Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
idoo Video Editor Pro was available as a giveaway on March 9, 2013!
idoo Video Editor Pro is all-in one: video joiner, splitter and cutter. In addition it enables to add watermarks, effects and subtitles to your videos and trim any part of a video to get the exact frame you like.
Up to Windows 8; 1 GB of disk space; CPU: 1 GB; RAM: 256 MB; Interface languages : English
20.6 MB
Rip Protected or Encrypted DVD. Most commercial produced DVDs are encrypted or protected with the Content Scramble System (CSS) to avoid user to copy them to another devices. Technically, when you are ripping a CSS encrypted DVD, the DVD CSS protection is a nuisance and you need to get rid of it so that you can rip the DVD to the desired video format.
idoo Secure Disc Creator, you can burn password-protected and encrypted discs. It supports most of CD/DVDs, if you have a recorder, you can burn an portable encrypted disc.
idoo Private Disk is a professional encryption software designed for SD Cards, USB sticks, mobile and normal hard disks. By creating an encrypted virtual hard drive on the storage device, you can save or read any files on it quickly.
idoo Full Disk Encryption offers encryption for all hard disks, including the system disk. The password protects hard disks, system disk and operating system, and the grogram disables any unauthorized reading or writing, or any unauthorized access to your system or specific disks or files. 5 idoo USB Encryption
It is your best choice to protect your data in USB drives by idoo USB Encryption Software, which can protect your confidential or important data in USB drives from leakage. Not only would it effectively secure your documents such like MS Word, Excel, PPT or JPEG, PNG, JPG, but also all of any other types of files.
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#28 newJason
Thanks for the headsup on VideoPad. Just the sort of thing I've been looking for. I'd consider paying for an upgrade after trying it out. Nice clean interface too.
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How CAN they sell this rubbish for $39.90? It is so basic, even worse than Windows Movie Maker..
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#20 Allan: AVS VideoEditor allows you to designate chapters anywhere in the video or you can set it to do it automatically, e.g., at each new file, or after a specific period of time. Works very well for me. It is not free, but all of the AVS programs together (probably 30 or so) cost less than $60. (Most of the AVS software is either audio or video.)
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uggest an idea
Maximum no of files that could be added in joining feature of this programme. Will the same video quality be there in the output of merged file
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Already have this from another website giveaway.
Not bad.
NCH offers a FREE Videopad directly to home non-commercial users on their website.
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@#28--Interesting that you recommend a software package that flags as "dangerous" by multiple anti-virus scanners.
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To #6 Jo....
By now you received 39 negatives because of your comment. Other people asked technical questions being that this site is not a customer service place nor a technical help site....here we ONLY talk about pros and cons of the software offered, they also got negative votes.
All the negative votes ADDED make the negatives shown up on the top under the Header "User Ratings", thus the many negatives. Your comment misses the point totally!
To #24 Sierra....
Joining fully to your comment.
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This software is very basic, and takes a long time to do what it does. It took 10 minutes to process 2 minutes of video. It isn't really a "video editor" because you can't really edit the content of the video, just add effects and trim. I would dare say that even the free Windows Live Movie Maker is better than this; it is not worth 39 dollars.
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NCH makes a program named Video Pad.
It is free.
Very easy to use and has all the effects you mention and more. Plus it has the ability to import custom plugins I.E. Virtual Dub plugins.
I wont go into all the features here. There is a trial period where you can use the pro version unrestricted. After the trial, It will ask you to purchase it. Just choose continue and you will then have a free version and the only limitation after the trial is that you can not save videos to quicktime format and you can not do custom audio effects inside the program.
It comes with 20 or so effects and can import all virtual dub plugins.
Also it can do many transitions and title overlays. Very easy to use for a NLE. ( Non Linear Editor ) meaning you can apply effects and preview them instantly and it does not need to re encode the source material.
Today's giveaway is very similar to AviDemux (free and open source)
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Has anybody tried the rotation feature yet?
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I needed to simply crop 5 minutes out of the middle of a long .avi video, this product performed it with no problems, took about 2 minutes.
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When we add the subtitles, they will be added like a watermark to the video? I mean, can I play the video with the subtitles on devices that don't support subtitles?
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Hi Mike #15, so do you recommend this SW or not!?!?
You must be a "Lawyer" round and round and No definite answer! But very nice input and very Helpful tips and explanation.
BTW, what happened to Giovanni, I was looking forward to his input.
And as usual Thanks to Ashraf for all of his Hard Work & His website.
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I like it, generally.
Was mainly interesting in the Joining ability.
I have a number of segmented files & figured, why not join them.
I've tried joining them with other programs, with less the satisfactory results.
If the files are all of the same type (MP4 in my case) & perhaps same resolutions & whatnot, it can join them without re-encoding, so the process only takes a few seconds.
It it did that well.
The original clips were in 15-min segments.
All combined, as a single clip, 1:21:18.
And play up to & past each clip point was fine. At most there was a short, momentary blip in sound or a short flash of the video. Otherwise, the video played just fine. No problems advancing throughout the video & the timeline displayed correctly.
I have tried other programs; mp4box & others, directly or through various GUI's, but none of them gave seamless results as this has given. (Actually another GAOTD, Boilsoft Video Jointer worked well too.)
I did not attempt anything that would entail re-encoding, but considering it is using ffmpeg for that, would expect that it will do as well as ffmpeg can do - possibly limited by constraints in settings offered in the program.
Intuitive enough that *I* got it to work & I'm not particular well phrased in this type of software.
This is not going to set the world on fire, it has its faults, but it is relatively simple to use & worked for my needs.
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For a computer newbie like myself, this one is fast and efficient. I love the ease of the cropping utility. It is the first proggie that I have used for this feature that I didn't need to do anything but drag the screen outline to mark the area I want to keep. The only "wish list" item I could ask for (which is very minor) is to have drag and drop file loading capability. However, it is a superb program for my needs. Thank you GAOTD and idoo Software!
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Why would anyone pay for this kind of software when there are tons of free ones which do exactly the same?
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The one feature that this, and every other video editing program I've seen seems to lack is a simple way of adding chapter dividers at chosen points to a single long video. I can't be the only person out there that would find this capability extremely useful. Does anyone know of any program, including this one, that can do this?
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I look on their website, and I did not see that it is "loseless", meaning it will not degradate the edited film after cutting of joining. That is a big disadvantage when we loose pixels everytime an original is edited. Most editors are not "loseless" unless they specifically mention it to be.
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Split video plays fine the first time, but when it repeats it will not play.
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Windows movie maker is free and do the same. What about a program, Do the same like retouch pilot with movies. Is it difficult to develop a program like this with movies if yes why?. We all know a movie is just thousands of pictures playing at high speed, It will be nice if I can find A program here to change almost every single picture of a movie and chance one of the actors with my face, And enough time to test it before I buy the paid version with more interested futures
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"System Requirements: [...] CPU: 1 GB".
Maybe it should be "1 GHz"?
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You can get a pretty good idea of what idoo Video Editor Pro does from the Guide & specs pages -- http://www.idooeditor.com/guide-editing-video.htm -- http://www.idooeditor.com/tech-specs.htm
For cutting/joining audio/video please bear in mind that depending on the video's format, it's not always possible to cut or join without completely re-encoding everything. Also note that if the video uses keyframes [frames with a complete image] separated by incomplete frames, which is very common, software will either cut/join only at those keyframes, or it will have to generate & encode the missing frames *matching* the video's format, which is more difficult & so a bit rare. If your source uses AC3 audio it's also easier to loose sync cutting/joining, though that can happen with other audio formats too, so check your results carefully.
If you're looking for more than a cutter/joiner app, videohelp.com lists several video editors on their Tools page [in 5 categories], and both Nero & Sony Creative Software have been running a Lot of sales [including $0 after MIR at Fry's etc.]. I also look for Corel to aggressively push their new Videostudio X6 version -- the 1st I heard of their new version was in an e-mail from Corel advertising it for near 1/2 off. The Nero, Sony, & Corel editing apps come with enough FX & transitions I imagine any one of the 3 would make most people happy. That said, if more advanced editing for free is what you're looking for, you might take a look at Wax, though it's no longer developed -- http://www.videohelp.com/tools/Wax-2
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what video format does this support?
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Joiner portion does not work
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"joint any video or audio while make advanced settings"
Well that put me off from the start.
Toodleoo then.
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This looks as though it could be a handy extra to have in the toolbox. I use Camtasia Studio and, though it is a handy editor (Camstudio is a nice little free substitute), it lacks a couple of the features idooVE offers. (I haven't had a chance to test today's yet.)
What I'm still after and can't seem to find is a video editor that lets you make "effects" changes to video images - posterise, pencil sketch, etc. - such as you can do with still photos (Photoshop, fotosketcher, etc.). A tall order perhaps... anyone know of anything?
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When registering, you can use any name you want. I used Giveawayoftheday, because I like to see where I got my software from.
On first sight, this programme offers all we want from a video editor.
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beautiful..very handy..but i'll hv to pay 2,393.00 INR from india..thats like paying an entire months' grocery bill..somethng around INR 500 sounds good!
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Video Editor Pro – NO - Video Editor Amateur
Installs fine on Win 7 Pro 64 bit. That’s the end of the good news.
Some of the buttons have tooltips, these are not in the systems language, and no option to define personalised settings
I have dual monitor (extended mode), always opens in centre of screen, ie window split over monitors, and doesn’t remember last position on close/reopen.
First Menu presented is a set of sub-functions – Cutter, Joiner, Splitter, Effect, Subtitle, Cropper, Watermark. Each one opens a separate process, which doesn’t allow you to do multiple actions on a video. If you want to split a video into Parts A and B, then rejoin in order B – A then add subtitle, then an Effect, you have to save the movie at each step and reload it into the new function.
Basically, this has not been properly tested and appears to have been a set of seven modules tied together with a single menu. So I recommend forgetting it. I am uninstalling it immediately.
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Fine stuff - small and fast...
.... but CUTTER is dead (doesnt work in my machine)
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I think users should have to tell why they like or dislike a product before they are allowed to vote, I know people come here and click dislike and they haven't even tried the software they are judging, i don't have a need for this particular software but for the votes to be coming so quick seem as though users just get of on clicking like or dislike buttons without any real reason why they dislike it.
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Not sure how reliable and trustworthy it makes a company whom puts up fake awards on their web-page.
Brothersoft did not award 5 stars to this.
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installed easily, win7, 64bit. very basic video editor. effects are limited to usual brightness, contrast, saturation... no special effects; ie; no frame to frame effects etc. watermarks, text or image work well.. subtitle, cut, crop.. all basic. fast conversion of adding any of these edit features... not a movie maker..
good little basic editor.. thanks GA..
*on this one be sure to enter EVEW-1 as registration name.
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Sorry.. thubs down on this.. interface is not resizeable and, it took ten minutes to process two minutes of video. uninstalled.
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Is it possible to add music or voiceover?
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*Allows you to cut, join, split, crop, and rotate videos
*Can add watermark and subtitles to videos
*Can modify video brightness, contrast, and saturation
*Allows you to keep output format the same as input format or convert to another format
*Is not really a video ‘editor’ because it does not let you edit the actual content of videos
*You cannot create subtitles with this program. Subtitles need to exist already in SRT or ASS format to be added to a video using this program.
Free Alternatives
Video to Video Converter (is mainly a video converter but has all the features that idoo Video Editor Pro has)
Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review
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