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WorkinTool Watermark Eraser 2.6.1 was available as a giveaway on August 26, 2023!
WorkinTool Watermark Eraser is a powerful desktop watermark eraser. With its fresh interface and multiple options, users can easily remove watermark from photo and remove watermark from video without losing quality. Adding tailor-made watermarks becomes effortless within a few clicks. WorkinTool always puts 100% effort into users' experience.
With this watermark eraser, you can effortlessly solve every watermark issue using those targeting functions. Now, let go all of your doubts and experience this amazing watermark tool by yourself.
While the program does a good job at removing watermarks, it's by no means perfect. A Gaussian blur solution of sorts is applied over the watermark area, which means that discerning eyes will be able to see that something was blurred over in that area.
The same applies for videos: there's an odd flickering of sorts that occurs in the area where the watermark was. This is perhaps owing to the algorithm's way of masking that area in real-time, over different backgrounds.
Windows 7/ 8/ 10/ 11
985 KB
1 year license
Dear users!
The code activation issue is being looked into.
A quick solution that may work: close the program and restart it to activate the code.
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GOTD, It looks like the solution of stopping the program and then restarting it worked OK.
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GOTD, Thank you!!!
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GOTD, This worked for me. Thank You.
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GOTD, This worked for me. Install. Open the program. Close the program. Open it again and click the PRO icon and enter your activation key.
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GOTD, Worked great, tyvm!
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GOTD, I got it working.. Thank you
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Thanks, got it now.
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This program just okay, it works, but still limited as far as any new features and options, Mostly the same basic video features, compared to similar programs like this.
* Wanted to Test mainly the watermark Remover on a video I own, but still has a jumpy little logo on it, mid screen.
This program is easy to use, fairly quick to save, but is kinda low budget, it just slaps a very noticeable stationary
blur over logo on video, with no tracking, so the logo jumps all around it, does not look good.
*Tested the vide trimmer, & cropper, could not even use, as even licensed version can only save
each action 1 at a time, so you lose more video quality each time have save for each action.
Just okay, like others have said, it still needs alot of modern improvements, for it to be useful.
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Watermark Eraser works very similar to some of the AI image generation tools or features in the Photoshop Beta -- specifically, after selecting the general, overall area, it will replace everything in that area with an AI generated image that blends into everything else in the image. In a way it's similar to the results you get using an object removal tool like Inpaint, but unlike that sort of tool, the results can be original, not copied or cloned from anything preexisting in the photo. And since it does take preexisting elements in the photo into account, the selection you start with does not have to be exact, but rather just cover the general area. One of the neat things about this is you can just as easily extend a photo, changing the overall aspect of an image, e.g., transforming a narrow shot taken with a phone to 4:3. While Watermark Eraser does have some image editing features, resizing the canvas is sadly not included, so to do that sort of resizing you have to first enlarge the canvas in a photo editing app, save it, then open that new image in Watermark Eraser. Then you simply select the blank portions of the photo and have Watermark Eraser do its thing. It's more work than doing the same thing in the Photoshop Beta, and in a very quick test the results are not as good, but checking the Adobe site this morning they want $20/month.
Getting the GOTD download link via email, I found that this is one of those giveaways where you need to keep the download site open in the browser, copy pasting the URL to get a key before closing the browser. The app by default will install into the Users folder -- you can change that to the more traditional Program Files (x86) if you want. The installed app takes up 244MB with 156 files, 12 folders in the program's folder, + two folders taking up 24MB in Users\ [UserName]\ AppData\ Roaming\. The registry gets an uninstall key, one for the path to the program's files, and one for the app itself.
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mike, Do you get paid by GOTD to give that very learned explanation.
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none of the video options work. After loading the video, it shows a black image
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In the installation process you can chose where you want it to be installed, and also if you you want to creat a desktop shortcut.
The 2MB downloader downloads the 87MB installer that installs the program files with 244MB.
I gave it a longer try and compared it to the most recent SoftOrbits Photo Stamp Remover and the actual Teorex Inpaint. Depending on the complexity of the source picture I got much better results with this program. In the trial mode of WorkinTool Watermark Eraser everything works unrestricted but saving pictures is only possible for files with less than 200kB size. Teorex won´t let you save anything without registration but SoftOrbits gives you generous 10 days of full functionality in Trial mode.
The actual inpaint comes with some annoying selection errors and has disqualified from the start. Also it won´t let you save anything, and the last Giveaway had been restricted to a half year only.
WorkinTool Watermark Eraser gave me the visually best results.
Selection works fine, if you spend enough time and patience you will get very good results even on complex sceneries. The only drawback I found is, that the selection tool has no magnetic lasso, nor can it select anything by automatic. You must paint/select the mask by hand. Same for the two competitors.
WorkinTool Watermark Eraser seems also to be able to remove watermarks from videos and also can cut and crop videos.
Pictures can also be edited direcly in the program.
Finally it can do the total opposite of what its name says: you can add your own watermarks to pictures and videos.
In the advertising you can read "No quality loss". I did not check this, though in theory it might be possible to recompress only the altered parts of a picture/video there are only a few programs that really do that.
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Dille Dant, Thank You for doing a comparison,
Are the images available to view online
SoftOrbits Photo Stamp Remover(have but not tried yet)
Teorex Inpaint was only used because of GOTD but it has an automatic selection tool or where you refering to magnetic lasso which it does not have
Trial has a workaround it involves PrtScr(printscreen) + another button
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Though I reference to Inpaint (v9.2) and PhotoStampRemover (mainly because they have been given away here, and they play in the same liga), I did not do a real side-by-side comparison - I´ve tested both programs before with the same 2 source images. When the results are satisfying I usually save them for later comparsion. As you can read lower, they have not been satisfying....
I have now re-retested both programs:
One of the test-photos I use shows a lake surrounded by green mountains and a blue sky with a big solid bright-blue watermark "Copyright" in the mid overlapping parts of the mountains, the sea and the sky. Goal is the removal of the "Copyright"-text.
I´ve tested in 2 ways:
1. a simple rectangular selection as close as possible to the "Copyright"-Text
2. an accurate selection with some overlapping to the background
All three programs fail more or less with the rectangular selection.
-Inpaint 9.2: I forgot Inpaint has a "magic wand" which in theory makes selection easier and it can also "save the mask".
No matter what I did, Inpaint could not remove that text without visible artefacts or destroying the structure of the landscape.
-SoftOrbits SoftOrbits Photo Stamp Remover 14.0 (actual is v15.0): Selection has the option "Select Color" - it does not work with the text on my example picture,
The results are not much different to that of Inpaint - they ALWAYS look faulty!
The problem of removing unwanted objects from a picture is not new. There exist several different attempts to solve the problem of replacing the missing parts in an area of a picture. Some have made it into graphics applications, some have not.
A relatively new player is "AI"-support for reconstructing missing parts in pictures. In my opinion machine learning alone is not a guarantor for proper results but it is a very promising direction for the future...
As mentioned above, the achievable results depend strongly on the complexity of a picture and which parts you want to remove/replace. The more homogen the background surrounding the object you want to remove is, the more likely you will get satisfying results.
A very detailed and structured background will most likely make visible problems.
Imagine a simple regular checkerboard pattern or a regular grid where you try to replace a certain bigger area; will it fit perfectly in the surrounding pattern? I must try it out, but most likely there is not a single algorithm outthere that can do that task without human support.
All I can say from my previous experiences is that you either like the results because they look natural to you, or you see that there is something irregular or wrong with the picture.
Sometimes the direct way is the best, sometimes you get better results by repeating the inpainting in several steps.
I recommend to test your favorite source picture (always the same) with different programs by yourself with different programs and removal algorithms. It is some work, but in this way you might get a feeling what is possible, and where are the (actual) limitations of "inpainting".
I also recommend that you use your very own testphoto. KI tends to "train" its capabilties with stacks of testphotos, so it might be a good idea to not use one of the public standard ones, most likely the KI might have been trained exactly on those photos and might produce perfect results on them.
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Almost 1Mg., blurred over..., odd flickering not even going to try.
Give [s]some[/s] many examples of befoe\after videos and images
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Forgive my typos,
985 KB small for editing video and images
before and after videos and images of more than two color backgrounds
(The example given on their website one two color background image and no video example)
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