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Simpo PDF Merge & Split was available as a giveaway on February 8, 2010!
Simpo PDF Merge & Split is an Award-winning PDF tools, which can precisely merge and split any pdf files. With merge function, you can help you to merge several pdf files or specific pages in pdf files into a single document, while split function allows you to extract pages out of a document or remove any pages from pdf document.
Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 (x32/x64)
4.52 MB
Create Adobe compatible PDF format files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint and any other Windows applications, and preserve any hyperlinks in the documents.
Simpo PDF to Word is an excellent converter for converting any pdf files to word .doc documents. And now it's free to activate!
I've also used PDFill Tools, and it is very function-intensive. The big downside is the requirement for Ghostscript. A decade ago, Ghostscript was a lifesaver, and allowed via the PS/PDF interface much that had not previously existed. However, it is large, and awkward, and once I discovered more refined tools (such as pdftk), I haven't felt a big need to go back. SPM&S is also self-contained in that it does not have this dependency, and as such is a step up.
For technically-minded, give PDFill a try. For the rest, if you have SPM&S, great. Otherwise, pdftkBuilder of GUIpdftk may fit the bill.
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I installed Simpo PDF Merge & Split and the freeware pdfsam which was recommended by Ashraf, and conducted a quick, simple, comparative trial. Both the programs installed quickly and painlessly. I thought they both worked really well, although they're probably suitable for different user groups.
Simpo PDF Merge & Split deserves full marks for a super-intuitive and friendly interface, which offers split and merge functionality just as promised, without any confusing bells and whistles. It's perfect for non-technical users. Whereas pdfsam deserves full marks for being very configurable and having lots of extra features, for people who need them, as well as for being completely affordable all year round. :-)
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I tried to merge some layered PDFS's and got a PDF with blank pages.
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To: #17, #26, #29 (splitting by size).
Why do you assume Ashraf wants to split into EXACTLY equal pieces?
I guess he would like to split into chunks with different number of pages - full pages of course - but NO MORE THAN X MB each. So if there is a page with huge graphics it would make a chunk alone, while other chunks could contain a few pages.
Fubar, thanks a lot for all your postings. I am sure there are many more that appreciate your insight, they just simply do not post frequently (as in my case).
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Free Alternative - ANYTHING.
Any of the 1001 PDF printers out there that support Merge and Split, which is most of them.
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I went ahead and re-downloaded it and opened the activate file first. I could then activate it. The original read me text said to do the setup first then activate but it did not work for me. I always assume I am under administrator account but maybe i wasn't when I downloaded it. Maybe that was my problem? I emailed the support at simpotech also.
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I would love to try but I cannot maximize the window in order to select a file name. Installed on Windows 7 Ultimate (x64).
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Thanks Fubar for pointing towards a great software. To all other who come here, I have tried todays offering and Free pdftools from http://www.pdfill.com/. Todays giveaway is not good enough to wipe the nose of pdfill. Besides it comes with free technical support and free upgrade.
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#10: I would like to echo your comment re Nuance products (and I'm a shareholder of Nuance stock, to be up-front about it): Nuance support is one of the worst out there, period. I have spent enough money on their products and after several versions I still didn't get what I needed so hence I am looking elsewhere.
I had PDF Creator Pro on my system. A hard drive problem made my system unstable, & not realizing I had a bad hard drive, I reformatted and reinstalled everything. A week later, WinXP was giving me problems, so I again reformatted the drive & started from scratch & installed everything again. Then the drive died, so I installed a new drive, installed everything from scratch again & then found out that I could no longer activate PDF Creator Pro sine I used my 3 allowed installations. When I called tech support they indicated that I should have uninstalled the program each time. When I explained that that was not possible, they still refused to reset my install counter & told me I would have to purchase the product again. That was the end of my relationship with Nuance products. No other product vendor gave me that kind of grief. I offer this to all who are considering purchasing a Nuance product - good luck!
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It works fine for my usage. The ability to split up a PDF such as a newsletter/magazine containing patterns is wonderful as well as splitting off JUST what you want from a tax PDF. Merging is a rare commodity and it works just as well.
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As a first time user it's fine for what I wanted, and it did it without a problem.
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This is an excellent software, Thanks GAOTD and the developer.
To everybody else who posts here, I understand all of our time is valuable as such. I have purchased several softwares in the past, which virtually offerred no value to the money they obtained. Atleast developers here are giving some value in return for the time that you spend to use them.
Just compare them to giants like MS who actually uses beta testers and does not even reward them with a license for the evaluated product.
Just my opinion from a consumer viewpoint.
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Someone has to mention the excellent pdftkBuilder (http://angusj.com/pdftkb/), which does the same thing, and a lot more (watermarking and stamping, rotation of pages). It has always been freeware, and is absolutely portable, leaving no traces in the registry or %appdata%
For simple splitting and recombining, I use the main tab, and simply list the pages or page ranges from which files, and in what order. By adding the same file to Source twice, you can plut pieces from other file(s) in between, useful for adding pages into a finished document. It supports drag and drop, but not batch, same as today's offer. I would love it if SPM&S did more than the trusty pdftkBuilder, but alas I stick to the tried and true this time.
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I downloaded, read instructions in readme file, setup, activated no problem on Vista Home Premium. Easy to use, worked well in making a single document of 74 PDF pages but the one problem I did have was keeping the PDF files in the order I wanted. Near the same order as I have them in the file folder I had the originals stored in but with the 3rd and 4th pages switched. The first four PDF's I played with 'add' to get them in the order I wanted and they were more mixed up in the final output than they were originally.
I'll play with renaming the files and see how that works towards getting them in order. I will give this program a big thumbs up. Simple to use and I need simple (not counting my inability to originally name the files in the proper order).
I agree with Ashraf that a drag and drop would be nice but control-A works.
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I think a better option is to buy a 2nd monitor, put your .pdf on that.. and then type the text in Word. You see.. this way, you know you're getting everything you need from the .pdf in the exact format that you need! Sometimes, you just have to use a little ingenuity!
Hope this helps. Thanks!
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How does one go about getting the hyperlinks within a pdf file to work? Also, how does one make the pdf file searchable? Will this software provide that specific technology?
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Once again the 'bad' in Ashraf's reviews are irrelevant. You would not use this to split by size unless you wanted a mess, and you would not use this for batch operations for the same reasons. I am certain the developer kept those features out intentionally.
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simply the best!
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Easy installation onto windows 7. Surprising aspects already mentioned above is the lack of drag and drop facilities. The split function seems far from intuiative and when tried brings up an adobe file that is unreadable (perhaps this is me!)
Merge of files is successful.
After many 'splits' the program confidently says it has been succesful but then opens an empty directory. Each new split needs parameters re-added.
It would also be good to have the output directory saved each time for when the files are saved rather than reverting to the C:\ program path.
Allows two instances of the program to be open at once that seems a bit odd.
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@Bubby, #18, I see what you mean, ofcourse as soon a document is just a file and if you want to archive or distribute it, chopping it up in equisized portions is fine (treating it as just a file), but in your example you get portions only characterized by size, not by readability. I would be much better to split up the pdf-document in portions with a distinct number of pages and in that way get it mailed. We might differ in approach of course.
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@ 14 Fubar, I downloaded one of those 'free" titles (will try it out later) and even if the lengths are all the same (8.132 KB in their list), it came as a 7.330 KB file. I guess they don't bother to look up the exact size when it's free. I'll find out later whether there is a catch...
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What's up with the votes? Any critical posts about this pdf promo has WAY too many negative votes.
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Very positive comments. So I installed and will give it a good try.
Being even more interested in PDF converting software, I noticed, under "More Titles by Simpo Technologies", their "Simpo PDF to Word" which was announced as coming with "Free activation" (in blue on this page). I immediately downloaded and installed it. First there was no sign of a free activation anywhere. Apparently someone complained and now (some time later) it disappeared from this page.
Anyway, I installed the "trial" which promptly told me it would only do 2 pages. I launched it on a fairly complicated PDF file that I previously converted decently with my old faithful (and freely obtained) ABBYY PDF Transformer 1.0. It completely trashed the layout of the first page, converted it into 2 Word pages and that was it...
Even if I didn't get much to admire (not even 2 pdf pages!) I can only but strongly advise not to spend a dime on this one...
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how does one 'open as an administrator'?
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Installed, registered fine in XP.Pro SP3. Nice prog, running well.Thanks. After that I have got the reg.key for NitroPDF Prof.5 as promo. So I have all I need for PDF free. Thx.
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@17 - Documents can be files too - and often need to be archived - or distributed.
If you had a 100MB PDF file - that was difficult to email - perhaps what Ashraf was referring to - being able to split the 100MB PDF into 10x 10MB PDFs (for example), or into separate PDFs not exceeding a file size limit - that could each be opened, read, stored, and distributed (emailed?) as separate documents.
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Splitting by size is something used for archiving or distributing general files, not for documents.
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@Ashraf, #3, after reading your full review I still wonder what you mean with: "The Bad: * Lacks the ability to split by size.".
IMHO that would be an unworkable option, nobody would like a document being split-up in the middle of a page (or worse "a table") at some line without any control just because the size threshold was reached. There is really no use for that and this cannot be a "BAD".
Perhapse you could explain this (it's not in your full review either) and prove me wrong. Please do, of course I could be mistaken too.
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I've been searching for PDF re-branding software, not sure if this is what I need. Would like to giveaway an ebook and allow others the change links in the PDF to their own links...Will this do that, too or can someone refer to free software that will.
Thanks...Ashaf reviews total thumbs up!
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#4, Jack, always link directly to the vendor's website when possible, not some download service. Office Convert looks like they have around 50 tools. The free stuff starts halfway down the page, but notice it's the same as the retail stuff. They have a clean WOT rating (not that I use WOT) and they're not anonymous, but notice all of the files have the same size, so I strongly suspect there's a catch.
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I don't care how many negative votes I get. I don't tolerate vendors gaming the ratings (either that, or a bunch of GOTD users are rating the software without trying it). Here are some of the always free operations (1440 x 1443, zoom to original size) which you can do with PlotSoft PDFill PDF Tools. Note that the operations are separate, rather than combined like Simpo, but much more versatile, including dropping bookmarks when splitting (Simpo keeps inapplicable bookmarks). The only thing that Simpo does that PDFill doesn't is to split a PDF into multiple files every n pages, although I can't think of a reason to do that. PDFill does all sorts of stuff that Simpo doesn't. As I said, the previous features of PDFill are always free. For the same $20 that Simpo charges, you can get PDFill's PDF Editor with lifetime updates.
I forgot some of Windows Disk Management's scaling settings the other day, it's not like I need to use it frequently.
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Smooth download, installation, registration on Win7 (32-bit) OS. GUI is very simple, clear, and easy to navigate. I did a merge of 2 one-page PDF calendars (for Feb. & March 2010) - and the merge conversion was quick (took 5 seconds, max) and the resulting output quality was good (it maintained integrity & quality of 2 original, individual PDF files.) The program is not perfect (of course) given the weaknesses noted by Ashraf, but the most important factors (from my viewpoint) are the output quality and efficiency of a software program, and this program delivers on both quality and efficiency. I cannot ask for more than that.
Summary: - two thumbs up for today's great giveaway - thanks much, GOTD and Simpo technologies.
Freeware Options:
Primo PDF - CNET User Rating 4/5
PDF ReDirect - CNET User Rating 4.5/5
Solid PDF Creator - CNET User Rating 4/5
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It doesn't seem reasonable to split the PDF splitter, the PDF to word, and the PDF creator that this company offers.
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Thanks for sharing this merge and split software.
A 4-star review on softpedia
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Re previous comment - if you have to get serious WORK done, sadly, Nuance's cheaper (compared to Acrobat) PDF Converter Pro is extremely disappointing [and Nuance has abysmal support] - the moneys better spent on the standard or Pro Acrobat product (I ending up having to buy both). This Simpo PDF does seem useful, if only a partial solution.
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Like Ashraf always writes his reviews, I think this program needs some more improvement.
Like seriously, "no drag and drop" and "multiple files thingy"!? That's kinda sad... but I'll still try to see if it's any worth downloading this. :D
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I have been using Adolix split and merge utility. Its freeware and has almost all the functionality of simpo pdf except the encryption feature. In some ways it is better than simpo pdf.
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Nice PDF tool, I'm keep looking for this kind of software, but it seems it doesn't work for encrypted pdf file. I had to use this PDF converter to remove the protection at first.
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Today, all I'm going to say is that I don't like vendors gaming the votes. You can use decent freeware. If you're serious, you can pay the bucks and get great stuff from Nuance. You can spend big bucks and get genuine Adobe.
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free alternative :
Advanced Pdf Split & Merge Free 5.0
More Pdf Related Software
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The Good
* Straightforward and easy to use.
* Allows users to merge whole PDFs together, or select specific portions of each PDF.
* Allows users to split PDFs by page intervals, extract specific pages, or remove specific pages.
* Supports encrypted PDFs.
* Supports editing of metadata of and encryption of output PDFs.
* Works very quickly.
The Bad
* Lacks the ability to split by size.
* Lacks drag + drop capabilities.
* Lacks the ability to add a whole folder of PDFs.
* Lacks batch processing capabilities (can only merge to one PDF at time and split one PDF at a time).
Free Alternatives
For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.
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If anyone met the problem during the installation, please feel free to contact :support@simpotech.com thanks.
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From developer
Simpo PDF Merge & Split, a 4-star awarded pdf tool on softpedia is giving away today!
Please follow the instruction to activate this product within 24 hours. For Windows 7 and vista users, it’s recommended to run the program under administrator account.
Besides, Simpo Technologies also releases up to 60% off time limited special offer for only GAOTD users.
If any questions, please feel free to mail to support@simpotech.com
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