I want to ask about the setup.exe that offenly is included in your gaveaways. I just used regmonitor, an utility to check what`s going with the registry, and i say that setup.exe checks registry entryes of your phonebook, the computer name, etc.
What´s the reason for that?
Why setup.exe checks my phonebook?
(5 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 17 years ago #
The activation module - the orange icon loads some third party components to connect to the giveaways servers and verify the giveaway is still running. Some of the components are from internet explorer - you will probably find any of these "other" components which are quite innocent, load a lot of other settings even if the information isn't needed: If you know anything about programming with third party components - even if you only require a single function in the component you still need to load the entire component. These settings are a case of "all or nothing".
Try starting up Internet Explorer, then shutting it down - you will probably see the phonebook being accessed. (I don't expect you'll be getting any phone calls from giveawayoftheday.com)
Posted 17 years ago # -
Thanks very much! that`s an satisfactory explanation
Posted 17 years ago # -
We are trying to get all your friends phone numbers, so we can tease you and send them Bart calls. Ha huh!
Posted 17 years ago # -
a very devious bunch work here.
Posted 16 years ago #
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