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iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter

iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter is a professional Flash converter for Flash SWF to video conversion.
$79.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 163 29 comments

iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter was available as a giveaway on December 29, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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PixSoft SWF to Video Converter is a professional Flash converter for Flash SWF to video conversion. It helps to convert Flash SWF to AVI, MPEG, html5 support video, iPod/PSP (MP4), MOV, MKV, WMV, GIF and more other popular formats with rich editing functions such as crop, add watermark. It supports batch conversion.

Many other SWF converters can not convert complicated SWF files such as music swf controlled by action script, no end game flash file needs people's joining to play, SWF file which link external videos, SWF file which are embedded some high clear video internally. But with iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter, you can perfectly convert all these complicated SWF files.

iPixSoft Studio provides Special Price for GAOTD users to get full version of iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter and GIF to SWF Converter (just $9.95)!

System Requirements:

Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8


iPixSoft Studio



File Size:

17 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Developed by VSO Software
Developed by Online Media Technologies Ltd.
Developed by Web Solution Mart

Comments on iPixSoft SWF to Video Converter

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@29, after installing and converting a 9.78mb swf vid,it took 2hrs 15mins to finish. There was no way to stop it and it started over again. Opened it up again to find this on the screen, "Whoa! Something bad happened, and the program blew up. Sorry about that! Please copy and paste this junk and send it to ...along with the SWF you were converting.

Reply   |   Comment by Darla  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

@ #25, Darla: What is your reason for saying Christian (#21) should not have suggested Swivel and then discouraging anyone else from trying it? People often offer free alternatives to the GOTD. I do not know Swivel & am not for or against it, but since you are so strongly against it, you should support your position by saying why.

Reply   |   Comment by ILDJMIke  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

#17 Nigel, your comment regarding #4 Norm's comment is slightly off the mark. Methinks it would have been more educative to the "newbie" if you had directed them to the GAOTD Library to learn more regarding previous issues on GAOTD. It has always been a great help to me and I ain't no newbie. Secondly, GAOTD is a site where anyone can learn from instant user comments instead of the filtered and sieved (or do I mean cooked?)comments we observe in other sites. Here, Norm, there is some honesty in the comments but please ignore the thumbs up or down ratios for user ratings, a case in point being today's offering where by the time of posting my comment, the ratio is 24% up to 73% down yet it is clear from the posted user comments that the general feeling from experienced users is that the software is good except for the price.
Happy Holidays to yáll. Nuff Said

Reply   |   Comment by KenyanPhoenix  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

I'm now using this one as an alternative: http://www.kvisoft.com/swf-to-video-converter/.

Reply   |   Comment by Kate Green  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Kudos and thanks to Christian (currently comment #21) for sharing the Swivel video converter. Although I haven't tried converting a video with it yet it looks very promising. I'm also downloading and installing today's giveaway and do some experimenting. That'll take longer than the remainder of this giveaway's duration, so I won't be able to provide any constructive feedback here.

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish everyone associated with the Giveaway of the Day project - the GOTD Team, software contributors, and of course my fellow commenters (new as well as "regulars") - the happiest of holidays and a joyous and prosperous New Year! Let's make 2014 a banner year for everyone!

(That's odd - I just noticed that I don't see the usual preview of my comment below the text box I'm currently typing in. No problem - probably just my browser and some conflicting add-on or extension.)

Reply   |   Comment by Don Hill  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

@ #21, shame on you. For anyone else reading this, do not try Swivel!

Reply   |   Comment by Darla  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-11)

#5 Norm- go to the top of this page and click where it says "Forum".
Join the GoTD Forum and ask about everyone's favorite programs there.
Lots of discussion and sources to free versions of favorites.

Reply   |   Comment by Bob Retelle  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The first download was corrupt and I had to download a second copy. Installed and registered OK, Windows 7, i7, 64 bit. Hung when converting my first short test SWF file. Closed the program, re-opened it and it worked fine on 5 SWF test files. This program is exactly the same as the Thundersoft SWF2Video converter that was a GOTD some months ago. It does a pretty good, fast job converting. The quality of the output video files are also good. My SWF files have no audio so I can't comment on audio reproduction. Thanks for the holiday gift:-)

Reply   |   Comment by Mujer  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Flawless install for me, does what it says it does flawlessly on my Windows 7 Pro 64 bit system in regards to formating some vids I have in SWF format that are over 1 gig in under 5 mins.

Thumbs up from me. FYI I'm a solutions specialist with over a decade experience and certifications in software, hardware, and consulting for all things Mac, Windows, and online marketing, while I dissagree with the price for this software outside of the free giveaway today I've tried over a dozen software programs over the last year on CNET and SOFTPEDIA as well as on online search portals and torrents to no avail in regards to converting SWF flawlessly and in large 6 hr sequences.

Gets a thumbs up from me. :-)

Reply   |   Comment by Shane Anciso  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Today´s app is great at what it is supposed to do, but charging 80 bucks for it I think is crazy.

Some months ago I needed an app to convert a 10 year old vector based flash animation collection to HD video. Over 80 episodes!

After a lot of research I discovered a free gem called Swivel. Lots of options, lost of control over the final output. And yes, those 10 year old ( or more ) 320X240 vector based flash animations can be converted into full HD incredibly good looking mp4 videos.

Swivel is available for PC and Mac in 32bit and 64bit versions.

Project page:



Reply   |   Comment by Christian  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+28)

Downloaded, installed & registered fine (Win 7, 64). I chose a large swf file (82mb) which is typical of those I use in online classes. It took and extended amount of time to load, but did so OK. I selected the settings for wmv output and started. It played well but found I had to manually stop it when completed. I started the next step and a screen said converting but it promptly failed saying an error occurred and had to close the program - which it did.
This would be very useful for me, but only if it works. I will try again with another file and to another format, just to check, but so far - Not of use to me. Any ideas from the techies ( or the creator)?

Reply   |   Comment by Prof. K.  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

This is what I needed before Christmas, but better late than never. I have a swf vid 9.78mb, It will only record the first 7 seconds of it. Can any one help me or suggest another converter?

Reply   |   Comment by Darla  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I had to refresh my memory on "What is the SWF file format?" A good definition appears on Whatis.com

"SWF is a file extension for a Shockwave Flash file format created by Macromedia and now owned by Adobe. SWF stands for Small Web Format.

SWF files can contain video and vector based animations and sound and are designed for efficient delivery over the web. SWF files can be viewed in a web browser using the Flash plug in."

Small Web Format (I always thought it stood for "Shockwave Files"

Installed smoothly and registered fine on my Dell Windows 7.

Reply   |   Comment by Barry Boykin  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

#4 Norm
No disrespect intended, but if you want to see everything and learn everything quickly, then GOTD is not the place for you.
Regulars here appreciate something new,and Giovanni's contribution and if you want "old" then become a regular and have patience and wait..... "only then grasshopper will your wish be granted".

Reply   |   Comment by Nigel  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

When it convert SWF to AVI, the quality is very bad, it is missing settings to improve the audio and video, uninstalled it.

Reply   |   Comment by Mike2  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

Paul #3... Precisely which of the "so many" that you've used convert from SWF to other video formats? Well?

Great at last to have a tool offered that converts from SWF to other formats. Thanks to the vendor for offering this.

Reply   |   Comment by BenAsp  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

I expect LOTS of negs here but in order to find out if I needed this I wanted to find out exactly what a SWF file is. (Pretty sure I'm not alone here)

Surprisingly although SWF is a file extension for a 'Shock Wave Flash' file, SWF actually stands for Small Web Format.

Talk about confusing things, eh? If it ain't broke..........Etc

Reply   |   Comment by rizla01  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I purchased the program for $9.99 and received 2 programs with unlimited support. the $79.99 is just a hype to buy the software in this case it was worth it. 2 for the price of 1, but when Ashraf and Giovanni get a look at this app they will have free and better alternatives I'm sure of and I will be waiting to download their free apps as well.

Reply   |   Comment by mario  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

#3 Paul, perhaps you didn't notice that this coverts from SWF to Video.
There are not too many this type of converter...even File Factory has difficulty converting SWF files.
The software downloaded and installed smoothly and after selecting small SWF file, it converted to an Mp4 in a minute...Perfectly!
Highly recommended

Reply   |   Comment by GeorgeIbiza  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+28)

Not clear where I can "import" videos. Download from any URL or just files already on my computer. Please explain

Reply   |   Comment by Van  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I already see the use of this program to convert flash vector animations:
- for IPAD - it is the only way to play
- to insert some funny cuts to home movies
- the easiest way to make home cartoon is to make it as SWF and then convert to movie format
- to make animated GIF avatars.

Non-vector SWF seems to be too over-compressed and non-usable for any conversion.

The program works like frame-by-frame capturer. Nothing special but good quality and no bugs (not yet discovered).

Would I pay that price? As a person not probably, as a company for business why not? Technical timed simulations are easy to make in SWF but not every company accepts to play flash on their PCs. The reason to convert.

Reply   |   Comment by Sgo  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

While I don't see the 480 list price, this converted an SWF file that nothing else could. If you need to convert SWF files, this is well worth the sale price

Reply   |   Comment by Rick Grunwald  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Paul it's a shame that people like you and the gio-goof come here to spoil this wonderful site. Your comments are worthless so why come here at all except of course to get something free.

It's a disservice to the readers here and to the developers !

Reply   |   Comment by G Bush  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

It installed fine on Windows 7, but when I tried to start the program it could not find Adobe Flash Player and closed before I could register.

I'm running a dual-boot 32-bit PC with Windows 7 and Windows XP, with the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed.

Reply   |   Comment by genghiz.cohen.nz  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Lot of us are new to giveaway of the day and would like to try some
video programs that are old to regulars. Who has the best video converter? the best DVD copy ? the best ISO builder ? That`s what I
think this site is all about, So run them again for us newbies.
Give us a chance to tell others what software we use and most suits our
needs.( With all due respect who is Giovanni)

Reply   |   Comment by Norm  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

On Vista x64 even after installing the newest Flash Player from Adobe's website as suggested it still tells me it can't find Flash Player. Uninstalled.

Reply   |   Comment by Crap  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

If I had to install every video & audio converter given away here, I wouldn't know which one to use, because there are so many. I don't think there is a market for them anymore. Giovanni wouldn't even waste the electricity on his laptop to install this one and neither would I.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-75)

Neat app can't wait to use it, thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by Kas  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-89)

GODT installs fine on my XPSP3.
Took me a minute to understand that I must play the SWF in order to "capture" and convert it. A looping SWF will loop play until you stop.
(I tried few GOTD convertors we get here that suppose to convert SWF but they don't. like uRex Video Converter Platinum.)
You can set various conversion settings and that is good. Overall it's a good GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Adif  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+41)
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