Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Frigate3 File Manager was available as a giveaway on March 30, 2007!
The best file manager 2005 by PC Magazine/RE. Enjoy highly configurable and convenient file management environment!
Frigate was one of the first programs that we presented to public when we were a lot smaller and less popular, now we are glad to show it to a lot more GAOTD visitors which we have now.
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
12.4 MB
Converts between MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, MP4, APE and more 30 formats. Built-in audio player and CD ripper. Powerful but Simple.
Elegant solution to print your directory tree. Templates for lists of photos, songs, movies, info reports and many others.
A professional file renamer. You won't imagine renaming template that Visual Renamer can not perform!
Total Image Converter helps you to convert image sizes and formats. ImageConverter is unique - it supports almost all popular formats (JPG, GIF, BMP, PBM, PGM, PCX, PNG, PPM, TGA, TIF, WMF, EMF).
A new solution for those who often uses different USB devices. QuickUnplug allows you to safely remove any USB device without any routine.
I just removed it. Navigation did not seem intuitive. I couldn't find anything like Total Commander's ability to have tabs on each panel. Perhaps I'm too accustomed to TC, but I don't think that's the problem. I've used a bunch of this type of program.
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Worked for all of 3 minutes on my Win 98 system, then crashed (Kernel violation) while creating thumbnails for a folder. It had already done one folder of thumbnails just fine. Thanks, but no thanks. I'll stick with Explorer for now.
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I don't see that option anywhere under Frigate. Although there are mouse drivers and X-mouse programs that can make anything one click.
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I'll ask again: I have xp set to respond to a single click rather than a double click. It there any way to do the same with this software? Since everything else works with a single click, using Frigate is counter-intuitive for me.
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next please..
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Follow Frigate install problems here.
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***ASAP === HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I installed it; but it wont open/run. I keep getting 2 things = 1]a sm gif image that reads 'Frigate 3'. 2]a sm window that displays 'The Tip of the day'.
They just froze there w/ the 'timer' going and u cant do anything & nothing opens. If u try to close the tips window u get the 'program not responding' message. If u choose to close it closes both. If u start over the same thing happens. I tried a reboot, re-install, & Dl,--didn't work; --don't know what else to do![???????]
==============PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THXS-
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To 95--- you could accomplish the dups look in dos.
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Ok well this is a first, ("IT ERRORS ON MY PC...") says its missing libssndfile.dll (Dynamic Link Library File It uses) Ok so with that result, I did system maintenance and cleanup, well same result, and also I get a signature error as well...This is a 2005 program? Ok well good is good I agree so must be good enough to repost... Cool wish it would work on my pc's looks like I search for the .dll needed, or move on, the later seems my best bet at this point, Thanks guys. This happen to anyone else? First time ever I can not use a GiveAwayOfTheDay in all 3 months of frequenting this site and installing the day's Give-Away... Admins?
Stan P.~c{JaPHA}>~c(__)~Cheerz!~
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Hep, try NoClone Home Edition, you can get it from TUCOWS.
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#68, Frigate3 minimizes to the system notification area (tray) after a few minutes.
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After copying NSCRT.dll to the main directory of frigate 3 the program worked without errors. I use another program that I have used for many years and I am thinking of switching to this one as it is a very nice program with lots of features. You can set up how it looks and change many colors and fonts. Lots of things to change. BUt for the program it is a very good program and well worth the download.
Thanks GAOTD
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thanks for download giveaway
but this soft is not good
i don't like it, TC is better
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To comment # 95
Open app. Go to the menu selection and choose "manager" then selcet sync files. click on the little folder icon in the soutrce path and selct one folder you want to compare
go to target path and click on little folder and select the second folder you want to compare if you are looifn for specific files eneter their attributes in the files types, otherwise I would leave the *.* there (recommeded unlaess you know exactly what type of file you are looking for)
then click GO... it will find duplicate files on diferent drives or simply in different folders. I too have many olf backups on my machione duplicated many times over This will help identify the duplicates and allow you to compare sixe and date last saved so you can keep the files you want, delet the other
hope this helps.
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#49, #95 Google find duplicate files freeware (duh).
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#59, you didn't even try (easy to find, right under Shells). Just like yesterday, people who post negative comments don't make the slightest effort to read the help file or check options. (#59, right at the top of the help, Quick Folders). Explorer replacements don't interest me; I generally like the way Explorer works. I didn't have any of the installation or performance problems that others noted (Athlon 64 3500+, 1 GB, MCE 2005).
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If you want to know, this DOES NOT replace Win Expolrer
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No one has responded to my query (#49). Over the past 20+ years I have accumulated a lot of files that I have copied to other drives for security. Now I would like to find all my duplicate files so that I can consolidate them and burn them to disk, but doing this manually seems to be far too burdensome. Certainly there ought to be some way to let the computer do the "donkey work". When I saw this file manager program I was hopeful that it would do the job, but if it does, I haven't been able to find the feature in the various menus or the help screen. Is there anything out there that would do the job? Thanks.
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Frigate 3 appears to be very Powerful. I currently bought and use Directory Opus 8, but I am going to give this a try. My only wish would be that it were a portable app it has so many neat looking features. I will give it a try. Thanks.
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Very nice file manager. I especially like the "Desktop" tab: You can jump almost anywhere you need to get to instantly, even the registry.
Got an error installing it like many other people, but it is running fine. Beats Microsoft Explorer any day! :)
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f3 screenshot compare/sync/(dupekill?): looks nicely detailed (tree-hierarchy) SyncFolder.png
currently I'm occasionally trying xyplorer. the image zoom with mouse is fast, but inflexible. seems to lack two-pane view (buried option?)
I've looked at a lot of the freeware alt xplorers. a few years ago i chose xplorerlite
since then, I've investigated a few others sometimes, but stay using xplorerlite (i like it)
thx to bladedthoth for the informative 15mr. i guess the resource usage is almost unavoidable.
i have"frigate lite" bookmarked. i uess it still exists. lack of plugin-ability may be it's biggest cripple? site:www.frigate3.com+Frigate+Lite, google
UK humor, heh
Oatabix 1
Oatabix 2
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Thanks [ #25]for the info on finding and fixing the missing nscrt.dll file--it seems to work now and I will play with it a while to see if I like it.
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I don't understand what can we use it for?Is it like Google Desktop?
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This seems pretty good, but I still prefer Power Desk V5 (I don't like what V-Com did with V6 either) To each their own!!! Thanks for the chance to try it.
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What is with the fonts on this thing? They look awful. Then all of the sudden firefox got the same fonts?
I had to reset the firefox fonts.
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Neat little program that has potential. I personally thought it to be difficult to learn and use, but maybe with some effort, it would be beneficial. Quite different to applications that I'm currently fluent with. I give the program a 7.5 out of 10. Worth a try.
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I missed your previous free Frigate3 giveaway, I was a couple days late. I couldn't be happier that you give it away again. :) I've subscribed to your RSS feed. Thanks a lot! It's better than Total Commander.
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Doesn't support .wpg images = "Thumbs Down."
I Love Thumbs Up (Plus).
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I installed it on XP SP2 and it crashed first time. I'm a user of Directory Opus from http://www.gpsoft.com.au and find Frigate3 seems very basic compare to that. Also FTP with SSL support ddidn't work well for me, in fact, I failed to connect.
However, its good for free :)
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Nice app! Thanks.
Although, everyone looking for a real, powerfull, professionnal file manager (that is fully 100% Vista compatible) should look into XYplorer!
Best file manager there is, and one of the best software ever made I believe, with lots of great powerful, addictive, time-saver features and amazing support!
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I must agree with the other favourable comments. 10/10 GOTD!
Same here I like it nice way to go Gotd!!
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I gave it a download and I must say that it's an improvement over working with the regular windows file manager. Good one GOTD, keep it up!
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For coloured folders - Rainbow folders is also well worth a look.
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Congratulations GOTD.... What a super prog. Installed first time, no problems, activation - no problems, send files etc by built in or default email prog, clock, calculator, viewer, zip....it just goes on... and it does so much more than the default Explorer. I have tried all the free file managers and they all have something missing - this prog has the lot. Thanks for the link to FolderMarker - changing the colour of folders is now a breeze. I must agree with the other favourable comments. 10/10 GOTD!
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#52-You might like Folder Marker Free-http://www.foldermarker.com/folder-marker-free.php
It makes it easy to customize your folders. Folder Marker can change a folder's color or icon with one mouse click. It works great for me.
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Tried out this program.Didn't run.Copied the require DLL from winamp and it works now.Looks attractive with optional plug ins.
I have been using savant salmander for a year to mange the files and I found it very easy to use.free commander and xplorer2 are good too.
I found that file managers require certain time to get used to and then you stick on to the program which is most comfortable
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how is this better than Windows Explorer?
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#52 - Freeware for colored folders can be found at FolderMarker.com. You can change the color and/or icons (among other things) for any folder you create. So far, tho, I haven't found a way to change folders assigned by Windows XP - they just remain yellow. FolderMarker is a great little program that works flawlessly!
THANX again GOTD for the marvelous variety of offerings! GREAT job!!
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i realy like cuz it saves me space on hard drive cuz i can save in this program and speeded up my conputer
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Can I configure it for single click file access?
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Thankx GAOTD once again,
This seems to be quite a cool sw. I will take some times to 'play' with it and figure out the most uses of it. After installing on my WinXP, it works well and fun to click around. There are lots of features and well combine with well known sw e.g winamp to work with your files and folders. I am sure it will give me alot of convenience and efficiency to control my program in future.
Keep it up!
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I downloaded this one simply because I'm always looking for a Windows explorer replacement. It installed OK but unfortunately it turned out ot be a bit of bloatware.
Far too many "features" make the program a bit slow and I miss the Exlorer Tree too. So I gave up and off it went.
Although not useful for me particularly I can see that some people may benefit by the many add ons that come with Frigate like FTP and file viewers, media player etc. etc. I on the other hand prefer simple file explorer without too many bells and wistles.
Like #63 I recommend xplorer² (http://zabkat.com/x2lite.htm) I've been using it for a while and I think I'm going to keep it.
Thanks GOTD anyway for today's program.
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Oh by the way I got the dll error too but I used task manager to close the error message and the program ran fine. Even upon restarting it I did not get the error again. And I do have the nscrt.dll on my computer already from WinAmp.
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Strange ... I've been working with this program for the last 2 hours. When I switch to another program or walk away from my computer for a while, the program is no longer running (confirmed by task manager). It's help file stays open, however. This has now happened about 6 times.
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Total commander, Directory Opus, SpeedCommander, Frigate, Far and far far more but in this order, please
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Looks nice I am trying it right now. At this time I use File Commander 5 from http://www.godlikesoft.de/
I've used it since 2004 and am very happy with this one. It is free & still in DEVELOPMENT but I have never had one problem at all on my XP Pro systems. I haven't tried it on my Vista yet. It does not need to be installed and I run it from my USB flash drive. Thanks GOTD for all your hard work.
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Great download... won't run though, after install, missing some DLL. Then it won't uninstall fully, you gotta delete some by hand. Maybe just my system though.
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Windows XP SP2. Gives DAX error message with lots of ?????.
Pity, for it looks quite useful.
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Frigate hangs with many missing files ... even after copying the NSCRT.DLL from Winamp ... bad download, IMHO ...
A43 seems to work but it starts very very sloooooowly ...
Why not looking for xplorer² (http://zabkat.com/x2lite.htm), it works & it's free for private/academic use ...
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I cannot get this program to run, error during startup saying it cannot find NSCRT.dll. Downloaded it twice, installed, un-installed,installed again, same error.
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