Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
MusicCut was available as a giveaway on September 17, 2009!
MusicCut is a windows desktop application allow you cut large music or video file to small music pieces. MusicCut support most popular video and audio formats like MP3, WMA, WAV, AMR, WMV, AVI, MPG, 3GP, MP4, FLAC, OGG, WMV, MOV etc, Which means you can cut music pieces not only from audio files, but also from video files.
Windows XP, Vista or 2000 with DirectX 8.0 or higher; Pentium Processor or better; 128MB RAM or more; 20MB HD space for install
4.20 MB
Download YouTube videos from YouTube by YouTube Download and convert videos to AVI, 3GP, MP4, MOV, WMV etc for your iPod, PSP, Pocket PC or Mobile Phone! You can download all YouTube videos by YouTube Download for your mobile devices like iPod, Mobile phone etc.
To number 62 run the program as administrator then enter the product key.
however if your running windows XP then I don't know what to do.
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To 62# Read the txt meassage after you extract the program, theres the program and a txt. The key is on the text message.Hope this helps.
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Very cool program. It makes cutting sections from audio files much easier than having to import them into a audio studio program, work on them there and then have to save the edited clips again. This, even though it has much room for improvement, is better than some other free mp3 clipping software that is very difficult to set the start and end points or move them after test-listening to them. This program will let you move the position without having to touch the other.
Two thumbs up!
Thanks Giveaway Of The Day and MusicCut!
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I am so grateful for this website. Its just so unusual to get to try something new for free almost every day of the year. I am critical, but hopefully not in a negative way. You have to understand that software developers are in a competitive market. There are literally dozens of alternatives for every single application. It is a buyers market...really! To sell something great is very hard to do, since free alternatives are almost always available...if u look for them. However, posting negative or critical comments can be frowned upon, I suppose either by the owners of this website or by the software developer...who is trying to make an honest buck. This program is useful, but, as posted by others. better free alternatives make it unsellable, at least to me.
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How in the hell do you register this program?
The "register field" won't accept anything and if you go to the order site, you have to fill out the form and...
any suggestions? or am I just stupid??? guess so, any help?
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Sorry, guys. I've been coming here for quite some time. I told my wife about this software and this WOULD have been the first one she had interest in. Then it installed potential spyware (even though she said "NO" to the "system update checker", it installed anyway ...). Now tell me, if you can, why this music thingy needs to install an "update checker" when Vista has its own update checker AND to top it off, it has an "always present" tool square.
It smacks of spyware to me, and regardless of any statement to the contrary, you just pushed my wife off your site forever as a direct result. She restore to the prior safe restore point (auto-generated by vista) and will likely never come back to the site.
Google and Yahoo toolbars are bad enough, but at least when you uncheck them, they don't install. And they're from Major Players and are unlikely to actually do any harm (I mean, can you imagine the lawsuits? Wait, you dont have to , they've already been fought and won! that's why they DON'T install when you uncheck the box! LOL).
I'll probably still look for a while, but if the next one I like tries to install a tool such as that, I'll drop the site and drop it from my "cool sites" list. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
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Good with Windows 7 but a waste of money for this product. All it can do it cut music and save as ringtone. I would suggest the usual as everyone said, Audacity as a free program that does a thousand more things!
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OK, from the description, I thought I would be able to divide a large file in one of many formats into smaller pieces. I have several MP3 files captured from a local radio station that are several hours long. I record them in my MP3 player and listen later in the day when more convenient for me. My MP3 player does not scan forward very well so if I stop after a while, say an hour, I can not easily resume where I left off. I have to start at the beginning and hold the button to wind forward to where I left off, but it takes 15 minutes to fast forward to the 1 hour point, so the answer is to break the file into pieces that are shorter. It would be easy to simply move to the 3rd segment (30 minutes long each) which begins the 2nd hour. All I wanted to do was divide a large file into smaller segments. NO can do! At least NOT with THIS software. Not in any way that I could find anyway. Now if I wanted to make two hours worth of ringtones, I suppose it WOULD work for THAT, but I do not have a need for ringtones. I am one of the few who do NOT carry a cell phone! A minor point, why not have a way to adjust to full screen, why a fixed window size or minimized only? The registration part went just fine, except for it launching IE instead of my default browser. Why force the use of IE over any other? What would have happened if I had removed IE when I installed a different browser? After loading a 2 hour MP3 file, the VIEW times stayed at zero. I would have expected the view END box to show the length of the file. And I would have expected to have a tag editor as well. So, in all, I guess this is OK if you are in the business of scavenging ringtones, but it appears to have little use otherwise.
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"MP3 Direct Cut" is a much better MP3 cutter, it is easier to work with. You can join two different songs together, or just edit one song. Or take a 3 hr internet radio show and cut the commercials out of it (manually of course). I been using this for number of years, it works with Windows ............and Linux (with WINE).
Best of all it is always free.
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Thank you, GAOTD for such a decent program.
While I have been an avid user of Audacity in the past, I learned a lot from trial and error. I had to make a lot of mistakes in order to fully understand the capability of Audacity. This was before someone was nice enough to set up areas online to get tutorials going.
This sounds like it is a little easier to use. Heck, I am game if it is free!
Thanks again!
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To, 37...I read the websight description before I ever installed it. I read by someone it might convert. Thats what I was looking for,I didn't say it was bad software.
I did try to say it installed with no problems and little about the software, I also said Thanks as I always do.
I don't ever post much here but come everyday and look.
I think alot of people try to leave some info for others trying to help, all I saw you do is just bash me and someone else, "brain dead."
Steve, you review and you can leave your intellectual comments for all.
Good Day Tim O
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Would anyone on this very knowledgable board know of a free software program similar to TWEAKMASTER? I downloaded a 30-day trial copy and just love it but alas my time is running out.
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I have seen thumbs up and down for virtually identical posts, sometimes it's a popularity contest, sometimes it's ignorance, and sometimes it's legit, so why worry about it, get a thicker skin, particularly online, where some people do and say things they would never dream of doing or saying in person.
Doru, as for my mentioning the cost, it doesn't matter if today it's free. Tomorrow it won't be. Software companies participate in GOTD for promotion. If enough people here like the program, and the price is right, they will tell others who may buy it, and may themselves purchase upgrades, so it's always in one's best interest to note the price of the GOTD.
(And my boss pointed out to me that I added wrong in my comment. Well, gee, what do you expect from an accountant, good math skillz?)
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The software publisher's blurb says it's "for Cutting Audio from large file to smaller file(s)", and that's not exactly true;
All I was able to do with it was make ringtones, and I've got plenty of better editors than this for doing that;
That does't mean that for the "novice", it isn't a good download!
It's just that it'd be nice if they "Say what it IS, and NOT what they'd LIKE it to be", "Say what it can DO, and NOT what it CAN'T".
Although sometimes saying what it CAN'T tells a lot about what it CAN, so that's a tough one, but at least don't make statements that it can do something (cut large audio file into smaller files) that is misleading;
That makes it sound like it would be a good editor for me to isolate one cut from a disc of over 20, but when I try, I can't save the 20-minute file from the one large (2-hrs) file into smaller (22-min) file. That's just wrong. I didn't find anything that said "This is a Ringtone cutter", nor did I find anything saying how long the output file could be; Did I miss getting teh "Help" file or something?
@Happy_Person: The thing that Happy_Person does here, which almost no one else seems to care about, (not even the publishers, or at least some of them), is mention whether the software will even install, much less work, on a x64 system (64-bit hardware/OS), like "Installed smoothly on Vista Home Premium x64 SP2", tells me if I should even bother with time spent to TRY to download & install, etc. to a 64-bit XP or Vista system, or "let it go" and "try again next time", instead of trying to make something work, that may get half-loaded, then foul up the system & I'm spending the rest of the day doing a Full System Restore from the Backup Set I have to make every time I download a new program to try.
To Happy_Person and others like that, thank you for telling many what all need to know!
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#32: "...my #14 comment so far has 10 negative votes (why? I don’t know) ..."
Totally FWIW... At the moment I'm writing this it has 14+, so the tally goes up & down depending on whom visits when. At any rate, my personal opinion may sound hopelessly corny/outdated, but here goes anyway: post if/when/because you're trying to be a good Samaritan & help others out. *If* you look at the ratings, use them to figure out the sorts of info people find most useful, & tweak the focus of your posts... maybe you can help more readers out next time.
Posting for any sort of an ego boost -- not that you are -- sets you up not only for disappointment, but can tend to make your posts less authentic, writing what people might want to hear, instead of the truth. Again, FWIW... :-)
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I tried to cut an .avi with this program and it worked, #6 said that audacity can do what this program has done ala stripping the audio from an .avi and audacity was unable to do so. Mabye it requires a plug-in to do so but all I know is MusicCut +1 Audacity 0 when comes to getting audio off of an .avi file.
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MusicCut is a small app for cutting out & saving short audio clips to use for cell ringtones. Unfortunately, it doesn't offer any help in getting your new ringtones on your phone, so it falls behind free & pay ware alternatives.
MusicCut is a VB (Visual Basic) app, which in this case I don't think matters too terribly, using ffmpeg as necessary to decode your imported audio/video. It will try to open any file you give it -- it appeared to open a .dll in it's own Data folder -- & since as already posted it uses a canned image of some audio waveform, you have no idea whether anything was actually opened or not until you click play. Needless to say without the visual cues of a real waveform, trying to find any section you want to cut is made more difficult since you're flying blind.
I'm not at all sure about the EU & other parts of the world, but in the US my advice would be to 1st look up how to get new ringtones on your carrier/brand/model cell, & see what if any choices you have, since the carriers all limit features. If you wind up going at a site to send your ringtone to your phone, MusicCut may not help a whole lot.
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#27 and #32 I am a regular visitor to GOTD who occasionally downloads software. One of the things that helps me decide whether to download is the opinion of the other posters. I may or may not agree with what is posted but I read every one, form my own opinion and I never but never prejudge by looking at the thumbs up/down ratings of the post. Also let me say that it is well worth coming to the site to read the comments of the well informed posters here because after reading them whether I download or not I leave the site better informed than when I arrived. For that reason alone I would visit this site. To all of those who take the time and effort to post their thoughts and opinions I offer my thanks and of course very much so to GOTD for the software. I hope that those knowledgeable posters will not be put off by thumbs down or negative comments. For this particular offering I will pass as I dont have a need for this software.
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#5 Gus:
You have heard of Audacity, but never tried it, and passed judgement
that it is complicated. It is free, and spitting a music file such as .wav or .mp3 is very easy. You load it, mark the area you want to save and save it! It is that simple!
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We can do this with the progy we got yesterday. And alot of other video/DVD creaters.
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Guys,Thanx to GOTD+ ALL the people writing here. All of you are important,coz for the pros to get better, the cons have to inspire them to get better.
We should all realize that every program is not necessarily for the professional,some are for amateurs (like me).A lot of people do not have access to many programs,mostly by not being aware of their existence. The alternates provided really help out at times.So everyone, keep the comments coming..U R IMPORTANT!!
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For #39.Don't wory that cost double,for you is for free.And Yes is only for cut and conversion.Is not write up that is for more.Waveform is ended only for design to see something,if they want they put a girl here,maybe it was more beautifull.Yes this can be a sugestion for improve design.Another sugestion is to try to make this soft to function in batch mode.
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#1 Ha ha. First, why would you have your own audio format? Second, why would you expect any commercial software to support it?
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Sugestion:When open a file it was more good that the first to enter directly at:All files.For #37:yes,not only cut but you can convert when you save.The first format is mp3,but if you search you will find:vma,wav,amr(that is format for mobile phone)soo you can make easy ringtone and probably upload in mobile.Also you can convert entire video or audio not only a part.I don't think that Audacity can make everything that make this.More good is to use both and also you have another audio editors from here and with all you can use for wath you want.All is to have patience to discover what this softs can do for you and enjoy for this opportunity.Question for specialist in Audacity:can Audacity merge audio files?.I know that i can do this with:Free Audio Editor 2009 and with Gold Wave Editor Pro from here.Audacity is overrated and is not an universal soft for audioediting like Format Factory is not Universal and not the best convertor.Soo you must to use more software,each soft have his place.
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#27 and #32 I totally agree with you. I have been visiting this site for quite some time now and recently some of the comments display such nescience that I am not quite sure if the senders are not jokesters.
I appreciate the knowledgeable assessments that are displayed here and I hope that the ineptitude of the few does not undermine the submissions of legitimate reviewers.
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I just tried it on a mp3 file, and it only saves the output as 128kbps mono. There is NO settings option to change that.
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i use wavepad for simple cutting/pasting of audio files. it is very easy and the waveform is related to the audio. it has a free trial and is worth a look. this one is not that great compared to wavepad. also, audacity is great but very complex compared to those two.
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Installed on XP sp3, all codecs installed into its own data directory, doesn't affect existing codecs, so that's OK. But...
Main problem is that this is another rebrand - check www.coolringtonemaker.com, same exact program as MusicCut and $10.00 more, I guess it's double the price because the name is twice as long.
As stated in comment #15 by steve, the waveform is just a graphic, so the interface is not exactly conducive to any real editing. You can get more functional software with any number of free audio editors.
MusicCut or Coolringtonemaker, whatever they want to call it for whatever price, is what I call a ripoff.
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I have a 1-hour recording of 40 songs, all in one music file. Will this program batch-cut it into pieces for me in one (or two) strokes?
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@12: The name of the program is "MusicCut" but you complain that you didn't like it because you were looking for more of a converter? Is it mostly brain-dead people who post these negative comments?
@13: Quiz/puzzle maker? What planet are you on, buddy? Helloooo. Get a clue.
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Format Factory also.
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A very simple alternative to cutting up your mp3 audio files (without decompression)is the freeware mp3 DirectCut http://mpesch3.de1.cc/mp3dc.html
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@#27 and #32 Come on guys. We all know the voting on this site is nonsensical. Don't take it to heart. Why even look at it? It isn't like you're running for office or anything.I'm sure plenty of folks have and do appreciate your efforts and I doubt your (#27s) review was cut because it wasn't complimentary. Sometimes posts just don't make it - glitch in the system, maybe.
There - I just gave each of you a yes vote. :)
Keep coming back.
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Thanks GAOTD, gonna pass on this one, Adacity is my comfort zone.
Please keep the music stuff coming, us guitar players are always looking for stuff to play back tab or compose things ;)
I apreciate the time you take to present us with the free stuff!!!!!
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To #27 (Andy Pandy) I agree completely with you.....my #14 comment so far has 10 negative votes (why? I don't know) because I am providing everyone with useful information about alternative open-source programs that do much more than today's GiveAway, so the 10 negative votes is incomprehensible to me-cannot understand this at all.
To answer your question - I believe that certain people like to give negative votes just for the heck of it - even if it does not make any sense at all. They are simply negative-trigger-vote-happy.
By the way, I gave your comment a positive (plus) vote, and I'm sure the negative-vote-trigger-happy folks will also give this comment many negative votes - I may also eventually stop posting on GOTD if this negative trend continues-no appreciation for our efforts.
Will this get posted? Not sure - but I hope so.
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While it can load video files, it is absurdly slow with large video files and only edits the audio portion. I find Audacity more useful for audio editing and it is permanently free.
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This is for cutting things, at least that is what it says.
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Download with Vuze a mkv video and extract easy audio from where i mark.Excelent.Thank.It work for all i want.
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crap. decompress to wav and ..compress. get out from my disk.
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Bilal # 10 said "I have been looking for a program like this.
Installed smoothly,liked the UI
Thumbs Up for this one
thanks GAOTD"
Bibal has at the time of my post has 14 thumbs down.
I used to test the software and post, but now with so many people giving negative thumbs down I no longer post here, it seems like a waste of time. Bila said something perfectly normal, a "Thank you" to Give Away for today's software.
I am a programmer, I once spent two hours of my time testing something, it was never approved because I said something that in my mind was important, but also negative to the give away at the time. If people continue to thumb down other peoples perfectly legitimate remarks then people will stop posting their valid comments, just as I have done.
I guess this will not be posted, I write in the hope that it will.
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I needed a professional Audio cutter for Free.. This solves the problem..
Thanks Giveaway...
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Great thanks, just what I have been looking far...installed on win xp sp 3
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Immedfiately crashes on Vista Home Premium 32-bit w/this error message:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: MusicCut.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4917bfd8
Fault Module Name: StackHash_6a45
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Offset: 001ddfd0
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 6a45
Additional Information 2: d981af5492aee0bd65804b0648350830
Additional Information 3: b220
Additional Information 4: bf9afc188f7bcfe38bfaaef7ad473970
Sorry, but this one gets thumbs down.
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Seem that only for me work with:avi,flv,swf.So strange.
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Another good FREEWARE woth checking out is Mp Trim. It not only allows you to cut segments you like, but you can also increase/adjust the volume. No more having to reach for the volume button every time you play that song !
Rear Guy
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@18: I tried: no, it doesn't read .flv files. It only works on MP3, WMA, WAV, AMR, WMV, AVI, MPG, 3GP, MP4, FLAC, OGG, WMV, MOV files.
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When it comes down to it, if you`re comfortable with it - then it`s for you! A free one from NCH is slicer but I paid for one from pistonsoft to sliceup my former minidisc files converted over to large MP3 files, it had a player , so I could both hear and see where the cut should be. I was able to get along with it others might hate it, it`s what you can work with that makes it good for you!
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At first i believe that cut audio and video file,but at video only extract audio and convert at mp3 etc.It can make this extraction-conversion on a different video format easy,even:swf,flv,mp4,avi and i don't try on :mkv(i don't have now on computer).In this direction is good,efficient.Good for what is created but more good if it will be cut video,not only extract audio from video.
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Wondering that is there any possibility of reading and cutting youtube files?
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MusicCut allows you cut large music or video file, but not so large, it seems...
I was unable to do a selection after opening a 4.2 Gb AVI file, I can only close the program (Windows XP SP3, 2Gb RAM, SATA hard disk formatted with NTFS).
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