Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Start Menu X Pro 5.46 was available as a giveaway on June 19, 2015!
Start Menu X is the right solution for power users to launch programs quickly, avoiding the system menu. The program will save your time and make your professional work with a computer convenient.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10 (x32/x64)
13 MB
Install Classic Start Menu for Windows 7 with Aero interface Now. With this program you can get back the Classic Start Menu interface in Windows 7 and try the power of new technology too. With the program you can search programs by name, change skins, use timer delay for power buttons, enjoy unique single-click launch features and many more new cool specialties. The program is safe to install since it doesn't change system files. Try it out!
I have installed this program.
How can I organize the left column viz -
- Get rid of My Games My Videos My Documents My Music My Pictures
- I already had partly organized my System XP Classic menu.
I have some high level folder categories such as Web Editors Graphics etc.
My high level folders used to be in the left column.
Now they are jumbled in with all the other entries in your big list on the right.
I wish those to be back in the left column
PS I avoid MS's Documents and Settings mineshaft like the plague, thus I have no use for the My Documents My Videos etc
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Hello Everyone, I too have used Start Menu X for years and love it. I've also downloaded it here during previous giveaways and I thought I always received an activation number by email. I ask because no where within my start menu does it say pro, not across the top or in the about section under options. It does say I have the pro version when I click updates. I uninstalled my old version before I installed this new version if it will help anyone answer. I'm running out of time for this giveaway.
Thank you Giveawayoftheday, Start Menu X and a special thanks to our regulars who not only try and test these giveaways but take the time to tell us the good, the bad, and yes, even the ugly.
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I've been a very happy user of Classic Shell (Classic Start Menu) for a couple of years, it's also an excellent utility to do things that Windows doesn't.
But anyway I purchased a license for Start Menu X Pro 5 (only 6 Euros for GOTD users today, see the web page that opens after you've installed it, even a bit better that the birthday offer mentioned above). It does some things that Classic Start Menu doesn't, ons such thing being the ability to scale the list of displayed programs, and since I have so many apps installed that you cannot see them all on a single 1600x1200 resolution monitor I'm now able to scale it down so that the full list of apps now easily fits on the monitor.
Each of these is an excellent product, so now I'm in a quandary and can't decide which one to keep using!
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Well, I started organizing my groups, then gave up finishing for another day. Then just clicked on the start button to investigate the program some more, and I encountered strange, incorrect behavior.
When clicking on, or rolling over, anything in the leftmost pane that is below the lower separator bar, it displays things for the next higher up icon. Yes, I'm sure the icon is highlighted (it gets a more whitish background), but it gives the wrong results.
From the bottom up:
- click on or roll over Programs, it displays contents of Documents.
- click on or roll over Documents, it displays contents of Pictures.
- click on or roll over Pictures, it displays contents of Videos.
- etc.
... Videos gives Control Panel
... Control Panel gives Computer
... Computer gives Desktop
... Desktop says "(empty)
Search and all the icons above it work correctly.
Windows Vista SP2 (which I verified by clicking "Videos" --> "System"!!!)
So strange that I've immediately encountered an obvious error, yet so many others say they've used this program for a while and are very pleased.
An improvement suggestion is to allow allow an item to occur in multiple groups. Sorta like Evernote labels as opposed to a strict hierarchy. Or a better comparison is the Android app Folder Organizer, which allows apps to be in multiple folders. Unless there's a good reason you haven't done that, like that it takes up too many resources.
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Wanted to give this a try but, as has happened with a couple of other recent giveaways, Norton flagged Setup.exe as suspicious and automatically removed it and I had to reboot the system.
Im not saying there is any malware, I've been using software from here for ages and trust the site, but I wonder if others are having the same problem, maybe GotD have altered the install package and Norton doesn't like it?
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Thanks for this GREAT software. One of the most useful program for those who use the start menu, this means nearly everybody. I have been using it from the beginning and couldn't live without it.
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Classic shell: Number 1, great appearance, easy customized, free support, and always free!
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I bought this last year. Works well. Occassionally disengages on 8.1 and OS reverts back to standard Start, but I just click the shortcut on desktop and it's back. Happens very seldom. I recommend this app.
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Well, I haven't even downloaded it yet, but I know I will and will surely like it. How do I know? I can't recall ever seeing so much positive feedback about a product. There are a couple of negative comments posted, but the positives outnumber those enough to make them anecdotal.
To the download....and awaaay! LOL
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I used this program for several months after it was offered here previously. It basically duplicated the way i had my Vista start menu set up but in a more attractive and compact way. But I ultimately removed it.
When installed, it does not use system menu settings but resorts to its own defaults, and I saw no option to get it to use my preferred settings. For example, my system is set to require clicking a menu to open it rather than hovering the cursor over it for several seconds; so to open Notepad is "click start button - click programs - click accessories - click notepad". But Start Menu X requires me to hover the cursor at the Accessories menu and wait for it to open, if I click Accessories Start Menu X runs the first program in that menu. For some menus this meant waiting 30-60 seconds for a program to load so i could close it, return to the start menu and try again. Not saying this is a fault with the program, perhaps just a "feature" to which I never became acclimated.
And while memory is not an issue on most modern system, I could not see why such a program required 20meg to run in the background; this was second only to my AV program (which runs four processes totaling 35meg ...windows explorer itself only uses 12meg).
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Installed to update the previous GAOTD. On my system, only the Windows Metro theme has nice fonts. All the others look like they're meant for 640x480 screens on Windows 95.
LOVE the program, by the way, was just surprised that the theme I had running before the upgrade had such awful looking stairsteppy fonts with the upgrade.
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Trying to understand if this program would benefit me. I use Start 8 on one PC and Classic Shell on another. Although the PC has many installed programs the Start menu is able to list them all for viewing/selection. And, for grouping similar progs i create desktop icons and drag them into a new desktop folder. For example, i have several video editing/converting apps all of which have their icons grouped in a folder named Video Editing. Within that folder i can rename the icons to indicate what their best use is by placing the digit 1 or 2, etc. at the beginning of the name, or by its prime feature to the name. An example would be Serif MoviePlus renamed as Anti-Shake Serif MoviePlus, and so on. So, a row of folders on the desktop each clearly labeled and easy to access. So, is there any major benefit to today's Giveaway for me??
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I've been using StartMenu X since the last time it was offered here. It is such a GREAT program, I just felt it wouldn't be fair to download this new version for free, so although at first I downloaded it, I deleted that download and BOUGHT the program. Denis needs to earn money for his work, just as do the rest of us! If you've been using the program for a while and know how really good it is, consider buying it. It's only $10 on his website, and that is a grand bargain, friends.
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"It’s only $10 on his website, and that is a grand bargain, friends." -- thanks, Mike.
There is an Anniversary discount, and it is listed at $9.99 -- half price!
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I spotted this software in the last GOTD, tried it out and bought the Pro version. Have been happy with it since. Denis is a very friendly Developer who responds to messages and fixes bugs quickly - he has an open ear for suggestions as well, so I'm already looking forward to any improvements that'll result from this Giveaway day.
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A necessary improvement for the lethargic Windows 8 Operating System.
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I almost never use the Start Menu to run a software. Maybe only 0.01% of the time.
Because there is no need to. This software does seem superfluous.
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So, what does that say about this software? Nothing. I think you are superfluous.
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I'm baffled by the "User rating" at the top of only 49% when the vast majority of comments (at least, of the first 33 I can see on this page, of a total of 45) rave about the program. Something is clearly amiss with the GOTD rating system...
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Grab this one. The GAOTD version impressed me so much that I bought the paid version (unlimited groups). It has made my computer easier to use and more productive, because nothing is more than two mouse clicks away. This is a first-class piece of software that gets just about everything right. As the cliché says, you'll wonder how you got along without it. No, I don't work for the company; I just use the product and like it.
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I've followed the directions to the "T". Program does install but when clicked to open, nothing happens. Any Ideas?
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go to the start menu.
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Todays offering looks very nice. If my computer wasn't already organized by a similar program, I'd definitely jump on Start Menu X Pro. I use Handy Start Menu. It's nothing fancy...just simple and free.
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I get a message 'Failed to connect. Please try again later.
Where do I go from here?
Windows Task Manager shows Setup.exe*32 is loaded.
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Check your firewall. I kept getting the same message, until I discovered that my firewall was blocking the Giveawayoftheday site.
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Sounds like your outbound firewall is stopping the authentication process.
Disable it for as long as it takes to authenticate (a few seconds, really), then enable it again.
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So on my windows 8.1 surface pro I have installed Stardock 8 menu system. I don't think I want to run to start menus. Is this better than the Stardock software?
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This is a good software for everyday use, nothing wrong with it, but it does not suits my needs.
I only have 4 icon folders on my desk top, Internet, Office, Utilities and Games.
Single click opens the contest in that folder and another single click can open directly the programs or a sub folder depending on how you structure it and that is is.
Win 7,8 allows you single click to open anything.
Example, in my Internet Folder I have short cuts to thousands of web sites, one click on BBC.com opens the browser and it goes directly to the present news page or I can open multiple web sites with one click, it all depends how you structure the folders, nothing magic about that nor with "start-menu-x", it is a personal preference.
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I downloaded and installed the program, however, I had to uninstall it. Now, when I go to reinstall it get a "Giveaway of the Day" error message "Failed to Launch Program". Any thoughts?
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I had the prior GOTD version, and bought the upgrade. It is the best alternative start menu that I have found, for Windows. It runs well on my preview version of Win 10, as well. I do not use the touch screen, so that is not an issue for me. People who use a touch screen probably won't use it, but Windows 10 allows us to configure it, in several desktop modes, so even people with touch screens can try it.
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There are A Lot of Start Menu replacements -- type "start menu replacement" [w/out quotes] into Google & you get 34 million results. Start Menu X is one of the better, more popular of these menu replacement apps, as you can read in the comments.
For many people Windows 10, which will be out 7/29, is a bit of an unknown. If you install & run it on a PC/laptop without a touchscreen, you will not see anything like the win8/8.1 start screen -- it has a Start Menu, but again you have not seen anything like it. I've included a couple of links below in case you want to have a look. Some people might want to install Start Menu X today so they have it when they upgrade -- most software survives the upgrade process, though of course since the final version isn't out yet, there are no guarantees.
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FREE alternative, open-source too..
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I've been using this since it was Start 7 and am happy to see it on GOTD. I like the Pro feature of Main in Folder which makes it fast and easy get apps running. It is one of the applications that even after I had a free version I went ahead and bought the application because I wanted to support the programmers and the product. I mean really folks it is only $20. If you end up using a program a lot it seems like a small amount to pay the developers. I had a problem once when I upgraded it and the new version did not pick up the Pro license and Ordinary Soft support got me squared away with one email. I kept thinking that MSoft would make this app obsolete in Win8, 9 or 10 but they never have so I continue to use it and support a great app.
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Can not understand all negatives above, as this is one of the BEST menu programs for any Windows version. This must be one of those "no, I have never eaten this, but I don't like it" thing, very common in here!
Even before I had a licence, Denis, the developer, always answered my doubts about his free version promptly, so, what can we say : service is great!!
I've installed it, and use it the way it installed. Never changed any of the installation pre-settings, and never did any customization, and, still, IT IS GREAT!!!
Have a good day, and grab this as fast as you can!!!
Thank you GAOTD and Denis
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People need to start thinking of the Windows 8 start screen as the start menu. It's just like the old start menu except it fills the whole screen and is filled with big square tiles instead of little tiny words. I haven't noticed it takes longer to switch to that screen than to pop up the old start menu. If you put the programs you use most on the left, you can get to them pretty fast. People who are lazy and impatient end up using the "start typing to search" function to find other programs. Then the only problem is programs that have not yet been 'pinned to start'.
That said, the grouping and arranging ability on the all apps part of the start page is non-existent, and there are only so many big square tiles you can fit on the main part of the main start screen. So if you have more than two or three programs you use regularly, today's program is likely to be very helpful.
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People don't 'need' to start thinking anything just because Microsoft decides that they should.
This relentless drive to make everything feel like a phone, with pictures to point at, as Windows 8 tries to do, is just stupid.
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There is no installation of Startmenu if Zemana Antilogger is running. You have to disable Zemana Antilogger before installing Startmenu.
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Thank you!! I was wondering why the programme couldn't install!!
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Thanks from me, too: I was clicking on the Set-up file, GOTD said it was activated, but nothing happened! Turning off Zemana worked, and the program installed, but I'm wondering why Zemana didn't give me a warning, or ask me about this install as it usually does. Hmmm...
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I've just paid for this from their website for $9.99. Installed without any problems. Great menu and easy to understand. I am installing Windows 8.1 Pro on my Pc today and this will be a nice addition to add.
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Very interesting software - gives you a chance to organize all your programs, especially when they are numerous. It was somenthing for me - I never remember the names of software, so such a "preliminary classification" is a reall help (or somethimes a rescue) for me.
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Ok I have used this in the past sever times and it was a life saver when windows 8 came out without any start menu... I now use Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 comes with a Start menu coupled with the live tiles. Now that being said I went ahead and downloaded and installed this GOTD and I now remember why I like it. Although Win 10 does come with the start menu its some what a PITA to go through all the programs but with this you can group, and have that single click start of a program when you click on the program group. This will be a keeper but Once Windows 10 becomes available to the public as a free upgrade to Windows 8.1 and 7 the program will prob be uninstalled by the upgrade. So I will Purchase this to keep.
Thanks GOTD
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Thank you, Thank You Thank You. I'm sending out emails to my friends to let them Know.
I've been waiting for this to come.
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I purchased this excellent program sometime ago. The critical item to do is to organize the programs in the fashion so you know exactly what you have available. When programs install they may be under a directory named for the company such as OrdinarySoft for this program which has no name recognition to the actual program. The customization is the biggest asset of this program and it takes time to organize it and keep it organized for maximum benefit. Once you begin using it you'll never go back to the wimpy Microsoft Windows Start Program.
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i installed this program last time it was offered because everybody was raving about it. for *me* it was not useful, for *me* all the stuff that came up was more confusing and overwhelming, i wanted to go back to my simple start menu. eventually that is what i did (you can turn on and off this program without uninstalling it). i have windows 7, and like gavin, #9, i am happy with the start menu i have. this is obviously a case of each person doing their thing their way and not everything is for everybody even though it seems the majority LOVES this program.
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Very easy install on a Windows 7 64b system. Voodoo Shield did pop up a trojan warning ( it's a little over protective, I prefer that since I don't usually sandbox a most installs ), but I accepted it as false positive & rescan the system with a couple other security programs after install just to verify.
Program is very easy to use & setup. Recommend watching the video on the programmer's website as a quick tutorial & to give you an idea of what the program does.
My only complaint at this time is the predefined colors choices. They are not visually comfortable or appealing for me. Everyone's eyes are different & it would be nice to be able to at least adjust the background & font colors.
Program is a keeper for me. Will install on a Windows 8 system later today.
Thanks GOTD
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This is what appears on the contextual menu when clicking over a link (*.lnk): http://i.imgur.com/AAlFF88.png
Very funny and very unprofessional. I can't tell what it says but I can guess what it does, although I'm not sure about the latter. Use RegSeeker to find all occurrences at once.
Not ready to learn an unknown language. Back to the Classic Shell Menu.
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The PNG does not display correctly in FF 38. Here's the JPG version: http://i.imgur.com/3ejzCR5.jpg
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Unlike Karl, I have hundreds of programs installed (on my old XP, the programs coming mostly from GAOTD over the years). Somehow, lo and behold, my computer is still up and running. How can it possibly be??? What a shock!
I've been using StartMenuX for years to easily see all my programs listed and to choose amongst all my installed programs. The regular Windows start/programs menu was filled up long ago, with no way to see all my programs listed.
Thanks OrdinarySoft and GOTD.
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I used this program for many years. Absolutely, the best I have ever seen. Unfortunely, my Windows 7 PC crossed the Jordan (or went west:-) and so I am happy getting it right now for my new W 8.1 PC. After installation, I saw the 6 € offer and rembered that I bought the license in January. Okay, now I have the newest version and I found my license code again. Oh Happy Day.
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I am very happy with the default Start Menu in Windows 8 and even more happy with Windows 10. I have set it up exactly the way I like it and I won't replace it with a featureless program such as this. I am sure many people will find this useful, but it's not for me.
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Great, Gavin, you like the start menu provided with Windows. However, it doesn't serve any purpose to dis today's offer, which isn't a featureless program. How did you come to that conclusion ? Did you actually try it, and which features did you miss, since you gave the program such a thumbs down.
I like the program - and the free version as well, because it shows me this practical view over my installations. I can arrange programs in different sectors, and that makes my every day use of my pc (computers) a lot easier. Thanks a lot to Ordinary Soft for this generous offer (not the first time) and of course the team behind GAOTD. Today, was my lucky day for sure. Greetings from a rainy and cold Denmark. We can't have all, can we ;)
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I expected my comment to get a number of down votes, that's why I added my final sentence. I hadn’t tried it before, but decided to try it after your reply. Apparently it installed fine until I tried to click on Start and was greeted with: http://imgur.com/PcBIPfq
I had to start it from the Tray Icon, took one look at it and immediately it reminded me of the Windows XP Start Menu. There was nothing wrong with the Windows XP start menu, but it has been almost 15 years after XP, time for some change (for the better). The next step was to uninstall the software.
Most software I use on Windows 8, I pin to the Start Screen. 2 clicks without any scrolling, searching or extra clicks and I can open anything I want. By featureless, I mean the software doesn't add anything useful that is not already available in Windows.
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This is one of my all time favorite programs - and it is the first program I install whenever I start up a new computer. My principal reasons for this are:
1) being able to see all of my installed programs on a single screen;
2) being able to launch any program with a single click;
3) being able to alphabetize all my programs for ease of selection;
4) being able to setup multiple launch options for a single program - one button launches program X¹, another launches X², a third instance launches X³, etc.;
5) the developer of the program has always responded quickly and helpfully to my occasional need for tech support or implementing / modifying new feature requests; and,
6) it already works with Windows 10.
Yes, I really do love this program; and no, I don't work for the company or have any financial interest in them. Its just great software.
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Hey Dual-boot here! Really glad to say that this software works seamlessly (so far) with all builds of Win10. With my wife - she demands the start button - this is a keeper for her & me - It is running right now on all machines in our house Win7 & above & it is worth every penny for it. Thanks GOTD & OrdinarySoft for today's offering - cu tomorrow - HAGD
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I downloaded, tried it and liked it so much I bought the full version.
But now that I have the license key, where do I enter it?
Great software, thanks to Giveaway of the Day & Start Menu X. :)
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@ DeBro: I was wondering too and looked but there is no place to enter the number. This is how to get an update (mine is any version of 5.x):
Go to your receipt you received when you bought StartMenuX and click on the link to get the upgraded version, then install it.
I love this program! It enabled me to make a tidy menu of the mess I had after years of installing things that Windows put here, there and everywhere.
If and when the program ever gets to version 6, I will definitely pay again to get Pro. Thanks, Denis and GAOTD!
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this is a very nice program for anyone who is using windows 8/8.1 or 10. It's easy to use and give you a feel of a real start menu back. it loads pretty good and anyone who has ever had xp, vista, 8/8.1 will be happy when they down load this start menu. feel free to give it a try happy days and thank you gotd for all the hard work you do.
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I bought this super little program the last time it was on GOTD, and have enjoyed a trouble free tidy and organized menu system since.
You can group all your programs into different categories, there are some presets but you can very easily create headings yourself.
It takes a little while I found to place them into the groups you choose, but simple to do, and worth the effort, especially, if like me, you have millions of programs.
The cascade method of display goes further than windows as you move towards the program you wish to select, all well thought out, but still takes a little getting used to.
A tip I found, is that clicking on the start icon, (I chose angry bird for my PC), with the shift key pressed, allows you to flip between Start Menu X and the original start menu, this is useful when you first start using it until you get yourself organized.
Snap it up, you will use it I am sure.
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I don't go through the whole digging in the companies details, the way Karl does. Installed and run nice and easily in sandbox, the way Karl does it. IDK if I like it or dis like it. The interface looks a little like Windows XP, just a more modern looking version.
What I do like about it is it gives me a nice look of what's on my pc. I think i'll keep this 1 and see what happens next month when Win 10 arrives.
Have a nice day.
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Yes, I agree with the earlier writers. I have been using the paid for version (and also the freebie) for a long time now.
By the way, Paul (#3), I am using it on my Windows 10 preview setup and it functions with no problems.
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. A clean install. It installs in my case a 64 bit application. Comes preregistered.
A (Ukrainian?) company without name and address, but a message from the developer Denis Nazaranko:
"A word from the developer: I just love free programs and really like it when I can use a good product free of charge. In this case, I did my best to make the free version as functional as possible. However, if you need more, get the PRO version and support further development of this software. I totally understand that you’d be glad to see the PRO version features in the free version, but I just can’t do it, since software development is my primary source of income, so if I don’t sell enough copies of the paid edition, I may end up becoming a canned tuna factory worker with no time or energy to develop software altogether.
I hope you understand and will support the development of new versions of this program.
Best regards, Denis Nazarenko"
We had ha d several times this program in the past. The last time Start Menu X Pro 5.30 on January 25, 2015. Here are the old reviews:
And Mr. Nazarenko is still convinced:
"Start Menu X is the most functional of all programs replacing the Start Menu. Even the free version of the Start Menu X has more features than its paid competitors. These are not just words - see for yourself:""
I had installed this program the last time in January. I have used this program since then without any problems.
I'll update it. It does what it claims - this is not always the case.
In the program folder, there is a TidyStartMenu.exe, you can use this to define the groups.
Not uninstalled...
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"not uninstalled"...... I can't recall the last time I have seen you say that :)
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Doesn't it uninstall automatically next time you reboot?
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I believe he means he is choosing to keep this software (not uninstall it).
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Hello GAOTD Community
I already have the regular version of this awesome tol and would recommend everyone to latch on this one. Its been on my machine for over three years now saving me precious time cos I have over 350 amazing softwares on it and sometimes forget which ones are on it or which is the best option (amongst similar softwares) to use for a task.
However, I read through the features of this professional version and cannot see any striking improvement perse and would like to know if am just being non-observant or something.
I don't want to try this out because it is a giveaway version and it might want to replace my paid version as an update. Worse still, if I install it might give me uninstalling challenges because the uninstaller would attempt to clear anything that is related to the software and therefore deny me of my bought version.
Any inputs in this regard? thank you all
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I have used Free & GOATD versions together in the past.
As long as you install GOATD version in a difference folder you will be ok.
GOATD doesn't get updates, unless you pay for pro. You will keep getting update messages which could turn GOATD version back to the Free one.
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Couldn't you just backup the original software that you bought, install this version and try it, and then, if there are any problems, delete this version and just reinstall the original software you already have?
And yes, this is definitely an awesome program as I have been using it for years also.
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Humorjody: It depends on what's written into the registry.
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I've used Star Menu since "ever". Even before it was called Start Menu X ( probably Start Menu 7 ). Last year I've purchased the Pro version 5.3.
Seeing this GAOTD offer of v5.46, asked my program to update, downloaded the file, and installed. The program recognizes automatically your serial code and installs without any problem.
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I first got this as a freebie (pro version) and liked it so well I added it to my must-have list. I purchased a license for myself *and* one for a friend, when the vendor had a sale. The unlimited "virtual groups" and the one-click launch features that are in the pro version are extremely useful. #15's point about customization is spot-on. I don't use them as often, but the "tabs" are useful, too. Keep an eye on Bits du Jour for the next sale on the pro version, you won't regret it.
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