Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Romeo Burner 2.3.2 was available as a giveaway on June 12, 2008!
Romeo Burner combines the simplicity of standard CD-recording software provided with your computer and all features of professional software for recording, ripping, mastering and editing CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and HD-DVD discs.
Unlike ordinary CD burning programs, Romeo Burner perfectly integrated with Windows. Any operation can be done with few mouse clicks without running heavy wizards and programs.
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
7.09 MB
#99 LOL
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How can i use Romeo Burner withot installing it? :(
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Thanks #96 and others who have given feedback on my little dilemma on transferring GAOTD offerings to my new laptop... :o))
I'll have a go today!
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@Spiritwolf #92:
Be sure to archive the registration data from the GAotD-setup. You will need it.
Now Download the setup file from their site (not the GAotD-site).
This setup will also work with the data provided by GAotD (this is not always the case but here it will do)
This setup has no timelimit so you can install whenever you like.
Completely uninstall your the GAotD version.
In the registry is the install-path for your first try archived.
Trying installing again will force you to install in the path you archived. You must get rid of it.
Install your new setupfile in the desired path and use the GAotD data to register.
I think this will work for you, right ??
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#7, Susanna, you can usually save and install software programs to a jump drive, a CD, an external hard drive, or if necessary a DVD. If you use a CD or DVD, make sure it's a RW, or you will have a lot of unused disk space wasted. :)
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Installed fine on win xp sp2 - just FYI - I suggest you disable the automatic updates feature [ Romeo projects properties > Connections > uncheck the 'check for updates' box ]. In the past, if a program automatically updated the program then reverted to trial mode, and at that point you'd either have to buy it or have it become disabled at the end of the trial period. Just a word to the wise.
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Just a quick question, I left the allow access to internet box unchecked that indicates you can get updates etc. Since I read that the program comes with no 'free' upgrades etc I thought this would be okay?. Will this make any difference or not?. Thanks.
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The prog did install fine on my vista laptop. When looking at it's folder though,I was sort of surprised to see the starburn dll in there. After reading the comments here, I thought starburn was a totally different program.
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I'm not quite sure what to do. I downloaded and started installing, and the program froze mid-installation. It also was trying to install to the wrong drive. I had to kill the frozen install with task manager.
I went back to again try to install the program on the correct drive (I have 2 hard drives) and it refuses to install on the proper drive. So I redownloaded a fresh copy to see if THAT would fix the problem.
Now it says that I have to restart to pc to complete the installation that froze before completion, which was trying to install on the wrong drive anyway. BUT THATS THE DRIVE I DIDNT WANT IT TO INSTALL ON.
So I don't know what to do and the time for giveaway is almost over and I've been fighting this problem for hours now
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@Ricky #84:
When you run the setup-file from THIS site, there will be a window popping up from the setup-file with the registration data. You probably clicked to fast on [OK] and [Next] without reading the information. That's why you probably mist it.
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What's up with not being able to copy a DVD that's bigger than 4 Gig? I've had other programs and they just use the same compression and put it back on a DVD just like it came off. I have a film file - Not Hollywood - that I wanted to copy, but it's a file when Grabbed off it's almost 7 Gig. I've used other programs that will just do the automatic compression and put it on a DVD.
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Good software.I needed this since I uninstalled Roxio because it was acting weird on me.Thanks GOTD Crew.
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XP Registration: Tools;Romeo settings; about; register.
Then put in Registration name and code from the 'successfully activated' box which opens up on your screen after starting the program.
Vista Registration: Romeo Projects;(right-click)properties; about; register.
Then put in Registration name and code from the successfully activated box which opens up on your screen after starting the program.
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Registration: Tools;Romeo settings; about; register
then put in Registration name and code from the successfully activated box which opens up on your screen after starting the program.
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I downloaded it and tried to install it. It didnt work. I got it to activate but it will not install the software. Not sure but it seemed to work for a lot of people in the comments. For me thumbs down just because it didnt work for me, and disappointed.
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I cannot make this software work. Seems installed fine but can never run. A waste of time.
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cannot get the activation key from your website upon setup...it's always busy, try another time...forget about it!
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I like this software. It works with NTI DVD-Maker Gold also. Found my Ben-Q just fine. Im running XP-MC service pack 3. Installed like it was ment to be there.Thanks
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Does anybody know if this program will burn CDG from MP# +G files. I have Nero which is suppsoed to but doesn't either.Any help here?
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Nice! Thanks.
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I must say I'm VERY disappointed in their "Disk Image Burner" and
"Disk Image Grabber."
I tried them both and found them simplistic, unsophisticated, and
lacking in options. (For example, I could only burn ONE folder
or one photo at a time. Now way to drop several folders in, as
with my Sonic Record Now (Roxio) software.)
I also tried using the Audio recording software, but that seemed
to be only for recording off a CD, and I wanted to record some
MP3's. But I could have missed something on this one. Still,
it looked like a kindergarten project, not a quality burner.
I may try these again when I get time, but from what I've seen,
this is a definite loser.
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#57 said, "When I went to register it says the name or number
is invalid"
I had exactly the same problem. Then it occurred to me that I
had written in "giveawayoftheday" -- so I changed it to:
"Giveawayoftheday" and NOW it gives me a "Thank You For
Installing" pop-up!
Funny how computers sometimes balk completely over one tiny
letter, isn't it? If that hadn't worked, my next choice
would have been to try "GiveAwayOfTheDay." I don't know if
that would have worked -- but don't try it. Just capitalize
the 1st letter, that'll do it.
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I installed it, registered it, burned a DVD ,ITS NICE, it works.I just want to say THANKS :]
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2#74. Seems so paranoid. Romeo asks to allow port in firewall on install. It just for checking updates on their site. Ask developers.
And Romeo has option to disallow firewall.
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This might be a little off topic, sorry all, but I like to thank Fubar (#32,68) for comming back yesterday with his comment about Vista Sync Center.
I missed the comment until now because I thought that day's forum already closed but it showed up in my RSS-feed.
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#64 "If you use an alternate file manager, the Romeo Projects desktop shortcut will not work and will not install the projects links."
But Romeo entries "Burn now" and "Add to Romeo projects..." do actually show up on XP in the context menus of DirectoryOpus and XYplorer. They seem to work, though I havven't actually got as far as doing a test burn yet.
Thanks GAOTD and Romeo for what, judging from the comments, sounds like a useful additional piece of software.
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This program adds an exception rule to the Windows Firewall that allows incoming connections from the Internet. So if you aren't behind a firewall, the makers of Romeo Burner could connect to your computer without warning. Even if they don't use this feature to access your PC, someone else could.
You can remove the exception from the Windows Firewall settings in Control Panel. Click the Exceptions tab and delete Romeo. Or do what I did and uninstall the software.
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There are some show stopper in my book. The help file is accessed though the program start menu; you can get help either from “Romeo On-line” or “Romeo on the Web”. Think about that for minute. As for the programs stated ease of use, this is what a user has to contend with in Romeo right off the bat. First they call out that there are three project types, “Data Project”, “Audio Project”, and “CD Extra Project” which is used for “Audio plus Data”. Each of those three types has 2 methods of project’s storing call “data project type”. Then each project type, of which there are three, has its own special use identified icon of which there are six. Now this is what a user has to contend with for an example with Burnaware, “What do you want to do? Create a standard disc or a bootable disc?. “What do you want to do? Create an Audio CD or Burn a DVD-Video?
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Where is the Registration Name and Number? It was NOT in the Readme file that I got and I did not see it anywhere during the installation.
Please advise.
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OMG! I'm not big on burning, but, I finally burned a music disc of 30 mp3s to CD and it took less then 1 minute! I was amazed. I thought I did something wrong again, I tested the CD.. Perfect! Thank you!
p.s. Yes, I know I could burn more and I wasted a disc but I am at work and get off in an hour and I didn't realize it would work so quick. =)
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I have downloaded "starburn" from here before? Is this pretty much the same type of software?
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Really great application for disc burning.
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#60, mike, I mentioned where to get SPTD back at comment #32. The fact that several other software packages use it isn't relevant. As I've stated in the past, it can cause you considerable grief, which is why I told people to keep it updated. Romeo Burner installs the most recent version, if you don't already have SPTD, and I haven't noticed any problems with that version (those with 64-bit OSes can download a 64-bit version).
Also as I stated back at comment #32, the desktop icon gives you access to custom Properties, which contains a number of useful settings, and conveniently provides a list of the DLL's and drivers which Romeo Burner uses, along with their version numbers and locations.
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Dave C #11 can you please tell me how to do install these programs on a thumb drive and install on other computers? Thanks Ray
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My Explorer now crashes when I right click. This will make it difficult to judge useage=0.
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@Blaze #61:
After registering check your install-folder. There should be a file called 'RomeoBurner.key'. This file is made as a result of the registering (data provided only in the setup from this GAotD-site). The program checkes its existence and content.
When this check fails you will stll be unregistered.
Obviously I can not publish this file; only RomeoBurner has this right and for today GAotD.
But the check you can do.
If you would be able to do a search for this file on your pc, just copy it and paste it back in your install-folder. You might (it's a guess) have displaced it due to virtualized environment.
That will do the trick. You will be registered.
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Just a note about this offering: The program was designed to integrate with Windows Explorer. If you use an alternate file manager, the Romeo Projects desktop shortcut will not work and will not install the projects links. The problem has been noted on their forum and is under investigation. The rest of the program seems to be ok (although I have not tested much yet) and you can crate a desktop shortcut to RomeoBurner.exe.
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In Vista Home Prem SP1, unchecked the box for desktop icon during install, & it didn't put an icon on the desktop.
RE: Program backup... I humbly suggest monitoring your installation. Some GOTD programs don't require keys - you get the full program which is otherwise unavailable for download from their site without paying. Other software records the key in one of the program's folders. Still others record the key in the registry. However, in the last few months only 1 program that I'm aware of did not write to the registry at all, & the needed keys/values might/might not be written to the registry when you start the program.
#56: "...except burning anything in Vista take days"
Shouldn't... should in fact take the same amount of time whether Vista or XP or 98 for that matter. You might be having problems with software or DMA not set etc., & would probably benefit from researching on-line & hopefully fixing your PC &/or Windows.
#45: "Does this come with a dvd decoder?"
No. Pick up an OEM disc online for PowerDVD 7, or try Videolan (VLAN) (Free), or check out the other software at videohelp.com.
#41: "does it make video slide shows?"
No... You'll need one of the burning suites (Nero - Roxio etc) or check out programs at videohelp.com. Microsoft also has some free software.
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To Andrew Semack (with side notes to this community and to prospective developers) -
Thank you. For two things - for making yourself visible and available to us on this forum, and for setting up a forum on your site for our feedback.
Your being here shows us that you care about us and about the quality of your work, and I appreciate the sense of comfort that gives me, as well as the opportunity to ask questions of you.
Your setting up the forum on your site for feedback embodies what I think is the whole spirit of GOTD: a means of reaching a massive audience who will give you the objective feedback that allows you to produce quality products that people want, need and use.
***Side note to the community: Please USE the forum that Semack and the Romeo team have set up at http://www.romeoburner.com/forum/ ... doing this is the best way I can see that we can actively help GOTD to lure quality developers and their products to us :)
***Side note to prospective developers: If you will do this same thing when offering your products here, I will PROMISE to visit your forum after trying your product, and to give you my honest and supportive results. I believe it is a small thing that can mean quite a lot to us, you and the GOTD team.
(Ok, lecture over, lol! I just wanted to take that moment to express the appreciation I think many of us feel for Semack taking time to be here today. It's like raising kids :) ... call attention to what someone does right, and you'll see them doing right more often)
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Nice, Nice, Nice.... Burn Nero, Burn. One thing however it keeps asking for reg. info. even though I put it in twice and it accepted it. Anyone else experince that?
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First off, a caution... Romeo Burner installs & uses a driver (sptd.drv in Windows\ System32\ Drivers) that’s part of Daemon Tools [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_Tools]. There’s nothing wrong with that *If* it doesn’t cause you any problems - we’ve experienced problems with Windows &/or other installed software on several PCs over the years with Daemon Tools. Google on “sptd.drv” & the first page of results all have to do with problems.
Otherwise Romeo Burner takes a strong shell approach, integrating with Windows to make burning easier, and installs several shortcuts in the Start Menu for different functions like grabbing audio CDs, Copying discs, Erasing discs and so on. Compared to leading burning apps, there are very few options &/or advanced features.
Right now the 4 top CD/DVD burning programs are Nero, Roxio, ImgBurn, & Windows itself. Nero & Roxio have been promoting full software suites, are the easiest to use, and between now & the end of the year you should be seeing some great sale pricing, usually involving rebates - last year you could get Nero for free, & Roxio for about $20, but that $20 included a video capture device. Roxio’s rebate policies are less restrictive. You can also pick up OEM discs on sale on-line, with limited feature versions of Nero & Roxio starting at $2 shipped. ImgBurn (free) is more-or-less the standard for burning dual layer DVDs, has loads of options, but is a bit more hassle to use - you first create a disc image, & then burn that image. The disc burning software built into Windows is maybe the easiest of all to use, & obviously takes first prize for integration with the Windows shell. There are lots of other CD/DVD burning apps, & you can find a brief listing at both CD Freaks [cdfreaks.com] & VideoHelp [videohelp.com] in addition to whatever they have at freeware & shareware sites.
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@ Trevor, I got this message when installing on Vista 64 too but it did then go on to install itself. It does still appear to work ok, after a quick play.
@ Bobby Jones, the two AVSEQ01 files are standard VCD format files, a quick googling would have told you this :)
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I saw the pictures on their site and to me it looks like a nice and easy to use tool.
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When I went to register it says the name or number is invalid
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Looks like a good program. and from reading about it and all the reviews you people are giving it, I would use it, except burning anything in Vista take days
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About registering. We have a great help in Romeo package. Nobody didn't have a chance to read it instead spending time to find it click by click? :)
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andrew semack
greetings sir, thank you for droping by. An if I may respectfully asked a question for your reply.
It appears that your program contains two files which are not scannable by normal means such as anti-vitus programs. would you please be so kind as to offer an explanation. the files in question are:
If I am mistaken in this matter my apology is given here and now.
Thank You
Bobby J
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I'm using Windows Server 2008 64 bit as my workstation, and the program does not work on it (it does at least say my platform is not supported). I suspect this also means it won't work with 64 bit Vista installations.
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For the person who had problems (#13) with it on their desktop, its because the project icon acts like the my computer icon. To get rid of it from the desktop you simply have to right click it and select hide icon.
Looks to be a good program. Nice features, all separated out so it isn't in one big program you need to run.
Separated Features- Romeo Audio Disc Grabber, Romeo Command Line Burner, Romeo Disc Copier, Romeo Disc Eraser, Romeo Disc Image Burner, Romeo Disc Image Grabber, Romeo Image Creator, Romeo Projects, Romeo Video Disc Burner.
Very nice I must say. I wish windows came with this automatically. Has all the features you pretty much need for a writer program.
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Have you noticed that there is a free "Lite" version? I don't know how the features compare with the pay version. But it might be of interest to those wary of relying on something that might go away if you have to re-install the OS. Or as a fallback after re-installation.
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