Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
SpellQuizzer was available as a giveaway on December 19, 2009!
SpellQuizzer helps students master their spelling or vocabulary words fast!
The software helps the student practice his or her spelling words by quizzing them on their spelling words using audio prompts. The parent, teacher or student can input the words for each list making a sound recording of each word. SpellQuizzer then quizzes the student on each word correcting them when they make a mistake. Guaranteed to help any student master their spelling words.
Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, ME or 98
8.89 MB
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Just wanted to thank you for this software. As a homeschooler, I love this. Think I had it before, but lost it when my other laptop died. Been using Spellcity, which is good, but this is nice to have and not need internet access.
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Downloaded this the last time it was available and was impressed with it (and my seven-year-old son enjoyed using it). I do find it somewhat ironic, however, that GAOTD would offer this up just AFTER many schools started their winter vacation - I wonder how many teachers will even see this at a time when they may be out of town themselves and unable to give it a whirl on their own computers?
Would love to see it offered again after the new year when everybody is back at home and able to take advantage of the offering.
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re: the "monitor program" problem...
the developer was active last time this was a giveaway, & this was the response/answer (comment #93):
"The software uses an anti-piracy protection system that disables it when a Registry or file monitoring application such as Regmon, Filemon or Process Monitor is loaded. This is because those utilities are commonly used by crackers to try to figure out how the software is registered and protected. Even after you close one of those applications their monitoring driver is still loaded in memory until the computer is rebooted. The only solution is to 1) not start a monitoring utility like the ones mentioned above if you are going to be using SpellQuizzer and 2) if you have had one of the above utilities running then reboot before starting SpellQuizzer. Sorry for the inconvenience."
today's giveaway is the latest version of SpellQuizzer...nice to get the latest version of the software, as we don't always...
there are some minor cosmetic changes since the last giveaway, but basically the same interface...
a forum has been started, which can be accessed thru the program:
Help>Visit SpellQuizzer Community Forums Online
a new feature/tab is in Options, allowing you to turn the built-in spell checker (of common words; there is a built in dictionary of 350,000 common English words) on or off:
File>Edit Application Options>Spell Checker
last giveaway my pc was throwing a generic error, & the developer responded to my e-mail with technical help, which doesn't always happen here at GOTD...he also offered help during the giveaway, & a discount (at the time) for teachers...
for this giveaway, reading the prior comments would be a big plus...many quality comments, & developer response...
the old version, & this new one, ask for Direct Disk Access...not being a techie, but reading that DDA is a security risk, does make me wonder why it is required?...i block DDA, & the program runs fine...
it is also nice to see a developer that makes his program available for Win98 thru Win7...
thank you TedCo Software, & GOTD
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It seems like most do not know what this program is.
This is a tool that you can use to make quizes for others like your children. The samples given are only that. You can make this usable for any age and I will be using it for non english speakers to help them learn English and yes it will be in that Ghastly Engish as MS-r ignorant said.
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It sometimes seems like educational software is only offered on weekends when I can't install it on a school computer. I use spellingcity.com which is free and versatile.
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Nice Program. Thanks .
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Obviously from my earlier post I have need of the educational capsbilities of the program.
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I prejudged this program earlier but after download and installing it without any problems, and after trying it out, it captured my interest and I downloaded the additional FREE WORD LISTS the site offers. Although one would think that this would be for school age only, it is ideal and in fact ebtertaining and educational for the older generations as well. It is also simple to expand the program with your personlized word lists.
I rate it high in all areas.
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Does not work on my test virtual machine (Windows XP SP1 fresh install running on VMWare 7.0), freezes on main window after showing splash screen.
@4, @12 and @15: This program does indeed use the Themida protection (version 2.0) which is probably the main cause of that error message.
I just don't understand why did they need to protect a program that does not even need a serial number to work. Most developers here who offer special GAOTD versions of their programs (instead of offering free license keys) use unprotected executables.
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#8 -- Petersum writes, "Apart from the ghastly American accent..."
To call anybody's accent "ghastly" is a bit rude. Furthermore, if the Internet had an accent, I'm afraid it would have an American accent, as would the first home computers. "International English" used in business today has a standard American accent, and the majority of students in the world now learning English as a second language choose to study American English. It isn't my favorite accent, either, but it isn't ghastly!
That said, it would be a nice feature if there were a choice of accents.
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This program is a 30 day trial. However, it only lasted long enough for 10 words to be tested before I decided to uninstall it!
The voice is very indistinct. A child will have real dificulty with this programme. Any responsible parent would take the time to speak to their child and help them with pronunciation and spelling, not fob them off with this programme.
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"Please, unload it from memory and restart your program.”
Wouldn't this mean simply clear your cache(s)?
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You may want to separate the language text on the button and menu's into a language file that loads when the program start's. This way the program could be translated to be used in any language using Right to Left spelling. Offer sample language file and let people upload language file for the program interface. ie: French, Spanish, etc...
Many programs do this now to have internationalizing their software by crowd sourcing the translation of the interface.
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Go here: http://www.spellquizzer.com/Spelling-Lists.htm to download spellings lists.
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thanks for download.
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Quote - SpellQuizzer helps students master their spelling or vocabulary words fast! - Unquote
Or to shorten the above quote right to the point - vocabulary words - Unquote.
Surely to offer such a package, in English, one would be an expert in English? Not in this case, it would seem!
Shame, again, on GOTD for allowing such trash to be offered. You can't keep running on auto pilot...Review or be reviewed!
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My 2 youngest children that are 4 and 6 years old love this software they find it fun.
It installed and ran well on windows 7 Ultimate x64.
One thing i would like to see is maybe a more colourful GUI for the children,( although this is elementary school software some non English speaking adults would benefit) so maybe a selection of skins for children and adults
Great Program Thanks GAOTD and TedCo Software
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Maybe a nice Christmas gift for my kid. he juest a 7-year old boy.
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Apart from the ghastly American accent, it works OK. Non Americans will rush to make their own recordings, no doubt.
But what we adults think is good doesn't count at all if the kids don't like it, and that is the problem here! "It's pretty boring" came after just 5 words. And it's true - there isn't a lot to keep the child's attention fixed on the program. So I wouldn't pay for this unless it had a lot more features to entertain the children.
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Now we have a tool that is needed by most of us who don't write as a profession.
So far it seems to be just as it says and is easy to learn how to use.
This is one program I can get some real good out of.
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In one respect,it is good for learning words indeed.
But it will strengthen the dependence of students.
Everything has two aspects...
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Excellent, i remembered having a lot of fun doing spellquiz when i was a kid, yet it is only on-paper stuff which was designed kind of like a game. now this is just so super for my kid. haha!!!
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I installed and after starting the program, I got the following error!
Some crappy Themida protection I believe. I don't know what monitor program I've been running. Just bare metal Highly optimized Windows Xp with just 22 processes.
Does anybody faced a similar issue?
A monitor program has been found running in your system.
Please, unload it from memory and restart your program.
Is there a solution from the developers?
Anyways Thanks!
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This is good if it isnt using american language, as it is not correct here in Australia. I t's not English.
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very good,the software can help me master my spelling or vocabulary words fast.Thank you very much.
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Good helper for student to learn more words.
When i was young,don't have such good stuff.
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