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Watermark Express 1.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Watermark Express 1.0

Watermark Express is a powerful and professional watermarking software that helps you to protect your digital photo easily!
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 232 40 comments

Watermark Express 1.0 was available as a giveaway on April 14, 2012!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Control remote desktop or laptop from any device and anywhere!

Watermark Express is a powerful and professional watermarking software that helps you to protect your digital photo easily! With Watermark Express, you will be able to add text, EXIF information, image, logo watermark to your photo to protect your copyrights, and with it batch processing function that can helps you to process hundreds of photo in minutes.

Key Feature:

  • Multilayer watermark template editor.
  • Include a variety of image effect: shadows, noise, transparency, rotation and more.
  • Automatically adjust watermark elements by photo size.
  • Supports adding EXIF information(iso, aperture, date, etc.) as watermark.
  • Batch processing function.

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7


PixelApp Studio



File Size:

2.81 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Corel Corporation
Developed by The GIMP Team
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Import 3D objects and decide where to place them in the 3D model.

Comments on Watermark Express 1.0

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@Ken #39 - You are right, this quote (of Marcus Tullius Cicero) should sound: "Cuisvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare", and since it means: "Anyone can err, but only the fool persists in his fault".. - that in itself adds a little twist to Devvie's Motto at the end of His Comments? (he, he). Unless of course He corrects it (perseverare in place of persevare). Sorry Devvie!:) I should too brush up on my Grammar School Latin:), so easy to make a pompous prat of oneself.., lol.

Reply   |   Comment by fran  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It is so bad, that some software-producer invests more time in making stupid copy-protections than into their Application.

With Watermark Express 1.0 one can see this as exemple. The skin is poor and with some screen-resolutions the GUI is damaged.

This is a very tiny application which is worth about 1 Cent (in relation to all the other freeware-competitors) - but the Hardware-Fingerprint makes that App only to be used as One-way-to basket - or with a little PC-knowhow it is bypassed... Sad story, this Watermark Express 1.0!

Reply   |   Comment by Jürgen  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Devvie: I think there are two more letters in the last word of the Latin quote from Cicero: perseverare instead of persevare (I found that while looking up the translation. I don't know Latin, myself.)

Reply   |   Comment by Ken  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I agree about others posting the freeware that they can be useful and educational, but I do not want someone just doing a search on google or any other search vehicle. I only wish to see the freeware that has already been tried. That is why I am on this site so I can get other people's, hopefully with more computer knowledge than me, opinion on the software that GOTD offers us.

Reply   |   Comment by crysstorm  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Watermark Express 1.0 delivers on its promise to undertake single or batch image water-marking without too much fuss. It DLs and installs cleanly and comes with a small selection of templates which may be of interest to some. But the GUI is nothing to write home about and the developer has still not fixed a useless left/right scrolling selection of thumb nailed images -- indeed, the developer seems to have created this app and forgotten it: today's version is no different to the 2010 launch product.

Such inertia may have been understandable were Watermark Express to be the best thing since sliced bread. But it isn't. Nowadays, it's not even the best thing since stale bread: Anders Pedersen's TSR Watermark Image Software (yeah, a shorter, snappier title might've helped) does almost everything -- repeat: everything -- Watermark Express does, but is continuously updated in light of user feedback:


The only significant difference between the two is that PixelApp Studio's Watermark Express costs -- inexplicably -- $29.95. Whereas Lars Pedersen's TSR Watermark Image Software costs. . . Nothing.

Quite why PixelApp Studio is persisting on with a 2-year-old undeveloped product and hoping to get a wildly over-priced $29.95 for it, when its principal opposition is entirely free and is constantly being refined, escapes me.

This is not the first occasion when a commercial developer has come to GAOTD with a product whose existence has already been rendered pointless because of existing freeware; it probably won't be the last. But really, what a waste of time it is for all concerned: the GAOTD community, and the developer's.

Thanks then, GAOTD, but no thanks.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Should be good for my purpose, thanks givewayoftheday!

Reply   |   Comment by Stortch  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# 31 Same can be the case for some paid software. Fact is that you need to do a bit of homework before you install any software that you are not familiar with or you might end up with a lot of unwanted and undesirable stuff. Best to read reviews before you install any software and make sure you make a backup before installing any software.
There is plenty of opensource software that is trusted by millions and works better then most commercial softwares.
You'll be amazed how often a paid software is just a revamped of a freely available opensource software. Not only that, but a lot of revamped software also comes with hidden nasties. So don't go judging something without full knowledge.

Reply   |   Comment by Havoc  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

There are people in here talking about not needing a watermark. Here is one very good use for a watermark on your images. I get a lot of website traffic due to google image search. That is cool but I can never seem to find my image position on google image search without what seems like 10 minutes of searching because you have to mouse over every freekin image before you find the one from your site. I have far too many images to even know what one is mine from just looking.

Now with a program like this I put a certain graphic in the top right corner of every image before posting on my web sites. Later when I get traffic for that site and it is from google image search I can just follow the search link and scan the images quickly to see my image position instantly without needing to mouse over 100 plus images.

The other thing you can do is place a text notice on your images inviting people to visit your site. This program don't do text? mo problem, just do your own text banner and use it as a watermark. Works for me and I get more visitors since some of my images now have a text invitation for people to visit my site.

With watermark your image is less likely to be used by some one else. I have notice on my site that my images are available with custom watermark and to contact me for details. People who contact me wanting my images are told that there must be a link back to my site with credits using certain words as text links. This way I can control who uses my images and get a text link out of it, plus I always watermark any images I allow people to use but with their own watermark so the image is not out on the net without protection.

No need to worry about the big guys using your images but the little guys will steel your images all day long and you need proof it is yours in order for a web host to pull their hosting account with a DMCA notice. Watermarks give you that. It is pretty cool to request an image be taken down, be ignored and then get the guy's website pulled for it. TAKE THAT, scum.... I have had the same website taken down 3 times on 3 different host with a DMCA notice before the scum decided he would put his site up one more time but without my image so his hosting company & me would leave him alone.

Watermarking is good and so is DMCA...

Reply   |   Comment by ted  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Doesn't work - doesn't open scanned pic - won't work on another.

Reply   |   Comment by Mani Grabner  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I really find it useless when people post things like:

"I did a quick Google search, and found some other products (free) too."

SO WHAT? Anyone can do that.

If you have personal experience to share regarding the links you spout, then please do so. But if your only motivation is to make senseless noise on this board, take it somewhere else.

Reply   |   Comment by Flacadoo  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#11 You may get this stuff free and when you go to install it (even the advanced install) there is a diaper-full of crap that you have no choice but install that too.

#15 Agree with you completely. I do appreciate the service these folks do in presenting this material.

Reply   |   Comment by Gman  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

@15 (Terry) - What You say it's true, but.. only to a point!

Please let's understand that GAOTD doesn't "provide" Separate space for alternative Free Offers (as such) - and let me say this:

Free Offers can be very useful to those who for instance miss Offer of the Day, as a "sweetener", lol, but more seriously - They can be very Educational(!), telling about similar Softwares' very Existence(!) in some cases, and NOT necessarily because they happen to be free!

Secondly - IMHO, Developers (of The Day) can learn about their Opponents, and yes, if needed - can see if their Prices are realistic..?

I am all for such Mixture here! I think it's democratic and highly useful for us and Developers. Yes, pity that it seems not "gallant", or not fair.. Sellers understand that only too well!:)

Reply   |   Comment by fran  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

To Comment #3 above ...
So what you are saying is that YOU want to be able to watermark YOUR artwork, and be able to UN-watermark MY artwork??? Kind of makes it look like you want to be able to steal other people's artwork, while protecting yours! Not very ethical, eh?!

Reply   |   Comment by Rick  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Running Windows Vista Home

Downloaded and installed fine. Enter Registration Key under Internet Registration not off line as licence file is requried. The program it's self is a simple watermark program that a has a varity of templates that may be used to add a watermark to you photo's. Easy program to learn but again there are many freeware programs that can do this sort of thing. So for $30 dollars I would of expected a few more options within the program, or mabey some more Templates.

1 Good point is tha Batch option which allows you to watermark multiple Pics at once.

Personal I would not pay $30 dollars for this type of program as I could do all of this with one program that does so much more like Infraview and it is Totally Free.

This would be a Good Back up Program in your Software Collection.

Thank you GOTD and PixalApp for Todays Download.

Reply   |   Comment by Ron Romano  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Defitly not a keeper wont even work on 64 bit win 7 or 8 64 bit
will not even do anything but sit there.been over 25 minutes on setup.
Its gone deleted

Reply   |   Comment by brent  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Very easy to register. Thanks

Reply   |   Comment by Judi  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-16)

to #15 shut up we all come here to get free stuff and we can voice our opinion no matter what it is you dont like it dont read them, at least half of us buy the upgrades something you probably never do looking back at your ideas so it called freedom of speech, by the way this one sucks a lot you cannot do with it that is out there for free, its not worth even free rating that is my opinion I use a good paid one since i do photography, but i come and get stuff just to try out and delete.

Reply   |   Comment by brent  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-19)


I'll keep faststone fast resizer, a previous GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by GPC  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-16)

Downloaded and registered without problems. Ran short test and it looks OK, can set up new templates if you don't want what's there. BTW, it opens in a count of 3, so to those who complain about response time - chill!

Reply   |   Comment by Ken  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

and I may add that I love anything to do with photography also !!! I am downloading this right now !!

Reply   |   Comment by john b  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-19)

Activated & installed & registered without issue.
Opened watermark express and pulled in an image to watermark.
Found this completely customizable. Can even create my own text to insert. My issue is how to save this as a jpeg or gif as this is what I would want to put my watermark on. It only saves it as a template. Not sure what to do with it after that. If I find a way to do it, then it's definately a keeper.

Reply   |   Comment by Skinni  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+7)

To #15.....AMEN....I've been using this site from day one also. I think I know what happened.......Everything that is not website developing or networking is voted down. It is not the average Joe or computer user who writes these stinging comments. I know I don't have the time to waste to search for alternative software...who cares ? I am a business owner who appreciates business related software and office suites, etc etc..A tax program would have been nice about this time of year..I don't need anything to do with networking and packets and the such, but I DON'T thumbs down those programs just because its not my cup of tea !!

Reply   |   Comment by john b  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

"Water Mark Studio" given earlier by GAOTD is a great software. I use it for adding beautiful texts and other purposes.

Reply   |   Comment by drvajra  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

Well said Terry.

Reply   |   Comment by Angel  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

Hey, thanks GiveAwayoftheDay. Just what I need for my new stock photo site.

Reply   |   Comment by Ava  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-28)

You know people, I've been using this site and it's free wares for quite some time, perhaps since it began. Some of my best and useful software has come from here and I have a somewhat impressive line-up at my disposal - some high-priced stuff; so my claim is not without some merit.

But today, I'm gonna comment on the people who come here and trash what's being offered and publicizing and peddling competitor's and freebie content from other sites and locations. It's insensitive and unfair to the guys 'n gals who manage to get their programs, the results of their labour, on here, OFFERING IT FREE mind you, and some of you seem to only show up to trash it.

Give it a break people. Chill out and make room for the ones working hard enough to get someone looking at their stuff to offer it free HERE, free of charge. If it doesn't suit you, leave it be. If you can use it, take it and do so. Me, I appreciate it, even the worst I've seen here. Just folks slingin' their wares.

Thanks GAOTD team and PixelApp Studio; I've used and own much of what you've both offered and some of your stuff I've paid for - never been disappointed.
Have a good one guys 'n gals............... A fine day, Terry

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+36)

You know, I bet just about anybody could Google a search term and list results. What's useful about that? How about somebody actually trying the software. If you've used free software you can compare to today's item, then you've got something worth posting about.

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

Needs the dreaded .NET That ruined it along with:

The Bad
* Lacking a “Add folder” option.
* Significant lag from the time I run Watermark Express to the time it actually opens.
* Can become fairly resource intensive.
* No “keep original format” output option.
* Program windows are not resizable.
* “Element Properties” requires a lot of scrolling.
* Scrolling through loaded images is done horribly… so much clicking!
…more cons not listed because of spam filter

Comment by Ashraf — August 16th, 2009 at 3:01 am

Reply   |   Comment by Tony  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

When I try to enter the registration key online I get an error.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Error creating the Web Proxy specified in the 'system.net/defaultProxy' configuration section. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized.

Can the developers fix this error please?

Reply   |   Comment by Spacepixie  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Very good and powerful software to protect your pics from online "jackals"....


.... what if you could do the same things and more for FREE??

* (Portable) TSR Watermark Image Software

* ArtResize 1.1.0



YES ==> FREE <== !!!!!!!!!!!!


Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+27)

this program isn't bad for someone who doesn't have one to add watermarks.. :)

and while I'm here, no one needs a program to REMOVE watermarks .. watermarks are there to show ownership.. don't want watermarks on your photographs or graphics? try TAKING/MAKING your OWN ..it's that simple, problem solved .. ☺

Reply   |   Comment by j.a.n.e.  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+28)

mhh, well - a tiny Program. Thanks..

But the installer forces to be installed in "Vista/W7 NON-VIRTUAL LOCAL TEMP-Folders" - even on international (NON-English Language) Windows Systems
.. could be solved better ...

here installed on a German computer

=> Tip: make it really international ... try on a friend's computer :)


Reply   |   Comment by Nadine Crotch  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

System Requirements: .NET Framework 2.0 (x86) needed.

Reply   |   Comment by Dev  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Why put a watermark on your photo's ?
Last year Amazon used one of my photoshoped images without my permission..
I have a bright shiny new Yamaha 500 cc thanks to them.
Pray that someone steals your work.

Reply   |   Comment by Charlie  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

This is good quality software. There is a lot of freeware tools out there for image manipulation, and I'm sure there is alternatives that will do the job.

But it does not deserve the overwhelming thumbs down.

I'm guessing these are people not interested, rather than an actual evaluation... this one is a wothy retail product and beats any of the free watermarking tools I've seen - feature for feature. Post it if I'm wrong.

Thanks, PixelApp and GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by Rob  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-29)

Got this same version (Version 1.0) 08/16/09. Only used it the day I installed it and the pros & cons in #5 are correct except that Dido understated how long the program takes to load. Try brewing a cup of coffee while waiting!

The day after I installed it, it went back to a "TRIAL" setup with a demo watermark on the output. Hope that even though this is the same version, the developer has solved that issue to make the registration hold.

Thanks GAOTD for repeating this so I can give it another try!

Reply   |   Comment by Dan  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)

Hmmm- Gee got this back - August 16, 2009!
Never used it, mosly becus forgot I had it!

Quote - The Good
* Simple and straightforward.
* Nice clean interface.
* Supports batch processing.
* Supports image and text watermarks.
* You can have multiple image and text watermarks on one image.
* You can save watermarks as “templates” for future use.
* Resizes watermarks relative to image size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
…more pros not listed because of spam filter

The Bad
* Lacking a “Add folder” option.
* Significant lag from the time I run Watermark Express to the time it actually opens.
* Can become fairly resource intensive.
* No “keep original format” output option.
* Program windows are not resizable.
* “Element Properties” requires a lot of scrolling.
* Scrolling through loaded images is done horribly… so much clicking!
…more cons not listed because of spam filter
Free Alternatives
FastStone Photo Resizer
For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.
Comment by Ashraf — August 16th, 2009 at 3:01 am

Reply   |   Comment by Dido  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+36)

Personally, I’m not that interested in this giveaway. I have seen more product like this. A program to REMOVE watermarkings… THAT would be awesome : ) We have seen more programs like this coming by on GOTD.

Still, I thank GOTD and the developpers for offering it here for free today.

I did a quick Google search, and found some other products (free) too.

1. http://www.visualwatermark.com/free-watermark-software
(5 pix/batch)

2. http://download.cnet.com/Easy-Batch-Watermark/3000-2192_4-10412558.html
(30 day trial)

3. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Others/Watermark-image-Software.shtml
(free for personal use)

4. http://www.yaarii.com/ (requires .NET)
Very small program. Sounds promissing.

5. http://www.faststone.org/FSViewerDownload.htm
TIP!! Very well known, used by many people

6. http://www.watermarkfactory.com/download.htm
(15 day trial)



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Cuisvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore persevare
All spelling mistakes are my own and may only be distributed under the GNU General Public License! – (© 95-1 by Coredump; 2-012 by DevNullius)

Reply   |   Comment by devnullius  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-31)

Geez thanks Giveaway of the Day...this is what I have been looking for....this one's a keeper guys/gals......grab it real quick.....or pay 30 bucks.

Reply   |   Comment by Sybertika  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-123)

Very innovative, user friendly and fun software to use.
Thanks to the maker and Give awa y team!

Reply   |   Comment by Andrew Bill  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-105)
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