Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
SyncCopy was available as a giveaway on August 10, 2007!
SyncCopy is the powerful sync tool designed for Windows 9x/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003 you have been looking for. It makes a same copy of your data files to another directory, disk or computer across the network.
Perhaps you'd like to continue your work in office and home or coffee bar, you've deleted some file or create some new file, you need all file keep same exactly. SyncCopy can help you with all these tasks and more.
Windows 98SE/NT 4.0/2000/Me/XP/2003; Intel or compatible 486DX or higher processor; Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher; 32 MB RAM; 5 MB hard disk space
6.01 MB
I installed the program.
Validated the program.
Registered the progrma
Ran the program.
Now it just blows up Says It has genereted errors and dumping to a log.
And it still does it after uninstalling and reinstall ing the same day.
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A number of users have clearly pointed out that windows Briefcase is already there with you,free, and does everything very well. So why a new software, and that too on payment? Just go to Windows explorer - file - new - Briefase, and you are through.
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"Contains signature of DR/Client.JMail.43.6"
Don't say you weren't warned.
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This software says nothing about being compatible with Vista. I have a laptop with Vista, a USB drive and two XP computers. The 15-minute review as well as other users comments about difficulty getting it to install or work made me wonder if that was part of the problem. At the very least it has some bugs. Also I plan to upgrade one computer's hard drive and since you're probably going want to have the same software on all the computers, it won't work to change out a hard drive and no longer able to reinstall the software.
Through one of the links above, I decided to try Allway Sync: http://allwaysync.com/ It works will all versions of Windows AND it has versions that work on USB AND U3 USB drives! FREE and no expiration date.
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i dont need this... i use sync toy which is free... it is part of the windows power toy pack... you can get sync toy here seperatly
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this is program is work for me ... thanks
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Install does not complete. Prompt windows verification and said system files were changed... Bad product from what I can tell.
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All in all it seems to be a fun(ny) "company"; I found another joke: go to their ordering page - and the price will increase by 10$...
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Go to the bottom of their webpage, look at the copyright: says 2008 !
This shows up another highlight of this honest company: They already live in the future! (while they are dreaming...)
Hopeful the application works 2008 as promised.
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For what it's worth; according to McAfee SiteAdvisor, this is not a reputable site.
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I downloaded the Folder and after installing the package. I started the activation key. I got a registration number but when I try to register as instructed, I get an error message: Key is not valid, please contact manufacturer!
I still have 7 hours and 20 minutes as I type this. What shall I do for
getting this activated?
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A giveaway from last week, Titan Backup, has flexible file synchronization abilities.
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To Mark [#48}: No one said Super Flexible File Synchronizer was free. If you will read the original post, the writer said he got it free in a magazine. Many magazines dealing with computers will have free programs from time to time enclosed in their publications [my guess is that you don't subscribe to any of these]. Others have said they prefer Super Flexible, but none said it was free. Granted, it's a bit pricey for the average computer user, but my take is that it is geared toward businesses. My point here is that you should really read the comments and, more i understand them before commenting.
I downloaded this and installed it with no problem. I have no idea what those who ran into the "insert disk #1" encountered. The whole thing went very smoothly for me. I am running Windows XP MCE SP2 with one GB of RAM in my Sony VAIO.
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Useless, Microsoft provides a free tool called SyncToy that is very good. One microsoft tool that I actually enjoy using. I use it to synchronize image files (I'm a non-mac user freelance photographer) from my field laptop to studio PC as well as mp3's to my laptop from the studio pc when I'm go on business trips. check it out
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My impression: This seems to be new developed software; not even the produced structure, which was produced by the installation, seems to have been thorougly tested by the programmers: e.g: I had to move the help file manually to the programs directory (was in sub-folder and could not be found by the program...)
Absolutly bad: Cant get it correctly uninstalled by the uninstaller
provided... I had to do it manually!
All this wouldn´t let me trust in this Software - especially not for
my real valueable data/files!
My suggestions:
Microsoft´s "Synch-Toy" is capeable (- but for average users not easy to handle...!)
Maybe freeware "Back2Zip" might fit your needs as well...
Or "Abakt" (GNU license, http://www.xs4all.nl/~edienske/abakt/)
AND: Above there are many links to other great free software!
OR, if you can understand a litte german, give a try to either
"SKBackup"; Nice little tool, works great, but only in german... Limited to 10 tasks (called "slots") - but every job can have its own timer. Can do batch-jobs (and exit...) as well!
Installer: http://www.kurowski.de/Download/SKBackup_Setup.exe
Or "DirSync"; Nice little tool, works great, needs only very little RAM...; Can even synchronize a whole Drive by choosing "D:\" as source - and can do batch-jobs (and exit...) as well! but as SKbackup only in german!
RAR Archiv: http://www.trinium.de/download/DirSync.rar
Installer : http://www.trinium.de/download/DirSync_Setup.exe
Both programs are VERY easy to handle and do what they should do,
including "clean-up" in target those files, that do no longer exist
in source (real mirroring).
(german) werwölfchen
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Re #35. I agree. The comments regarding other alternatives are often of more use to me than the actual GOTD item. There's waaay too much freeware out there to be able to track down and test all of it. Comments and reccomentadions from users are greatly appreciated. Then there's also the little matter of the fact that a hard drive crash or simply having to re-install Windows will cost you most of your GOTD programs, while the other freeware can be reinstalled. My luck with hard drives-and windows-has led me to refuse to depend on any program I can't reinstall when needed. Tho, as they say, YMMV.
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BitDefender picked this up as having spyware in it with that Win32Jmail thing. However, and I am probably stupid for doing this, but I tried installing it again and it passed by BitDefender fine. Just a heads up.
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Thanks GAOTD!
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SyncBack is free, you need to go to the bottom of there websites download page and get the free version. They want you to get the SE version so you will like it and buy it but the free version works great!!
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Jack Boyce (#19) - The point of synchronization programs is twofold:
- To economise time (if you used the overwrite method for a full 20 GB it would take forever)
- To synchronize changes on both sides (you might work on different things at different locations and not necessarily sync every single time - forgetting does happen)
Lynx (#33) - Actually, it's a great place for it. Businesses have to justify the existance of their product all the time - competition IS an issue.
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Soo many complainers out there eh? Thanks for doing this Giveawayoftheday! You guys are great! Just keep up the good work! And yes I am complaining about the complainers!
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I think this one does the same thing for free
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Well, guys... I have to say that this is one of the very few programs to which I've given a thumbs-down. I always vote thumbs-up--even when I don't particularly care for that day's giveaway--simply because I appreciate the people who run this site. Today is no different, mind you, but I can't install the software. IMO that warrants a thumbs-down.
FWIW, if you can't get this program to install, the bottom line is that it's just not going to happen. I say this because I even tried downloading the trial version from SyncCopy.com and experienced the exact same problems. Am I bitter? No. Disappointed, sure, but you have to keep in mind that this site is completely free--all day, every day.
I just sit back, think about all the great stuff I've gotten here so far, smile, and look forward to another giveaway tomorrow...
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#6 and 14: SyncBack is also not free but trialware.
To the ones with install problems: you did read the readme about the order of activating?
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Yeah having a bit of trouble installing, F-Secure is being stupid. :(
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You're kidding, right?
SMTP clients are potentially dangerous, but in the same way that your web browser can be abused. Saying SMTP clients are virii is like saying forks are murder weapons.
Googling for Win32JMail turns up nothing.
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HUH??? If it wasn't for Schedule automatic synchronization jobs daily, weekly, or monthly this prog would be useless.
I hate anything running on a schedule/auto on my comp. If I want something to run I'll start it myself. So for me this is useless.
Right Click/copy to/move to
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superflex isnt free. that site only offers a 30 day trial
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Another site for free sync tool http://www.karenware.com/powertools/powertools.asp
Look for Karen's replicator which is the free backup tool.
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Hello all! Today's 15-Minute Review is up! Check it out!
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I couln't agree more with KIp: Superflexible File Synchronizer rules (comment #22). Bought a license years ago and use it all the time.
So in general what are the advantages of using a Synchonizer and not Copy&Paste ...
- it's faster
- creates a one to one copy (no messing with proprietary backup archive formats that you cannot open when you loose the backup program)
- through use of profiles or tasks you can sync various folders at once - today, tomorrow, whenever with just one or a few clicks
- you can include or exclude certain files
- if one file gives a problem, the sync still continues and give you a status report at the end. Windows just stops.
- programm compares and finds newer versions. Not everbody is disciplined as Jack and performs the copying on a daily basis. Or one may use a lot of folders and sub-folders and doesn't want to waste the time to think about which one was changed or not.
- Sync programm can be set up to turn computer off when task is done
So for those that want to keep one to one copies on another location, a sync program would be highly recommendable. Get it while it's free.
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Whine Whine Whine! It is FREE!!! I love this site! It is like a new present every morning. Thanks Giveawayoftheday.com :)
I didn't download it. Doesn't look like something I'd use much, but oh well.
"Whadaya want for nothin? Rubber biscuit?" Elwood Blues (Blues Brothers)
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to all "ATTENION" this application contains a virus at list my antivirus application detected it as one the Virus name is:
So to all of you that have installed it succesfully uddate your antivirus or antispyware or whatever you have and double check it!!
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For those who have the problem, Insert Disk #1: I had same problem, I quit installation, restarted, and no problem. I do not know why, but it worked.
Even though Synch Toy is from M-Soft, I prefer it.
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I quite like this Giveway of the day website! Not that the free daily software itself is so spectacular. Today's giveaway for example seems quite useless to me, as there are so many good and FREE alternatives.
But I like to read the comments: they are full of useful links to other (more) intersting websites ;-)
by the way, I personally use FolderShare for synchronizing my computers and I'm happy with it :)
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Great, now I dont have to go through all the old complicated "Copy" and "Paste" routine, that we have been doing for years. Drag and drop was tough too. Guess I will pass on this one. Thanks anyway. Tomorrow I guess is game day, which is good. Anything, as long as it isnt a screensaver.
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I would use this program to sync my data from Quicken. Quicken stores my checkbook data on the C drive and I would have this program sync the Quicken files on my C drive to my other drive on my computer. Its kinda a backup of data. If the C drive fails, I know that since the program was synched up with another drive, then I have the most current data.
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By the way GOTD - thanks for all of the great applications!
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Here's the link to all freeware apps like SyncBack at 2BrightSparks.com (the developer of SyncBack) http://www.2brightsparks.com/freeware/freeware-hub.html
Another great utility is GoodSync http://www.goodsync.com/
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When installing, it hangs at registering fonts, so in the end I closed the installation down. Despite this, SyncCopy still seems to have installed ok.
Looks a good and easy to use program, the only drawback being that it doesn't use Windows 'Scheduled Tasks' but its own scheduler which means you will have to have it open in the background all the time if you want to use the scheduling. Or am I missing something, is it installed as a service?
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#33 ON THE CONTRARY. The comments on other similar software were very useful to ms as I read over the archives of programs given away before I found GAOTD. They helped me find alternatives to the great giveaways I missed. Occasionally, when a giveaway does not do exactly what I need, I will find just the thing listed as an alternative by some helpful person. For me, the archives contain a wealth of information.
I realize this may not be the key purpose of the website for the GAOTD Team and the software providers, but this community of users has made it so and I appreciate it. Whenever possible, I take longer and off-topic discussions to the Forum - where this topic should go now, should anyone want to continue it (not me).
I have to agree with you, Lynx on the stupid complaints, but we will always have those. Apologies to all for taking up space not discussing the software. It is not something I would need.
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I would rather use a File Synchroniser Program rather than this. I will pass this GOTD product and hopefully tomorrow there will be a program which I will find useful. I'd much rather prefer a re-run of the Eltima - Hide My Folders from last week. It is a more useful program as far as people like me are concerned.
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If I were GAOTD, I would be SO insulted at all the stupid complaints that have nothing to do with an actual critique of the software that I would STOP allowing certain users to continue to receive products.
PLEASE Critique the product, and the product ONLY...I wade through garbage comments to get very little useful info.
We all know how to Google...We all can find our own freeware. This is not the place IMHO to broadcast other programs.
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I would rather use robocopy for something like this. I will skip this gaotd, hopefully tomorrow there will be a nicer program. I'd much rather see a re-run of the videoconverter from a few days ago.
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Microsoft SyncToy - it's free and does the same thing.
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I use a 4gb USB to work on, so this is to no use for me, i always have my files in my pocket.
I suggest a U3 smartdrive, or just install PortableApps on a USB
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Correction to #16: Sorry, I did not review Syncback in my blog, though I did evaluate it and a few others before making my recommendation.
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Can someone explain what is the difference between this program and the copy/move (drag & drop) of Windows ??
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Thanks to all for the comments. Sometimes I print and keep the comments page rather than download the software. I also feel there is better freeware available on the web!
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Well, I have 3 computers in my home office, and I'm always swapping and transferring data where this could be useful. But, I'm satisfied with MS Synctoy, and I do not see why anyone should have to pay for such a simple to find app, and there are plenty of freeware and open source solutions. Seems to be a rip-off.
Check http://sourceforge.net , you'll find better software than the equivalent retail version of most any kind of app you're looking for.
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