Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Sumo Pro 5.14.2 was available as a giveaway on October 22, 2021!
Keep your PC up-to-date and safe by using the most recent version of your favorite software - SUMo (Software Update Monitor)! Unlike built-in auto update features, SUMo informs you about available updates before you use your software.
Key features:
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
3.3 MB
Lifetime, no updates
Very convoluted install process. Only allowed me to sign up in trial mode.
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AFPhantom2, You are lucky. In my case, it does nothing.
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Even after installing and registering with the given licence number, when I click on the update, it goes to the website of KC, probably for buying. Nothing can be updated. If I can not resolve the issue in the next few hours, I will have no alternative but to uninstall.
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TK always has good comments to share. Hope he/she will chime in
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Kaspersky Internet Security identifies KC Softwares SUMo as incompatible software for Win10 x64 Home
See: support.kaspersky.com/us/15071#block1
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This offer is rather useless, because Sumo is regularly updated, therefore it becomes
outdated pretty soon.
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Hugh Offenthal,
Uncheck the box in settings so that it doesn't check for updates, then it will last forever... Five (5) seconds of work for a "lifetime" of use.
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The ad says PRO but when I register, it does not mention PRO. What am I doing wrong?
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I just tried what BillK suggested and it didn't work!
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If this wonderful piece of software isn't your thing, then may I recommend Ninite (dot) com. It doesn't attempt to scan and identify software already installed, but allows you to prepare an installer/updater for only those softwares you intentionally want to install or update, and you can re-run the installer at any time to update software that needs updating.
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Good old CCleaner keeps you happy and satisfied. This Sumo Pro will update all the new Giveaways, with or without lifetime and no updates or 1 years license.
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Sumo Pro doesn't update anything. It tells if the software you have installed has a newer version, and provides the user with a link to a place you can download that update. It's up to the user to decide what they want to update and what they don't. There is nothing automatic about the updates, nor does it twist your arm and force you to install any updates that you don't want to.
Pretty simple really, just don't download and update your GOTD software...
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Excellent software that I have used for many years. Thanks!
The readme text says KCleaner Pro, but the Serial number is for Sumo Pro.
The Giveaway setup.exe doesn't work on Windows XP or Vista.
These users have to go to KC Software and download the stand-alone version, then run Sumo and copy the serial number from the readme to install the Pro version.
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BillK, The readme does say KCleaner Pro. When I entered the Serial number into Sumo it says "invalid license data." I can't get it to activate. :(
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Blocked by Malwarebytes?
"Adware.InstallCore is Malwarebytes’ detection name for a family of bundlers that installs more than one application on the user’s computer, usually by combining a popular title with one or more adware programs.
The developer behind InstallCore is ironSource, a company that builds monetization, engagement, analytics, and discovery tools for app developers, device manufacturers, mobile carriers, and advertisers. InstallCore is available for Windows and Mac systems."
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Woody, False positive : https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/280156-false-positive-sumo-by-kcsoftwares-identified-with-adwareinstallcore/
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This is just the type of program that will 'destroy' lots of programs that you've installed via GOTD that 'must not' be updated, or they will revert to so called 'crippled' free versions. I mentioned a program called 'Patch my PC' awhile back, which basically did that. Avoid these type of programs at all cost is my advice.
John H
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John H,
While that can be true, the onus is on the user to fully understand the software and its features.
Installing something you are not sure you know how to use ?
For those users who may be weary about trying this, you can just run it and NOT allow it to auto update, and then open the program and update manually.
For the rest of us, this is a good piece of software; like Dumo, but for applications.
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John H, thank you for the info. I always read the reviews from other Pc gurus before I install from GOTD. It seems my Pc crashes after awhile when loaded with all these giveaways. Thanks again.
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John H, Very true so to avoid that problem, I've created a text file listing all GOTD program Readme files. If Sumo Pro alerts to update any of those, I add it to the ignore list.
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You're correct in principle -- most GOTD apps cannot be updated without losing activation -- but Sumo doesn't do that. It monitors for updates, but doesn't provide or install them -- it basically says: "Hey, this is available if you want to update".
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Charlie ,
I'd hardly call myself 'a PC guru'. I'm simply passing on my experiences with certain types of programs of which this is one. Most free programs you may have installed will usually notify you anyway that an update is available.
I enjoy using my computer, and I don't require programs like this one to encourage me to be....well, let's be honest, too lazy to be bothered to update individual 'updateable programs'.
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Charlie ,
Take the comments on here with a pinch of salt, as some of them are made by companies with similar programs to the one(s) being offered here, and will usually slip in a plug for their own product in their comment(s).
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