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Amulet of Tricolor Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Amulet of Tricolor

Amulet of Tricolor retraces the long journey of Lindal Calanor - the Amulet keeper - through Magic Valley.
$19.91 EXPIRED
User rating: 267 103 comments

Amulet of Tricolor was available as a giveaway on August 11, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Amulet of Tricolor retraces the long journey of Lindal Calanor - the Amulet keeper - through Magic Valley. Traveling with Lindal you will match gems, free fairies, restore Stones of Elements and finally bring prosperity back to Magic Valley.

Be ready for a really puzzling adventure!

System Requirements:

Windows 2000/XP/Vista; Pentium 500 or better; Direct3D compatable video card; at least 64 MB RAM; 35 MB free hard drive space


WiredPlane Games



File Size:

16.6 MB



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Comments on Amulet of Tricolor

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I visited the web site; clicked on contact us; sent an e-mail; and it took a couple of days, but support e-mailed me an apology and a new activation code. The game works fine for me; I reached the end; and I am disappointed that there are no higher levels to achieve once you reach the mountain, but I still enjoy the game. It was free........so no complaints from me on any of the free stuff...remember you don't have to download anything here. The choice is yours!

Reply   |   Comment by Zephyrdell  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Now I have seen it all. I uninstalled amulet of tricolor because it quit working and wouldn't take the code ggaotd gave me with it.So they won't let my comments come through. I didn't cuss,I didn't put anyone down,so why was I censored. Just curious

Reply   |   Comment by Linda  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Visit the website and use the contact form and they will send you a new code to register the program. I received a new code and an appology for their mix-up on the code.

Reply   |   Comment by 4C-Cattle  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Played it for a while - and REGISTERED it according to instructions, about the 4th time I played it (I wasn't that interested in it as the play was a bit jumpy) it suddenly tells me I have 2 minutes left to play - and cuts the game off. This was the ONLY time I had gotten a time warning, other times the copy appeared to be registered.

I've had so many bad experiences over the last few months that I've quit recommending the site to friends at all.

I'm hoping the new game site will restore my opinion - but not hopeful. I find the reviews helpful, even months after the game/software is released, and leave comments if I find a bug weeks later, when I'm looking to buy then this is one place I can check comments. Comments after 2-3 weeks of using the product are far more insightful than ones made after a 10 minute trial.

Reply   |   Comment by MountainLamb  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I copied and pasted the regsitry key, expecting that it would actually be free. Silly me, there's no such thing as a free lunch. 5-odd levels into the game, my free trial has expired, and I must now purchase the software if I wish to continue to play.

In the words of the immortal Syndrome, "Lame, lame, LAME!"

Reply   |   Comment by Kate  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 97 same thing here. trial has ended.

Reply   |   Comment by Linda  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Today is September 1st and this game just returned a "Trial time has ended, please register or buy" message. What's the deal? I uninstalled it because it doesn't matter that much but it does shake my faith in GAOTD when this happens. (this is the 4th software I've downloaded where this has happened)

Reply   |   Comment by keaton  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Game is fun and addictive. Registration with keycode cut n paste was a little confusing. Found answer in comments here. Could use more levels. Bonus level 5 is unsolveable. Thanks =)

Reply   |   Comment by LoonieTune  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

...but then again the setup probably won't run anymore after the 24 hours are over.

Would it be allowed to post my key code in the comments? I guess no...

Reply   |   Comment by Mad Ollie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Normally after the setup you should get a window that says: “Register your copy using following key: …”

Maybe that window didn't pop up but rather under all the other windows on your desktop. Try digging! ;-)

Reply   |   Comment by Mad Ollie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have xp. I installed game and no registration code found any where. I am limited to 58 minutes on the demo. Whats up?

Reply   |   Comment by Gary  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i was really looking forward to getting this for the kids... installed fine, went to register with the code and got msg that the code was not recognized :( either im doing something wrong or the code just didnt work...

Reply   |   Comment by picxie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A nice little game to while away a couple of hours when I've got nothing better to do :o) Thanks GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Serendipity  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If anyone returns to this page for help, I hope you read this:
First of all: upon installing this game, a little window pops up with the registration number you HAVE to use to get it out of the trial mode. Usually this little window is behind the main window of the game upon installing. Look for it by dragging the other window out of the way. Now once you found it, copy and paste it by going to the game's window and click on "already ordered" this will bring up the box to paste the number into it.
Also all of you should really read the system requirements prior to downloading anything and be sure you have all the systeme requirements.
Thanks to you people who keep this site going; I hope you are having a great vacation. And actually I think you are doing a great job and people should not be complaining about anything here at all; if you don't like it; uninstall the product and wait for the next item.

Also, I submitted a yahoo e-mail address as I use that for things on web etc. I received an e-mail from the owners (wired plane?) with only the message indicating my registration # . I thought that was great.

Reply   |   Comment by Zephyrdell  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

OH... This wasso fun... LOL.. maybe a little to easy.

Reply   |   Comment by Martin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

These are games?

Reply   |   Comment by mary  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Played and enjoyed..Great to have you back....missed you.....my computer crashed and I lost all my good games from GGAOTD and GAOTD utilites and software......My heart was broken. My special computer guy has got me up and running again....This is my first game..I sure hope they will run some more like Alien Shooter,the card games, COS, COS OR, and all the other lovely games....since December....Thanks to you for all your hard work.Hope your vacation gave you the rest you needed. Can't wait to see what's ahead....

Reply   |   Comment by Rosemary Miller  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

looking for very good software from this site, not the games. games should be given in gamegiveaway.com. but still i download the game is find it nice. thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by TAPASH NATH  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#57, I had the same problem. I am finally able to play the game after downloading updated video drivers. Deinstalling the old one, installing the new one. I went to the manufacture site (of my video card which is NVidia), completed steps 1 - 3 to get the right driver to download and followed the instructions. Holler if you need help.

Reply   |   Comment by Calla  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Huh.... a game on giveaway... why, next thing you know they'll give away an app on gamegiveawayoftheday. Nah.... that'll never happen.

All kidding aside, not a bad game. I don't think I'll keep it since I'm not a big game player, but it looks fun.

Reply   |   Comment by RipSnort  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really enjoyed this game till I got about half way through. Now it freezes up on every level! I have to ctl+alt+del and close down the game on every level and then start it back up again. It will work fine then until the next level, when it freezes up again. That's really too bad, since it is a fun game.

Reply   |   Comment by Michele  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I got the prize, but what is this wirechanger?

Reply   |   Comment by Toni  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#48, 57, 62: In addition to other suggestions posted here, see 3D software problems. I received an error dialog box during installation when it tried to rename a DLL, probably because my security software was checking it. The correct response is "Retry". If it still won't work, you can try "Ignore". I allowed the registration to access the Internet, and gave it an email alias (after that, I blocked all Internet access).

#54, I think there was a link which said something like "I've already ordered"; you click that and enter your registration key.

To all those who say that they only see the left half of the game--are you using Windows Vista? That seems to be a common problem with Vista. Otherwise, you might try increasing your desktop resolution, if your display/drivers permit it.

By the way, the game moves open windows around, a common (bad programming) problem.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow, I downloaded it a couple of hours ago and I've already finished it! I don't claim to be an expert at this sort of game so geez...they need to make it a bit more challenging and also a bit longer. Still...it was fun while it lasted. :O)

Reply   |   Comment by Vickie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

thank you whiterabbit for the comments and review and i have to say i been addicted to this since i downloaded it :) Thank are to Wiredplane games and GGAOTD we do appreciate the games and software:) Enjoy and it is difficult once you get to the higher levels!!!

Reply   |   Comment by bluhoteyes  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My kids loved the game..thanks a lot, GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Vin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I'm sorry you feel that you're missing out by having games offered, but as others have already said, the GGAOTD site is on vacation. But don't worry, it's only on weekends that games will be on offer, you will still have 5 whole days of such "serious" giveaways as screensavers and wallpapers

Reply   |   Comment by Wolverine Girl  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks GGAOTD and Wired Plane Games for a gentle restful game - and to White Rabbit for the detailed comments which caused me to download this one.

Reply   |   Comment by Helen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great game! Don't think for a second that you've played this before, or that it is easy. I love this kind of strategy game, it's both challenging and relaxing to play at the same time. Figure that out!

Reply   |   Comment by Game Player  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

this is a very nicely done game. the art is nice and the music is pleasing. it runs well on my machine. thank you for such a great game.

Reply   |   Comment by laura sierra  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

deleted first version I downloaded and started again from scratch with a new file. Seemed to work this time, although the cursor moves very slowly. I have the system requirements so not sure of the problem. But it still seems like a decent game. Thanks GOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by dns  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you GOTD and WiredPlane Games, I enjoyed this game a lot. I just wanted to try it out and couldn't get away until it was all done, very addictive. I don't download very many games you offer because they don't sound like anything I would like but this one is different. Tried it and liked it, again, thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by karin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is pointless. Not one of the best givaways.

Reply   |   Comment by Erik The Random  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I need need "journal macro" or something real close to that pease!

Reply   |   Comment by Justin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Some people can't stand a game unless they are driving or flying or slashing and hacking. But I can sit and match three colored balls in a row for hours. I find it relaxing and much better than all the other things I am supposed to be doing.

This is a nice variation on a match-3 game. I could not review it better than Whiterabbit, but wanted to add my positive comments and thank you to GAOTD and WiredPlane.

Timed play gives it a challenge, but it is not too fast, either. Plenty of levels. Not outstanding, but better than average graphics.

Reply   |   Comment by VampireRat  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You don't have to give your email address, you could leave that field blank during the activation process. I did.

I'm glad to see they're still giving out games even though it's summer. This one is very cute, not at all the match-3 game I expected. I've played half a dozen levels, though, and so far it's easy. I wish there was an option to play on a higher difficulty.
Also, the music might get on someone's nerves after a while but there's an option to turn it off. Still, it's nice to play for a short while during breaks, plus I like the idea of trophies that you can unlock by meeting certain requirements, and the bonus stages (that I don't know how to access yet).
A minor pet peeve is that on the readme file there was nothing about an activation key, so I almost closed that window by mistake when it popped up. Overall, 7/10.

Reply   |   Comment by Ernie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Good alternative!

Yes it is a game, but who is not killing time now and then with light game? say, good old minesweeper or so!

I always loved playing jewels on-line. it is realy good alternative for this addictive game. I loved the most the resume functionality! its kina cool to save the game and continue later!

Two thumps up :)

ThanX GAOTD and enjoy your vacation GGAOTH ;)


Reply   |   Comment by Dr. Olaimi  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've solved every single level now - except Bonus Level 5.

Does anybody know how to free the two fairies trapped between the rocks?

Reply   |   Comment by Mad Ollie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

a nice playable game for any age , I would recommend this game for family play time .I thank you for the game . it is a very well laid out graphically good also and it is just fun .

Reply   |   Comment by ken roberts  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Breckgrrl: "Does anyone have any suggestions on how to activate the game once I’ve downloaded it? I have XP and each time I try to run the setup it gives me an error and won’t do it. I even tried to deactivate my firewall briefly but that didn’t work. Thank you."

What does that error message say exactly?

Normally after the setup you should get a window that says: "Register your copy using following key: ..."

Reply   |   Comment by Mad Ollie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another puzzle game. ANOTHER PUZZLE?! Gimme a break! This is ridiculous, can't you guys get anything other than these? 2/3 of the games on gaotd are puzzles, please bring in a little variety!

Reply   |   Comment by Krazeecain  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

seemed to install and register properly but when I try to play I keep getting an error message. I also have xp. any ideas?

Reply   |   Comment by dns  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can't believe the number of people that 1) don't bother to read the announcements on the web page beforer bitching about what is being offered to them as a free giveaway and 2) think the comment section is here to insult the people that give their time to provide us with free software and games.

Reply   |   Comment by liviya leigh  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It took just about 2 1/2 hours to beat the game but without achieving all the trophies. Very fun and more challenging as you go. I did notice as I got further into the game that there is no help menu and no explanation of how to fill the magic bar. One of the trophies is for filling the bar 5 times in one level. Anyone else figure this one out?

Reply   |   Comment by SingleRose  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

GC(#43): If you're such a "loyal fan" of this site, why don't you try reading about what's going on here instead of just seeing what the giveaway is and clicking on every hyperlink your cursor passes by. That's not loyalty, it's blind, careless stupidity. Judging from the comments, you have plenty of company.
There has been an explanation concerning the games in place since Aug.2. It's been pointed out dozens of times by people who aren't too lazy or stupid to see it for themselves. A lot of space and time could be saved if you and others like you would take the time to find out what's going on before running your mouths.

Reply   |   Comment by Red Red Robin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Great idea,
When was the last time you stop to take a minute to play again...to remember that there is more to life than work!!!

Enjoy life that's why we are here!!!!

I love magic so I know I will like Magic Valley.


Reply   |   Comment by Princess "Light"  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installation runs smoothly, but when I click 'play game' in the start window, I get a notice that I should update 'drivers/directX'. I know absolutely nothing about computers, so.. wth?

Reply   |   Comment by Sofie  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As many others have said, the 'Game giveaway of the day' folks are on vacation and as a compromise they're offering games on the 'Giveaway of the Day site' on the weekends.

This is a fun casual game with a twist on the match 3 concept. You draw lines using the mouse between two or more of the same 'gem' types to eliminate them from the board. You work against a timer. There are also tasks to accomplish: free a certain number of faeries (simply by including them in the match line), free imprisoned faeries (eliminate gems next to them), and move gems to target spots which follow your match path and match (or eliminate) a certain number of gems. There are also several bonuses some of which appear on the playing field and some are user-selectable.

Overall a really enjoyable game. Definitely give it a try if you like casual games, match 3 or similar games. It's fun for all ages.

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hello all,
This game loaded fine and no problems at all.
Grapics are moderate, Interface is smooth and colorful.
For the folks out there that this kind of game is thier forte, I highly recommend it. My wife when I downloaded this was ohhhhhh!!!
So this one stays in the system.

Nice Game Good Job GAOTD and thanks WiredPlane Games.

Reply   |   Comment by terflip  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have downloaded the above game have duly noted the registration #, but where do I enter it? my download gave me a read me txt and a setup but no area for entering the registration key. This limits me to the 31 minute demo. HELP!

Reply   |   Comment by Jetta Cooper  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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