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Windows clipboard is the built-in storage for the data transfer between different applications. You don't normally see the clipboard: it works in background, by keeping the items that you copy or cut, and letting you insert them into other documents with the paste command.
The Cut, Copy, and Paste capabilities of Windows works well for transferring single items of data but is not useful if you want to move a lot of data or keep data longer than until your next cut or copy.
Because Windows overwrites the clipboard whether you were ready or not. Clip Plus works alongside the regular Windows clipboard and automatically grabs and saves text, images, and objects as they are copied to the clipboard - making them available for saving, reuse, and printing.
The system is accessible and easy to use. A tray icon gives quick access to the program and an indicator of whether you are in capture or pause modes; you can open the main display where your clipped items are stored. You can create and save groups of items, and save individual text and graphics items; both text and graphics can be printed.
Options include global search with many parameters, automatic saves, images scale and zoom, system-wide hot keys, quick paste and optional sound effects.
With the award-winning Clip Plus as your Windows companion, you will take the underpowered clipboard and turn it into an unexpectedly powerful timesaver.
Windows XP and above
The program is available for $14.95 , but the winners of our contest will get it for free.
I started using "Clipa Vu" which was offered here a week or two ago. It's going to be hard to beat. I'm real impressed and happy with it!
HOWEVER... I'm kind of OCD about clipboard managers. I'd love to give this one a try. Thanks GAOTD!
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I started using "Clipa Vu" which was offered here a week or two ago. It's going to be hard to beat. I'm real impressed and happy with it!
HOWEVER... I'm kind of OCD about clipboard managers. I'd love to give this one a try. Thanks GAOTD!
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i am happy to join.
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I started using "Clipa Vu" which was offered here a week or two ago. It's going to be hard to beat. I'm real impressed and happy with it!
HOWEVER... I'm kind of OCD about clipboard managers. I'd love to give this one a try. Thanks GAOTD!
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It is wonderful.
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I have found Clipdiary to be one of the best clipboard managers and it's free for personal use.
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I have just tested your suggested Clipdiary, and it is really good.
As opposed to the recent Clipa Vu, which was also a very good program, then it is possible to make clip categories + it is portable !
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Try "Ditto" freeware. Will probably do what most people want from a clipboard manager.
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It looks like good software. Very useful and time saving. I shall wait to see if it will be available for giveaway again through other means aside from Facebook and Twitter etc., as I don't utilize those programs. Thanks anyway for the opportunity.
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Yet another GOTD email offering that doesn't tell you it's a competition or raffle until you follow the link! Come on guys, play fair. You only make yourselves look untrustworthy.
50 licences is pretty poor and lots of us will have wasted our time.
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just remember, if you use a password manager that uses the clipboard, all of your usernames and passwords will be saved.
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I don't want to like or follow on FaceBook neither to share it.
Sorry GOTD wants us to, use FaceBook.
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