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Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (English Version) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (English Version)

Paragon System Backup is easy to use and highly automated: out-of-the-box automation for scheduled background protection of your complete system and data.
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 462 51 comments

Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (English Version) was available as a giveaway on August 22, 2012!

Today Giveaway of the Day
$14.95 / month
free today
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Simple, smart and secure backup technologies! Paragon System Backup is easy to use and highly automated: out-of-the-box automation for scheduled background protection of your complete system and data. Plus, customizable backup strategy options for specialized individual needs.

System Backup 10.5 Special Edition provides the same functionality as System Backup 11 except the possibility to create WinPE based recovery media*, but you can create and use Linux/DOS-based Recovery media with built-in Recovery Media Builder.

Key Features of System Backup 10.5 Special Edition:

  • Out-of-box automated backup helps you initiate protection of your system and data on a regular basis just after the product installation.
  • Set-and-forget backup strategy. Cyclic Backup establishes a self-running data protection system, providing a “set-and-forget” backup strategy.
  • With the Create New Storage wizard, System Backup will analyze your disk system and determine the most appropriate place to store your backup images.
  • Paragon’s Smart backup engine effectively distributes resources among other applications when backing up in the automatic mode, so you can keep working on your computer and without any noticeable lag in system performance.
  • System Backup is based on simplicity and minimal user participation.
  • Advanced notification system. Color indicators in the system tray inform you about the level of danger your system and data are in and prompt you with ways to fix it.

*Limitations: Paragon Boot Media Builder - stand-alone wizard that helps to prepare a WinPE-based bootable environment is included to System Backup 11 but it's not available for this giveaway.

Technical Support: during the Giveaway period Paragon Software provides technical support at www.giveawayoftheday.com. Please, post your questions if you have any troubles while downloading, registering and using the software. Paragon Software’s support team will reply you as soon as possible.

System Requirements:

Windows 7/ Vista/ XP, x32/x64; Intel Pentium or compatible, 233MHz or higher processor; 128 MB of RAM required; 100 Mb HD for the program installation


Paragon Software



File Size:

167 MB



Comments on Paragon System Backup 10.5 Special Edition (English Version)

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Acronis's backup tools are better than Paragon's backup tools.

Reply   |   Comment by maynak00  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Downloaded , installed, registered okay. Attempted to create a Recovery Boot Cd as advertised, looked like it was burned.

Rebooted to Cd drive found image and loaded up fine, however when it got to both the file and partition image recovery the dam thing just locked up and yellow hard drive light on my system was solid and no cd spinning or activity light !!!!
mouse even froze up !

I give paragon benifit of the doubt and will try one more burn with minimum burn speed and see if that was the cause if not then back to other less worrisome troubles and headaches.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, when it walked me through backing up my system I HAD EXTERNAL DRIVE ATTACHED and it pushed me to backup making another rescue paritition on my system drive !?!

- crown

Reply   |   Comment by crown  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Two hours before the offer ended I registered but the Product key and serial number was not sent. I tried a different e-mail same thing nothing was sent. Checked the spam folder too. 2 Thumbs down for me. I just go with Giovanni's recommendation of Comodo.

Reply   |   Comment by ASBY  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@Dd I wasn't going to mention this but Apple fanboys/girls get on my nerves when they make comments such as yours. There is nothing wrong with Macs if they do what you want them to.

That being said, The reason some people find it difficult to understand (yourself included it seems, your words not mine) is that Windows has options, other software, third party software, choices, alternatives that we can use which we might find more useful than just the one provided by the OS provider (Windows also has backup software included).

My point I guess is that Windows gives you many more options in software of all kinds, if your into choosing for yourself. Also if you didn't know Linux works on your Mac also, along with a few other vendors software (just not many).

Now for the software. This is a quality backup software that does everything they say it does, at least so far for me. I will be using this from now on as long as it performs as it does/should. The price is easily fair for such software. There is freeware out there that can do almost the same as this but I myself do not trust my important data to freeware (just can't do it).
Thank you Paragon and GAOTD for a great GA!

Reply   |   Comment by rodken  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Why can't GOTD's Backup offerings offer a WinPE disk, rather than a plain old Linux disk? The difference between the two are, a WinPE disk will Backup the computer in addition to Restore.

This means a cleaner, safer, faster backup, w/o having to disable Windows services (security, internet connection, other scheduled tasks). The Backup OUTSIDE of the Windows environment bypasses these things.


Reply   |   Comment by Cat Tilley  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

Also, I think the reason for the large download file is that you are downloading both the 32 and 64 bit versions???

Reply   |   Comment by RichU  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

#4: Paragon may be a good backup system.
HOWEVER, most, if not all of the offered functionality IS already built in Windows.
The built in Windows backup software is very primitive compared to [most/all?] Paragon software.

Can Windows format a partition with Ext2, Ext3 or Ext4?? No? How 'bout ReiserFS or Apple HFS? Can Windows create 5 partitions with one of those formats on each of the 5 different partitions?

#31 Every time this comes up, I ask the same question:

What, exactly, is the difference between “System Backup”, “Drive Copy”, “Backup and Recovery”, and the multitude of different Special Editions and Free Editions and Compact Editions that show up? And why is this information never presented in a straightforward fashion?

(And why does this question keep getting censored when I ask it?)
Comment by Jorpho — August 22nd, 2012 at 11:41 am :
You got through this time. But have you tried a Google search for the definitions? You'll have to ask Paragon about why they have so many different Editions but I'd guess it's to offer simpler versions for people that don't need all the features their Suite software has.

"System Backup" - creates many archive files that I find almost impossible to figure out what's in them (which folders etc) and I don't think you can restore one partition or one file only out of the mess.

"Drive Copy" - does just what it says. I makes a clone of the drive you want to copy to another drive. It copies -everything- on the source drive so that the target drive is an exact copy and can be put into another computer and will boot with all the files the original HD has. Or if your main drive gets scrambled you can boot the computer from the target drive and then copy the target drive back to the original source drive and you are ready to go very quickly.

"Backup and Recovery" - back up is the process of saving your drive or data to some other storage device. Recovery is the process of putting that data back into a drive (restoring the data) so it can be used.

General note to people worrying about what software to use to restore a backup to your crashed drive.
Most [all?] of Paragon backup software has the capability of creating a Recovery CD from the program you download. That is what you would normally use to restore your data back to the original HD.

Why are Paragon downloads so big?
The download includes [probably] a Linux OS that you use to create the Recovery CD. That CD can boot outside of the Windows OS so you can restore the data back to the crashed HD. There are other recovery tools on the CD too.

But here's another way to do a "backup" and NOT have to use -any- software to get your system running again. All you have to do is boot from the drive you've -disk copied- the original HD to and then use the same Paragon software on that drive to copy the data back to the original drive.

I just did a disk copy of 135 Gb of my main drive to another drive in under 40 minutes using Paragon software. Does it really matter how much room the backup software uses on your hard drive it if saves your butt when you really need it?

Reply   |   Comment by olrowdy01  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

It will not detect my USB drive. Uninstalling.

Reply   |   Comment by Luckey  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

If there were a free imaging system that also sent notifications for incrementals, then we'd be talking. Notifications are the key imo. Without them it's too cumbersome to want to manually check that the periodic backups. I'd also love to see some windows server backup software that is reliable and sends notifications, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Reply   |   Comment by Donny  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I cannot understand why this is all so difficult, WinPE, Linux, other vendor software. Why can't windows do it like Apple? Just TimeMachine (included in every Mac). Thats it.

Reply   |   Comment by Dd  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

After installing the software, i was advised to restart the computer.
I pressed OK . But the windows was shut down. But failed to launch once again. I am getting mesage "Windows is loading files..."

What should I do now?

I have a HP compaq computer with windows 7 OS.

Reply   |   Comment by umesh nayak  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Installed and uninstalled it. Like others have said; only uses USB drives to back-up on, at least that is what it says when searching for a backup location. I prefer to schedule my backups across, and stored on, my home network storage devices. Like others have said, what good is scheduling if you have to keep a USB drive plugged in constantly? Not a good situation.


Reply   |   Comment by Harry  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was able to download, install, but not activate a previous GAOTD offering.

Today, I have tried to Setup the Paragon offer, and yes, I have uninstalled the previous version to enable that action...

Unfortunately while Setup appears to begin, it then travels into some wormhole never to be heard from again.

The interesting thing to me is that in the earlier offering there was a ".gcd" file identified with the "activate" function; today the .gcd file is associated with the "setup" executable. I'm concerned that GAOTD has embarked on some new authentication technique and that it is NOT working as it should.

I am unable to install System Backup 10.5, and I have NEVER had a problem with a Paragon installation before this.

From where I sit the "new" .gcd, framework appears to need work before it can be called functional!

Please advise: GAOTD - can you tell me what is wrong?

Reply   |   Comment by Rich  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank KB (#32)and others. Will give it a try.

Reply   |   Comment by lynnB  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

For those of you who want the benefits of imaging your drive without having to install any new software to do it, try Clonezilla or Redo.


Reply   |   Comment by Midwest guy  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Installed without problems. Took a while though. Wants to restart my machine because of the (imho unnecessary) background service it installs. This service deals with on-the-fly backing up I presume, and I've disabled it. Says it has no problems with 64-bit but there's no 64-bit version, not that I can find anyway. Site is vague about the 'bitness' of the linux distro it comes with, claims 'native Windows' which can still mean anything. Especially since this program does what Windows can also do 'natively' anyway.

Final install is just little over 50 MB, so that's 110 MB of wrapper stuff I'm downloading? Probably encryption or something like that. So I wouldn't call it bloated. Because that's 50 MB including the bootable recovery image. With Knoppix at about 25 MB, if I remember correcty, that size is acceptable for me. And with 2 TB at my disposal I'm not impressed, lol.

Has a few features I'd never use. I'd never make images in the background or 'on-the-fly' while watching yt or something, that's why I've disabled the service. Potential resource hog too btw. System maintenance and backing up is that one time in the day/week/month/take-your-pick you should be serious while on the computer. And if I do backup casual-like, Robocopy is the way I go, it's highly configurable, reliable and doesn't hog CPU resources. Can't do imaging though. And besides, I don't have my backup disk attached 24/7, waste of energy and read/write cycles.

Nevertheless, I've used previous versions (or slightly different variations) of this software and it does what it says and with flair. If you don't know your way around Windows hidden commands or the Command Line Interface, then this is a really good and reliable alternative. A definitive keeper.

Thanks to GOTD and Paragon.

Reply   |   Comment by Dany  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

To answer a few of the questions that keep coming up. The large download is due to the files it takes to create the rescue disk. It includes a stripped down Linux standalone system which is quite large. I'm not sure why this version is 70 MB more than the paid version. It might be that the Win PE is smaller than the Linux Live. This giveaway is better than the free alternatives, because it offers the option for incremental and differential backups which add everything changed since your previous backup and save a lot of time space on your backup drive, since you don't do a full backup each time.
I have the paid version (the hard disk suite version), and it saved my ass 3 times. Don't miss this offer. Paragon has some of the best giveaways on GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by Mark  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Correction: after one more try, installation seems to have started. ave been able to enter product key and registration number and installation continues.

Sorry for incoinvenience

Reply   |   Comment by JJ Vastiau  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

Downloaded withoiut problem, then ran setup.

I went till the place where Paragon sends the keys in the mailbox, got a message to erase previous version which I did.

Got the keys in the mailbox, but the installation program was gone and no way to find it back!!!

Pls help.

Thks & rgds

Reply   |   Comment by JJ Vastiau  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

#27 I have been using Paragon backup for a couple of years now and it has saved my hide a time or two so using the one today on GAOTD or their free version will do for your needs, here is the step by step in case of drive failure and YES your GAOTD is covered in a backup drive image..

1.- Create image of system, preferably on a USB HDD
2.- Create the Paragon Recovery CD
3.- If drive fails replace drive
4.- Boot recovery CD, point it to the USB HDD image
5.- Restore image
6.- Reboot system and go along like nothing happened

I had an OS partition get trashed when the power went off in the middle of a partition resize but thanks to Paragon I had the system back up and running in under 20 minutes, you just can't beat that. Thanks Paragon and GAOTD!

Reply   |   Comment by KB  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+16)

Every time this comes up, I ask the same question:

What, exactly, is the difference between "System Backup", "Drive Copy", "Backup and Recovery", and the multitude of different Special Editions and Free Editions and Compact Editions that show up? And why is this information never presented in a straightforward fashion?

(And why does this question keep getting censored when I ask it?)

Reply   |   Comment by Jorpho  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+25)

For quite a while I've been using the Paragon System Backup 2010 until the Paragon Backup & Recovery™ 2011 (Advanced) Free was installed Nov 2011.

(Note that Paragon has changed the format of their backup files so unfortunately these versions does not work together.)

For almost a year I've been missing the simplicity of the Paragon System Backup so about 2 weeks ago I gave in and installed their System Backup 11 trial version for test - and later purchase.

Today's offer is therefore VERY welcome - Thanks GAOTD and Paragon !


Reply   |   Comment by Ben  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

@19 I think this is a bit misleading when you link to the FREE version. * EaseUS Todo Backup Free Edition
Can even restore images to different hard drives!!!

Reply   |   Comment by HOODY  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

Reliability is the most important part of a backup system. I have had Windows System Restore fail me twice and I know others have also had problems with it. Fortunately Paragon worked for me when I needed it. The Linux restore CD that it can create worked very well.

I don't understand why Paragon has so many versions of their backup software. I have Paragon Backup and Recovery, and Paragon Drive Copy. Now they are offering System Backup. They all backup your system but have slightly different options. Unless you have special needs they will all work including the free version available on their website.

Reply   |   Comment by danzeb  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Okay, I am still intimidated by this "recovery" software. Please answer this.

(1) What way & which software is recommended by you guys to essentially allow a complete reinstall for a hard drive failure? I.e. hard drive fails-->buy new hard drive-->install recovery discs (or load from external HD)--> up & running away.

(2) I have several GOTD downloads. Is my software protected?

Thanks in advance.

Reply   |   Comment by lynnB  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-5)

#7 Justine
Works both with SSD and HDD with no limitations.
Has manual and auto backup strategies both.

#9, #12
The package contains installation file of System backup itself (~98mb) and Media Builder executable file (~60mb).

Reply   |   Comment by Paragon  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

I stopped using paragon when they started bloating thier software i got the same program from another place for free at half the size and now i use the paid versions from easus even one free one came with recovery disk but easus works better on 64bit win 7 ultimate and win 8

Reply   |   Comment by ariebitski  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

#20 Jammo - I think the one you already have (like I do) is better, in that it has the recovery function built in and not just the backup, plus it is newer judging by the version number. In fact, because of the way they attach the year to the previous version to recycle it, albeit with a sometimes slightly reduced feature set, what you have is probably pretty much the same as Paragon Backup & Recovery 2012. Plus which it stands to reason that the Compact Edition is more compact.

Reply   |   Comment by internetexplorer  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)



Reply   |   Comment by SIW2  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

What is the difference between this and their Backup and Recovery 11 Compact Edition?

Reply   |   Comment by Jammo  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)


How many Windows Editions have a partition/disk image function?

Win7 has one, and Higher editions of Vista

Most Windows users do not have it built in.

Out of those that do - very few use windows imaging function because it is extremely inflexible and not very reliable.

MS are abandoning it. It has been deprecated in Windows 8.

Having a system image is the best insurance a gainst pc disaster.

3rd party solutions are much better.

Reply   |   Comment by SIW2  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

@14 or you can use Barts PE builder if you are not absolutely set on having to have a "WIN" pe. It will basically build the same thing.


Reply   |   Comment by Dawn R. Milford  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Well, with so many FREE DISK IMAGING PROGRAMS out there, I believe that PARAGON DRIVE COPY 11 PRO, given away here a few weeks ago, is more useful than today's giveaway.

For instance take a look at this compelling article written by missing Ashraf some time ago:


And yes 167 MB for a backup software is simply too much to me and not just because I'm not on a high-speed connection.


* Paragon Backup & Recovery 2012 Free Edition

* EaseUS Todo Backup Free Edition
Can even restore images to different hard drives!!!




* Comodo Backup

Key Features:

• Quick backup of entire drives or individual files or folders to your local computer, network drive, FTP server or Comodo’s online server
• Step by step wizards to guide even novice users through the entire backup, restore and scheduling procedures
• Flexible storage options allow you to specify full, incremental or differential backups
• Protection of invaluable personal and business data from loss or corruption
• Quick recovery of files with a few clicks of the mouse
• Granular scheduling options to take automatic backups at a time that suits you
• Real-time backups synchronization feature to get your files copied over as soon as you save them
• Built in checker to confirm the integrity of your backup files before committing to a restore
• Backup presets including mail folders, windows registry, messenger archives and master boot records
• Powerful encryption options to protect your files so that it cannot be accessed by anyone but you
• Online Storage facility to store your backup files in highly secured online storage space, which can be also be mounted as a virtual drive in your system
• Command line and scripting support to automate the online backup and restore operation


Besides that, for backup purposes, you could also try the freeware “Comodo Time Machine”, which uses a different approach since it quickly restores your PC to an earlier point in time by taking a snapshot of your entire system (including the registry, critical operating system files and user created documents) literally with two mouse clicks:


And to create, backup & restore images of your USB Drives:


Yes this GAOTD does not include Paragon Boot Media Builder, meaning if your PC cannot boot up anymore you can't use this software to recover your files.

But in such case...don't worry & be happy...with Giovanni there's always a (FREE) solution for any problem you may experience...LOL!!

* Paragon Rescue Kit Free Edition 11.0




Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+75)

@ # 12, Eddie: Bit unfair to criticise Paragon for creating a back-up utility that should be 1/2 of the size of today's 167Mb. As I mentioned in # 9, it actually isn't too far from that: 98Mb from Paragon direct.

The variance between two different download sizes of the same software baffles me, because the GAOTD wrapper's overhead surely doesn't explain that enormous 69 Mb disparity. Or, well, I sincerely hope it doesn't.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

On comment 15 regarding Paragon Backup and Recovery 2012 Free. Looked on their website but didn't see it. Where do you get that one from???

Reply   |   Comment by Karl Eastwood  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-8)

Within the last few days TechRepublic had an article on 5 free cloning programs at http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/five-apps/five-free-and-reliable-cloning-tools/1507?tag=content;siu-container. Included was a free one from Paragon along with Clonezilla, Macrium Reflect Free Edition, DriveImage XML, and Runtime’s Shadow Copy. I have used other Paragon Versions of their Backup and Restore Programs and they work. I also have Norton Ghost and it sometimes has problems where Paragoon does not. I will download the offered Paragon program today.

Reply   |   Comment by William Gorman  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+18)

I do understand this is a backup program. What I don't understand is the need for it on a personal use. I have Paragon Backup & Recovery™ 2012 Free. It has saved me many a time. Instead of just backing up documents and pictures etc on my PC, I have a weekly image to go to on an external disk. I do that with family members also. In today's world of grandchildren clicking away on SpongeBob popups...oops...your infected...rootkit/trojan/email viruses that your antivirus program never detected. The stand-alone wizard that helps to prepare a WinPE-based bootable environment is included. Pop in the disc and go back to an uninfected time of a clean unbroken machine. The backup drive cost me $29. Won't mention the site but it is well known to all. Starts with A

Reply   |   Comment by Maureen  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

If you are in need for a WinPE bootable what Paragon doesn't give you with this version...


Reply   |   Comment by Ton  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+19)

@5 - Tony:
Those who read all the info have the advantage...
"except the possibility to create WinPE based recovery media*, but you can create and use Linux/DOS-based Recovery media with built-in Recovery Media Builder"

Giveaways never contain WinPE based recovery builders because of the license rights. However, you CAN create a recovery CD, just not WinPE based, but its Linux based and does the same thing.

Reply   |   Comment by Doro  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+31)


That's the main problem I have with Paragon. Their products are generally solid, although like Ashampoo they do spam you a bit too much after the fact. No offense really, they are just trying to sell product and that's what its all about. But its a little annoying, and yes you could always filter them out. But it isn't quite that bad. You just grumble a little and move on to the next thing. : )

BUT, they need to reduce the size of such bloated packages. 167MB! A backup utility should be 1/2 of that size or less IMHO. It must be a factor of whatever compiler they tend to use. Again no offense, but slimmer is usually better in my view.

Uncle Eddy

Reply   |   Comment by Uncle Eddy  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

From description of this veision: "can create and use Linux/DOS-based Recovery media with built-in Recovery Media Builder".

Reply   |   Comment by Ildar  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Perhaps I don´t understand the ideas on Idea Informer:

"Allow users to choose to backup only specific folders with 1 click, first one a full backup and then subsequent differential backups - BUT allow users to create a new full backup of those folders whenever they want. "

That is one of the advantages of this program. h**p://www.paragon-software.com/home/systembackup/

"add a feature that allow program independent restoration of backups since the program itself may be lost or destroyed when PC should be formated. "

You can burn a bootable Paragon recovery CD when this software is installed, with all the functions neccesary.
(@5: isn´t true: The remark in the description concerns the WINPE (extra) bootable CD, not the Paragon bootable CD))

"DVD backup with incremental data backup + independent 'on dvd' autorun / no installed software dependancy"

Differential data backup is more sophisticated and mostly the better choice. This program does this out of the box, you can even set the number of differential backups between full backups.
I don´t understand why someone would not be able to burn the archives on a DVD with a burner program and an auto split option (e.g. CDBurnerXP). (By the way: why would you do this? You will waste a lot of time, DVD´s and a lot of money doing this)
And yes, there is no installed software dependancy when you burn the Paragon bootable recovery CD iso, included in this package.

Reply   |   Comment by Vista PC  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+20)

A 167 Mb download from GAOTD/Paragon. But a 98 Mb download from Paragon direct.

As has been said before about Paragon's offers here, the sheer size of the downloads is going to exclude many potential users. Today's offer is another example -- though why the download size is an astonishing 72% greater than the size of the same product from the developer itself, I've no idea. . . and especially as this 167 Mbsworth is actually lighter in functionality than the 98 Mb original.

Anyway. As usual, thanks Paragon, and thanks GAOTD. There'll be many fortunate enough in the GAOTD community to have an Internet connectivity equal to these truly monumental downloads. For those who don't, however, then there's no option but to look elsewhere today for back-up software that's as "simple" and as "smart" as this 167 Mb giant claims to be.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+46)

#5 Tony
You can create and use Linux/DOS-based Recovery media with built-in Recovery Media Builder.

Reply   |   Comment by Paragon  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

I have questions for Paragon:

Does this software version have SSD restrictions?

Does it allow for automatic or manual snapshot creation?

Thanks in advance for your response.

Reply   |   Comment by Justine  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

Good One!!!
Thanx ; )

Reply   |   Comment by Benz  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-76)

This download does not include Paragon Boot Media Builder. Which means if your PC cannot boot up there is no way to access the Paragon recovery software. Creating a Recovering Bootable CD or Flash USB, is the most important thing for disaster recovery.

Reply   |   Comment by Tony  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+107)

Paragon may be a good backup system.
HOWEVER, most, if not all of the offered functionality IS already built in Windows.

The advertising line “set-and-forget” backup strategy has to go in the trash right from the get-go. there is no such thing. Simple. Unless you have your backup disk constantly connected to your computer, which is absurd because of the risk that you expose the backup disk to a virus. Just ridiculous! Even enterprise class servers, the admins HAVE to throw the switch manually or per mouse click.
There are other things with Paragon that make me boil off. •Paragon’s Smart backup engine. Yeah, it's based on Windows own backup engine if you haven't noticed. Not knocking on the price. If they feel 30 bucks is what a customer has to pay for it, then good. But Paragon is NOT any better than Windows backup apart from the GUI and perhaps a little more intuitive. OK I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with, is, copycats like Paragon that sell you stuff what you already get for free. And that already BUILT-IN into windows straight out of the box.
Why am I saying this? BECAUSE, if you get Paragon today or even if you buy it, it's just unnecessary eating up your hard disk space, for starters, secondly unnecessary spending money on something where you don't have to spend money on. The only thing is Paragon is something cosmetic. The GUI is nicer than Windows backup. If that is worth the 30 bucks, surprise me! I bet you find on sourceforge.net something that is free and does perhaps a little more.

Reply   |   Comment by Ton  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+73)

Macrium_Free - backup technology you can't beat!

Reply   |   Comment by Ferdinand  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-46)

I still have the same software given by GOTD on 21 Dec 2011.
Paragon + GOTD is offering it again to those who missed it.
Paragon gives quality software.

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  12 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+30)
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