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SysResourcesManager 10.6 Giveaway

SysResourcesManager 10.6

SysResources Manager is a system utility for watching the current state of the system.
$21.90 EXPIRED
User rating: 120 33 comments

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SysResources Manager is a system utility for watching the current state of the system such as CPU usage, RAM and Virtual RAM availability, Disks, Processes, Network Monitoring (Processes accessing Internet, Network Traffic/Speed), Services, StartUp Programs. SysResources Manager can optimize system performance by defraging physical system memory.


  • Watch CPU Usage (Support 4 CPU cores).
  • Watch RAM and Virtual Memory Availability. Defrag Physical Memory.
  • Show information for all system disks and drives.
  • Task Manager (Show detailed information about Modules and Registry Keys used by each Process).
  • Watch Netwotk Bandwidth Traffic (Support all Network types e.g Internet(ADSL)/Ethernet/Wireless Speed and Traffic).
  • Manage Network Connections (TCP Protocol).
  • Manage Windows Services (Start, Stop, Pause, Restart, Remove, Change StartMode).
  • StartUp Manager (Manage Programs that are automatically executed when windows start). See Internet Explorer Add-Ons and System Drivers.
  • Program Launcher. Easily run your Favorites Programs and open your Files from System Tray.
  • Show and explore Special Folders of Windows.
  • Access hidden commands of Window.
  • Run installed Screensavers, enable/disable Screensaver.
  • Change Screen resolution.
  • Empty Recycle Bin, Clean Recent Documents and Internet Explorer typed URL's.
  • Access Control Panel items.
  • Lock PC.

System Requirements:

Windows XP (x32/x64), Server 2003 (x32/x64), Vista (x32/x64), 7 (x32/x64)


Fotis Software



File Size:

4.30 MB


The program is available for $21.90, but the winners of our contest will get it for free.

Comments on SysResourcesManager 10.6

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I use Task Manager, Performance monitor which are inbuilt tools of windows and Sysinternal tools which are free to download from microsoft.com

Reply   |   Comment by Sattu  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This software is crap, after restarting my computer and booting into Windows my computer hung due to this program taking up every single resource my computer had.

Reply   |   Comment by Josh  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Don't bother me with the facts...

I love all you lemmings who "Love Aschraff's reviews" "find them an invaluable source of info" and blah blah blah... EVEN THOUGH there is absolutely nothing factual about them, no real testing has been done, and he really doesn't know jack squat about computer science. He's a kid in college trying to get traffic to his website. He loads up this software and plays around with it for a couple minutes. That's not testing folks. There is really nothing useful about a "review" that doesn't review anything. But whatever.... just keep bashing those of us who are exposing this Charlatan for what he is.

Reply   |   Comment by James Smoksweedingswerth  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

So, I'm feeling a bit sheepish now, given my above diatribe on keeping your complaints to yourself, but I had actually logged on to vent my own frustrations. So much for heeding my own advice :-)

Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone else had problems installing now-yesterday's GOTD offer (SysResources Manager) in the 40 minutes or so before the expiry deadline.

I successfully installed it on my other computer, (same OS, software, specs), about an hour ealier with no problem at all. But when I started trying to install it on my second PC from about 11:20 PM onward, the GOTD installer / wrapper kept blocking the installation right after it connected to the internet every time.

I used the same download, direct from the the GOTD site, that I had no problems with an hour earlier, but despite how many times or what I tried, I kept getting the exact same dialogue box titled "Giveaway of the Day" at the exact same point each and every attempt.

Does anyone know what the problem might have been? I'm wondering if the server was overwhelmed with procrastinating, last minute GOTD-ers like me, as I didn't start trying until 40 minutes before the deadline. Does that ever happen, or was this offer that popular? In any case, it's the first time I've had this particular type of frustration with a GOTD offering.

After clicking Setup.exe it would start to work, but after it connected to the internet, the software key wrapper in Setup.exe kept giving me the following error message and would not allow the install to proceed:

"Activation module failed to connect to giveawayoftheday.com. Software activation is not possible at the moment. Please try again later or check your firewall Settings."

Well I tried again 6 or 7 times before the midnight expiry deadline. I tried disabling my firewall, Anti-virus, etc. (Zone Alarm, Avast, AdAware...and oh yeah, I'm on WinXPsp3). I tried exiting every possible background program and process prior to other attempts. I also tried leaving the firewall on and whitelisting the installer, etc.. And I even restarted my computer between almost all of these attempts. I tested my internet connection, and on and on...

In the little bit I've played around with it on my other computer, it looks like a great piece of software for me. I know I would actually use it a lot - I love all of that detailed information! As such, I am rather disappointed that the site, or installer, (or possibly something on my end), wouldn't allow me to install it, even though I was still within the parameters of the offer. I guess you just can't win them all.

Anyhow, I'm just wondering if any others out their experienced the same let down tonight, or if it was just me / something on my end of things?

And despite feeling a bit ripped-off (and perhaps cursing at my monitor as midnight approached and the progam still wouldn't install), I remain a greatful daily worshiper at GOTD. I truly appreciate the generousity and cooperative spirit of companies that see the benefit of making their programs available here; and of the GOTD staff and all of those that take the time to post their comments and reply to others' questions on one of my favourite sites. And I do apologize to all of you who actually stuck with me while I used this post to vent my own frustrations. Thanks, ~ Miguel

Reply   |   Comment by Miguel  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Personally I think Ashraf (and many other regular commenters) provide a great service in taking the time to share their assessment of the programs offered on GOTD, as well as in suggesting alternatives.

I don't necessarily arrive at the same opinion as them when I later become more familiar with the programs, but I really appreciate the time and effort and spirit of community they display in taking so much time to share their experience, understanding and opinion with others that are unsure of whether to download a given title.

If someone finds they tend to disagree with any of the more regular commenters, then they should just accept that to each their own, and save everyone's time and frustration by skipping over comments from those whom they routinely differ with. You can then contribute your own reviews and ideas without trashing those of others whom many of us are thankful for. Even when I disagree, I appreciate well intentioned posts. Not so much those that seem to make a point of simply being argumentative. At least that is the way I see it, admittedly in my own self-indulgent argumentative way :-)
~ Miguel

Reply   |   Comment by Miguel  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey Aschraff - your explanations are getting better. You say "Kind of Iffy" and then in parens (does not really free up much, if any, RAM).

Then why not just say Bad: Does not really free up much, if any, RAM . Forget the hyperbole (" Kind of Iffy") and just clearly say what you want to say. (of course, be prepared to back that up with facts and research)

If you need to explain yourself, cut some words and just use the explanation. Some great editors taught me that.

Just tryin' to help you write better, dude.
Rock on

Reply   |   Comment by James Smoksweedingswerth  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

Today's Giveaway's task manager is much better than Windows own Task manager in either XP or Vista. Sys Resources Mgr task manager shows processes windows taskmanager didnt show and gives information about processes that is really useful for determining what the purpose of a process is.

Reply   |   Comment by Spiritwolf  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I strongly disagree with #14 too. If you don't like Ashraf's reviews, simply skip over his comment instead of reading it. I for one, find his reviews very useful. and his website is a fantastic resource for reviews, freeware alternatives, and also a wonderful resource for things not related to GAOTD.

I personally have found Ashraf's reviews to be accurate and I often rely on them when I'm unsure of an app. I miss his reviews when he doesn't post them.

Reply   |   Comment by Spiritwolf  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

It's about time that art, mario and dave held their tongue.

It takes time and great effort to find software publishers that will allow GAOTD to issue their normally PAID for products for free.

I can only hope the moderator will block meaningless negative comments that might well make it MORE difficult than it is already to find software publishers who do NOT want their products slated without good cause.

I repeat what I said earlier, I think the program sysresources manager sufficiently good and excellent to pay for it myself! I think I can say meaningfully that it was worth every penny/ cent and is very much one of the best programs of its type out there. I use it DAILY to very good effect.

I simply can't believe the ingratitude of some people out there!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

@14, I have a few programs that hog RAM when they do not need to and make the O/S thrash the HDD. So I have tried a few "RAM defrag" programs and not all are :-
1) consastant in their abilities and
2) are able to deal with all troublesome programs.
Before any comment about "buy more RAM", there are many reasons for not buying more RAM, e.g. loan computers, and more reasons.
Also this "thrashing the HDD" ; which is easily missed on Desktop PCs, because they have good sound reduction and also the HDD light is genrally out of sight whilst the PC is in use, could be one of the reasosn why a suprising number of HDD do not last as long as they should.

Reply   |   Comment by Terry  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Ashraf does a great job with his reviews.
You don't have to believe everything but do not accuse him until you test the software yourself.

Reply   |   Comment by jumbi  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I installed this last time it was offered here. I looked at it once and don't think I've used it since. That shows about how useful it is. I might as well uninstall it, I guess. It doesn't really do much, besides display info and manage startup items, which I already had many ways of managing before I installed it.

Reply   |   Comment by SloppyGoat  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I'm always getting some program or game from GAOTD. Peronally I run Anvir and I will stick with it until some other program comes along. This program today may appeal to someone and that's the point isn't it. Having the opportunity to try out and use these programs for free is great. Stop complaining so much. We Don't have the same tastes in houses, cars, or even computers do we? Ashraf's reviews (and others) are a big help and I thank you all. With our big family I appreciate getting this software for free as money always needs to go elsewhere. Long winded aren't I.

Reply   |   Comment by Ansel41  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Leave it out folks, puh-leeze: Ashraf's review listed the RAM defrag as a positive feature of today's GOTD offer. It is. Ashraf then, and typically, went on to state that although it's good of the developer to incorporate this feature, the thing doesn't work too well.

Nor will it.

None of these so-called memory optimisers are worth having apart from just one:


It's tiny, light, fast, safe, and uses Windows Task Scheduler as its front end and a standard Windows API to do its job.

I wouldn't put any computer of mine at risk by using anything other than CleanMem (apart from anything else, it's only CleanMem that actually works properly anyway: all others achieve merely a temporary effect.)

As to today's GOTD: it's a feature-filled suite that I've had no trouble DLing, installing and running. Give a road test yourselves, and if you don't like it. . . fair enough.

But, like others here, I'd strongly advise against using the RAM defrag option.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I gave a + to one comment and a - minus to two
others, and your software changed them into
a minus and two pluses. WHEN are you going
to repair this?

How can anybody believe in the free software
when they cannot trust the site itself?

Reply   |   Comment by garfey  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

# 14 "Dave" - Who died and made you the review police for GOTD? If you don't like Ashraf's reviews, simply move down to the next one. I am inclined to believe that many visitors to this site are thankful for the time spent by Ashraf (or anyone) else to actually give their opinion on the software--It's the comments that criticize others that we could do without.

Reply   |   Comment by Eric  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If you're running 7 and want a really good system monitor - you already have it. It can even be launched right off the performance tab of your Task Manager and is extremely informative.

Defragging RAM is like defragging your registry; it doesn't need to really happen.

I understand trying to squeeze every drop of performance out of a machine, really I do, but at some point you have to realize that "memory boosters" and "ram viagra" aren't just ineffective - they're doing the opposite of what you really want to achieve.

You will never, ever free up resources by adding ram/cpu-eating processes to the workload.

If you don't have 7 this is a decent tool for eyeballing your system's stats. But there are forever-free alternatives:
...and they're made by MS - to whom you've already sold your soul (as have I).

Reply   |   Comment by Frank Drakman  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I disagree with (14). I am thankful that Ashraf takes the time to do reviews, so I can at a glance see if I should check out the program. Keep doing it, Ashraf, and thanks for doing so.

Reply   |   Comment by Bonnie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

I always try to keep my comments to consideration of the retail value.

Many of the offerings fully earn my support for the full purchase price. I support the companies who offer worthy products that I need with my wallet, and recently we've had some great products in which I'm now an actual customer.

I think this package is neither better or worse, but just another of many different choices in system utilities.

Thanks again, team GAOTD,
this is the reason we have so many great choices to try and buy.

Reply   |   Comment by Rob  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

@1 Ashraf, I have read a lot of your reviews and held my tongue but this is getting retarded already. If you are not going to do a proper test and review then I think you should refrain from doing any reviews.


THE GOOD: Can defrag ram

THE BAD: RAM defrag is kind of iffy (does not really free up much, if any, RAM)

Now if you did a proper program test instead of trying to get a quick review up so it's in the first spot then maybe you would have caught that conflict. I see this quite often when you do your reviews and frankly it annoys the hell out of me. Please quit until you are ready to do proper reviews!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Dave  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

another dull program.

Reply   |   Comment by mario  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

FOTIS products have always been suspect. I won't download them anymore. Too many issues that are bad. See previous comments on offerings from them and see for yourself. Fair Warning !

Reply   |   Comment by art  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

This is much like yesterday's giveaway, but it doesn't have as many tools. It combines multiple Windows services, and displays them in one window. A lot like Winutilities

Reply   |   Comment by Bleh  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-6)

The program did not start after I installed it. When I click on the icon, I got an offer to purchase "Context Menu" at $150.00 minimum. The program "system resource manager" never even start. I deleted the program and install it a second time and still get the same result. Please help.

hong kong

Reply   |   Comment by hong kong  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Kaspersky indicates that there is a suspicious driver installation associated with MIW. Can someone please explain if that is legitimate and why, or is it truly suspicious?

Reply   |   Comment by Tcando  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I use FreeRAM XP Pro to clear unneeded RAM usage which does a very good job, when using very RAM intensive programs, but I very highly recommend SysResourcesManager for it's other features including computer lock which displays how long locked for; having paid for a copy myself. Great giveaway if you haven't purchased this already! If you use the lock feature be SURE to be able to remember your chosen password or you might well have to do a Windows reinstall, as a reboot keeps the PC locked! Excellent! With yesterday's Giveaway the two together give pretty complete system info!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Why are folks that negative, when they vote for, what is usefull, and what is not ? Come on, your fellow users take their time to tell about free alternatives, and unless it's Ashraf and a few others.......some people are tricker happy, when it comes to "thumps down" !! I'm prepared to get my load for this comment,'cause it's important to make a little wake up call. Have a nice weekend and best wishes from Denmark <3

Reply   |   Comment by Rufus  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

@Ronnie, #2:
Did you use any kind of mushrooms? You must be very enlightened to see all the things that are shared in common between Sysresourcemanager end Wise Registry Cleaner.
Being a simple mind myself, I cannot come to a grasp with such a broad abstraction. Neither are mushrooms, other than the ones on pizza, somehow appealing to me.
However, I hope you enjoy your day and don't get too excited about all.

Reply   |   Comment by Paddy Paddo  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-16)

A word of caution: defragging RAM may be dangerous, if the application you use is hardcoded to look for data in absolute memory locations.

To #1 (Ashraf): RAM defrag's main purpose is not to free RAM, in the same sense that disk defragging is not meant to save space. Memory blocks are always freed and used by applications, and 1 app's data could be allocated in several blocks with gaps of free memory in between. RAM defrag could move these data blocks together to reduce possible paging and other errors, although as previously mentioned this maneuver introduces risks itself.

Reply   |   Comment by needforspeed  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

#1 The Good. Can defrag RAM
The Bad. RAM defrag does not free up much, if any, RAM.
Make your mind up.

Reply   |   Comment by Wilson  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-13)

I like this program. It has many features like System state indicator, Task manager, Start-Up Manager etc. It can also
be used to lock computer with password.
One negative thing which i found in this program is that
detailed descriptions of running processes are not shown
- very hand thing if I like to kill unwanted processes.

Reply   |   Comment by Pradip K Bhakat  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Free alternative : Wise registry cleaner
Wise disk cleaner
FreeRam XP Pro

Ratings for today's giveaway : 6.5/10

BTW i prefer using wise registry cleaner and wise disk cleaner.


Reply   |   Comment by Ronnie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-36)

The Good
* Has a nice feature set (you can see network traffic, cpu usage, what processes are running, etc)
* Combines many Windows tools together into one program.
* Not too bad on resources.
* Can defrag RAM.
* Ability to export data into a TXT file.
* Program displays how long it has been since your last shutdown/restart.

The Bad
* Cannot monitor/show computer temperatures.
* The 'widget' ("monitor") is limited to only CPU/RAM.
* RAM defrag is kind of iffy (does not really free up much, if any, RAM).

Free Alternatives
AnVir Task Manager

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Reply   |   Comment by Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+43)
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