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AnVir 7.0.4 Giveaway
29.95 USD

Giveaway of the day — AnVir 7.0.4

AnVir Task Manager is the best tool to control everything running on PC, speed up and enhance Windows!
User rating: 693 112 comments

AnVir 7.0.4 was available as a giveaway on January 6, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Transfer and management software for Android phones and tablet.

AnVir Task Manager controls everything running on computer, removes Trojans, increases performance and tweaks Windows.

AnVir Task Manager provides convenience by offering all of its features in a single interface. It saves money because users won't have to buy multiple packages to perform a family of related tasks.

Monitor your system and replace Windows Task Manager:

  • Information about processes, startup programs, services, internet connections, drivers
  • Integrated database with Descriptions for 70 000+ startup programs, Internet Explorer toolbars and services
  • Icons in the tray that indicate CPU, disk, network, memory and battery

Get rid of viruses, Trojans and spyware that your antivirus missed:

  • Security risk rating for each active process and startup program
  • Get notification when any program tries to add itself to startup
  • Right click on any suspicious process or file and check it on virustotal.com with 30+ antiviruses

Enhance and tune up XP, Vista or Windows 7:

  • Tweaker that gives access to hundreds of XP / Vista settings
  • Click on the title of any application to minimize window to system tray
  • List of recently used folders in Open / Save dialogs
  • Drive's free space as a colored horizontal bar in Windows 'My Computer'
  • Last launched and favorites programs and folders in tray menu

Speed up your PC and Windows startup:

  • "Delayed Startup" lets you set up any startup program to run few minutes later after Windows startup
  • Run startup programs minimized to system tray, or as a floating icon
  • Balance CPU usage

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 2003/2008; languages: English, German, Russian


AnVir Software



File Size:

13.8 MB


29.95 USD

Comments on AnVir 7.0.4

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Thanks to AnVir for the 'Pro' key !!! Great software, even greater with the Pro features :)

Reply   |   Comment by SteveS  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Could not get it to accept the Name and Key provided.

Any fix for this?

Reply   |   Comment by James K  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

AnVir Task Manager 7.0.4 and Reg Organizer Review and General Guide

Today I test ran AnVir Task Manager with the associated program Reg Organizer. You can test drive it @ http://www.anvir.com/. The program tested (AnVir Task Manager std.) installed fine on Windows 7 x64. Program is compatible with Windows XP with Service Pack 3, Vista (all Versions), Windows 7 (All Versions), and Windows 8 (all versions).

This program is meant to manage startup programs and much more. AnVir Task Manager comes with exactly what you think it is, a non Windows Task Manager that manages startup programs, services, context menu entries, as well as comes with it's own registry cleaner. Also included is a Registry Defragmenter and Compressor, a Disk Cleaner, and a Windows Tweaker utility. Please do not mistake these utilities as antivirus applications, as the company name seems to imply, as the features offered are not directly geared towards this end, although it can be used to prevent some antimalware from running at startup, it is a manual operation and not necessarily a "scan and let it do it for me". Some knowledge is required. As always Google things you are unsure of, as this is often the safest way and you end up learning about the item in question. Think of how everyone will see you as a Computer Guru! Another option is asking someone that works in the IT field or does virus removal as a profession. Always, when in doubt, do nothing. Get someone more knowledgeable in this situation. It is often better to be safe than sorry.

Now I know that the prior paragraph may spook some away from this wonderful piece of software, so do not get spooked about it and check it out. The benefits outweigh the risks. The developers of this program have placed many safeguards in place to prevent you from doing anything that would drastically harm the Windows system. For example, you cannot disable antivirus suites (at least in my case) with this program. It can be done through other methods, but it is only advised in special situations. Backups and advanced viewing options also allow you to customize your cleaning and optimization experience. There are also options to delay startup items so you can get better performance out of your system sooner.

Installation and Task Manager

Standard installation went smoothly, but if you want to avoid the sneak in progam called Reg Organizer, which is not bad really, but as it is not a part of this the AnVir Task Manager, uncheck the checkbox and continue. It is advised to check it out as a good deal of this review covers Reg Organizer as well. This program will ask you of you want to place an icon in the notification area of your taskbar and for it to run at startup. i recommend both. After installation, the program window pops up and prompts for you to see changes made to the Windows Startup locations and allows you to disable startup items that are slowing down your system. Do your research if in doubt. If you are not sure about items, it makes a brief description about the item in question, for you to decide if it is worthy of being in the startup. If in doubt still, skip it or skip the whole process altogether and move on to the next step. we will come back to this later.

All the program reviewed will be listed under the Start Menu>All Programs>Anvir folder.

Reg Organizer

The procedure we will do is Disk Cleanup, Registry Cleanup, registry Degrag and Compression and then Tweaks. Then we will run the Task Manager utility and edit the starup applications.

Disk Cleanup Tool

From the Start Menu, under the "All Programs", under the AnVir folder, is the Disk Cleaner. This is a tool that will do most of what your disk cleanup tool does in Windows, but better. I advise keeping the recommended settings and pressing start. Upon the completion of the scan process, it found 1065 errors on my system. It offers a "Show problem files (for advanced users)" which is optional. Being that I am not too worried about what is being deleted at this time, I press the fix button and let the system fix the issues. It ended up recycling 2.65 GB of data from my drive. The best part is that it moved it to the recycle bin where you can review what was deleted and restore files, if necessary. A+ for safety.

Reg Organizer

After clicking finish, a window pops up and the Reg Organizer window shows all the options of the program. It also displays the System Express Check that allows it to run semi-automated tasks to get your system health to a green check. Under the System Express Check is the Registry Logical Structure health pane, Registry Physical Structure pane and the File System State. To the left is links to the other programs included in the program listed in groups.

For "All Users" Included is the Registry Cleanup, Registry Optimization, Disk Cleaner (we already did this)and Application Uninstaller. Under the "For Advanced Users" group is the Important Registry Locations and the Registry Editor. Under the "Miscellaneous Tools" is the Tweaks and Registry Snapshots links. All groups are collapsible and expandable.

Application Uninstallation

A separate window pops up and displays a list of the installed programs on the local system (Windows). You have the options to install a program with tracing so when you go to remove the program, you can remove all traces of it from the registry and the hard drive. I will not be testing this feature at this time. You can review the list of installed programs and remove one or a few. It is your call. I decided to remove a program that I was not using as of late called "Wise Folder Hider 1.22" and selected the program and pressed the "Uninstall Application" button. The program began by analyzing the program and its components and ran the standard program uninstall. After the standard uninstall completed, it gave the option to scan the system fro traces on the system that the program might have left behind. I did so by pressing the "Search" button. The program found traces on the system and allowed me to view the traces left behind by the uninstaller. After reviewing the traces left (you can check/uncheck the boxes to remove/not remove these traces. Default is checked), I pressed the "Uninstall" button and continued. The program made a system restore point and proceeded with the trace removal. I finished the program uninstaller and exited.

Associated Registry Cleaner.

If you look in your start menu under the programs section, under the AnVir folder, you will notice a few more icons and programs than just the task manager. This program offers an included Registry Cleaner. Now note that systems that do not have their registry cleaned from time to time tent to have performance degradation. Another note is that you want to be mindful of the ones you run to clean your registry, as some are much more aggressive in their cleaning methods than others, and aggressive is not necessarily a good thing all the time. Although I usually avoid these because the market is over-saturated with them (registry cleaners), I gave it a test run anyway to see what the effects would be.
On my system, it found 13004 problems.

I fired it up and the went through a scan of the registry to find programs. The program checks items in your context menus, file extensions, and the whole of the registry for errors and missing entries that are caused when installing/uninstalling programs. When programs are installed/uninstalled, they often leave small errors in the registry and when uninstalled, files and folders on the disk that eat up hard drive space.
On my system, the registry cleaner found 13004 problems. The program upon completion of the scan give you two options, three if you consider the close button. You can press "Fix" and let the cleaner do it's job or should you be computer savvy, click on the advanced users link beneath the results to see the invalid entries (Which I did). Most of the problems were Non-existent references to files and folders on the hard drive (as I did some file management in the past week and move much off the main hard drive). In simpler terms, the file or folder was not there on the hard drive. This is a common issue and the best fix is to remove the registry entry. I clicked ok after the review and pressed the "Fix" button. The fix was fairly fast, as most of my issues were the registry pointing to files that were not on the hard drive and it was basically removing the registry entries. Upon completing the "Fix" option, you get an option to see again the problems that were corrected. Normally the best option for a program like this is to make a registry backup, which it does automatically, in the chance that you messed up. This was the saving grace for this part of the program.


A window pops up giving options to improve system performance and offers 20 commonly, yet optional, applied tweaks that are highly recommended for systems. Select the tweaks you want to have on your system and close the window. Simple as that. Recommended options are all the ones listed under the performance category, as these will show an improvement to Windows operations and program applications startups. To apply the tweaks, a reboot is required. Press "OK" and the window will close. Wait on restarting the system as our next tool will require it. On to the Registry Optimization!

Registry Optimization

This program will defrag and compress the Windows Registry. After doing cleanup on the registry, there will be gaps in free space on the area associated with the Windows Registry on the Hard Drive. Defragmenting the registry will improve performance and free up minute amounts of space for further entries into the registry. It can cause better boot performance at Windows startup. You will need to close all programs before doing this save for Reg Organizer and the Registry Optimizer. A restart of the Operating System is mandatory in this instance. Save all of your open files and close other programs. Then begin.

The program defragged the Registry and showed a summary page at the end of it showing a before and after diagram. It also notified me that the program would restart automatically. There was a checkbox for starting Express Check at Windows Startup, which I left checked. System restarted and another registry scan for errors commenced. It found 23 errors and I let the program clean them. Then the Reg Organizer Window popped up and all was green checkmarks across the board.

AnVir Task Manager

Last but not least, is the AnVir Task Manager. If you set it to have an icon in the system tray/ notification area of the taskbar, it will either display cpu info or the information that was set at program installation. The program monitors CPU (Central Processing Unit) cores ,number of processes , as well as load. Right Clicking on the icon will bring up a list of the most accessed folders on the computer. Along with this is a list of the most launched programs (turned off) and a link to open the AnVir Task Manager.

I opened the Task Manger application and the user interface (what you see) had tabs above a large field. The landing tab is the Startup tab and it proceeded from left to right in this order: Startup, Applications, Processes, Services, and Log. The Startup tab displayed all the items that were set to run at startup, including services, schedulers, context menu handlers, and their locations. You have the option to enable/disable the entries by a simple checkmark being enabled, an empty checkbox being disabled.

It also displayed the security risk of programs in the startup locations so users could make a semi-educated guess as to whether it was worth having items in the startup. The options for each item in the startup locations was to either leave it alone, Quarantine it (diables it) or delete the entry which removes it from the startup. I would as I stated at the beginning, do some homework on what you are doing before getting too deep into the removal of items. It could save you a headache in the future, either in you catching a piece of Malware in the startup locations to you not disabling an important system file. Remember, there is an option to re-enable items as well, as long as you do not delete them. Of the choices available are also the ability to block programs from running in the startup, which can block those nasty updaters that always seem to find their way into the startup locations. You can also delay startup items so you can get your desktop up in a more timely fashion. Included is the option to add programs to locations so you can have a program run at startup. There is good potential here, folks!

The next Tab was the Applications tab and it showed what was programs were currently running. This is handy fo those that get those ransomware instances and are prevented from shutting them down.

The Processes tab shows the currently running processes that are active and running in the background. It also shows the current Security Risk of the processes and gives a breif explaination if available. The user has the ability to see where the process is coming from in explorer to see if it is a legitamate file or not, as well as to quarantine and block instances of that process. Another tool that I see alot of potential with for those that are heavy into system tweaking. Another note is that system processes, including Antimalware Suites will be greyed out, but you can still kill them. I would consider it a kind warning to let the user know what programs that they initiated.

The fourth tab is the Services tab and shows what services are running and what are set to run at system startup or not. 99% of these will be Windows services and if you plan on tweaking your services, I would visit www.blackviper.com/service-configurations/ to not only learn about Windows services, but find preset profiles that you can follow to have a leaner system. Again system services are greyed out but can be edited.

The log tab is full of information related to processes and service startups, locations and time/date of initiation. This can be useful in the instance of checking that the processes are mostly if not all where they are supposed to be. It can be used for troubleshooting problems as well with hardware software conflicts.

Tweaker For Windows

It had links to it's own tweaker tool, which proved to be more complete in options than the one offered by Reg Organizer.

The user interface was as follows: There was a list of icons to the left moving from the top to the bottom of the screen. There was a feild to the Right of this that took up the other 90% of the window. Each Icon on the Left in the grouping represented a group of its own and clicking on them usually brought up multiple tabs worth of options that could be set for Windows and associated programs, depending on the icon that was selected. The Icons went in this order from top to bottom: System, Multimedia, Protect, Desktop, Internet, Uninstall, Windows XP, Files and Disks, Options, and About.

Each Group had an impressive number of tweaks available to it, and oft spanned more than 1 tab in depth. What I noticed the most about this program is it's fair support for Windows XP Users. There are brief descriptions next to each tweak and plenty of options to set/disable. I would recommend users to take their time and read all the options that are present, as there is much more here than the Reg Organizer's dwarfed Tweaker tool. -

There are so may settings to cover that I do not know if I could give them justice. It is up to the reader to play around and see what works for them. But among these gems are the ability to hide and disable access to drives, turn off the annoying low disk space popups, change Windows Update settings, manage security by disabling access to certain aspects of the system, disabling startup locations (can be irritating, but the security gained by this is really second to none), removing Windows search, disabling Control Panel modifications (again a strong security setting, but annoying if you need to use it, but protects you against malware hiding the Control Panel) and much much more.

Follow Up

It is recommended at the completion of such a cleanup to run a defrag on the system drive. There are many free and effective ones out there. Use of the Windows Defragmenter requires 15% of your drive to be free. Alternatives include My Defrag, Ultimate Defrag, Auslogics and others. There are free versions of the three listed here.

Overall Impression of AnVir Task Manager: Excellent. The program provides sufficient options and safeguards to effectively clean the users system in a manner where they can undo harmful changes to the system if problems arise. Although there are a few options that are only available in the Pro version that are very desired to complete this suite, it is overall effective and gets the job done. This program provides all the tools required for maintaining the Windows registry and keeping your system hard drive clean. Use of this program will improve your system. A must have for any computer user. The options we reviewed did cover some of the more technical aspects of the program and the parts if the Windows Operating System but with the Reg Organizer menu, it becomes very easy for beginner level users and advanced users to manipulate, clean, and manage the Windows Registy. Overall the process took about an hour and a half but this is not something you plan on doing on a daily basis. Twice a month at best or as needed.

My system was lagging the past couple of weeks taking a it longer to startup than normal. Even the Icon Cache was having trouble rendering the icons for the Start Menu. I normally do not experience this, but with increased use of watching videos and movies, as well as online gaming, this can cause your system to get pretty lagged. This process performed with these programs along with a good defragging and drive optimization has my system running at top performance.

So Give it a try and see if this is something that can improve your system's performance. Well worth the money in my opinion. Pick it up , You will not be disappointed.

Reply   |   Comment by daschmi  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

#55 That is so tacky promoting your website on here. I happen to disagree with anyone who offers other free alternatives to what is being presented on here. This website is to promote software from publishers who want to get their product known to the public. Name recognition. This site makes its living off of its offerings. Ads etc. To try and get viewers here to go elsewhere is disrespectful to me.

Reply   |   Comment by Jorge  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I always grab this giveaway; it's my preferred task manager. It really is great at picking up hidden processes, and start-up programs. It's currently playing very nicely with Process Lassoo (installed from yesterdays giveaway) on my 64 bit win 7 machine.

Make sure the registry cleaner box is unchecked when installing. ;)

Reply   |   Comment by Lisa  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I downloaded it, register and run, but after maybe 15 mins my laptop became very slow and my internet connection also!!!!! I just removed it and install Win Patrol free! Peace of mind.

Reply   |   Comment by Salah Alfazazi  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Windows 7 user.

Did not work with provided registry & have requested help with the installation issues, is anyone available to help before the close of this program, I would really like to install it for the features it provides.

Reply   |   Comment by HiFrequency  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

& BTW, it's good that Anvir has pulled up the muscle by making a whole tutorial (found on their website), cause much of the Anvir Task Manager functionality is not quite intuitive. If you use it as a Windows Task Manager replacement, you're using a Porsche engine to drive a lawn mower.

Reply   |   Comment by HAL  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I have been using Anvir Task Manager for more than four years. BTW my first experience with this program was thanks to GOTD. Excellent program in its own scope. I've used the GOTD and a Free version. All of it, just excellent.

However, the Reg Organizer thing puzzles me as much as it does with others. I don't really mind that a GOTD, or a payware for the case, brings a shareware along... as long as I am being told about it. The Reg Organizer gets installed as if it were a part of the whole deal but it's actually a shareware. If this goes up into a rant, well I figure it's as hard as uninstalling the Reg Organizer, say thank you and that's it. For registry cleanup I use CCleaner.

Developer, GOTD, thanks again!

Reply   |   Comment by HAL  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

AnVir Task Manager is an excellent Task Manager for Windows. I am currently using Win 7 but have used AnVir Task Manager Free since Win XP. AnVir Task Manager provides the protection from hidden or extra applications being added to your start up items slowing down your computer. It provides numerous graphical informational icons in the system tray & detailed reporting of internal processes. Both the novice & the expert will benefit from this product.

Reply   |   Comment by Eric Haakenson  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)


This is rather a unique set of tools. It can fit in good with extra security warnings. Startup management. Task manager. A little bulky, but does a lot.

I have my Chameleon Startup and Win Patrol so this can be some overkill. Plus we see the occasional person who says their intenet connection gets mussed, we have to do the stupid RegOrganizer bypass, there is generally limited company communication, a few negatives.

I'll likely pass this time, but reluctantly, because technically, design wise, it is rather unique and powerful. There is no one other product that really covers this stuff. If you are a little lean on coverage, then this fits better.


Reply   |   Comment by Steven Avery  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

uninstalled and downloaded again installed again It is the 7.0.4 and registered ok now it says it will expire on Jan 30,2013 that is only about 25 days it is only a trial.

Reply   |   Comment by jaime  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I removed the version 6.2 since it was in my Windows OS partition & the partition was getting crowded. I expected to be able to remove that version & then install the new version in my programs partition. However, when running setup.exe I get a message: not able to connect, try later. Well if I try later after the install deadline then I will not be able to install the new version.

Reply   |   Comment by William Neurauter  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Well, I reinstalled it and now it seems to be working fine.

As a measure of caution I created a new restore point. Traced the installation with REVO just in case.

We'll see what happens. At least if it knocks down my internet connection again I'll attempt to repair it. If it still doesn't allow me to get online I'll have to reverse the process.

Reply   |   Comment by Jose  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Wow, quite a variety of experiences reported with this program - some seem to love it and some hate some aspects of it (or were not able to get it to work).

I was able to install it to Windows XP Pro SP3, and the GOTD process seemed to insert the registration information automatically without my typing in anything.
Important NOTE: UN-CHECK (de-select, un-tickmark) the "Install Reg Organizer (recommended)" installation option, as that is an additional and separate program that they wish you to try out and then pay for to use after trial period is over.
And of course they are recommending it, as they are searching for more customers...
This has now become a rather common -if inconvenient at times- manner of getting folks to try out other commercial software. So you should be alert to its possibility in any software installation.

One thing I was surprised at is the large number of 'web call out' alerts that my firewall alerted me to during the installation, required about 20 internet callouts in order to install. I had to add a rule to allow all Anvir TM web outbound calls to get it to install and run.

Note I have been using WinPatrol and System Explorer to provide these functions for me up till now, so I will be comparing the capabilities and functions, etc of my two standard apps vs new Anvir.
So far no apparent conflict between them.

Reply   |   Comment by Bruce Tech Guy  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I installed this software. The front page of this software offers us a limited free upgrade to the pro edition of this software if we go into our FB and post a 500 charector account of how we use this software. The instructions promices that when we post this in our FB account for all to read we will recieve the code to upgrade to the pro. edition. I did this and after I gave then the link to my FB which was also required I recieved a pop-up saying I would be emailed the code for the promiced upgrade to the pro edition in a "few" days. I have been scammed. I did as they required,now they have broken their promice to me. These people can not be trusted if this is how they do business.

Reply   |   Comment by ron  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Re #86 Vic E B
First if vendors offering their products here do not think they are better than the free alternatives offered by Giovanni and others then their demise would not be of any loss.
Second, who made you the arbiter as to who and what should be posted?
This site is pre-moderated so if a post is visible then it has been deemed ok by the site moderators.
Some of us prefer upgradeable and/or portable software (and are poor!) so thank you Giovanni and others, keep posting.

Reply   |   Comment by joe3  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

No good.Installed this program and it shut down my internet connection. Could not get online. Thankfully I had REVO and I traced the program installation. I unistalled it with REVO and afterwards I still did not have an internet connection. Did a System Restore back to Wednesday and everything is working again.

After the installlation I was able to open the program and look through it and it seemed pretty good but if it shuts down my internet connection what good is it?

Reply   |   Comment by Jose  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok, 400+ thumbs up? For what? Am I the ONLY one here who has issues with a software package that dumps not only crippleware on your PC but blankets it's half banks software with buttons that install or direct you to "other" websites? Like the Free Scan, Free Performance scan etc.. It may be the star in some of your eyes but out of the gate, to me, it's a POS. And, any software company who wants you to "like" them on facebook gets blacklisted in my book. No thanks GOTO.

Reply   |   Comment by tc1uscg  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

@#82, Morgan- I know it is not an Antivirus and I never claimed as such. You are reading into my post. My point was and still is, everything it does can be achieved with free stuff, or it is already a feature in Windows 7/8. The biggest and most important aspect of daily PC use is security, which is why I hit on it so hard. And this software DOES include security enhancing tools. Sorry for my lack of clarity, but I do hope you can relax now that I've cleared that up. No need for the harsh tone. I've tried software along these lines, and it just doesn't seem practical for Win7 IMO. Your opinion may be different and you are entitled to it.

Reply   |   Comment by asilaydyingdl  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Giovanni, thank you for always listing alternatives. Much appreciated!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Erasmo  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I've used AnVir Task Manager for several years and highly recommend it. But, they have dropped the ability to permanently block processes (quarantine them) unless you buy the Pro version. So I'll pass on today's giveaway and maybe someday I can afford to purchase the Pro version.

If that feature is not so critical to you, I HIGHLY recommend this program! Lots of information and control in an easy-to-use, configurable interface. Only needs 17 MB of memory on my system (Vista 32 bit).

Reply   |   Comment by mr.dave  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

installed fine bit it tells me that the reg. keys had expired. I saw the demo and it looks promising I hope they can fix this.

Reply   |   Comment by jaime  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

PS - Yes I'll try this, sound good as most my other "200+" programs are....many from GOTD...

Reply   |   Comment by iwontell  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)


Reply   |   Comment by iwontell  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

For Version 6.7, which I’ve, it can Block Process (Quarantine). Can this version 7 do that, or is the feature taken out?

I’m not updating to this version. Version 6.7 serves me just fine.

Reply   |   Comment by Ray  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have been using v6.1 from another giveaway for a few years and it is FANTASTIC!!! I do not use any security software (I am NOT recommending ANYone do this) and have had no security problems that needed "fixing" nor rebuild. I keep a watchful eye on the single Anvir icon in the tray for unusual spikes in cpu, hdd, memory, net usage and Anvir's startup and homepage guard warnings and they have served me very well! Though I'm just a home user, I do have redundant machines and sterile images, I found modern security s/w to be so intrusive on my old machines that they became almost useless so I thought I'd try just using Anvir AND "safe" computing practices. I figured I'd get stung within a week .... hasn't happened yet. Thanks to Anvir for a great diagnostic, monitoring and security tool, and for this giveaway :)

Reply   |   Comment by SteveS  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Pushmataha, Morgan & nilo (and any others);

I probably should not have singled out Giovanni, your right Pushmataha, other people do it too. But I stand by my opinion that this is not the place to tell people during the vendor’s moment that their software "might not be as good as these"...and then give links to competitive products. If you like the product, thank the vendor for providing it and tell others why. If not, say no thank you. If you think it doesn't do something as good as another, email them a suggestion. I just don't think this is the place to tell people about competitive products when the vendor has graciously agreed to provide their software for free. It’s a slap in the face. I'm not trying to pick on anyone. It’s obvious that Giovanni and some others are very knowledgeable and they do a lot of research to come up with these links. I'm just saying that people should apply a little common sense and courtesy. If you, for example, were a restaurant and brought free product for everyone at a meeting. How would you feel if right in front of your face people started saying to the crowd “Well..such and such restaurant is much better than this”.

Why am I saying this? Well, this is not the first site to offer free products. I have been on sites like this in the past and eventually the vendors won't bother and the sites go away. I think competitive analysis is great...just not in the vendors’ face of a giveaway. I think everyone here is smart enough to Google what the software does and come up with all sorts of opinions and competitive products if they need to.

Reply   |   Comment by Vic E.B.  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

just uninstall the registry cleaner

Reply   |   Comment by Mitchell  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Completely CRAP. Constantly consumes 100 percent of CPU after started. Seems to interfere with fridays giveaway process lasso since process lasso shouldn´t allow other processes to lock up the computer. Hangs with config wizard open and accepts about one lousy mouse click within half an hour. No way to register this since is immediately locks up the pc when started. I had luck to be able to kill the process with windows task manager after 50 minutes.

Reply   |   Comment by Fred  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I've been using an older version and liked it. After installing this one I got 50 new startup items found!! Who knows what they all are. Some are old programs I have never run on this PC that I had 15 years ago and only exist in backup storage files.

What's with that????

Reply   |   Comment by dbur  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok, I left a comment this morning that my key is wrong and wont work and my comment was not only not answered, but is not here. I love this site and was going to put a widget on my website. I really need this program and I can't register it!! Help!!!

Reply   |   Comment by michelle  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#63 asIlaydyingdl - You can say what you want, but you have judged this software by its name and NOT by trying it or reading the doc to see what it does. AnVir is NOT and anti-virus software. Download and try and you will change you ideas about it. It is interesting to hear what you use and like but you are 100% incorrect (ouch) on your judgment of AnVir.

Reply   |   Comment by Morgan  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

A couple of people asked, but I haven't seen an answer....Can this be used on Windows 8, and also, if it can, is it necessary on 8?

Reply   |   Comment by rick  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

We come here to see what is offered, nobody forces us to read the opinions & comments posted here. I don't know one person who has NOT made a mistake on their computer. I come here to learn about other's comments, it's just an opinion & not personal. 25 & 55 glad that I read your comments. If a company is offended by recommendations of a better product, improve the product your company is selling. Just my opinion, I am not offended if you agree or disagree. Why not agree to share what we like or dislike about a program & not be required to all like the same features.

Reply   |   Comment by cheryl  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

If I use the registration info from the readme file the program tells me that the program is already expired (I had a previous version installed).

Reply   |   Comment by Expert  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

In regards to Nr, 41 V8ic E.B. statement. I for one look forward to what Giovanni has to say. I thing it also forces those who supply their software are know that he will make comments as does are other friend from DotTech. I look forward to their comments an suggestions. Have throught he may not have a venue to post other places, (I believe he does),, but I am a senior citizen on a fixed income and I like to look at the software and even try it before deciding if I want to keep it.

I found this software slows my computer down more then helping it.
It is a nice piece of software but I tend to stay away from those that are good only for some many days, months or one year.


Reply   |   Comment by Don Bowker  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Windows 7 user.

i have installed the program & entered the GAOTD name & the registration key & the program says everything was correct & would restart. The program did restart & when I tried the registry cleanup the program scanned & gives me the option to repair only if I purchase a key.

Could someone please post some screen shots on how to rectify the error message a lot of people seem to be getting thank-you.

Reply   |   Comment by HiFrequency  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Installed and played with for a while. Interesting keeper. Also had a look at giovanni "best and better" google list. Dottech winpatrol comparison is from 2009 and most of the comparisons are invalid for the 2013 versions. Better to do your own research or try them both.

SX security suite is separate utilities designed for advanced analysts and may not suit a computer novice. Also does not have the full feature set of the giveaway.

The rest are good utilities but none have the same complete feature set as the offered giveaway.

So the first "best and better" has no up to date accurate comparison and the rest are marketed to professionals or do not offer the same features. (the posted google list even misses the two closest free offerings)

There is a thread in the GAOTD forum for discussing freeware alternatives to the current giveaway. If you can't take the time to research your google results or give reasons to choose one over the other please just use the forum instead of the comments section. Misleading people to think the programs are the same, or insulting the developer who is allowing us to try out their software is unproductive.

Reply   |   Comment by idunno  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

The About window of the Help menu says it's registered, but the application's window caption says it's trial - what's true now?
(And why is the menu item to enter reg code still available?)

Reply   |   Comment by Expert  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Re: #41 by Vic E.B.:

Rarely have I disagreed with any comment as much as I disagree with yours.

I always come to GAOTD with an open mind, hoping that the offered product is something that I will like. But I am also interested in the alternatives reported by Giovanni. I have tried and liked some of those also.

Competition is the backbone of the free enterprise system. So I thank both GAOTD and Giovanni for introducing me to some good programs, and I hope both of them will keep up the good work.

Reply   |   Comment by nilo  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Why are all these people complaining about Facebook?
That is a DIFFERENT offer than the one here. If you want the special offer then complete that offer. This is great software, and you can just download and run this free offer. However, it doesn't have upgrades. So you need to check out here frequently, and pay for upgrades. IF you don't like FB setup an acct and ONLY use it for free offers like this. I don't but you could. You ONLY have to give Facebook the info YOU want to provide. Like phone number, address, school, Etc. Just give your name and no specific picture. If you don't like even doing that then get off your high horse and live with your choice!

Reply   |   Comment by RLBorg  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

@ #41- Have a look at how many visitors found Giovanni's comments useful compared to yours. Then go get YOUR OWN blog & rant to your hearts content.

As for todays offering, I like this product enough to have bought license, one of very few programs given here I have done so. Own on my XP, invaluable, am adding todays ver. to my W7 laptop, 'nuff said.

Thanks again GOATD.

Reply   |   Comment by Sam Hell  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

This program is great !
Used this on my old computer, but on my new computer i needed this program too, so thx for making it possible to install it there too.

Reply   |   Comment by Fred  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

For #41 above Vic E. B. - Yes Giovanni can have his own blog, but that would be extra work for me to go to two places. His comments are helpful and valuable, and he should be here. Vic, I am not going to ask you what your problem is; but, you should ask yourself why you are so vehement. Giovanni and others like Giovanni help make GAOTD a more useful site. Have at it, G!

Reply   |   Comment by Morgan  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

#47, idluckyone: re the options "Permanently block undesired processes" and "Save changed priority of processes" -- I just checked my version of AnVir given here lsst time, v6.7, and those options are included.

I wonder if these options have been deleted from this latest version . . . in which case, it may not be worth updating to it.

Reply   |   Comment by Suze  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

***** 5 STAR SOFTWARE ***** (Use on Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit and XP Pro 32 bit and Win 2011 Home server) I have been using this product for two years and this product is fantastic! I found it on GAOTD and after a few weeks purchased it for updates. Easy to use and intuitive; there is good documentation but I just figured it all out by playing with it. And, it does what it says, on time all the time with no problems. AnVir allows you to control your computer real-time like no other analysis and control software; I use it to quarantine processes that are running and that I only want to get loaded with they are needed. Between Anvir and Process Lasso (another product that I found of GAOTD and purchase and have been using for some time --- also 5 STARS) I never feel trapped by my machine. I can find out what is going on and who the software vendor is for each process that is running and know the risk assessment. Why both products you might ask: Different type of intuition on each interface and there are some things that one does a little differently than the other. Both are well worth the cost of the full PRO versions with support in the TIME you save.

My advice is to spend the time to download and understand it and you will have huge benefits of saved time in the future. (Only weirdness is the name, AnVir, which leads one to think it is some kind of anti-virus things, which it is not; but the brand is sticking so what's in a name? Is software that does the job any sweeter if it hath a different name? :)

Reply   |   Comment by Morgan  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

51 people agreed that "Although a Start Up manager, the user should still have the option to have the program not running in the background. We are given no opportunity to select such an option."

Go into settings and uncheck start with windows start-up.

Problem solved.

Reply   |   Comment by Mitchell  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Wont register.
Giveaway of the day tells me it is registered.
Programme asks for key which it will not accept or pay for new key.

Reply   |   Comment by peter  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

After installing this software, I lost my internet connection. Found out it changed my settings. Had to jump hoops with help from my ISP to get it running again! Just glad they work on Sudnays! This software is a royal pain in this regard! Why would it change my settings in the first place? Has anyone else experienced this?? Apart from this, it works goof! Am considering advertising on Facebook so I can get the upgrade.

Reply   |   Comment by cHuck Small  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)
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