Space as well as Expensive power being used just to display a useless product.
I frown on any software house that demands power to be wasted when there's an OFF switch put on monitors for a reason!
Still, Comment #26 gave me a laugh...If slagging off software like this puts them off makig it then all would be well with the world (without wasting that 2 cents that could be used very quickly powering Mikes monitor ;-)
No, I'm NOT slagging off GOTD...Just the companies that offer trash that is just a waste!
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26: We are not criticizing GAOTD, in fact, we are grateful for them for providing us free software everyday. However, we are criticizing this screensaver company for producing such ridiculous software at such insane prices, even though it is free for today.
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@26 Mike
Mike, your 2 cents worth is out of order as the whole idea of this site is to get "good" feedback AND "bad". Think about it before knocking other peoples views. Feedback is valuable to ALL including the software suppliers.
I certainly do NOT want this offer, however, I respect all views with much interest as you and others should.
Thanks GAOTD. No thumbs from me as I will not download this offer.
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Also, 205 thumbs down with only 27 comments is simply horrible.
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"I won't pay money for this!" -#'s 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, and 22
I don't give a lousy darn if you would or would not pay for this, because it's FREE today for crying out loud!!!!!
For people who say this is low quality, I do agree, but some people have different quality standards. Leave them be.
Thumbs up because I know that this program is free today!
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C'Mun guys. It's a basic screensaver that costs you nothing. These are the kind of comments that would stop me from ever giving away free software. The folks at A/G took the time to provide it, if you don't like it just say Thank You and go on about your business. No one is forcing you to use it and thats what your unistall programs are for.
My 2 cents.
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I think GAOTD must have shares in these terrible screensaver companies. Why else would they give them so much exposure?
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Not the kind of thing I'm looking for @ GAOTD
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It doesn't state this, but I assume this is a screen saver???
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The last time there was an "Around the World" screensaver offering, someone said it came from the "Around the World in 80 Days" game, which is probably true, since that's how the executable identifies itself. Screensavers are always highly subjective; personally, I don't care for the "Around the World" series (static viewpoint, simplistic drawings and animation). The "Around the World" series doesn't support dual monitors correctly, and like most Astro Gemini offerings, appears to expect 4:3 aspect ratio. People tend to either love or hate the Astro Gemini screensaver manager. I don't like its intrusiveness, but otherwise it's OK. It makes it extremely easy to check out their other screensavers, particularly over a broadband connection (they download and install automatically in mere seconds). I would be surprised if anyone paid $20 for this. Personally, I would find the entire "Around the World" set bundled together for $20 to be excessive.
I do get tired of all the whining about screensavers damaging your monitor and destroying the planet. They're fully compatible with Windows power management.
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for about the same price you can get a program to make your own screensavers. This product belongs in the past and so does the price.
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a poor quality product, thumbs down
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Yeah Right
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I agree with #3, the animation is not what I would call "high-quality" either, but that could be a biased opinion since I create anime as a hobby.
As for #3's comment about the music, please don't blame "midi" for poor sound. Midi is a format for specifying notes and their timing - it is literally the electronic equivalent of sheet music. Any qualty, or lack thereof, in playing is up to the hardware. (almost all soundcards are unfortunately woefully lacking there) Blaming midi for a soundcard's poor performance is like blaming Beethoven's music for the tinny sound of trying to play his 5th symphony on a child's toy piano - the instrument, not the music, is at fault.
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What a load of rubbish. May have been acceptable in 1996 but this freebie is not worth the money.
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First of all thank you to all involved for the free software.
Said that I find this product useless and badly done.
I tried the London one given away a while ago and it couldn't even detect the screen resolution by itself thus messing up all my desktop icons.
Besides a screensaver should save energy and this seem to pump the cpu like crazy.
I have one of the Planet series screensavers from Gemini and they are a lot nicer.
Anyway forget about screensavers and switch off your screen when you do not use it: it's good for your electrical bill and the environment.
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Great looking and fascinating. What good it it though. See it a couple of times and then it is boring. Download it watch it and then dump it. .......Screensaver is a misnomer these days. No need for them they do not save anything. They also can be harmful to plasma screens.
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