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Nautilus 3D Screensaver Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Nautilus 3D Screensaver

Nautilus 3D Screensaver: submerge yourself into the mysterious world of underwater castles, sunken ships and treasures.
$14.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 257 95 comments

Nautilus 3D Screensaver was available as a giveaway on February 24, 2007!

Today Giveaway of the Day
$14.95 / month
free today
Burn all sorts of videos to fantastic DVD & Blu-ray discs.

Get ready for an exciting underwater adventure with Nautilus 3D Screensaver. Nautilus is the name of Captain Nemo's submarine from Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. If you read the book, you will be surprised how well the screensaver conveys the atmosphere of enigmatic ocean and its inhabitants.

Submerge yourself into the mysterious world of underwater castles, sunken ships and treasures. This strange looking submarine will take you to the bottom of the ocean where no one before you has been. In the dim, cold, and dark waters of the ocean you start seeing ruins and outlines of some strange buildings. Then you see a sunken ship. Are there any treasures on board? How did it sink? Pirates? Storm? We'll never know.

Nautilus 3D Screensaver doesn't just submerge you into the deaths of ocean - it submerges you into your childhood, when reading a book was always an adventure. When you lived through the adventure with the main characters, always wanting to look at the and of the chapter so see how it ended.


System Requirements:

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, P-II 500 Mhz or equivalent processor, 64 MB RAM, 16 MB Direct3D 8.0 compatible hardware accelerated video card, DirectX 8.0 or higher





File Size:

8.89 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Bring back the Start button and menu to Windows 8.
Use Windows 7 desktop gadgets on Windows 10/8.1/8 operating systems.
View various meters for resource consumption.
Developed by Microsoft

Comments on Nautilus 3D Screensaver

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Yes, it does.

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#94 "The Advanced Specialist (#93) - like I said on another page, please use the blockquote tag when you copy comments like that, it makes it easier to see ;>"

It does?

Reply   |   Comment by BillW50  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#94 Keilaron - Re: repeat msg about tags.
--Like I said in reply to that comment already. No. It is not suitable and does not provide the functionality that I prefer. ;>

Reply   |   Comment by The Advanced Specialist  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The Advanced Specialist (#93) - like I said on another page, please use the blockquote tag when you copy comments like that, it makes it easier to see ;>

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


1. What people are complaining about is not comments that informatively points out a program flaw, or shows thought and insight about the function of the program, or an error, or even an observation about subjective quality of the program's design or artistic appearance. This kind of 'Evaluation Comment' is fine and this type includes some technical review or informative evaluation of the software. This type of EVALUATION COMMENT is fine! EVEN if it results in a THUMBS DOWN.

2. What people ARE disgusted with here, are useless comments. Comments where the person did not take any time to list Alternatives, or to document an error #, and has nothing of value or help or anything in it except personal attacks. THIS is a "Negative Comment". And this is the kind that everyone is really tired of, and drags down the site and reflects poorly even on the GiveAwayOfTheDay site because people have just turned it into some name-calling fest. This is what people are saying they DONT like, on here. Comments that informatively point out a technical error, and say the REASON why they don't like the program, are fine.

Here, this is what people are talking about:

Example 1 GREAT!:

#83 LARRY B wrote: "Tried this one. It was a disappointment. As mentioned by someone else…No marine life. Under water scenes seem mostly black, with no filtered surface light. Submarine looks like a Disney rip-off. Some scenes had horizontal “noise” lines. Good idea with room for improvment. If this was to be an example of “3planesoft” to market their other products, it backfired. If they wish to encourage interest in their products, they should provide better quality offers. No way a keeper for me. 8-(
Comment by Larry B. — February 24th, 2007 at 9:54 pm "

THIS IS GREAT! Nice review by Larry B. It's not positive. It says he doesn't like the program. This is fine. Because he points out specific observations, he took a minute to evaluate it and review it and makes some good suggestions how it could be improved. Wonderful. All good here.

Ok, now EXAMPLE 2 BAD!:

#37 DEU DEU WROTE TALKING TO #17 "Ursula" as follows:

"#17, you are mentally challenged...."
"...You sound like an idiot..."
"Go start a business and you will learn quickly that negative feedback is useful.
Comment by deu deu — February 24th, 2007 at 8:59 am

THIS is the type of comment and poster about whom people are talking here that is not appropriate. THIS is a Negative Comment. And includes name-calling, personal insults, and barely any technical information or documentation of results of actual testing of the software program, nor any links to alternatives that people might like, it's just a Negative comment. Comments that only go "#284 you are retarded" or "Pfft.Not another Screensaver, this is so dumb" or "GAOTD sucks!" or 'Give me the program *I* want and that *I* deserve to get for free and this site sucks because I took all my time to come here and get MY free software and it's Not the one I want! I demand you give me free things that I want NOW!" etc. ....Things like that are not unuseful. And make the site less fun.

However "Special mention" goes to this one:
"This screensaver is $15? ….The black screen looks more classic and mmmhhhh….how do I say it?….Simple! ….I wanna run out of space on things that will make me CREATE something…..I don’t wanna look at a submarine and feel like Moby Dick will suddenly pop out of nowhere and swallow me :P …..Anyway…..Thanks GAOTD TEAM for all the exciting software you bring to us everyday…oh yeah…and thanks (I guess) for the “exciting” screensavers.
Comment by B!cho — February 24th, 2007 at 3:08 am "

Hahahaha! I don't know where that came from but it made me laugh! haha. Good one. Even got a visual. Just when the negative ones were making me feel like not coming back here very much, that one made up for it and brightened my day. Haha.

Also liked this one:
#16 Jules Verne wrote: "Very nice. But the book was better."
Comment by Jules Verne — February 24th, 2007 at 4:06 am

lol. :)

Reply   |   Comment by The Advanced Specialist  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#4 & #19, and anyone who wants screensavers on dual monitors.......check out UltraMon .... http://www.realtimesoft.com/ultramon/

Reply   |   Comment by ~k~  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This software isn't free? Are you sure? If you are using it, and did not pay even one cent for it, then it is free. Period.

Reply   |   Comment by Rick  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

not another screensaver:(

Reply   |   Comment by loll65  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#72- download.com is not a safe bet. I'll give you a perfect example. They had several dozen screensavers listed for download from scenicreflections.com. And many had "editor picks" ratings. Well the screensavers had a trojan dropper included but were still up over a year before download.com took them down. The trojan was confirmed by AVG antivirus who downloaded some of the screensavers from download.com. Thousands of people downloaded those screensavers before they were finally took off the download.com web site. And scenic relections screensavers are still listed on softpedia despite being warned about the included trojans several months ago. If you would like to see how much monitoring softpedia does on their web site just take a look at some of their user forums sometime. You'll probably see many adult oriented ads and posts in place.

Reply   |   Comment by acr  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I just wanted to say that I really enjoy & appreciate the free screesavers. I hope you will continue to offer them. -Some that I would like to see are = a'WINTER SNOWFALL SCENE', a 'BURNING FIRE', 'RAIN',and 'LAGOON 3D'.


Reply   |   Comment by JEG  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Another nice one! Thank you. The default at install is a very low 640x480x16 screen resolution. It looks much nicer at higher resolutions (as does most graphics). See it at the highest resolution your monitor can achieve and you graphics processor can handle!

Reply   |   Comment by Daniel  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Personally, I love 3d screensavers, if they're done well. This one is. Thanks!

Reply   |   Comment by MouseGoddess  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#82 (Anonymous) - False. Leaving comments does not affect the rating.
If you do not rate, you do not rate, period. After having left a rating, you cannot rate again and yet you can comment again.

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Enough with the screensavers!

Reply   |   Comment by NoMoreScreensavers  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Tried this one. It was a disappointment. As mentioned by someone else...No marine life. Under water scenes seem mostly black, with no filtered surface light. Submarine looks like a Disney rip-off. Some scenes had horizontal "noise" lines. Good idea with room for improvment. If this was to be an example of "3planesoft" to market their other products, it backfired. If they wish to encourage interest in their products, they should provide better quality offers. No way a keeper for me. 8-(

Reply   |   Comment by Larry B.  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi #30 WhiteRabbit aka Stephen,
when commenting without selecting a thumbs up or down, you get the default rating, which is a thumbs up. Thus the ratings will almost always appear to be more positive than the comments would indicate.

Reply   |   Comment by  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

GOTD Team: Before you quit offering screensavers altogether - ha! ha!, please consider the Lagoon one from this same company. I just tried it (before downloading today's offering, in fact) and it has a lot of beaches and plays the sounds of an incoming surf. If a screensaver is going to use a lot of CPUs as some people have complained, at least it has great effects and is soothing to the spirit - and what more could you want from a computer that you aren't using?

And now I'm off to download the official "product of the day" ...

Reply   |   Comment by  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I've been downloading software from this website ever since it started and still do :).

Reply   |   Comment by Vanessa Wang  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey I'm a child!But I'm certainly not spoiled Ursala the Ungrateful.
Anyway I agree with with what you say except for the children part.
If you don't like don't download it!It is simply a figure of common sense.

Reply   |   Comment by Vanessa Wang  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Reading all these comments.....GOTD team should have a section reserved for the folowing:

1. Free Jokes of the Day
2. Free Technowizard Geekdom of the Day
3. Free Complaints of the Day

Most of the comments only prove that a lot of people have WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands. Let's make the comments constructive folks, whether positive or negative....not just an opportunity to "rant and rave"!

Reply   |   Comment by jennybenny  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

BillW50 (#72) - I'd even be weary of Download.com. Claims are they're cleaning up, but they've had a nasty reputation more than once...
Short version is, really, to be careful no matter where you go. And as you've hinted at, it's never a good idea to turn off your security - I for one never do so, even during installations that beg that you do so.

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Not complaining for sure about this, a free nice screensaver that is awesome thank you, I will take it for nothing.

Reply   |   Comment by ralphn  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks Kielaron comment #53, I'd forgotten that the cpu is shown as an history gram, lol. Shows how much I use the task manager, however the morphine doesn't help to clear my head, lol.

Reply   |   Comment by Whiterabbit aka stephen  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Did anyone ever tell you not to look a gift horse in the mouth?
If you don't like the radio station, change the channel. If you don't like the restaurant, don't eat there and if you don't like GAoTD......see the little red "x" on the top right of your screen? Hover your cursor over that "x" and left click!

Save your negative comments for your children when they give you the homemade fathers day card......and you think it's dumb.

I look forward to seeing people like you in the pages of the "Darwin awards"


Reply   |   Comment by Curt  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#53, thanks for the instructions on how to see what your CPU usage is during a period that the screensaver is on. You can learn something new everyday by reading these posts. And I sort of agree with those who wonder about the value of something that is beautifully looking but never seen. :) Hey, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is there does the tree hitting the ground make a sound? Regardless of the value of this particular screensaver there are clearly people who enjoy them and this is for them.

Reply   |   Comment by stillkicking  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Those who are recommending Magentic's (www.magentic.com) free screen savers... Well I got a fatal error when I tried to install it (it didn't say anything else). Worse, it didn't look like a Windows, ZoneAlarm, AVG, or Ad-Watch error. It kind of looked like a fake message to me. As it did create a shortcut on the desktop for the rest of the installation. Although clicking on it created the same error. It also wanted to autorun once I rebooted. I blocked autostarting with Ad-Watch.

At this point, one would either shutdown all anti-virus, spyware, and firewall programs and retry. Or worse, reboot and see if that works (and turning off all security software). I don't know what the rest of you did? But I did a System Restore to go back a few hours earlier. Then I rebooted. Magentic kind of scares me, because there are viruses and spyware that gets installed only when you turn them off. And some of the clever ones, modify your antivirus and spyware programs so they can't detect it. This can only happen if you turn them off though. That is where the danger comes in. Also Asker mentioned:

"Download.com is probably the safest bet. A recent survey showed that over 55% of 'free screensaver' sites actually included a trojan hidden in the screensaver. Its one of the most unsafe downloads you can get."


So I don't know, but Magentic sends up some red flags for me. Although Nautilus 3D Screensaver seems perfectly safe. As no red flags popped up at all for me. Nor did any GAOTD offerings ever did for me either.

Reply   |   Comment by BillW50  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

alcalde (#58) - You either had some nice visualisations in that MP3 player, or a really, really horrendously crappy MP3 player. I never got that much CPU usage on my K6-III 450Mhz just from playing audio. What software were you using?
Thanks for mentioning Vital Desktop, though, it does seem like a nice thing to have if you don't like backgrounds. (Personally, though, a changer works well enough for me :>)

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

My kids loved the recent outer space screen so I might give this one a try. The variety of software you offer--and the price--keep me coming back.

Reply   |   Comment by Mark  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#51 kc8
#58 alcalde

Well actually, I believed the same thing that you don't have to worry about CRTs and LCDs with burn in problems. And I was saying this since the 80's. But that all changed just 21 days ago! When I was playing with Elprime Clock Pro, ClocX, and Speaking Clock. They all keep the clock in the same spot and fades away when you want to access something under the clock. And guess what? All three clock programs have left it's image on my LCD monitor. Here is just one LCD manual which warns about this unusual image retention:


From the Samsung 204BW manual:
"What is Image retention? During normal operation of a LCD panel, pixel image retention doesn't occur. However, if the same image is displayed for a long time, a slight difference in electric charge accumulates between the two electrodes which encase the liquid crystal. This may cause the liquid crystal to build up in a certain areas of the display. Thus, the previous image is retained when switching to a new video image. All display products, including LCD, are subject to image retention. This is not a product defect. Please follow the suggestions below to protect your LCD from image retention..."

Reply   |   Comment by BillW50  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Oh come on. Why is everyone always so negative when the GOTD is not "the best" or "useful"? This IS a free service, and it is saving us money. Don't complain if just because you have no need for it and think it's dumb. GOTD actually spends a lot of money everyday just to deliver these awesome giveaways. And you think they appreciate it when people are complaining about them spending money?

Anyway, great job GOTD! Thank you once again; I have been enjoying this service thoroughly.

Reply   |   Comment by Angus  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have not downloaded from this site fo rabout some months! at first it was good, but then it gets really boring...

Reply   |   Comment by Mr. T  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by Enea  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Y are they giving free screensavers????its softwae that is way more useful..and u cant tell that screensavers are sad from the3 ratings...like 60% or so..please avoid screensavers guys!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Observer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

And guess what error on this page warning ! Can't vote like or dis-like ?

Reply   |   Comment by Alan Broyles  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Please no more screen savers ..........................

Reply   |   Comment by Alan Broyles  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ok, I logged some System stats for a little over a minute with the screensaver. For reference, the video card is an X800 GTO2(squared) with the 4 extra pipelines unlocked, for 16 pipes. While I can overclock it to just over X850XTPE speeds, it was NOT running overclocked for this test. The CPU is an Athlon 3800+ X2 (dual core) overclocked to 2300MHz. However, AMD's Cool n' Quiet is on, so the CPU's speed dynamically fluctuates between 100%, 80%(?) and 50%. You'll note below in the test results that most of the time other than starting and stopping the screensaver that the system kept the CPU UNDERclocked to 80%. I included the moments right before the screensaver started and after it ended as well.
Current Time CPU Core(MHz) CPU(%)
02/24/07 01:48 PM 1150 19.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 1150 3.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 1150 7.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 1150 9.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2300 42.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2070 64.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2300 58.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2300 63.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2070 59.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2070 56.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2300 58.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2070 61.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2070 60.00%
02/24/07 01:48 PM 2070 58.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2300 59.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2300 68.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 58.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 59.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 57.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 59.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 59.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2300 60.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 58.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2300 58.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 55.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 59.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 58.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2070 60.00%
02/24/07 01:49 PM 2300 57.00%
02/24/07 01:50 PM 2300 65.00%
02/24/07 01:50 PM 1150 52.00%
02/24/07 01:50 PM 1150 2.00%
02/24/07 01:50 PM 1150 10.00%
02/24/07 01:50 PM 1150 19.00%

So that's about 60% load (on one core) at 2070MHz (vs. this chip's capable 2300MHz). The questions now are (1) Did anyone accurately claim 100% CPU utilization, and (2) if so, what processor/speed? Someone above indicated that the savers here were running fine on a 1.5GHz CPU. To get 100% CPU utilization, you'd probably have to be running on a 1 GHz or below CPU or a lower-performing CPU (VIA?). That's 2000-era original Slot A Athlons or P-IIIs. So, if you're not running a Slot A or P-III or VIA, either please stop claiming 100% CPU utilization or stop running Doom III in the background while benchmarking the screensaver. Thanks. :-)

bringing fact-checking to the Internet
(which is like emptying the ocean with a thimble)

Reply   |   Comment by alcalde  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

It uses the video card, more than the CPU. If it were a very demanding game, then it'd fully use the CPU but no, it's just a 3D screensaver so it uses up the video card. The harm of this screensaver is minute.

Even if it did use the CPU at 100 percent, then that is the price we have to pay for having a nice looking screensaver. I like this screensaver and I am going to keep it, thank you GAOTD team.

Reply   |   Comment by Paul  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

In short i agree with #17!!!

Reply   |   Comment by Pamela  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks, I enjoy screensavers and would love some relaxing ones too,like seascapes or fishtakes.

Reply   |   Comment by RGM  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This company makes the most beautiful screen savers around, and I for one am incredibly happy that a 3planesoft screensaver has been offered.

As for what screensavers are good for, "saving" your screen isn't the point any more. Think of them as audiovisual demos to be enjoyed or shown to others. With PCs finding themselves in greater quantity in the home and in new places - from the livingroom in a HTPC, to the bedroom or even the kitchen (HPs new design including touchscreen serves as a family-centered PC including virtual post-it notes for family members) there are more venues and uses for screensavers, even including as virtual art/decoration. There are even stand-alone devices now, small LCD screens with card readers that serve as virtual picture frames to display and cycle your digital photos. I like to have the PC in my bedroom display a virtual fish tank, myself. Cheaper and easier to maintain. :-)

Another awesome use of some screensavers is with the open source program "vital desktop". This program can display certain screensavers *on your desktop*, replacing your wallpaper. With the right screensavers, this is fantastic. Note that it only works with screensavers that are capable of displaying themselves (the actual saver, not a static image) in the preview window you see on Windows' screen saver selection dialog box. Many, unfortunately, don't do this so won't work. 3dplanesoft doesn't, yet, but I am going to suggest it. It opens up a whole a new avenue for screensavers. I've used Vital Desktop to run a free saver that gives a 3d walkthrough of a gallery in which your own photos are displayed on the walls, and during the Christmas holidays I used several different Christmas screensavers as my desktop background.

I hope some of this answers what screensavers are good for.

Also, before I upgraded to my current system at the end of 2005, I was using a 1999-era PC with a K6-III 450MHz CPU and Radeon 7200-era graphics. Playing an MP3 file would give me 35+% CPU utilization. :-) I understand what it's like to have outdated hardware, but please don't blame the software developers for it. This screensaver should be stretching your GRAPHICS card, not your CPU anyway, and like others are saying, we don't know how you're monitoring CPU usage during the screensaver playing. What's probably going on is that your graphics card - maybe onboard graphics? - is what's having difficulty keeping up. If so, try going into the settings menu for the saver and dial down features until things are better. Also, be sure both in the screensaver and Windows settings that it's set up to use hardware acceleration. If not, that WOULD tax your CPU. I'll say I saw no problem with an X800 GTO2 video card and an Athlon 3800 X2 overclocked to 2.3 GHz.

Reply   |   Comment by alcalde  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for another awesome screen saver! I loved the last one.
My computer is in my living room, so these screen savers are like moving pieces of art when I'm not sitting at the computer!

Reply   |   Comment by Lindsey  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Put more '3planesoft' Screen Savers up! That Galleon one would be nice!


Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway goer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks to GAoTD team for the diversity of products you offer!

I have downloaded several of your offerings and use some of them every day. This particular screensaver is something I have no need for, but we all fill different niches and have different needs and wants, and you can't please everybody all the time.

And I learn a lot from some of the various comments. Some of those have been more valuable to me than some of the software you've offered!

(As for the moaners and groaners, well, it's an open forum, so they're going to show up. But the nasty and mean-spirited comments that seem to come in waves we could do without.)

And then today we had a couple of well meaning folks, #20 Stan P. & #28 Chela Emm touting the "marvelous, wonderful free" Magentic.

So they with the best of intentions wasted a bit of my time - because they neglected to mention that to use Magnetic you have to have XP! Maybe they just assumed that everybody out here has XP! Not so! It's an assumption!

Part of my income comes from desktop publishing and web site design and maintenance, and I use one machine with Me, one with slightly tweaked and revved up 98SE, and a backup that runs 98.

So thanks again GAoTD team for your diversity of products - and the fact that system requirements are up front!


Reply   |   Comment by Myrrhlynn  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#33 - Thanks for letting us know that this is a dead sea. No marine life?? That was the main reason I might have d/led this one - I've always liked animated fishy screensavers and thought this might be one step better.

So GOTD ... thanks, but no thanks! Roll on tomorrow!

Reply   |   Comment by Webby  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

WhiteRabbit (#30) - Measuring this is by no means hard! Pop open your display properties and the Windows Task Manager. Switch the TM to the Performance tab - you see that CPU Usage History graph? Yeah, now click on Preview for the screensaver, and let it run for a good 15-45 seconds. Then exit the screensaver and look at the graph. That'll give you a pretty good idea of how much the screensaver was using - yes, this assumes no other program was using the CPU as well, but other programs (such as SysInternals' free Process Explorer) have more specific graphs.
As for whether it matters or not - yes, yes it can. If, for example, you've got programs that use spare cycles - such as Prime95 - screensavers like this one would be just evil for those purposes. Also, some computers have some really nasty reactions to full CPU usage - my computer at work, for example, has a really noisy fan... :( (Unfortunately, I'm on a temp contract, so there's no way I can get that changed right now.)
Would the computer lock up if 100% were used? No, not exactly. Technically, 100% is never used by any one single application, even if 100% of the CPU is in use. The reason for this is that Windows delegates which applications get to use the CPU. By default, most applications run at the same priority, and thus get to "share" the CPU time. Some applications, such as Windows itself and anti-virus programs, get to run at higher priorities (such as why your computer might slow to a crawl while your anti-virus scans something big and dubious). If this screensaver were to run at Realtime priority, then yes computer would, for all intents and purposes of other applications, lock up; This would be made worse if the screensaver had a flaw that made it run into an infinite loop and never quit...
Also see #11.
Your specs are useless, especially without mentioning the GPU (Graphics card). This is, unless I'm mistaken (and no, I didn't download it - I'm not interested, but do you see me complaining?), a 3D screensaver, so that's actually the VERY FIRST important detail. Another thing to consider is that not everyone has a newer computer. If people can't complain about the slowness of the screensaver according to you, why, you can't complain of the slowness of their computer.
Also, as remarked on GGotD, these aren't free. They're given here for one day as free, which makes a spectacular difference: Criticism here is wanted. Sure, comments like #1 and #2 are completely useless, but #4, #7 and #9 are perfectly valid reasons to leave negative comments. Yes, there's the issue that they're not necessarily constructive criticism, but I'd like to see you complain one of these days.
Also see #32 (Anonymous).
And finally, if someone's going to complain that there are too many screensavers, I agree that they should suggest what should be on here instead.

Wow, bizarrely there's nothing else to say. No-one's having activation issues today? I see a sad, sad co-relation between the two. =/

Reply   |   Comment by Keilaron  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Great Screen saver! The sub looks like a whale. Shark/Whale.

To # 51:
I like screen savers.

~ME (A.K.A. GiveAwayGoer

Reply   |   Comment by Giveaway goer  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks but I dont like scr. Using modern monitor, I think the scrs are of no utility.

Reply   |   Comment by kc8  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#17 + #25, you are so right. I am not interested in a lot of those programs but will not be ungrateful and complain every day about what is offered but not of interest to me. I like screensavers and if I have a really nice one I can sit and watch it for a while and maybe even find relaxation in some and humor in others.
As for the free screensavers like Magentic, there is also one called STRAYK and I believe Incredimail does it and many others too.

I think the GOTD team is doing a great job providing us with free software and truely appreciate their effort. Thank you so very much.

Reply   |   Comment by karin  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#21 Deus (=God) um tanto quanto megalomaníaco, não?
Caso não saiba, a netiqueta determina não gritar com os outros usuários. E é o que você faz escrevendo em maiúsculas!

(Sorry guys, #21 was also complaining and shouting at the same time)

Reply   |   Comment by Andy  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hey kids - it's giveaway of the day. Convincing companies to give away good stuff means keeping it going every day, even when the pickings are slim. Screensavers let GOTD do just that. Overall, I'm really impressed with the quality, and screensavers are the exception, not the rule. And sometimes they're worth checking out (I liked the space one, CPU load and all).

Reply   |   Comment by Ben  –  17 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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