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Easy Flyer Creator 3.0 BETA was available as a giveaway on May 2, 2011!
Introducing Easy Flyer Creator 3.0! A simple, easy to use Desktop Publishing software application to help you create, design, print, e-mail and Upload your Flyers, Brochures, Leaflets, Certificates, Photo Frames, Door Hangers, Tickets from built-in Templates. You don't need to be a desktop publishing expert, because it automatically builds flyers and other publishing material for you. Just provide photos and details and Easy Flyer Creator will do the rest for you.
For more details see Tutorials and Demo Videos at http://www.flyerscreator.com/v3/
Please test Easy Flyer Creator 3.0 BETA and give suggestions for a change to win 2GB SD Card (Memory Card). Use Idea Informer widget to share your ideas.
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7; net Framework 4
78.6 MB
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I hate websites that start with a video with no way to turn it off.
And this one does it EVERY TIME I enter the site, forcing me to switch off the speakers!
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Detected by Avast as a virus and would not install. Easy Flyer 2 is on my pc.
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Looks like no one noticed this second offering today. Too bad , it looks like it might be worth a try.
Maybe should not offer 2 in one day or make it more obvious there is a second one.
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Flyers appear to be single page only. Would like multi-page brochure templates as well.
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When does this trial version expire?
Doesn't seem right that on GOTD we should be serving as beta testers, clogging up our computers with trial software that won't be the final version, and that we can't automatically get the final version, given the nature of GOTD. And on the website, the file name there is EasySetup_V3XP.exe on the website, is that the same as the one here?
We shouldn't have to enter the idea or template "competition" which is only giving a limited number of free copies of the final v3 in exchange for sending a video and/or for granting them all rights to (videos? ) templates we submit with no royalties or design fee, EVEN IF WE DON'T WIN!!! (And a 2GB flash drive isn't worth much in exchange, if you happen to be one of the top 10 template winners, 20 to get a $40 free final program with their templates included - as they will be included for anybody who buys the program from then on.)
From the website: "Note:- Templates can be designed and saved within Easy Flyer Creator 3.0 BETA, all submissions must be in FLY format
Note:- All contents of the document must be royalty free and non- copyrighted, as we may use those templates, designs and documents in final release of Easy Flyer Creator 3.0"
And they are due May 5. Not much time! But it doesn't say when final release date will be...
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Unable to install - 8GB of free space deemed insufficient!
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This is definitely a great software for those of who need to create flyers of any kind simply and hassle free. Thank you!
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I wanted to install this, but it wants to install .net 4 which I already have. Not knowing how this potentially different version might affect my existing programs I decline the .net agreement. That seems to be enough to abort the whole install. Perhaps the developer could suggest why this is happening, or can correct what seems to be errant behavior.
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Nice program but, 72 MB?
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Easy Flyer Creator 3 Beta is an easy to use app that lets you load one of the included templates [certificates, tickets etc.], then fill in the blanks & optionally add/remove elements -- you could use it for example to customize & print achievement certificates or awards. It also imports image files, can capture from a web cam, & connect to a database with for example recipient names.
Using the beta of Easy Flyer Creator 3, you 1st select a template, click the Next button, & edit/fill in the template... clicking the Next button again just shows you a preview -- personally I'd just label the button Preview, but that's me. Code from PaintDotNet makes up the image editor.
While the EFC 3 Beta is a more or less portable app, installation or setup is high impact. The full .NET 4 installation is required -- the .NET client install from Microsoft/Windows Update isn't enough. EasySetup_V3.exe itself is a WinRAR self-extractor that extracts setup.exe & efcSetup.msi, then runs setup.exe -- running setup will download & run the web installer for .NET 4, while running the .msi file takes you to the microsoft.com page http://goo.gl/xmtJ [towards the bottom of the page is a link to the full .NET 4 installer download if you'd rather do it that way]. I monitored the .NET 4 install in a win7 ult 32 SP1 VM, recording 945 files added, 90456 registry entries added. Monitoring the EFC 3 Beta install separately I recorded 1075 files added, along with 2447 new registry entries. FWIW scrolling through those new registry entries I saw 2 keys directly related to EFC 3, & both had to do with Windows shell [so you can double-click EFC files & have them open in EFC] -- everything else was installer related.
The EFC program folder itself holds 650 files, 35 folders, & takes up ~58 MB -- the Template folder in ProgramData [All Users Application Data in XP] holds 144 files, 19 folders, & takes up ~70 MB... while you can relocate those templates to the EFC program folder, & select that new location in the running app, it wouldn't remember that new location, so I had to browse to the template folder each time EFC 3 was run. Three dozen fonts are installed [you might have several of those included already installed], & 19 files are added to C:\Windows\ Installer\, one of them an .msi file weighing in at ~84 MB.
Overall I think EFC is a nice app -- I loath the installation impact, but that's me & others will disagree, feeling that sort of thing's unimportant. Since it lacks some typography controls, & because you don't have a lot of control over shadows/fades, I personally wouldn't use it for pro work, but that's more a matter of my standards than necessity -- I doubt seriously that many people at all would notice the difference between something created in EFC vs. a more pro layout app costing hundreds of dollars. [FWIW, the company my wife works for uses the expensive pro software, but whomever doesn't know how to use it, so the results are actually a bit inferior to what EFC would do.]
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save as webpage, upload via FTP,add live pic from your pc....this list of awesome perks just goes on...!!
~right click to delete from workspace eliminates the undo in some cases-
ez & effortless install on this Vista H/HPlaptop.
the old drag n drop w/options has returned here with an ez way for just about anything to be put together quicky- a keeper for a nonbudget small biz like mine & my neighbor is allready wanting me to produce for sale flyers for him-
thanks to all for this no-problem gem for me-
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#10, Xeny you published your comment in the wrong spot, two software titles today, go to the other one
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Xeny it should be working fine on Windows 7 64 bit, Did you installed the program in your C:\ Drive?
First you need to make sure if you have Framework .Net 4.0 installed on your system and then try uninstall the program and then Reinstall
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I installed it on two different computers and found it to perform very, very sluggishly.
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Just like those above running Windows 7 64-bit, the program constantly crashes. Sometimes I've received an error message "The auto stitch exist memory error". Not with my memory. I have 8 GB, so something is incompatible in the software. I tried to run the program in compatibility mode for XP SP 2, with desktop themes turned off, ran as Administrator, turned off high DPI, and desktop composition with the same results. CRASH! As soon as I clicked the Next button on the bottom right, the program stopped working.
This software is getting kissed Good bye right now!
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- Is the program registred without me typing in any registration code?
I could not find any registration code!!!
I am therefore unsure about if the program is registred or not.
(I saw a quick glimpse of two files when I executed the exe file, that was this time not in a zip file, and I could not unzip it.)
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Install said not enough memoory on E drive (where my TMP is) with 7GB available. I said OK and installation proceeded OK anyways FWIW. But, it was put on my D drive instead of the E drive that I specified. I cut it from the D drive and pasted it to the E drive and it seems to work and be OK. :) Could not find how to put in the registrations key.
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When the page properties are set to metrics the grid-bars should show cm or mm Not Inches.
The margins for printing also should be available in metrics.
To make the program up-to-date it should be Open Type aware.
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BIG Improvement over the last version.
thanks GOTD & Peridot Technologies
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I wish their website didn't require MS silverlight to view videos, plus I couldn't find any screenshots. I have an earlier version of Easy Flyer Creator which was pretty basic. This version looks more advanced, so I'll give it a go!
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I tried to install the program twice but every time I get an initialization failure
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Downloaded and installed w/o issue on Windows 7 pro 64 bit. Download .MSI is a hefty 78.6 MB in size. However, I am impressed by the program and the wide variety of provided templates. This looks like a keeper to me !! Thanks GOTD !!
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you must uninstall old version of Easy Flyer Creator before installing this new 3.0 version of Easy Flyer Creator.
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Does version 3 install on top of version 2 or can they co-exist on the same PC?
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I don't have a need for this software. I do have a comment: you should have someone spell check your website if you want to be taken seriously.
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