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Lightkey Pro 32.11 was available as a giveaway on May 30, 2024!
Experience the freedom to write in your style with Lightkey's offline writing assistant featuring personalized predictive typing, spelling, and grammar correction for Windows. Lightkey learns your typing patterns and gradually predicts up to 18 words including punctuation marks, while correcting spelling and grammar mistakes in real-time, allowing you to compose your content faster, with confidence. Lightkey incorporates hundreds of grammar rules and delivers relevant predictions in over 60 built-in content domains including technology, business, finance, law, academia, and more.
Trusted in over 170 countries:
• Integrated in Microsoft Office 2010-2021 and Office 365.
• Universal integration with Chrome and Edge browsers, supporting millions of websites such as Gmail, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Slack, ChatGPT and more.
• Predicts up to 18 words ahead, including punctuation marks, in over 80 languages.
• Utilizing hundreds of grammar rules to offer real-time spelling and grammar corrections.
• Includes over 60 content domains including technology, business, finance, law, academia, & more.
• Supports over 80 languages including English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Arabic, and more.
• Extended support for non-touch typists (visually focused on the keyboard while typing).
• Intuitive dashboard helps you unlock your key productivity metrics.
• Lightkey operates fully & securely offline!
Windows: 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10/ 11; Microsoft Office 2010 onwards; Minimum 4GB RAM (8GB recommended); Dual Core processor
169 MB
Dear GOTD users,
for the registration page to work, please make sure that you use the same browser for the archive request and key request and that your browser saves cookies. Also please request the key and don't close the previous download page in your browser during the page visit.
GOTD team
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I missed the giveaway. Is there any chance it could be offered again?
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The giveaway is the 64 bit version. I was advised to install the trial version, that downloads the appropriate 32 bit version. I could activate that version with the key mailed to me earlier.
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Here is the full list of supported languages by Lightkey:
Scottish Gaelic
Central Kurdish
source: https://www.lightkey.io/faq
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Lightkey Control Center crashes when clicking on license, Tried rebooting, Lightkey service and LightkeyNeural are running. OS Win11 22h2 Build 22621.3672
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Whats the period the giveaway license works?
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NAND BANG, the giveaway was a lifetime license.
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Make sure you untick these settings which are enabled by default -
1/ Preferences: General: Miscellaneous Settings: 'Improve your personalised experience by allowing Lightkey to access recent documents and emails'
This is super concerning that Lightkey would have this kind of access to highly personal and potentially confidential information about their users.
2/ Preferences: General: Miscellaneous Settings: 'Improve Lightkey by sending statistical and usage data.'
Again this is worrisome, it's not even anonymised.
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Cassie, as noted before, Lightkey works completely offline, as detailed in its privacy policy. No content is ever submitted to the cloud. The only reason for allowing this access is to shorten Lightkey's learning curve of the user's personal typing style.
As for sending statistical and usage data (numerical based with no personal identifiers whatsoever) - you are welcome to turn this off, as it will have no effect on Lightkey's performance.
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Жаль что нет Русского интерфейса...
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Installed smoothly, but... how should I tell the software what language I am now typing in? Was typing in English, the hints were English. Now I type in Czech and the hints are still English. (Yes both langs are enabled in the Wind settings and the app.)
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Martin, try disabling ENglish language in the program so only Czech is enabled it may have a pre-programmed English language priority where multiple languages are enabled and remember AI implies intelligence but it's not true adaptive intelligence in all aspects of it's operation, just in what is deep learned, the user interface only does what it's hard programmed to do and involves no AI.
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Thanks but... disabling and reenabling langs in the app makes its use quite awkward. Looks like it works the way my Androd cell typing works - after a while, the user dico becomes a complete language mess. ...
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TK, it needs to look at the set systray keyboard input language to determine which language database to populate and use where multiple languages are enabled in the control panels of both Windows and Lightkey. Anything else is a bad workaround and will eventually annoy end users to the point they'll uninstall and look for a more flexible product.
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Seems a well thought out app, though I suspect that many will prefer to use the AI that's already integrated into so many apps, browsers, and services. It includes a control panel that shows stats and lets you set preferences, and if you didn't install the Chrome or Edge extensions during installation, it'll let you do that too. It also includes a sort of Wordpad type alternative, & lets you backup / restore the data it collects to better predict text using your personal style. As stated, it does not connect with their servers -- a couple of services are installed that open quite a few TCP connections, but they all connect to your PC's address, not any external site.
Lightkey uses the GOTD servers when you request a key. If you have the browser set to delete cookies when closed [e.g., private mode], you need to expand the ZIP file you download, get the URL from the readme.txt file, and enter that into the *same browser session* you used to download the app -- if you close your browser after downloading the app the URL to request a key won't work. Lightkey adds the program's folder [69MB], 3 folders in ProgramData [~116MB], several files in Windows\ Installer\ [11MB+], a folder in Users\ [UserName]\ AppData\ Local\, Microsoft Office runtime files [in multiple locations], and adds ~1200 registry entries.
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(...) and enter that into the *same browser session* you used to download the app (...)
Unfortunately the same browser session is not helping in getting a key, at least in my case
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Many thanks to Lightkey Sources Ltd for offering their software as a real giveaway rather than the all too frequent rentalware with a short use window.
Looking back on the last time it was offered (2 years ago) there were 2 major issues mentioned often (in addition to the usual issues of installation):
1. cannot install data files on a data partition thereby eating a lot of the system partition
2. browser support limited to Chrome and Edge, not other popular browsers
Looking at their website, both these issues seem to be the same as 2 years ago! Is this really correct?
Please tell me I've missed something because I'd like to try it but without these limitations. Again, thanks for offering this potentially useful software as a true giveaway.
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Even under the Art & Entertainment category I find no common book-writing genres like fantasy. I created a custom category from a manuscript.
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Erik Istrup, creating a custom category is highly recommended as it will boost prediction experience. Lightkey will learn the specific style and content of the manuscript and instantly suggest significant predictions.
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ok, i got it, and thanks so much
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I open the control center and click on the license but I can't enter the license and the control center just closes.
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Brad Marsh, try to restart your pc and try again as it will ensure that all the background services will be properly loaded
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Guy, and what are those background services we are not suppose to know in the foreground?
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Sam, they do things like track for keyboard/mouse/trackpad shortcut ALT+Click and tracking possible sources of example typing like documents and emails in certain email clients only... plus other background activities that are necessary to the ongoing operation of the suite of programs. DO you really want to know all the internal technicalities of what needs to go on in the background? DO you even expect a commercial entity to take the time to provide tutorials on exactly how their software works without demanding you first pay them for their time and demanding you sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect their commercially sensitive information?
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Installed without a problem on Win10, 64. Installed the extension for Chrome. But when I start the control center and push license to enter the key. It crashes
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Juztin, please open a support ticket: https://lightkey.io/support
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Experiencing the same, crashing when trying to register.
Tried with restarting, restarting and pausing the virus guards but the results are the same ! crashing.
Development team, is there any remedy to overcome ?..
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Too bad it has no LibreOffice support.
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M. H., it has a claimed feature called Lightkey Anywhere that *should* hook into most if not all text editing programs... https://www.lightkey.io/predictive-text-in-any-application
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M. H., Lightkey Anywhere workaround did mostly work in Open Office under 32bit Vista after downloading the Pro web-installer from their site but it lacks the large 64bi tLightkeyNeuralService.exe so may be not offering AI generated suggestions but a more algorithmic suggestion engine.
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нужная программа
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Interesting. It would have to be highly sophisticated otherwise I can imagine it driving a normal person barmy. Since it is version "32", I assume it has reacched a high level of predictive sophistication, surely.
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benasp, you are correct in your observation, it is a made up number, but what is underneath for sure is worrisome, all of your devices that are using it, are connected to home base, something to think about it before installing it.
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Mike, Lightkey operates completely offline. No content is ever submitted to the cloud. You are welcome to review Lightkey's privacy policy.
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Eran (Lightkey team), I've noticed IP addresses connected to my laptop when ever I connect to Internet and pointing to MSFD servers and it gets disconnected when ever I shut down the software. You may say what ever you like, that is my opinion, MSFD will never let you run any software off the "grid", if you know what I mean.
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Eran (Lightkey team), are any updates included in the giveaway license or is it just this version the license is valid for? Do you harvest any of the usage stats collected by the program? I note we cannot disable the logging of these statistics which even if it is never sent back to your servers involves a lot of unnecessary and non-beneficial erase/write cycles to local SSD storage media!
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TK, we cannot disable statistics gathering but we can disable sending them to lightkey, it is enabled by default in General Settings, last entry "Improve Lightkey by sending statistical and usage data" just disable that to switch off that phoning home. Also unless we are explicitly told updates are supported by the giveaway license it is prudent to disable it if possible... There is a button to check for updates but no setting to disable automatic update checks which implies it does not do automatic update checking... time will tell... may have to use an outbound firewall rule to prevent them if they do occur.
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Eran (Lightkey team), From the developer's website on the privacy policy, it states "We also collect Personal Data when you use the Site and/or Software."
Also, when visiting the site and copying the above text to the Windows clipboard, Malwarebytes detected that the contents of my clipboard were accessed. The exact message from Malwarebytes said this:
"Hey, did you just copy something?
Heads up, your clipboard was just accessed from this website. Be sure you trust the owner before pasting this someplace you don’t want it. Like a terminal or an email to your boss."
That is the only website I've ever visited where the website viewed the contents of my clipboard. I see no need for the website to know what I copied to the clipboard. This is something I'm concerned about as it comes across as a privacy invasion.
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