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AOMEI Backupper Pro 4.6.2 was available as a giveaway on May 6, 2019!
AOMEI Backupper is an all-in-one, simple and safe Windows backup and clone software. It integrates series of practical utilities to protect your data and system.
Please note: the offer includes a 1-year license!
Windows 10/ 8.1/ 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP (x32/x64); CPU: Intel Pentium or compatible, 500MHz or faster processor; RAM: 256MB or greater; CD-RW/DVD-RW drive for bootable media creation
108 MB
Free and safe partition software to manage and partition your hard drive - AOMEI Partition Assistant!
Manage All Cloud Storage in One Place.FREE App for Sync, Backup and Transfer Files between Cloud Storage.
A few years back, I was on a 'mission' to find the best backup software. Ended up purchasing 4 or 5 titles, and at my leisure, tested each thoroughly, to include a couple support questions to each. Bottom line, the title I settled on, AOMEI Backupper Pro. Why? I personally only have 2 software requirements, (1) Easy to use, including instructions, (2) Reliable.
Although the others seemed reliable, I did not find them as easy to navigate and operate. In my book, a program should be to assist, not to burden the user.
For those on a budget, AOMEI offers a free standard version, that is very capable. For those who feel all the programmers time and work is worth rewarding, and supporting future development, the Pro version is well worth the small investment. [Win7.64]
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Maximus, Did you try Macrium Reflect? That is another regularly developed program aimed at the home user so has a good interface. Its fantastically reliable, and I would argue even better than Aomei Backupper. There is a free version of MR too, but the PXE boot feature in AB is one of its greatest strengths.
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If my system crashes then do I need AOMEI Backupper Pro to restore my system?
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Brian, No, and version of AB should be able to restore the image. The pro features are in the application, so are things like PXE boot, merge multiple images, etc.
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When backing up my computer (XP Pro and W10 Pro), I have three requirements of the software I use -
1) The backup program does not mess with my hard drive in any way. (EG It does not change my boot files, and does not create any little hidden partitions of it's own)
2) It is easy to verify/validate the image.
3) Windows is NOT running when I am creating an image.
VIZ The backup program can be run from a bootable CD, when creating the image.
Does your program meet all of those needs ?
PS Considering all the stuff that MS runs in the background in W10 (especially windows update) without our permission, I would not create images with windows running, if you paid me $100 to use the software.
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Rob, I've successfully used Aomei Backupper to restore a Win 10 image that was created while the OS was running. You can set Backupper to validate the backup image. Though I'm not paying you $100. ;)
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Rob Crombie, " I would not create images with windows running". Windows uses a technology called 'Shadow Copy', which is how System Restore works. Think of it like a one way valve. A process can read from the disk, but writes are held in a queue. Any subsequent reads to that file are read from the queue, not from the disk. This means Aomei Backupper can read all the files on disk, safe in the knowledge they won't change. When the backup is completed, either the valve is released and the system updates as required, or that shadow copy is kept and maintained - you can pull files out of that shadow copy, and the system just continues. It all happens behind the scenes, and has been in Windows since Windows 7.
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For those having problems with the invalid code, try grabbing the Standard version off of AOMEI's website (which is newer anyway at V4.6.3) and try using the code to registering that instead. That is what I did, and it went through and registered successfully for me.
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FeMaster, After entering the code, did the standard 'upgrade' to the professional, or did it stay as standard?
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Chris, It upgraded. In the title bar, it now shows the word Professional after the name.
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Hi - I found this program here several years ago. It worked fine and used it even to restore to a different machine3 and boot. So I purchased it, but somehow after a while there were problems and AOMEI responded but somethos whater they said (like reinstall or ?) did not work. It had something to so with grandfather, father, son or incremental/differntial ... can not remember.
So, I went to Macrium, which works fine and did not give me the same problem, but Macrium TOOK FOREVER to backup my 2 TB Win7 C drive.
So with this giveaway, I think I will try again. We will see. LOL.
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This is Morgan Pierce. By FOREVER i MEAN almost 40 hours which slowed down my whole machine.
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This is Morgan Pierce again. In case anyone from AOMEI is watching, I found the previous problem with my paid version: One manifestation was : "4098 error invalid parameter 2018 02 26" and basically it kept stoping when it was only 51% complete and logs were at 54%.
So, AOMEI, if you are watching this site, tell me what to do if I get these again. Please remember this was a PAID version. Thanks.
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This is not Morgan Pierce. Morgan, you need to contact Aomei support directly - they're unlikely to come here and read your post.
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Chris, that makes sense. I just remember it was hard to communicate and I did not get any kind of real answer. That was discouraging. But, yes I will try again. Thanks.
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Well this is an interesting fluke, but 1 I will accept. I downloaded the GOTD file, opened and copied the license, then went to the AOMEI website. There I clicked the link to download their free edition 4.6.3 and it asked if I wished to try the pro..clicked yes and downloaded it. Already had another copy of AOMEI BackUpper on computer from last year (works fantastic btw..had a hard drive crash and had this on a boot drive..booted to the new disk with no hiccups), so it had to uninstall that, which it did...also removed the license for it since almost expired.
Installed the 4.6.3 edition, and just for heck of it, clicked menu, Register, pasted in the GOTD license code...and it said registration successful!
Remember that all GOTD terms still apply!
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Just because the registration was successful does not mean it still won't expire in a year.
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dan , I never mentioned it wouldn't expire in a year...i did mention GOTD terms apply which means that it will.
But it is the latest edition 4.6.3, not 4.6.2
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dan , I bumped the PC up 1 year and it expired ( now I have to reload the image i made since it reverts back to trail after messing with the clock)
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Ken, Thanks for the tip.
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I was first introduced to AOMEI Backupper Pro on this site several years ago and have continued to use it as my primary backup program since. More importantly, I have had to restore my system backups on several occasions and have not experienced any issues except for once when the restored system would not boot. On that occasion I contacted AOMEI and they were able to troubleshoot and resolve the problem in a timely manner. No complaints on my part for the level of support that they provided. Thus I have found Backupper to be reliable and quite versatile in creating and maintaining backups of my system and data. I highly recommend this offering.
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AOMEI Backupper Pro works, and is a decent app, but Do Test if the bootable USB sticks you create with Backupper Pro work with all of the devices you plan on using it with. I had that problem in the past, & wound up using Macrium Reflect Free. Problem is the full version is expensive [for me anyway] and their free version is rather limited, so Backupper Pro *may* be a better solution *if* it works for you. If you boot to Windows on a NVMe drive, also test if Backupper Pro can restore the Boot partition properly before you rely on it 100% -- Macrium Reflect can, Paragon's latest cannot.
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Excellent software, but a 1 year licence is just pants. Can understand Aomei not giving away a premium product, but they could have just 'nobbled' it slightly, instead of giving away a trial of their software. Before, when a new version was released, software companies would give away their previous version, in a hope users would upgrade. Nowadays, its just 12 or 6 month trials. This means you're going to back up your system, then when you really need that backup, you won't be able to use it, as the software would have expired. Gah.
Aomei has been around a while and do regularly update their software. A similar program was given away recently, but this application has more 'miles' under its belt, and I'd trust it more to backup my system. I've used the previous versions of this with no issues.
There is a free edition of this software, and its a shame Aomei have sneakily taken more and more features out of the free edition and moved them to the professional. For most users though, the free one 'is good enough' - images your system and lets you restore it back again.
If you're in a corporate environment, the PXE boot is very useful - boot Aomei from a computer simply by rebooting it and setting the necessary boot option (boot from the network). This means you can easily back up several machines at once, rather than using several USB pens or CD ROMs. Recovering onto different hardware is also an excellent feature. Windows 10 complains a bit more about this, but this might be resolved in the newer versions. Think I was using 4.02 or some such. Again, more useful in the corporate world.
I've mentioned here before the benefits of an image backup over a directory backup, and doing these image backups regularly. Aomei Backupper is good for this, as it supports incremental and differential image backups.
Aomei backupper has a great user interface, and can even be run from the command line. This makes it easy to run from a batch file.
If you have a laptop, its especially important to have an image backup, as they're harder to get back up and running in the event of a system rebuild - network cards tend to be more 'specific', so finding all the right drivers again from a 'bare metal' rebuild can be a lengthy process. if you've an image from a known working ppoint in time, it can make a recovery take 30 minutes - again, fabulous in the corporate world when Jeremy in Accounts installs 'that new browser he's heard about' and now 'his PC won't start and I've tried to fix it but made matters worse. I'm due in a meeting in ten minutes - can you sort it??'. etc.
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The functionality of AOMEI Backupper Pro is good, but I gave up on it after trying it for 6 months. It's just too unreliable, at least when used in incremental backup mode. It was constantly losing track of the backup chain for no apparent reason. I felt that I just couldn't rely on it in case of need.
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I see that on https://www.backup-utility.com/personal.html?ab there is a free Backupper Standard 4.6.3. What is/are the difference/s between today's offering and the free Standard version?
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Frank D,
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mike, thank you!
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No matter how 'clean' you keep your PC, get this, burn a boot CD, create an image of at least your HD boot partition about once a month, and you're good to go, SAVES YOUR BACON.
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Rob, boot CD in 2019? o.O No any new laptop has a CD drive.
In 2019 it's better to make a bootable pendrive :)
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"... burn a boot CD..."
"No any new laptop has a CD drive"
If you have an optical drive installed -- not just laptops, but an awful lot of desktop PCs don't have them nowadays -- booting to a CD/DVD can trigger compatibility mode in the BIOS, which *may* work better than trying to boot EFI from a USB stick. Also, some brands & models of USB sticks just won't work to boot some brands/models of PCs & laptops, and USB sticks do die unexpectedly, while CDs/DVDs tend to be forever. I've had great luck with SanDisk Cruzer Blade sticks by the way -- use them exclusively for bootable USB sticks.
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revol, I still use bootable discs. ;)
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Rob, Fantastic advice. I've worked as an IT Manager, and have experienced PCs that die due to Windows Updates, or the user has installed something they shouldn't. If you do get a virus, no anti virus is 100% effective, so having a clean backup is essential.
With free software, there is no excuse not to backup your system.
If you do, do it regularly.
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I neglected to say, after "create an image", find somewhere to store the image away from your boot drive/partition. Maybe because it's obvious. I use an external USB storage drive.
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I recommend two partitions. The C drive being for the OS, and the D drive for documents. This allows you to image the OS easily and quickly (and allows a restore without blowing up your documents). You can image the C to the D drive (if you have SSD) or to external storage. DOn't backup C to D with a normal drive, as its the same physical drive, and it'll be shitting sparks.
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Does anybody know how you activate this? I had a previous version and I think it used that license. Probably bought a license and forgot and I can't find a way to see what license is being used! Frustrating when they hide this sort of thing.
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Tester, Thanks but it's not there on mine. I think it read a hidden registration file and automatically registered.
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TheBigOldDog, Help -> Activate? If you click Help -> About, it'll tell you if its already registered. if its not throwing up messages when you start the application, then its registered.
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" I think it read a hidden registration file and automatically registered."
Maybe c:\AMTAG.BIN, though it may be recorded elsewhere too.
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I already have 4.6.2, but I cannot find anything that says whether it is a one year or not. Doesn't show any expiration date??? If I have a permanent license, I certainly don't want to overlay it with a one-year. Any ideas?
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I've never had a problem with AOMEI giveaways ever quitting, though that was on older versions, and things may be different now. That said, if you already have the current version, I can't think of a reason to install again, plus, as TheBigOldDog noted in a later post, it'll probably use your existing key anyway.
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Installed no bother on windows 7, but I am unable to see where I enter the
Registration key. I would appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction, thanks.
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David Coutts, I found 'Register' under the dropdown 'Menu' along the top right after installation then entered the reg key from the provided readme file. All worked fine in Win7.
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Rob, Thank you! I don't have that option in my drop down "menu."
As it installed after uninstalling the last years give away, I'm hoping this latest give away registered automatically after installation.
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Dont miss todays offering . Aomei is a superior back up. I have used it many years and have used it successfully
many times The clone disk is very useful.
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I still have AOMEI Professional 2.5 on my Windows 7 computer from 2015 (or is it 2016?) and it works FANTASTIC!! I'm "good"!! :)
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Like others here I will stay with my fully functional, non time limited version 4.1. Granted, one year is a very gracious trial period.
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what does a "one year license" mean? it stops working after 1 year?
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I would imagine that it would turn into the free version.
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What happens after one year?
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Jerzy, Been using the Giveaway AOMEI Backupper Pro since Jan 2017. Made 2 bootable Flash drives then removed the main AOMI program from Windows C drive. No problem with licence expiring. Either Flash drive used in boot mode can backup or restore today over two years later!
So will resist this offer in case......Don't believe in fixing something if it ain't broke!
Got a similar Lazesoft backupper on flash drive too and that also works fine in boot mode when it's Giveaway licence should by now have expired.
I'd have to wait a year if I install today's offer to see if a license restriction kicks in to stop the flash drive working.
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Installed win 10 64 good prog. been using free version a long time , Thanks
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Despite the corny name, this is the software I depend on (free version) to backup my main PC (Win 10 64x pro). I have tested it by successfully restoring a image of my HD on another hard drive. Not all backup software has worked for me. I will be downloading and installing the pro version.
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