Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Sticky Password Pro 5.0 was available as a giveaway on May 9, 2012!
Sticky Password 5.0 creates, stores, manages, and encrypts strong passwords and fills in those long online website forms and your passwords automatically. It also allows you to enter, organize and safely store other personal data, while using one simple Sticky Button instead of those annoying toolbars! Sticky Password goes where you go, because each license also includes the portable version and installs easily on your USB device or flash memory stick. iPhone support through your iTunes account is also available now!
Sticky Password incorporates the industry’s most powerful encryption algorithms and provides effective protection against phishing schemes, concealed key-loggers and identity theft. Get organized, save time and protect yourself with Sticky Password.
Note that best improvement idea will be rewarded with license for Sticky Password current and upcoming versions. Use Idea Informer widget to submit your feedback and do not forget to fill in your name and e-mail – otherwise the Developer will not be able to contact you in case you are the one to win!
Windows XP, Vista, 7; 256 MB RAM; 15 MB free space on the hard drive
9.37 MB
Several years ago, I had an earlier version via GOTD - and LOVED it. Except that the Master Password that I had written down, didn't work ... so I never risked locking it.
Then my computer crashed and I lost almost everything - including the program. However, most of the registry was recovered.
When I saw this, I was overjoyed! And immediately downloaded it.
Alas, it wants my old Master Password - the one that I could never figure out years before.
Is there any way at all around this? I'm perfectly fine with scrapping my old passwords (they've all been changed several times anyway) and starting from scratch - but I don't seem to have an option to do that.
Also, will it work with Chrome? It keeps telling me to close down a program that I have no idea where it is running.
Maybe Sticky Passwords just isn't for me anymore?
Can anyone help?
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I downloaded and then followed the instructions to get the free registration key. It never arrived. :-(
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It did not work with Firefox 13 nor Chrome 18. I found it barely worked with IE 9. Uninstalled.
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On some sites, one cann't automatically log, as this does not happen on the main page.
To complete the login window, you need a simple click on the card which opened in the menu of Roboform.
With SP, one must move the mouse on the icon of the taskbar until the " target " appears, then do a " drag and drop" on username.
I honestly prefer the solution Roboform, but SP is free today..... I will do with him.
Thanks to the developper & GAOTD !
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Tried v4.1.1.190 from previous Giveaway but had problems with several browsers plugins so did not use.
Installed this newer version v5.0.6.249 and during the installation it tried to uninstall previous
plugin from an old Nescape Browser(Mozilla) that is still on my system.
This went round in a loop trying to launch Netscape and telling me to close it down several times
during the installation AND every time I started Sticky Password.
I solved this by manually deleting the spAutofill.dll + xpt from Mozilla\components folder and copying the
npSPAutofill.dll from Sticky Password folder to Mozilla\components folder.
ChromePlus (or CoolNova is it is now called) does NOT work with Sticky Password -
the Extension will not install with message
'Error installing autofill plug-in to Google Chrome'
From Sticky Password Forum I note the Author is aware of this for a long time -
"Re: does not work with ChromePlus
by ondrej.novak » Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:22 pm
Hi Phoenix,
we already know about this issue, We´ll try to fix it."
During SP Installation my system locked up (No acces to Start Menu or any Task Managers etc) and I
resorted to loging off using command line launched from XyPlorer which did respond via my keyboard hotkey!!
Since Installing this today and working with it for a short while I have had several Explorer.exe crashes.
If these continue Sticky Password will be uninstalled.
One other problem - The Sticky Password Button does not appear in Opera if it is already running!
It does appear in Firefox if it is running after a delay but sometimes causes Firefox to freeze.
I tied again having Opera v11.62, Firefox v12.0 + SeaMonkey v2.91 all running + then launching Sticky Password.
The SP Button appears in Firefox + SeaMonkey after a short delay , but not in Opera.
When I closed SeaMonkey down , the SP button was no longer in Firefox(not always however).
If I then close SP and re-start it, Firefox displays the button but Freezes with Black sceen displaying
instead of the current open page + No Tabs/Menus. A re-start of Firefox was required.
This does not happen every time with Firefox, just randomly and some times SP button will not appear at all.
Sometimes you only get the Freeze+Black screen just after you close SP down.
This is really not good enough , these Bugs need sorting.
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See my post #88. Uninstalled Sticky Password and reinstalled this time quitting Rocket Dock before installing Sticky Password. So far the dock is now working correctly.
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Had the previous v4 from the last GOTD with firefox 3.6, then I made the mistake of upgrading firefox and the plugin stopped working so downgraded back to firefox 3.6 Have now installed Sticky Password 5 from today's givaway and it doesn't work in firefox 3.6, so do I now have to finally upgrade firefox?
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Followed the instructions. http://www.stickypassword.com/coupon results in a "Page Not Found" error.
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I have downloaded and installed application several times today. I have e-mailed the coupon code with my personal data, I have provided an active e-mail address and several hours later, I am still waiting for the activation code. Please assist before the free offer expires. Thank you.
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Is anyone else having a problem with Rocket Dock when Sticky Passwords is active? The dock will not activate (pop up)if Sticky Passwords is active and unlocked. Locking Sticky Passwords (manually or by default) and Rocket Dock works but is extremely hesitant and the dock will not hide unless you run the pointer all the way to the end of the dock. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this before I contact Sticky Passwords. Thanks for any help, pointers and advice.
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Was introduced to Sticky Password back when it was a giveaway a couple years ago and have to say that it is terrific.
I use it to store more than just browser passwords such as credit card numbers which I can take with me on a thumb drive for safe reference without worrying about it getting lost or stolen since it's all encrypted.
I also like the feature of generating new passwords when I add more accounts since I don't want to use the same passwords over, and I don't want to remember an additional password.
I also love the fact that Sticky Password automatically makes backups of the database after every change...coupled with using the portable version, I am confident I won't lose my passwords due to a hard drive failure.
And to those who are still paranoid and using paper instead of a password program, don't forget: every time you type in a password manually, you risk exposure if you happen to have a keylogger infected on the computer you're using! And, you also run the risk of entering your password on the wrong website in a phishing attempt. Sticky Password reduces these exposures.
Thanks again, GAOTD and Sticky Password!!
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Just a small clarification to what #18 Fubar has said about Norton Identity Safe and #1 devnullius's comment:
You don't need to put your passwords into the cloud for the PC version of Identity Safe.
You *do* need to if you want to use the smartphone version.
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I downloaded this between 7:30 & 8:00 this morning and still have not received the promised e-mail with the key code at 6:30pm,even though I was told that the key would be sent shortly to my e-mail. (I did check to be sure my e-mail was entered correctly.)
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6 hours now since I first submitted the coupon code and they promised to automatically send to my email the full Sticky Password license "in a short time", but still no word from them at all. BTW I use Yahoo, I've never had this kind of problem before, and yes I checked my spam folder. It's beginning to look like they don't have the necessary resources to handle this unnecessarily complicated method they have chosen, or else maybe they're just doing this to harvest email addresses.
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I'm not certain if this question was answered since I'm not about to look through all of the comments, but if you have the problem of having the button over other buttons on your web browser you can fix it. Right click on the Sticky Password icon on your system tray (usually lower right hand corner of your screen)and choose "settings". You will see a list to choose from, I looked under the one for caption button display, it allows you to move it.
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I never did receive that code. I waited all day. Where do I go from here?
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Having the same problem as #87. Been waiting for Activation Key over three hours. Sent email to Lamantine, but no key yet.
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Sticky Password is the BEST program ever! If you are in doubt, etc, etc, JUST download it and register for a license code. You WILL change your mind! I cannot live without it and this is one program I would happily pay for--it is by far one of the best program ever offered here!
I use it in conjunction with Dropbox to sync my password database with multiple computers. I also set the backup location to Dropbox as well.
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i use sticky pasword for some time now
so i thought great a new version
well forget it; waiting 13 hours for an e mail from them
got nothing yet
anyone else has this problem
or is this give away only for america and UK
Have a nice day
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nevermind! pls delete post 88 - as soon as I posted, I was able to get into the program.
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I installed it, but never saw a place to create a password... it kept asking me for my passwordm so I deleted and reinstalled and it asks me for the password for the previous version! Would appreciate some help :(
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I'll stick with Norton's Identity Safe as it provides me cloud access to my password on all my computers, including mobile devices. A single password file on the cloud is a lot less dangerous than carrying around a flash drive.
For those who trust Norton, there are other cloud solutions available that provide ready access to your password file.
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I followed all install instructions and it would not accept the coupon code when I tried to "purchase" it online. Therefore I can't get the pro version to work. Is shows a little triangle next to the coupon code field and says it's an invalid coupon code. I repeatedly tried, and after copy/paste wouldn't work, I tried just keying in the coupon code. Anyone else having this problem ? Would like to give this program a try (I use Roboform 7.7.2). Also, it would not import Robo passcards, probably because of the version of Robo I have ???
It gives 2 options to try to import from Robo...
Any advice from the Sticky team?
- 1. From Roboform while the print list dialog is open.
It doesnt recognize that the print dialog is open, or thinks Roboform is still master password protected.
- 2. Text file import. It says the text file is either invalid or empty. I believe Sticky is not able to properly interpret the passcard data with all the options Robo has in the text file. And yes, I did save it as text and opened it in notepad. Robo has a lot of options in the passcard text file, it's not just your standard website/username/password entries contained.
Thanks GOTD and Sticky for the opportunity to try this.
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Giovanni - Thanks for the review of Sticky Password Pro and the info on other programs. Based on your review, I downloaded and installed Sticky Passwords. P.S. Thanks for sticking around!
Lamantine Software -- Thanks for making your program available at GAOTD.
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I submitted my request for registration code 6 hours ago. Resubmitted 4 hours ago, still no email. Unfortunately it installed over my previous version so nothing will load now.
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Installed OK on Win7-64.
Sticky Password Pro 5 claims to have imported 7000+ entries from Firefox v12 though I count no more than 500 from the FF12 list. I moved the Database files off of my OS drive to another partition that I reserve for data. I notice that the password.PWS file is 2.6 MB, whereas its backup.PWS file is oddly 4.6 MB.
Whenever I try to add another password entry, or some variety of other tasks, SP5 (stpass.exe) consumes 25% of my quad-core CPU and goes into suspended animation for 50-200 seconds, locking down the currently active application. I haven't entered a support request yet since this GOTD page is getting considerable attention today, but unless something can be done to get SP5 to release within a few seconds, it'll be uninstalled here.
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@87 & others: License key email in my Hotmail SPAM folder. As you noted readme.txt lists http://www.stickypassword.com/coupon link to key request plus Coupon code:
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Could you, the developer, say anything about the browser update issue that ppl are talking about?
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Have used SP for many years and can honestly say it is by far the best software and most frequently used!
Thanks Ondrej
BTW: I got 4.o free here but upgraded to paid version after realizing this program totally rocked!
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@87 No offence, but could you have put in the wrong e-mail address?
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For those who are having trouble activating the software, just read the readme.txt that came with the download. My download and activating went easily.
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Well, I'll be darned if I didn't skip over the readme instructions too fast last time and try to use what I now see is a coupon code as if it was the actual license key like many other GOTD offers. I apologize for my previous post, which was a mistake on my part. HOWEVER, now that I have followed the instructions to the letter to swap this GOTD "coupon code" to get the license key by email from Lamantine, I am left sitting patiently and waiting for their message for over an hour now with not a single thing yet to show for my effort. As someone else suggested above maybe their server is not able to keep up with the volume of GOTD users or maybe it's something else causing the problem, but I sure hope that somebody fixes it. Oh, and don't worry, I checked my spam folder already as well as anything else I could think of to try with no luck at all. If anybody can tell me what might have gone wrong, I would very much appreciate it. Until then, I'm not holding my breath.
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I've used Sticky Password for a couple of years. It's excellent.
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#1 - DevNullius - You buy the software because you find it useful and the developers deserve to make a living?
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Looks like a good program that I could use. However, I followed the instructions, submitted my info on their web site over an hour ago and STILL haven't gotten anything from them--yes, I checked my spam folder.
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I have downloadsed the program and installed it. Looks good but I have tried twice to get the password but keep getting the reply, your key will be sent shortly to your email address. I still don't have the key. If I don't get it shortly, the program gets deleted.
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@13 "no 64bit version planned"
Not that big a problem...Sticky password works just fine if you choose the optional IE 32 bit version on your Vista/7 64 bit.
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Never received register code. waste of time
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Bought this after free version from GOTD. Works well had a problem getting to work in Chrome developer version, but installed last stable version of Chrome and no problem. Good program with no problems. The Tech support has also been excellent.
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#50, figured out you must request activation code using COUPON CODE on website, then you get it via e-mail.
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Before uninstalling, make sure to close IE/Firefox?Thunderbird/etc
The uninstaller leaves behind the C:\Program Files (x86)\Sticky Password directory.
It also leaves C:\Users\your user name\Documents\Sticky Passwords\default.pws
In the registry, it leaves HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lamantine key
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dloaded & installed on win7 laptop but says liscense invalid & using trial for 30 days. how do you activate this thing to pro? thanks, tom
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The title at the top of this page says Sticky password pro 5.0. But when installed it says stickypassword 5. One can upgrade to Pro! What gives. And I can't register it. What is the coupon for in the dl'd package?
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I've been using KeePass Safe (freeware) for nearly 10 years?
Encrypted, and I make working backups just by copying the files to a pen drive or 2 or 3 or 10.
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Thanks to Lamantine Software + GOTD.
I use Keepass.
This may be useful.
I don't allow StickyPassword to:
- Start with Windows.
- Takeover control of passwords with my browsers. (it wants to but I click on "ignore")
Instead, I allow Google or the website to remember the password that I use.
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If you're strictly using he English version, you can delete the Language folder and all files with spCapBtn* files, except for spCapBtn.ENU and spCapBtn.dll.
You can also delete all stpass* files except for stpass.ENU and stpass.exe
I've personally tested it and it works fine and saves about 4MB of space.
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64-bit win 7 - got "license key invalid" when tried to activate using the registration code supplied with the readme files supplied by GOTD. I am not in a position to know if I need a new code or if the program has some sort of bug in it or whatever third option that might exist. Judging by the large quantity of posts on this giveaway in the past couple of hours or so, I wonder if their server is overloaded or maybe they set a maximum number of uses for this code which is exceeded. If somebody could check into this issue and get back with a work-around or better yet a fix, I sure would appreciate it. If on the other hand, this is someone's idea of a good way to get people to buy the upgrade, that is a very bad idea. I could be convinced to buy the next version if it has significant improvements, but only after full use of this free pro version 5.
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How long does it take for the code to arrive? I have been waiting all morning and I still did not get it.
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I loved version (GotD on 10/20/10), but had to uninstall it due to having to force a shutdown of iexplorer every time I logged off (I hadn't installed any other software at that time). Uninstalling Sticky Password eliminated that problem, and I was in contact with Aleksandr, who ackonowledged that others were having the same problem.
I've looked through the logs for each new version, but wasn't able to find out if this error has been fixed. I hope that it has, and would love to read a comment by the developer that confirms this. And if this has been fixed, count me in as another fan.
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1. Importing: Roboform v7?
Sticky Password offers to imnport a .txt file produced by Roboform. Well, Roboform v7 seems to only allow printing to (a printer!) or .html.
The directions in Stiky Password appear to refer to Roboform v6. v7 has been out for over a year. I seem to recall elsewhere recommendations to revert to v6 to export.
2. Financial sites (e.g.) with login pages with drop down character selection (e.g.)
Of course these can't be autofilled. Having used Sticky Password to log in on the first login page (successful autofill), the second page (with 3 characters to be selected) elicited no response from Sticky Password. I can't see any way it would help me with UK banking and financial sites.
I've only ever found Roboform offers so-called 'Turing Fields' so it recognises such a page, and can be set up to display a small note with the WHOLE password so the user then manually selects the required (variable) characters.
Any password maanger that can't cope with secure financial sites is, I'm afraid, useless to me.
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