Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Moo Calendar Personal Edition 1.0 was available as a giveaway on June 15, 2012!
Moo Calendar is a stylish Windows calendar software supports Google and Yahoo calendar. It is featured with multiple calendars support, easy agenda generating and printing, handy TODO list and integrated weather forecast.
Moo Calendar Personal Edition is best for individual who has the need to manage their personal and work events with an easy-to-use calendar tool.
Note that 3 best improvement ideas will be rewarded with lifetime updates and tech support for Moo Calendar. Use Idea Informer widget to submit your feedback and do not forget to fill in your name and e-mail – otherwise the Developer will not be able to contact you in case you are the one to win!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7(x32/x64)
2.19 MB
Disk Space Fan is a fast disk space analyzer and duplicate file remover software. It helps you to free up disk space by quickly finding and deleting big files. It displays disk space usage with a eye-candy ring chart and dynamic animation. You can navigate the folders easily with the ring chart. It integrates well with Windows file explorer to open, delete and browse files and folders.
Desktop iCalendar is a handy desktop calendar for Windows. It stays on your desktop and shows the days of the current month. It can sync your Google Calendar or Yahoo! Calendar with your desktop, share calendars with your family and friends. It also uses high-quality fonts, looks pretty, and has lots of skins.
Weather feature doesn't work.
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Moo is also called go No. 2.
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Four hrs later, I tried downloading the program again. This time it downloaded and registered. There was a slight issue after I closed settings, I clicked a day on the calendar and a ghost type image of settings screen appeared. I did not check the program out very much because the yellow that you used is hurting my eyes and giving me a headache. I am sorry that I cannot use this program; I was hoping to get a calendar.
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I tried it --DL'd/reg'd with no problem. I think what needs to be said has ; pretty much already been. Terrible color scheme-- could not believe there is no way to chg it. Might be ok for a freebie,if you don't want it to do much. i would never consider paying for it. Not even if I could get it with a license for the next dozen lifetimes, rofl Best be "back to the drawing board", fellas.
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Great name! Moo the Milkman! But Moo the Soymilk is better tasting and healthier IMO. Two thumbs up for soybean milk!
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I am amused at the complaints about the name: Moo.
There is another software company called Moo0.com.
They have 36 freewares which are very useful. I like Moo0 !
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I am looking for a calendar for my computer and to print out so I went to install this program, I clicked on the download button for this program and went to 'open' the file. An error message came up, "Can not open file 'C:\Documents and settings\PC\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\Y8NKTQ48\MooCalender[1].zip' as archive." I then tried to save it. It saved as "MooCalendar.zip" then I used "open" on the Download compete button- same error message. I tried opening the saved file, still no luck and same message. I tried all the steps two times using 7-zip. I next tried it using stuffit Expander, it says that it is done expanding but the files are not expanded or opened up.Does anyone have any ideas how I can try this program, I haven't downloaded any .zips that I couldn't open since I started using these .zip programs. I have a XP sp3, using IE, 7-zip, and stuffit.
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Just wonder...
Who are you moo-calendar/Cookapp-guys anyway?
Can't find a single contact-info.
Doesn't sound good if I'd have something to ask.
Notice: This domain name expired on 04/06/2012 and is pending renewal
or deletion. This web page is parked free, courtesy of GoDaddy"
And this calendar is free, but I think I don't need one right now...
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LOL moo calendar says it's "sunny" today at my location, but looking out the window, it's pouring with rain!!! A previous comment suggested they have a long range forecast ROTFL!! If their service can't get the weather info correct for what it's doing right now, how exactly will a long range forecast do anything useful?!
To answer your question, yes, I DO have the location set to the same city I'm at. And I admit that the "professional" weather forecast issued yesterday did predict "sunny" for today as well, so they couldn't get it right for 12 hours later also (but this same source does keep hammering ... ah.. insisting ... that it will be 2 degrees warmer 10 years from now due to the ... LOL ... carbon dioxide problem ... although the winter before last was the coldest on record, and we are having below normal temperatures now).
The author of this should not only drop the weather but also change the name to something that makes a connection to a calendar application as "MOO" just doesn't make that connection.
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hi folks,
have a look at http://baikal.codr.fr/
and for creatives you can extend yourself with google and everything for free of course, because of the code basis!
for understanding
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Well everyone seems to have milked dry all the puns about the name, for myself I like the name, reminds me of an old friend nicknamed Moo.
A simple calendar is just what I wanted, but it's a pity the nearest weather location town is 25 miles away. Now in Month view, clicking Prev & Next buttons moves forward and backward thru the months. But in day view or week view the dates flash and refresh, but remain the same. Speaking of dates, not everyone uses US style mm/dd. I certainly don't(where's the logic of mm/dd/yy?) With the option to change to dd/mm or Jun 14 / 14 Jun I may have kept it but for me the potential confusion, error, and constant irritation of US style kills it dead for me. And as I write the central calendar part keeps ghosting a pop-up over my screen. Buggy, methinks. Um, and now error reports are popping up. Ho hum.
Good to have Google and Yahoo calendar integration and I appreciate being able to set fortnightly and 4-weekly (NOT monthly) events - so many I've tried don't allow this.
@ #5 Nofool - love the scenario you paint ... leaving key for brother while you'll be away. Just think of the fun you could have with that if you were being spied upon.... all the misinformation you could feed in, then sit back and watch the consequences of winding up scammers :)
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Great name!
Dont change the name. The sick managers has another alternative.
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* (Portable) CintaNotes
This is a TERRIFIC free Personal Note Manager supporting TEXT SNAPPING, I highly recommend you using, if you are keen on keeping your daily notes and tasks organized in a very professional way.
* VueMinder Lite
Cool app to organize your schedule and provide reminders of upcoming events. The FREE version of this program sports an impressive array of options you should pay for elsewhere, such as the ability to sync events with Google Calendar and even accessed it while offline.
* VORG Portable Organizer
Impressive and pretty unknown free portable PIM, I've recently come accross by chance, with a straight forward Outlook style User Interface!!
Contact Management
Task Management and Todo Lists
Calendars, Appointments, Schedules and Reminders
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Folders and Search Folders
Diagrams and Attachments
Customizable Reports
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Full tutorial:
* (Portable) RedNotebook
COOL cross-platform diary and journal.
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* NoteLiner
Powerful app to keep track of your daily work with the power of an outliner, and the metadata of a to-do list, and tables!
* FamilyFile (no longer supported but still a pretty good PIM in my view)
* My Calendar
My 2 cents for today's giveaway....
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I downloaded this had trouble figuring it out finally plated around and entered a day for an app. set alarm and a error came up object not referenced to object (huh) deleted the program.
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Hey, this is not as bad as all these other comments say.
I use HotAlarm, but it does not let me integrate and interface with Yahoo/Google --- VERY important if you have friends that do things together. Plus this has better organization and calendar overview which is hard to navigate in HotAlarm. It may have some bugs like others say (I have not found any yet), but it is version 1.0 and it is a good start. I will use it and wait for it to get better. Using it on XP64 and XP32 with no problems so far.
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The Moo Calendar is great, but I'd like the option to change it to an "Oink" or "Baaaa" Calendar. Also, I applaud the idea of software targeted specifically to farmers, but adding additional options for a "Meow" or "Woof" Calendar might appeal to a larger audience.
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I read all the contributions and think to myself "whats it all about"
Its a piece of software. You either try it or you don't. With regard to is it useful or not is down to the individual, after all "one mans meat is another mans gravy" (old English saying).
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Despite the comments on odd naming conventions and user interface design flaws, I think it will be of use to some people. But I don|t think it will be a keeper for my software museum.
Overall, the program itself is pretty much self-explanatory and easy to use. The built-in weather function is something rather misplaced in my opinion and should not be there.
A note to the voting trolls:
negative voting counter goes only up to minus 999. But keep trying, you get the hang of it…
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It would be nice is this program would recognise my gmail address or even allow me to specify it, the box for my gmail account just drops down and I cannot edit it. If this will not sync with my goggle calendar I will just delete this program as it does not do what it claims to do.
Hmm this might be a legal claim as it does not work as advertised. Still it is free and can easily be deleted.
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Thanks for this offering! When I bought a new computer Microsoft no longer includes the full office suite as they did on versions before Windows 7. I've missed a desktop calendar and this one delivers with the exception that it doesn't show the weather when set. Downloaded and installed easily using Win7 64 bit. Thanks for this!
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q# 10
Sorry, the Firewall is named Zonealarm, I have been too fast!
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No program on my PC is able to “phone home” without my allowance!!!
You should inform yourself about modern firewalls like Zonelarm (free!).
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This is a nice program. The reminder and ability to synch with Yahoo, Google and CalDAV cloud services is a plus. I'm always looking for an alternative for Outlook's powerful calendar. I use Rainlendar and Evernote which are both free but will try this for a while.
As for it 'phoning home' if you're that concerned about that, beef up your firewall settings to alert you when program do phone home. If you enter you location in the weather settings and your firewall did not alert you, you should change your settings or get a firewall that alerts you of everything that you haven't checked 'Do not alert me when this program attempts to communicate with the internet.' Zone Alarm, Outpost, Sygate, Comodo and maybe PCTools should alert you to every communication unless you tell it not too. Microsoft's firewall and most security suites will not let you know unless you change the default setting or it things it's malicious communications.
As for the weather, I am in Dallas and it's storming right now and this calendar says it's just cloudy. (Just a sun with a cloud partially blocking it. No rain or lighting.) They may want to change their weather data source.
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What a bunch of crybabies....
The word "Moo" has many different meanings, far beyond the narrow, limited minds of all the complainers....
It means "avenue" in Thai, for instance....
But, nobody thinks about this angle...they just narrow-mindedly jump on their Whining Wagon and begin complaining about the simple little word because it just doesn't suit them....Wah! Wah, wah, wah....(insert tiddly into the mouth of the crying, whining infant).
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It can't do recurrence app. Waiste of time downloading
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to 13 - thanks for the definition; now I agree they should dump the name, as it is too obscure and misleading - this is not a cow-based calendar. As for 'phoning home' issues, please name a program that DOESN'T call home every time you boot it; Bookworm maybe? Most all software dials home for updates these days. Firewalls and anti-virus and anti-malware are what we depend upon to allow this to operate safely - sort of - so, I expect programs to take my email, my IP and LOTS of other info - what do you think this is, a FREE world?
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Win XP SP 3 , installed and registered ok
This program is terrible. The best thing they could do is scrap it and just use the Weather Function, though even then the places they recognise to Forecast is limited.
The help file is non existent , there is a link to its website but even then I still have not found out how to enter anything in the to do list despite clicking every where. Can someone post this, or is it top secret?
The skin is awful . Despite having good vision I had trouble making out the grayed out times and even when you click on say todays date, the date virtually disappears. Anyone visually impaired would have great difficulty .
I dont use web calendars so unless anyone uses this to sync to I cannot see anyone willing to pay anything for it.
Even their website is faint.
I suggest the programers have a look at " Essential PIM " , free version, to compare visually how bad their one is !
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I was puzzled when I saw this software from "Moo" because I use several free programs from a similarly named publisher. Turns out that one is Moo0 software and can be found here:
Btw, if you are curious about where the name "Moo" cam from, see this Wikipedia article:
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Anybody who needs a calendar, already has a calendar in use.
In order to be successful with a new calendar program, it's a necessity to provide import functionality for the data of the most common calendar programs. Cookapp should put UK's Calendar on their todo-list:
I use this freeware for more then ten years and I wouldn't move away from it without my data.
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It has more then one calendors that can be used for different things, super for schedual and impotant appointmants. If it has a built in whether report, having too diferent functons for one peace of softwear is worth the cost of it. Shuold get a good responce from this one, !
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Lightening, an attachment to Mozilla Thunderbird, does all this for free, and is more functional.
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#5 Nofool - Any program on your PC is able to "phone home" at any time... some programs tell you that they phone home, other programs give you some hints about they phone home, but the bad programs often don´t give you a clue and it is those that you need to be most worried about !
The built-in weather report is a great and new idea that have some very positive aspects and can be very helpfull when your work depend on the weather more or less !
I do have other calendar programs on my PCs, but this one seem to have a good future, when the bugs is removed and a couple of more features is added !
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Holy Cow, The name Moo Calendar udderly ridiculous. Maybe they should beef up their staff to come up with a better name. I think I am going to pass on this and graze elsewhere.
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Not the best, even among freeware stuff, and I must agree with the previous comment regarding the name. Moo Calendar seems to indicate some sort of joke... How about Woof, Cackle, or even Quack Calendar.
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There are many people used lunar calendar. I think you should support it. Very little software do that.
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Second Comment
It pulls the appointments down from Google but does not upload appointments made on it to Google. It makes it less useful for me. I will not pay $20 for it, may be $10
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So this thing has an inbuilt weather report??
So that means it logs on to the internet...By it's self...So it could also "phone home" at the same time?? And it would hold all the info of what you are doing, when you are doing it and where you are doing it...?
So if by chance, you entered into your calendar that you were taking the kids to the beach for the day and your brother was calling round to borrow the lawn mower. This thing will (could) phone that info home? So if you made a note to remind yourself to leave the front door key under the door mat for your brother...
All to "big brother is watching you" for me...Not even going to try it!!!
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Some weeks ago did I find a free online calendar where you also can make changes to the final outcome ! (www.timeanddate.com/calendar/)
Todays software dont offer too much for those $20... and there is some serious bugs that need to be fixed before this program can compete with the large number of similar programs ! Something like $5-7 as the program is right now !
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Easy installation. It is a rather simple calendar. I have MS Outlook on most of my computers and portable Sunbird. I wanted to use this program to sync with Google and Yahoo. It works fine but I don't see a lot of use for it. May be as a backup or when the internet is down. It works and I will keep it.
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All I get when starting the calendar for the first time is two bug report windows popping up that request my email and information on the problem, with no sign of the actual calendar.
Apart from that I'd consider changing the name of the program. Moo Calendar just doesn't sound right and would seriously put me off purchasing a licence for this program if I wanted to upgrade to a newer version sometime in the future.
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Hmm nice calender a little overprice since there are a few free programs like this but overall, this works realy well. I was suprised to find out it has a weather function piece.
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