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WonderFox Document Manager 1.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — WonderFox Document Manager 1.2

WonderFox Document Manager is an all in one documents management program.
$69.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 314 53 comments

WonderFox Document Manager 1.2 was available as a giveaway on March 26, 2014!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
Wipes all private information, system settings, deleted files and more.

WonderFox Document Manager is a versatile and easy-to-use documents management program. It can help you manage and back up your documents with few clicks, instead of searching and backing them up one by one. And you can also encrypt or protect your private information by various modes. WonderFox Document Manager will make you more productive and efficient.

Key features:

  • Back up documents with one click;
  • Provide Lock/Hide/Encrypt functions to protect private information;
  • Index Word, Excel, PPT, PDF files easily and conveniently from hard disk;
  • Much Easier to Classify or manage your documents;
  • Retrieve your backup documents effortlessly at anytime;
  • Accurately search your documents.

System Requirements:

Windows 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP/ 2003/ 2000/ Windows NT4; Processor: > 1 GHz Intel or AMD CPU; Free Hard Disk Space: 50 MB or more; RAM: 512 MB or above


WonderFox Soft Inc



File Size:

13.8 MB



Comments on WonderFox Document Manager 1.2

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It is a very basic document handler, a basic search program like ultrasearch can do the job just as well.

Reply   |   Comment by Bernard Zimmermann  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Thanks be to Rami (#30) I couldn't have said it better myself. I know as I have tried. Some parts of your message should be incorporated in the comments headline. Oh bite my lip as I would like to rip and roast some of these inconsiderates.

Reply   |   Comment by Harold James Carlson  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Kordil EDMS


Last Update: 2013-05-28

Didn’t recommend anything…if you don’t work in a corporate environment, just use today’s giveaway (or CALIBRE)! That’s it!

So who’s horrid?


Comment by Giovanni — March 26th, 2014 at 1:05 pm

Another option is this:


But home users usually need to manage ebooks only and CALIBRE is the right tool for that!

For moaners: besides criticizing me, why not try to help me find FREE alternatives sometimes?

Comment by Giovanni (do not censor me please) — March 26th, 2014 at 1:33 pm

Comment by Giovanni — March 26th, 2014 at 4:07 pm

Reply   |   Comment by G iovanni  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Good piece of software, but I would not pay $69.95 for it. Too steep in price.

Reply   |   Comment by Marcus  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#18, DoktorThomas, wow, you really believe that criminal and anti-US traitor Edward Snowden. Google does more to secure your data than just about anybody. They don't give it away or share it with anyone. As for cooperating with intelligence agencies, corporations around the world have their arms twisted by governments, this is nothing even remotely new, you were just blissfully ignorant. US tech companies do not perform giant sweeps for the government, they only respond to a limited number of specific legal requests about specific individuals. Telecom companies do perform sweeps for the government--of metadata. Have federal agents come busting down your door because of this? Intelligence gathering is a legitimate function that all governments worth beans perform, it's especially necessary in this age of terrorism. As for Chromebooks, they're available for $200, some Chromeboxes are even cheaper. There are also high-end Chromeboxes coming out soon with substantial processing power, mainly for video. If you actually had a Chromebook you would realize that the UI is clearly modeled after Windows 7, with a desktop, application launcher with search (like Windows 7, only better search abilities), movable "shelf" (taskbar equivalent) which can be auto-hidden, notification area (better than Windows), dual-monitor support (better than Windows), screen-capture abilities, side-by-side window support (in addition to the expected minimize, maximize, and restore), tons of hotkeys with an on-screen map which not only changes according to modifier key presses but dual modifier key presses, task manager, application selector (similar to alt-tab), extensive help, better security than any other major operating system, near-instant boot, automatic and silent updating of the OS and all of your applications and browser extensions, cloud synchronization with your other Google software and devices, built-in support for hubs and way more external hard disk formats than Windows, USB flash drive support, Adobe Flash support built-in, offline support built-in, including the ability to run many apps offline, VPN support, managed Chromebooks, supervised users, webcam, search via voice, etc., etc. No, Chromebooks can't pinpoint your location like Android devices can. Google is very up-front about their business model. They're an ad machine, they make tons of money delivering ads on behalf of advertisers tailored to you, they don't give your information to advertisers without your permission, they use the enormous power of their servers to deliver amazing mostly free services to you. As the ChromeOS grows in abilities, I see Chromebooks and Chromeboxes replacing Windows within a very few years. And yes, businesses can run Windows apps via web-based VMs, consumers will have to wait for a ChromeOS app (high priority at Google).

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-9)

Very promising software. Installed and registered easily on win 7 64 bits. Nice, easy, colorful menu with many options, can open documents and can soft alphabetically, helping find duplicates, does search usb devices, backup, delete, encrypt...etc. Search went smoothly and found over 2000 documents.

But just promising. Program does not feel complete. Missing the ability to backup only one or some of your files. Must back up all. Useless for someone who needs just a few files backed up more often.
Cannot tell the difference between a help file installed with a program (hence the over 2000 finds). Cannot select only certain folders to search. Menu needs a few different skins instead of just the black, very hard for some to see things on. Does not have the ability to delete a file to the recycle bin (just in case). Cannot backup on a schedule....A colorful find documents application, nothing more.

Windows search function, for example search *.pdf, accomplishes the same, does delete to the recycle bin, can choose any amount of files, or just one, can copy to anywhere, can change theme, and find any kind of file.

Reply   |   Comment by Xanonite  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I would like to apologize for my fellow English speakers' RUDENESS. Unfortunately, their lack of logic dictates that website spelling errors must somehow also mean that the coding of an app is poor. Nothing could be further from the truth, of course.

So please simply ignore the ungrateful, rude whiners here who are so disrespectful. They just want attention for their poor little egos.

Reply   |   Comment by Frank  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This is a very simple app that can quickly list all PDFs etc located on many drives and/or under many folders, and sort them together by name etc.

But the list is only usable on the screen - it cannot be printed at all, and it cannot be exported to Excel or any other format.

Most important, it is not a good idea to use the Encrypt, Lock, or Hide features on this free GOTD version.

If you did use these features, and this app breaks or needs reinstalled, you will not be able to unlock your files unless you buy the full version, and even then it could be questionable.

Reply   |   Comment by Genny  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

This is a very simple app that can quickly list all PDFs etc located on many drives and/or under many folders, and sort them together by name etc.

But the list is only usable on the screen - it cannot be printed at all, and it cannot be exported to Excel or any other format.

Most important, it is not a good idea to use the Encrypt, Lock, or Hide features on this free GOTD version.

If you did use these features, and this app breaks or needs reinstalled, you will not be able to unlock your files unless you buy the full version, and even then it could be questionable.

Reply   |   Comment by raymond  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I like programs fast searching by part of the document name.
Things I didn't like:
It didn't index my *.odt documents and I have a lot of documents in this format. This is big fail for me. I would like to see that I could manually add a filename extension I would like to be index with other extensuons.
Click on Scrollbar is slower than mouse scrolling. I do not like drag scroling. I would rather have clicks on scrolling bar.
And finally that you can't maximize program window ... No.
I'm uninstalling this.

I would like to see a program like this helping me categorise my documents in a file maps. This I would really need.

Reply   |   Comment by Khalila  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

This program is very early in its development. Apparently:
1. It will ONLY index and open Word, Excel, PPT and pdf documents.

2. It will not index or open txt, csv, epub, mobi, djvu, database or documents that have any other extension.

3. The documentation is quite limited and, several times, tells you that they plan to have an optio to convert between pdf and office documents.

4. It does not automatically add documents as they are created or added to your hard disk. It must do an new index every time it starts up or a news index can be forced by the user pressing an indexing button. Depending upon the number of documents you have, that indexing process can be several minutes.

5. The single window of the application is a fixed size. It cannot be expanded to permit more information to be displayed. Similarly the few fields cannot be expanded. Thus, for long file names only part of the file name can be displayed.

6. It does not index or open files that are within a zip or other compressed folder.

7. There are five buttons in the margin, representing the three office formats, pdf and “All”. When a button is pressed, there is no highlighting that readily shows which option is presently active. The result is that you can distinguish between “All” and the various formats only by scrolling through the presented list.

8. Office documents and pdfs contain readily accessible information concerning size, date, author, number of pages, etc. This application does not provide any of that information, except file name, size and date modified.

9. There is no continuous showing of: how many files are in the database; how many files are within any category of document type or how many files have been found on a search. In order to get that information, one must select all of the listed documents – then the number of files selected is displayed.

10. One can click on a file to “Move” “Remove” or “Delete” the file. While it is not clear whether these options relate to the actual file or to the listing, I believe it relates to the actual file. However, movement is limited only TO a folder created within the database. There is no indication that files can be moved to an existing folder that was not created by the database. There is no indication that files can be copied to another location. This last omission is quite important. One may not wish to disrupt an existing folder system, and may only wish to assemble copies of various files.
11. There is no field that shows the file path. Thus, one cannot readily see or sort file path information. In order to know the file path of a particular file, one must click on the file, and then the path is shown in the lower right hand corner of the screen. If you select more than one file, only the path of the first file continues to be displayed.

12. There does not appear to be a way to print a list of found or selected files or to save the list as a text file.

13. There is a pull-down menu entitled “More”. The menu list is: “Product Info”, “Support”, “About” and Help. The first two items bring your browser to non-existent web pages. There is a separate “Feedback” dropdown menu – it also leads to a non-existent web page. A button at the bottom of the screen invites you to “Check current version”. Pressing it sends you to an non-existent webpage.

14. Some of the features are of the program will be useful for those who need them – hide/unhide, lock/unlock, encrypt/decrypt and backup, are all functions that can be performed on one or many files at the same time.

15. The indexing will index files both on your C Drive and on an additional or external drives. It does not appear that you can limit the drive or folder for a indexing or a search.

16. There is a handy search function that permits what are essentially “OR” searches. You can enter a different word in up to eight search fields, and the results will show any document that has any of those words in its name. Both the process and backing out of it are somewhat primitive. If you decide to do another search, the original search terms remain until you physicially delete them, one by one. There does not appear to be any way to do a whole word search – thus, sea produces sea, research, season etc. There does not appear to be a way to do an AND search or a search that excludes files names that contain certain words.

17. There is a field, that is described only by an image of a folder. There is no indication of the purpose of that field or and clicking in it does not produce any result or permit the entry of any text. Next to that field there is an up pointing arrow. There is no description of what it does. It appears to re-index after a search.
18. When the program is indexing or loading an index, it says it is “converting”. That is both confusing and alarming, since it sounds like something is being done to all of your files.

An extremely more useful and efficient program is the free “Everything” http://www.voidtools.com/

Reply   |   Comment by HJB  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

One wonders about those above who question those who complain about bad translation and grammatical errors. These errors make instructions and information transfer almost impossible at times. Business and business communication is about sales and a positive first impression. Those complainers that say get over it are at best misguided and more accurately idiots. It is not arrogance or racial discrimination. If I were trying to sell an item in Mexico I wouldn't try to translate it myself but hire an expert in Spanish. The English market is still the dominate market (no, most English users aren't put off by England vs US usage)and if you want to present a product do it in the language in use accurately. business 01.

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

A conceptually good programme. Trying to deal with listed documents. Not clear what can be done with them. Selection of all docs and then navigating to a folder to save them in their native format, if intended by the developers, is not obvious or clear. The move button takes you to a ROOT folder and its location is not clear. the developers may please take notice and please help me to select all similar docs (all pdfs, all xls, all docs etc) and move them a new folder on my hard disk or usb drive.

Reply   |   Comment by Dr V B Mathur  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Wonderfox Document Manager is not a program that anyone familiar with document management systems would describe as a document manager. A document manager should provide version control, document metadata and content annotation, as #14 glnz mentioned earlier.

This program creates an index of files in Word, Excel, Powerpoint and PDF formats. For each file format, it can display a list of files sortable on name, size or date. Files can also be backed up, locked, hidden or encrypted. That's all this program does. It's very simple.

I already have a good file manager and backup utility. I have no desire to encrypt files stored on my hard drive. Therefore I can't see any use for this program and won't be keeping it. Even so, thanks for the giveaway Wonderfox and GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Julia  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)


When in Rome...

Any business who wishes to enter commerce in a foreign market assumes the responsibility of presenting correct spelling in their applied 'dicta' of the language.

Being unable to perform simple spell-checks and/or the inability to use a proper translation software can and should be seen as a surface flaw which indicates potential problems in other aspects of their business administration and products.

Should they really expect consumers to trust their ability in writing software code correctly if they can not write words correctly?

Reply   |   Comment by Enki812  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Not something I need to try but if anything like their video converters it should work very good. WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro was my favorite GOTD

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. Happy  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

@ #30... I hear you well. Maybe we should help these Chinese software companies as well as those companies who have their programmers write consumer "scripting" and manage web-site content. I have worked with enough "English" speaking coders to know that English is sometimes a coders second language. LOL!

Is "texting" a code or a language?

I am OK with my English usage, struggle in my Java coding, and my "texting" is ?able.

It would appear, to me, that maybe there is a job out there for someone who wishes to do "Final" translations of consumer information into their native language.

This day's posts have made me aware of how important having well translated consumer/user material is in presenting a positive public persona. This is especially important when dealing across major cultural and linguistic boundaries.

@ #30... I think maybe I will translate a GOATD donated software's Home-page or Product-page and email it to the company along with a promotional prompt for the addition purchase of locally translated material via my translation services.

If ya can't beat em join em... eh?


Anyway... there is my 2 cents worth.

God bless and good day to all.

Reply   |   Comment by Victory4all  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Hello all,
as an no native english speaking person myself I will not give a point to the website,maybe for sure it is not as easy fo an non native speaking person to create a perfect style site. To the program itself , it did just what it says, get all documents of the harddisc in one perfect window, sorted in different groups. To find tex passages I am using Hulbee search, but with this give a way is just another helper on my desktop now.

Reply   |   Comment by Alexander  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Gray text on very dark background is unforgivable. Not everything that can be done should be done. Use black (or any dark color) text on a white background.

Incompetent UI design sets off alarm bells.

Reply   |   Comment by Chuck Roast  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#29 ric said;
"What the other writers are referring to, is the lack of attention to detail reflected in their poor command of English and apparent absence of spell check in a corporate document."

Don't forget punctuation. The comma should have come after "English", not after "to". You should have used a semicolon after "English".

"For ’tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his own petard:"
From "Hamlet", by that Shakespeare fellow.

Reply   |   Comment by Ghenghis McCann  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

#14 glnz said;

"GAOTD is great, but today’s is a false hope. Would love to see a true Document Management System like the one at my law firm. Each doc is saved with and searchable by
Client Name and Number (with drop down lists from a database)
Matter Name and Number (with drop down lists from a database)
Type (such as Agreement, Note, Mortgage, etc. – can be programmed)
The system creates a document number for each document, which appears in its footer, and that can also be searched for.
And a true DMS also saves versions and permits redlining (comparison) between documents and/or versions.
Maybe in conjunction with a server OS that a non-tech like myself could manage.
One day …"

How much did that program cost? It seems to be one of those specialised pieces of software, aimed at a particular market, which is willing to pay serious money for what they need. It's not going to appear on GOTD. We all have our fantasies, Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, Quark Express..., but unless the GOTD folks have some serious evidence that could be used for blackmail, fantasies are all we have.

Reply   |   Comment by Ghenghis McCann  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

no problem to install and register in window 7, but the index list contain a lot of ???????.doc. so useless for me.

Reply   |   Comment by chen  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

This application is perfect for those that have extensive ebook collections. Don't listen to the haters that probably blast every piece of software given by GOTD. This software giveaway is greatly appreciated and I'm going to purchase it just to support the developers.

Reply   |   Comment by Mansu Musa  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

1. I always read the comments section (to enlighten myself by contributors' opinions such as Ashraf and Giovanni and a few others) before installing a programme.
2. As I am old enough (50+), I get amused rather than angry by comments on English proficiency esp. where some people such as #4 fabricates something (cf. reply of #6). The same goes with one or two people who keep moaning about the developers being Chinese (do they need to be reminded that the NSA as well as many giant American companies[re: Snowden) is not Chinese).
3. Despite criticism, I downloaded the programme which installed in seconds on Win8 and indexed more than 6000 docs in less than 3 minutes.
4. The programme is useful to me as a researcher with a lot of office docs. AND certainly it is NOT a file manager as Giovanni stated.
5. Far from being perfect, the programme is too simple to be an effective document manager and certainly its price should be something around £5 ~ £10.
6. One last note that I hope it is constructive to moaners. Those developers are offering us a programme for free. The least we can do is to be constructive and offer our feedback in a polite and constructive manner whether the issue is technical or poor English. For instance, you can email the developers with a proof-read version of their text as a thank you for providing the software free. This will create a win-win situation and make everyone happy as a one world human community.

Reply   |   Comment by Rami  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+42)

#18 Hitesh,

If English isnt your 1st language then they will incur,live with it.

I think you meant to say in English:





"isn't" instead of "isnt".

What the other writers are referring to, is the lack of attention to detail reflected in their poor command of English and apparent absence of spell check in a corporate document. This may be an indicator of the quality of their software.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-18)

I just have to weigh in on the translation issue. I totally agree that there's no need to be 'incensed' or 'snobbish' about translation errors. However it is simple business sense to make a good impression with your website. Spelling and grammar errors ruin that good impression and cast doubt on the company's attention to other details, like code writing. That makes it appropriate, constructive criticism in my book.

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

I wouldn't write WonderFox off too quickly. A couple of nights ago we had a video conversion programe up for grabs and someone, probably Giovanni, mentioned a free one by WonderFox.

I downloaded it and after a bit of fiddling to get it registered, tried it out. It is blazing fast and I mean blazing fast. Less than a minute to convert 5 videos that takes other software 4 hours. And so easy to use.

So I would rate WonderFox's software very highly indeed just on that experience. Never mind their English. Half the people in Australia don't know how to speak English properly anyway.

Reply   |   Comment by Springy  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

not a bad app. works pretty fast as well. no info on the creator which makes me wonder are we being exposed, watch, like NSA from china? one could only hope not.

Reply   |   Comment by mario  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@11 Giovanni: I appreciate your regular participation and normally you're very on point, but a minor disagreement here: of course modern Windows versions can lock, encrypt or hide files (can't speak to Win 8 features though). Windows encryption is tied to the password of logged in users so it isn't designed to protect against authorized people sharing the same machine. That's probably what you meant. Similarly, hidden files can be seen by system administrators. Most OS features are fairly basic, leaving it to third parties to enhance ones that are deemed useful.

However, people may not want to "Encrypt/Lock/Hide File to PREVENT Privacy" (emphasis mine) as stated on the website. I'm not sure why a company would try to market a product in an unfamiliar language without bringing in someone who speaks the language well. It does tend to give a bad impression of the product's quality before anybody's even tried the product itself.

The company also talks a good bit about "office" documents, I think implying that this would be for business use instead of referring to Microsoft Office software or similarly named products, but of course the standard terms & conditions on the page above states "3) Strictly personal usage." I guess by posting it here they're thinking of a person with a home business office using it "personally" outside of business hours. ;)

I also have to question the authenticity of Tim's comment 10 as a random user. It looks like the common forum spam created by software that you can find all across the net, but no offense intended to "Tim" if it's a real person not affiliated with the company who actually tried the product. Naturally none of this is intended to be rude to Wonderfox which seems to have a collection of useful products, and they make a very kind offer above of a full license in return for useful feedback by email.

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

It seems to me that, when Giovanni is good, he is very, very good, but when he is bad, he is horrid.

Today, Giovanni recommends a serve-based document management system - http://kordil.net. Upon installation, it appears that neither the application nor the documentation has been updated or supplemented since 2009 - five years. I can tolerate documentation that is written by people with poor command of English; however, the documentation for this program appears to be minimal and the interface is far from intuitive. I Wonder whether Giovanni actually tries out some of the stuff he recommends.

Reply   |   Comment by HJB  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

#12 @ginz
What you are speaking of sounds like it is probably a database program written specifically for your industry. Just my opinion. Myself, I have been happy enough with windows. The encryption routine is no longer offered in Windows, but I get that with my Glary Utilities. Good Day!

Reply   |   Comment by Brett  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)


I appreciate your information and your links. It helps me decide on whether the GOTD is worth trying or not, and whether there's a better alternative. Good job :)

I have a question, though... you recommend Kordil EDMS. However, it's server-based. Is there some software that home users can use that is client-based?

Thank you and have a great day :)

Reply   |   Comment by Illinois Fritz  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

Windows 7 - 64 bit

What's all the whining about?

Download and install was easy.

Found documents I had all but forgotten about and here they are all listed in one place. What could be better?
I find this program useful, free and I'll keep this one but suggest that the GUI should be resizable as it is pretty small on my 23 inch screen and somewhat hard to read.

Thanks GAOTD and Wondersoft.

Reply   |   Comment by Brad  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

I am always fascinated by people commenting on software company's website having Spelling errors. If English isnt your 1st language then they will incur,live with it. in fact there are lots of American websites, that British people will say the spellings are incorrect. One should look at the software as that is what this is all about. I wonder if some people work for the companies that are in competition and make these comments.

Reviews on software is what I am interested in, not spelling or grammar.

Reply   |   Comment by Hitesh  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

#11, Giovanni, yes, Windows can easily do encryption and backup with a couple of mouse clicks. You need additional software but WonderFox Document Manager is also additional software. The comparison with Windows Search is valid since WonderFox Document Manager claims to do that. AxCrypt adds encryption and decryption options to your right-click context menu for files and folders. If you shift-right click, your cloud drives show up in the "Send to..." destinations (at least in Windows 7).

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-13)

re: Fubar
Except Google freely shares everything (of users') with NSA and any others, making any use of their offerings far from effective for the purposes stated. Add to that that Google claims to be able to identify every user (you) and their (your) location within less than a meter and the true scariness of Google is readily apparent. Google is a real boon for crackers, crazies and stalkers of all sorts ... And agents of regressive governments like Obamerica.

We now live in the anti-Google era. IXquick.com to live/search free. It is better to use free standing programs on computers that do not attach to the Internet than to trust Google, MSFT, Adobe, Yahoo! and the other US corporate giants. All provide free and open backdoors for NSA which means of course crackers of the world are in too. (The fed.gov can't even run a web site.)

The Chromebook is crap. It is limited to being a $300, or more, dedicated Google browser. There's no real computing on the unit itself. Its power is "cloudy" at best. ©2014 All rights reserved.

Reply   |   Comment by DoktorThomas™  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

I totally agree with Giovanni, why is there such a preponderance of "Moaners " criticizing "translation errors " !

One critic is "Incensed " by the poor translation ....I wonder how he/she would manage translating from their native language into Chinese or Russian for example !

The software has been provided for those of us who wish to evaluate it and then possibly try ... or buy other software from the company ,and as a Software Engineer , I find it a totally decent piece of software that has a pleasing GUI and offers a different slant on doc management! !
All software can benefit from "testing and tweaking " and the whole point of the release of software for general appraisal is coducsive to improved software at the end of the day !
So come on you "Translation purists" ! Give the translators a bit of"leeway " and concentrate on the merits of the actual software eh ?

Reply   |   Comment by bleeper24  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+34)

I agree with Fubar.

What is the point of this software?

By now, seasoned PC users would have their own (unique) favourite set of utilities to handle documents - according to their preferences for the user interface and features of those separate utilities.

For example Kryptel or Steganos Safe for encryption, Locate32 for index + search, Zback for backup, Acronis to total hard disk image and Total Commander as file manager.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-17)

Many of you find it critical or humorous that others whose native language is not English, or American for those of you who don't really know English but think you do, struggle to deliver perfect verbiage in their dicta. Why don't you slide over to their native pages and test your multilingualism. The clowns will be readily apparent.

Which grammatical or spelling errors have interfered with the software's performance? Or your snobbish existence?

All should be happy that WonderFox is offering its work product for your favorite price (free, lest you forgot) and that they have made the effort to present it in your native language. English is nothing like Asian languages, sharing no root commonalities except for imported words/concepts that have no functional equivalent.

The point that concerns me is with respect to the encryption function. It is my understanding that those users who make use of defragging will inadvertently compromise "hidden" and encrypted files. Has this software overcome the clash between the defragging function of other software and the hiding/encryption of files/documents with this software? That would truly be a break through worth noting. ©2014 All rights reserved. Limited license for use on the GOTD site.

Reply   |   Comment by DoktorThomas™  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

GAOTD is great, but today's is a false hope. Would love to see a true Document Management System like the one at my law firm. Each doc is saved with and searchable by
Client Name and Number (with drop down lists from a database)
Matter Name and Number (with drop down lists from a database)
Type (such as Agreement, Note, Mortgage, etc. - can be programmed)
The system creates a document number for each document, which appears in its footer, and that can also be searched for.
And a true DMS also saves versions and permits redlining (comparison) between documents and/or versions.
Maybe in conjunction with a server OS that a non-tech like myself could manage.
One day ...

Reply   |   Comment by glnz  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+24)

As already mentioned, there`s nothing particularly suitable within this software.
Similar, but significantly more comprehensive (and well tried and tested) since the year one :Q-Dir


WARNING : Once Q-Dir, always Q-Dir !!!

Have fun.

Reply   |   Comment by TreeSize  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Good software...honestly I can't figure out why there are so many criticisms about this program (too many moaners here).

Can back up your docs or lock/hide/encrypt them with a couple of mouse clicks: can Windows do that? No, it cannot...so what's the point of comparing it with Windows search?

THUMBS UP from me!

As best FREE alternative try this more professional Open Source tool:


And for ebooks just use CALIBRE, which it's also PORTABLE:




Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+113)

Having read the comments I was in doubt about giving this little piece of software a go, but after downloading and installing all of which were very quick I gave the program a test drive and can't see what half the numpties are complaining about, the program does exactly what it claims to do no more, no less. I work from home and receive tons of documents of various kinds and this little gem makes finding them much easier and quicker. Big thanks to GOTD, its a keeper.

Reply   |   Comment by Lenny  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

It's totally different software that I have used before. These years I have tried so many programs, but can't meet my needs. This is the best one that I used before. Thanks Wonderfox provide so excellent one for us. I would like to recommend it to my friends. It's truly excellent compared with other one. I hope Wonderfox will do better and better, I look forward to providing the best one for us.

Reply   |   Comment by Tim  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-71)

Installed and registered without problems on my Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.
A very useful document file manager. Listed documents on my system which I had long forgotten about.
All documents opened without problem, including .pdf into Adobe Reader.
Many thanks to GOTD for continuing the good work in the face of unconstructive criticism.

Reply   |   Comment by etsac  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Every time I see a website with fractured English I am incensed. However Wonderfox makes good software products. So I will try this one. Although its usefulness is lost on me.

Reply   |   Comment by crimsonsword  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-28)

What's the point? Windows Search, especially Windows 7 Search, is already capable of indexing almost all of the Properties and contents of almost all file types. On Windows, you can use AxCrypt to encrypt files. If you use a Chromebook or Chromebox, all files on the computer are always encrypted. While files on Google Drive are unencrypted, file transfers to or from the drive are encrypted. If you protect access to the drive with 2-factor authentication / 2-step verification of your Google credentials, it's basically as good as encrypting your Google Drive.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

“If you are a officer or a company clert, you may have many electronic documents to deal with every day. And it would be boring and compalicated for us to manage the daily documents, easpecially when we are trying to find some files which are not generally used.” I couldn't find the page. It's a little bit misleading.

Reply   |   Comment by Known  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-20)

#Karl Addendum

Simply forgot. A document manager does not only list the files name : file234.pdf, but indexes the internal pdf document info :

Title : "Software Development"
Author : "John Doe"
Publisher, date, pages....

The above program fails the simple basics of "document management".

Reply   |   Comment by Karl  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+61)

I was interested to find out more, went to the website, read the first page "If you are a officer or a company clert, you may have many electronic documents to deal with every day. And it would be boring and compalicated for us to manage the daily documents, easpecially when we are trying to find some files which are not generally used."
While I don't usually worry about the occasional spelling mistake, I get the impression that if their first-impression webpage is so prone to errors, then I'm not confident about the company or the software.

Reply   |   Comment by lemonadesoda  –  10 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+49)
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