Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
YouTube Downloader 2.1 was available as a giveaway on February 20, 2011!
YouTube Downloader is an application for downloading videos published on YouTube.com. YouTube Downloader automatically converts the videos to any of the popular formats – AVI, MPEG4, MKV, MOV, WMA, or 3GP. The downloaded video can be viewed on a computer, as well as on a mobile phone, iPod, iPhone, PSP, DVD player and more.
The program has an internal video search module; it allows looking up the files by keywords and previewing them before downloading.
Despite the fact that YouTube Downloader is really very easy to use, the application features a rich set of functions and can meet the needs of users with the highest demands.
Also, YouTube Downloader can automatically rename the downloaded files, download files from a queue, and run from the command line.
Windows 2000 or higher
7.76 MB
MediaVigor MIDI to MP3 Converter is a award-winning utility that allows you to convert MIDI to MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG formats. With help of Sound Fonts the program converts .MID files or Karaoke files much quicker than similar tools.
MX Audio Recorder is an application for recording all kinds of sounds with your computer. MP3 Recorder allows recording sounds off the microphone, line-in, streaming audio from the Internet, music being played, for instance, in Windows Media Player or WinAmp, Skype conversations, sound themes from computer games, etc.
It's going to be end of mine day, but before ending I am reading this enormous paragraph to increase my experience.
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2.Installed on Windows 7 64bit with no problems.
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aTube Catcher is free and much better software. Give it a try.
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Actually, if you want a Mp3 format, you need to select it instead of AVI. And you also need VLC which is free by the way, to play any other format. The download was slow, but it did a nice job. Some people should check everything before posting negative criticism.
The interface is nice and simple to use. The registration was easy too.
Thumbs up!
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I have an app on my tablet that works like this. When you click on a video on you tube it asks me if I want to watch or download, before the video loads. Now that is a great youtube download app.
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#24 Video cache viewer can save almost all video you have played in your browser.
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Here's a simple tip for application developers. Before writing an app you intend to sell, make sure it isn't already provided FREE. This functionality works perfectly well using DownloadHelper on Firefox.
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Re: #23. Why do we need to convert videos from Youtube to another format? Why not just keep them as they are?
Comment by starvinmarvin
You convert the videos to a format that your portable video player can handle. While some players can handle flv files, others require mp4 or wmv or avi, for example.
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Yet another one that appears to be unable to download actual movies from YouTube *sigh*.
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My secret to download all YouTube videos I want that are "linked to" on a YouTube page is "BYTubeD - Bulk YouTube video Downloader" for Firefox:
I use the Generate Links option which creates a new webpage full of my selected links to the videos (you can choose either flv or mp4 formats).
Then I use Download Them All set to download one at a time at whatever bandwidth limit I want to set up. i.e. Go to sleep with 140+ videos in queue, wake up with all of them downloaded.
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There are many programs called YouTube Downloader.
One that works exceedingly well is YouTube Downloader 2.7
Available from download.com
Todays downloader works okay...but is not quite as elegant as the above.
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i gave it a try twice but failed . i would suggest KeepVid.
it is much better i used it 200 times never failed and its free online.
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@6. The Firefox addon DownloadHelper seems to download the vast majority of videos from many sites. It also catches the mp4 version on youtube if you wish it.The only sites that Dh can't seem to get are: hulu, comedy central, and a couple of others.
Do any of your alternatives to DH, catch those? I bet this one won't.
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Why do we need to convert videos from Youtube to another format? Why not just keep them as they are?
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www.saveyoutube.com (AKA www.kissyoutube.com) allows you to capture videos without installing any program. Just stick "save" in the URL of the YouTube video to save to your hard drive. It's free and fast and has never failed me.
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JDownloader is the best youtube downloader I've ever used. It lets you download Youtube videos without installing Flash. And lets you choose the video in the available resolutions.
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Hmm youtubedownloader v2.7 is available for free on cnet download - this is by another supplier but same name? confusing. Free vs paid. Not a big choice really.
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very poor converting to other formats.
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Freemake Video Downloader works with Youtube and other sites and it's free. I've used YouTube Downloader before and it works OK.
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sorry... I mistaken todays giveaway program for this one http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/ (same name though)
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excuse me but isn't this free all the time??
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Evening All.
Firstly I wish to say I have been very impressed with majority of Software offered so far this year.
Being an avid and confident user of Mozilla Firefox, I can honestly quote a freeware addon that not only downloads YouTube Videos, It converts to the common video and MP3 formats after selecting your choice.
Easiest Youtube video downloader ever, single click non-intrusive direct download buttons for FLV, 3GP, MP3, MP4, 720p HD and 1080p Full-HD qualities.
If I may have a request to GAOTD...if at all available ... not just a freeware version photo editor/converter, but a software vendor like Serif or Corel with a proprietary program which one could say is efficient, reliable and doesn't fall over.
Anyways, thanks again GAOTD ... Keep The Good Programs Rollin'
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Try the free "antvideo toolbar ".
The firefox version is not the usual rubbish or spam "tool bar", but a button that goes bold when any visited sites video is playing it can download from, and you just click it.
Another "Download helper" is a firefox extension that is also free to begin with, but dont update it, as it cripples itself if you dont donate when it comes up with a box saying you have downloaded your 1000 video ( when you have only downloaded a few ).
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I thought YouTube Downloader was already free (I've put it on 4 computers in the last 2 years, and never had a problem).
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Downloaded, installed and registered with no problem. Download vid, only wanted mp3 and it did this in one simple step. So far so good. Thanks.
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Unlike 99.9% of Giveawayoftheday programs this one is useless. I have tried 3 different searches - Jennette McCurdy, Miley Cyrus which my daughter has downloaded and Lady GaGa for myself. All 3 were "Loading" for over 5 minutes each with no luck. I'm not usually so critical of a "Freebie" but I would not bother even downloading this program. I have already uninstalled it. I too use several Firefox extensions as well as "Downloadhelper". Oh well, I guess there has to be a stinker once in awhile. GAOTD once gave away a program called "MediAvatar Youtube Converter" and was an excellent program. The BEST I have ever seen for Youtube but had to format my drive and of course lost this one.
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There are browser ad-on's that will do this very well in Firefox
Video download helper for a mix of sites and easy you tube down loader for u-tube or you could use Video cache viewer which works in Internet Explorer and Firefox
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Firefox has 2 addons which work great for 95% of all videos...
Download helper and Down them all...
In addition, Realplayer
has a feature which when activated in preferences
will download many files which others will not download.
The problem I find is that many videos are SWF and FLV...
FLV can be converted easily but 99% of video converters will not convert SWF files.
They either grab the audio only or never get past the "first frame" so you sit there and listen to the audio and watching only the "first frame"
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Useless software, considering there are much 'better' freeware versions of it. I downloaded it on Windows 7 64bit and it crashed once.
Uninstalling it and thumbs down.
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I have posted a comment here stating that I have tried three times to tun this software. I explained my computer operating system, what I did, and the fact the software did not work for me, and that I was uninstalling it.
This comment has been moderated and does not appear. This makes the whole situation regarding moderation or reviewing totally pointless, if somebody can ignore any valid points just because it doesn't suit them.
This is not the first time either. Will not be wasting my efforts taking part in constructive comments again.
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To Oneiros ar @3:
When a similar app "Foxreal YouTube FLV Downloader Pro" was given away here, someone commented:
Freeware alternatives for downloading:
Iwisoft Free Video Downloader
Karbon (Firefox extension)
Net Video Hunter (Firefox extension)
Flash Got (Firefox extension)
I use all of these. Different sites use different methods to stream their videos, and one size doesn’t fit all.
Freeware alternative for format conversion, if you think you really need it:
Iwisoft Free Video Converter
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A quick question please: Is it possible to select the resolution (480p, HD, etc) or does the software always download the highest resolution?
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Its useless considering www.clipnabber.com does the same thing for free so It's good to be free but I dont think they could do much with selling it!!
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Curiously, I'm right in the middle of the downloading process of a long, interesting list of YouTube videos which as usual started with a search after 2 small television animations and ended with religion and tech-oriented videos. Quite a range, huh? ; )
As usual for this type of tool, it could disappoint me in one or more of the following simple requirements:
1) Does it deal with lists, allowing for easy importing/exporting of such lists perhaps having a smart detection of YouTube links, whatever goes after "&feature" and similars? - NO (expected: YES).
2) Does it requires external plug-ins/technologies, like .NET X or anything like that? - NO (expected: NO; passed!).
3) Does it allow for changing of .tmp files' folder? YES (expected: YES; passed!).
4) Does it allowed *not* converting files at all, after downloading those videos? NO (expected: YES).
5) Does it have flexible options for converting vids, if necessary? NO (expected: YES).
Unfortunately - thumbs down.
If anyone is able to provide alternatives which primarily attends the reqs. nrs. 1, 2 and 4 at the same time, that'll be hugely appreciated as I tested several tools with no satisfaction other than old versions of VDownloader (those were the days...) and currently using VideoGet (which does not deals with lists, but fills the other 4 reqs superbly!).
Anyway, thank you GaD team and MediaVigor!
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Installed on Windows 7 64bit with no problems.
Does not download ALL youtube videos (probably youtube security).
Convert to MP4 results in very "choppy" sound. Same movie will convert to WMV with no problems.
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COOL!! thanks GOTD, very useful toool for downloading youtube videos!
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