Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Project Dogwaffle 2 was available as a giveaway on December 4, 2008!
Project Dogwaffle 2 is a paint program for the PC which also includes animation features. Started in 1997 as a project to work around shortcomings of the established 'big guns' tools used in the professional community, it is loaded with fast or realtime filters for color enhancing in digital photos and animations, special effects and many built-in natural media brushes.
Dogwaffle also has powerful user-defined custom and animated brushes, fractal particle brushes, full tablet support, non-opaque layers, artist guides, powerful color gradients, great text tools, special FX for sky, snow, wet paint and even effects used commonly in 3D CG such as lens flares, as well as full Alpha support with direct painting on Alpha. Perfect for the hobbyist on a tight budget who likes to explore colors and shapes, and equally useful for web artists, game content creators, cartoonists, designers as well as in digital photography and traditional animation, Project Dogwaffle almost lets you paint the natural way - but without the mess.
NB: After installing PD 2.0 get the 2.1b update free download at ProjectDogwaffle.
Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/XP Pentium 300MHz (600 MHz Pentium2, AMD K7 or better recommended) 128MB RAM Video card at 1024x768 or higher
10.7 MB
I actually like this more than paint. It is easier to use overall but with much more advanced features. As far as Vista support, run it in a VM with Win XP, works fine.
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#114/Eamon: if you're looking for alternatives to Photoshop and Painter, check the freeware version 1.2 of Dogwaffle (www.dogwaffle.info/dogwaffle/free) as well as the few offerings through Trial Pay for a free copy (paid by someone else, essentially) for PD Particles, PD Artist or PD 2 (the same as was here at GAOTD).
Then there's also a bunch of companions or competitors. You have the GIMP, you might also enjoy ArtWeaver. www.thebest3d.com/artweaver and www.artweaver.de - they also have a plugin to Dogwaffle - which allows you to send images back and forth including alpha (unlike the Clipboard) without saving to file. Works with PD Particles too.
you're very welcome. ...and Yes, we're human indeed ;-)
#101/Weezie: really sorry it didn't work on your system. Was it a corrupted download? did you use a download 'accelerator'? If you're curious as to whether it could work right with proper download, try the demo version of PD Pro 3.5 or others. www.dogwaffle.info/dogwaffle/demozone - please let me know if you can't get it to work. You might have other software interfering, perhaps an antivirus/antispyware, or a real malware.... what's your security software?
#108/Harry: thanks,although we rarely like to call Dogwaffle an alternative to PS. Even though it's flattering, we'd be comparing apples with oranges. Of course, if you prefer oranges... LOL
Photoshop is great for lots of pro level photo compositing work, and yes some artists also do a great job at painting with it, but it wasn't designed for painting at first, and it took to version 5 or 6 if I recall before they had someone decent brushes. What makes PS what it is are layers. Layers and PS filters. 8bf filters. If you don't get PS layers you can't do real work in PS. And I mean advanced, sophisticated types of layers, effects layers, 3d layers...
Dogwaffle is not focused on layers. It's focused on brushes. EVen something like Control-C doesn't copy from selection to clipboard... it uses the brush instead. (custom image brush). And Dogwaffle doesn't stop at just 1 image: animated brushes can contain main images, aka frames, hundreds of them. In fact the latest plugin released a few days ago loads an AVI video directly to the animbrush.
It's different in design, in scope, in focus and in ambitions. If you like Dogwaffle, nothing should prevent you from still also liking Photoshop. In fact we'd much prefer having that you find creative ways to use both together. We have a bunch of tutorials showing how to use PD Particles with PS, PSP and other tools: www.thebest3d.com/pdp/tutorials - including 3D tools Carrara, Poser, Bryce and more.
They're all just tools. Let's see what YOU use them for ;-)
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It was really fun to use, but a little confusing because I am nowhere near profesional! There really should be...actually, in overal, it was fun.
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Darn. Im really upset about missing this one.
Another great photo editing software thingy thats kinda like Photoshop is Called GIMP and its one of those open source download things and completely free. Its the only thing i have...cause i missed this one:(
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I love this program. I haven't played with all the features yet, but I will. I love that I can do animation with this program.
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Thank you #97 Zanne...... The part about going to properties and checking Run as an Administrator was what I needed to get the program with update running on my Vista Basic laptop. I didn't realize I had to do that as I'm signed in as Administrator.....
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This is weird, but after commenting yesterday that the program ran fine on Vista Home Prem, today I got the 'Unexpected Error, Quitting' dialogue that some other Vista users mentioned receiving. But after right-clicking on dogwaffle.exe (not the shortcut) and choosing 'open as an administrator', the program opened ok.
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Well curiously enough I was able to get the program running on my Vista laptop. However, I could not get the program to install on any of our family's XP Pro SP2 systems. It installed very slowly, v e r y s l o w l y. And then got errors when it tried to register in the registry. I updated my VB files on one computer to no avail. I spent half of the night trying to get the program to install. Que Sera Sera. Looked like an exceptional program. I just got a "Dumping physical memory to disk" error on my daughter's computer. This is the first time XP has let me down. I'll be enjoying the program on Vista Basic 32 bits tomorrow.
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I want to comment on the extensive info, free plugins and updates that dogwaffle generously included in the GOTD readme.txt file. In a word, wow!
Thank you dogwaffle, for that unprecedented, unexpected bonus.
GOTD offers and its concept are already unique and much appreciated, but your readme.txt addition truly raised the bar, and I hope that other developers may take note and follow suit. Certainly it is a plus for us, as downloaders ... but there is another side: The very fact that a company would choose to do that, unbidden, in such largesse, places it *immediately* on my list of companies whose future products I'm most likely to pay for, and companies I'm most likely to recommend first to friends and associates.
Why? Because your readme additions made me feel as if you cared about your product being able to address my needs ... and even the tone of your words there (our sporadic newsletter, etc.) made me chuckle and feel you were as human as me: flawed at times but eager to please.
Thank you, dogwaffle and GOTD.
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Best GAOTD for a long time
works really smoothly
a great alternative to photoshop
Would recommend, would buy
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Hope this helps. Some of the tutes are made for other versions but you will usually figure out how to use the ideas in this version, if possible. (in some cases it lacks the features needed.... time to upgrade? :-)
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(40.) even though this is 4 years old, you can see new plugins added constantly. The OLE activeX server technology hasn't changed, still works under Vista too. If you program with Delphi, VB, other dev systems... you can connect to Dogwaffle's "mothership" aka activeX server. Lua scripting, thinBasic, Multiprint, ArtWeaver interface... all examples of add-ons and plugins written by others that do just that. http://www.thebest3d.com/dogwaffle/3rdpartyplugins
PS users add filters, .8bf and other things all the time.
The latest I created last week to load an AVI file straight into the brush. Does PS have that?
About the questions of Control-C vs. Alt-C for copy and equivalent for paste: There is COntrol-C, but it copies not from the document (image buffer), but instead from the custom brush. You have to understand this in order to 'get' dogwaffle: it is brush centric. If you think through the brush, not through image layers, then you're in good shape.
So, if you have an image in the clipboard from another app, you can COntrol-V alright, it just will paste it into the brush, and then you can stamp it into the image buffer if you must right away. Or store and manage the brush, use it in the Brush keyframer, turn it into animated brush, edit the animbrush in brush timeline, etc etc....
Anyone who ever had an Amiga running DeluxePaint (D-paint) will remember features like the Swap buffer or single-key 'u' for undo. Dogwaffle has much of that.
There are some intriguing similarities between Dogwaffle's and Blender's way of shortcuts too, similar philosophies.
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(65.) in order to upgrde:
free update to 2.1b at thebest3d.com/dogwaffle/patches
upgrade to higher versions with discount coupion in Readme file from the GAOTD download. That gets you the full installer 3.5 or 4.0. Each then have subsequent update patches to 3.7 or 4.1 respectively
ANother option is to order the upgrade rather than the discounted full version. In fact try the discount coupon on the upgrade. The caveat there is that it needs the original (v2.x) to apply the 3.x upgrade to it. If you wish to install on another system by the tim you're redy for the upgrade, you're better off getting the full installer (at discount)
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(85). correct, we own thebest2d.com as well as thebest3d.com
I don't have Miva scripting on thebest3d but I do on thebest2d (different hosting systems)
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(88). This was never freeware as release 2. The last freeware was v1.11b before it turned paying. Then there's a newer freeware 1.2 that was released July 4 2004, but version 2 was never freeware (except on some Chinese cracksites or russian torrents perhaps but who knows what else came with it)
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(40.): you can sample the 4.0 version as a demo anytime, http://www.dogwaffle.info/dogwaffle/demozone
there's also a 3.5 demo version there
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By the comments I've read this BS doesn't work well with Vista and is worthless on XP. I got the same message as previous members noted. "File corrupted" What a big waste of time AGAIN!
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What's FREE if you always have to buy something later? It seems that true software programs are seldom free. Is that the catch??
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#1 Post, (And other subsequent whining idiots, including the teacher dude) - DogWaffle is NOTHING like Photoshop.(Or Gimp or Paint.net or Paintshop Pro or ANY OTHER image editors) NOTHING. Photoshop is an image editor - DogWaffle is a digital paint tool that allows artists to create new images from scratch. Just more bad information from morons too lazy to actually research before he/she posts.
Skye Hook - so you have to go get a plug-in. BooHoo Too bad - poor baby. Go get a life. ANY Freeware/OpenSource packages - that's the way of the world - live with it.
Giovanni - why do you insist on putting the space after the h ttp in your links ? All it does is make for a pain in the a$$. Thanks for the links though.
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Being a novice myself, had no problem installing on my vista home basic. 1st try. And that's pretty good!
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In order to get this to run under Vista, with the update, you need to right click on the program icon, pick properties, click on the compatibility tab, check RUN THIS PROGRAM AS AN ADMINISTRATOR, click the apply button & then the ok button. From then on it should run fine. One note though, if you have Vista's UAC running every time you run this program it will come up & ask you whether to allow it to run or not. It's a pain, but the only other option is to turn UAC off. That's up to you & I definitely won't tell you to do that.
I played with the program a bit & found it cumbersome & not real end-user friendly. Definitely a program for someone who has time to really play & learn the ends & outs.
If you are a beginner & want something simple that all you have to do is click a button & it's done for ya... this doesn't seem to be the program for you.
I would love to see how they have improved on this program. Perhaps PD Pro 4 will be offered here one day.
Thanks GOTD & Project Dogwaffle!
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No problems at all installing and running on Vista HP with latest updates. Interface is pretty neat looking and simple to use.
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Downloaded and installed on my xp pro sp3 with no problems, fast and easy. I patched with the link #51 provided so that I didn't have to enter my personal info. Patched and program runs great. Thank you GAOTD for another great FREE software.
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This program installed ok for me on Vista Ultimate & ran. It wasn't until I added the update that it wouldn't work anymore. I tried loaded it with & without my UAC enabled. It didn't matter. The program runs fine until you add the patch & then it doesn't work anymore. I don't know what is up with that. Any suggestions?
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This was freeware at one time. WTF???
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A pain to load and a nightmare to upgrade. The version is very much out of date. Personally,I wouldn't bother. Already deleted this garbage!
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#35... Thank you kindly sir... will look into it!
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I hope I am not in error, but please exercise your own discretion when downloading the patch from the previous comment #51. I noticed that the link reads thebest2D.com, not the thebest3d.com. It may be perfectly innocent, bet it might be best to be cautious!
Update: I went back and checked my browser history, and the update DOES come from the best2d.com, so please disregard my warning above.
Sorry, Rich
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Friday's games have been posted over in the forums. There are 15 downloadable physics based mini games taken from the Experimental Gameplay Project, that are perfect for filling in the odd spare minuteyou may have, or ideal for taking a break from the drudgery of that spreadsheet orhomework you may be working on, lol:
As for today's excellent giveaway; this is definitely one of the few giveaway's that I'll be grabbing. I love messing around with it (it's broken into my busy gaming itinery today, lol)and my daughter loves playing with it. You can get a whole bunch of dogwaffle plug-ins for both today's giveaway and previous dogwaffle giveaways such as PD Particles and PD Artist.
Dogwaffle Plug-ins:
3rd Party Plug-ins:
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I've heard nothing but good things about this program from my graphic artist friends as well as fellow game designers. The animation system on this app is supposed to be pretty nice. I'm kinda mad that it's on GotD just a few weeks before I get my new computer >_<
Oh well, I'll live without it I guess.
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Think I have this but am downloading it anyway. I had no problems with it in vista if it's the same one. I liked it, been a while but I got it after reading about the grass creation bit on a site I visited (or the plugin site newsletter).
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This isn't directly related to today's giveaway, but it could be of future help to other AT&T Dialup users or anyone else on dialup that's using a proxy/accelerator software setup(rebranded Propel in the case of ATT, I think). The giveaway software always failed to register, saying "failed to connect to on port 8080." It's some sort of conflict with the accelerator software. Right clicking to disable the accelerator long enough to run activation solved the problem.
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Excellent program!!
I was just wondering what’s the difference between PD 2 ($29), Pd 3 and PD 4 ($49) and why the publisher didn’t allow GAOTD visitors to download the last version or at least the last but one.
I also wonder why the hell we should give to the Publisher even our PHONE NUMBER and SKYPE number just for an Update!!
On their website they said verbatim:
Why we do this: We have observed an unusually high amount of traffic for the 2.1b patch that was formerly posted on our website for free grabbing. IP addresses have been logged (though we’ll admit we don’t necessarily know yet what to do with them ;-).
So what??
Does the publisher of this SW consider GAOTD a dubious website?
Sorry mate but it looks like an excuse to wheedle personal information from us in order to make ads or even worse some spam at out expense!!
To avoid this here is the link to the 2.1b update as kindly suggested by # 51:
Anyway on the publisher's website there is also a FREE PD STARTER VERSION and fantastic tutorials on making eye-popping art:
FREE or CHEAPER (and maybe even better) ARTWORK ALTERNATIVES for those who won’t be able to install this GAOTD before the offer is over:
- GIMP: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/ (nice and easy tutorial to get to know how to use it properly)
DAZ STUDIO is a fabulous FREE 3D figure posing and animation tool enabling users to easily create stunning digital imagery and 3D images:perfect for eBook designers to design and create vivid cover images. Caution, it requires at least 1GB RAM to work smoothly even though 512 RAM can be enough if you are not too much demanding.
Cheers from Italy!
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This seems like a great painting software, however i give it a thumb down because it's not easy to use on Vista.
With so many updates and patches to download and install before it's working i won't bother to download it.
I just hope there will be a paint software available here that is compatible to vista soon.
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Where the hell are GAOTD visitors?
Are you busy to try all the ALTERNATIVES shown by #52 (who is he? What a boring and wordy post!!)?
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I don't know if this is any good or not. I have downloaded twice and tried to install on three different computers all running XP Home SP3 but it fails to install on all. On two of them it took over an hour to get to 40% before stopping completely. All attempts ended up crashing the computers, one of which is still not well. As the computers are all fully up to date and range from a 2.8ghz with 1gb ram to a 4.0ghz with 2gb of ram I have to assume that the downloads are bad or at least suspect as I have never had so many problems trying to install one program before.
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I had installation problems with it (couldn't extract all files). :-(
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good program for those stull using xp but I wouldn't downgrade Visual Basic on Vista for it. Its good but not all that in this antequated version.
Even the update, should you be willing to give personal information to get it, is an old version. I've said this before, so I'll say it again! Quit half stepping when you offer a program here. Bring the newest or don't bother!
I have Corel painter X so I'm pasing all the way around.
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Thank you GOTD and today contributor,
DL and install no problem in my Win XP Home version with SP3. But some plugin 'create error' when try to DL so too bad. Is a neat little sw but still not sure how to 'use'. Prob. need to check out the tutorials online. I think is not that bad to give out your email if you interested with their sw as you may have great discounts offer by them 'exclusively' since you subscribe their newsletter. Maybe not to the extend to reveal contacts or address though. :)
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Installed o.k. under XP Pro, but it grabbed my cpu and wouldn't release it to any other program, and it took a long time, I finally dropped it's priority below normal so I could use my system.
Looks good, but it's comparable (favorably) to Paint, not Photoshop or Gimp.
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Looks like a great program, but how does it compare to Gimp?
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second link auto matically upgrades patches
as it says above....
NB: After installing PD 2.0 get the 2.1b update free download at ProjectDogwaffle.
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woooow.... i love it... it's very easy...
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Installed on Vista 64 and seems to work. I am no expert on such programs, but unless you already have a professional "paint" program it is worth a try.
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This is very useful software. I am used to adobe products and this is very simple to use compared to them. Using this program with my wacom is a joy. Keep these good products coming!
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Installed both basic program and update on my desktop XP service pack 3 with no trouble. Tried to install on laptop w/Vista Home Basic and main program installed fine. Tried to do the update - MANY times - and it crashed both programs, so I am resigned to just run basic without upgrade on laptop. Tried some of the suggestions for getting it to run on my Vista, but finally got totally frustrated with numerous restarts and decided to leave well enough alone. If anybody has any clue why main program would run but the update program crashes it all, I would be most appreciative!
It seems like a good program that I will have fun learning.....
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Yay! I love this program! Installed fine on XP sp3, though did take really long & replaced something that message said was newer, BUT that's fine with me, cause this program is something I have wanted for a long time! THANK YOU GOTD & Project Dogwaffle!
I highly dislike having to go get patchs & plugins, even if it worth it, and I hope this will be fixed someday. I often do not get a program if I have to do all that myself, for many reasons, a few being That I am always afraid I will install it wrong, put in wrong place, miss one, etc, AND it takes time I shouldn't have to spend. I love Sourceforge, but often don't get something from there due to that. I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!!!!.. however, I do think all the extra downloading of patchs & plugins is a bit unprofessional, as if they didn't have the skill to put it all together in 1 file.
Other than that though, like I said, I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! And many, many thanks for it!
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How do you upgrade? I have not seen how.
Many thanks,
Santa Barbara California
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Well, I tried it on Vista, installed under XP compatibility, but when I installed the upgrade, all I got was a "unexpected error, terminating" window.
Any ideas?
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O I went to that link and AVAST alerted me to stay away from there. Soooo I will not download nor will I come back here to get FREE spyware!
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