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EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1 Professional Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1 Professional

EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE partition solution and disk management utility.
$19.97 EXPIRED
User rating: 720 46 comments

EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1 Professional was available as a giveaway on December 8, 2010!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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As Partition Magic alternative, EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition is an ALL-IN-ONE partition solution and disk management utility. It allows you to extend partition, especially for system drive, settle low disk space problem, manage disk space easily on MBR and GUID partition table (GPT) disk under Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (both 32 bit and 64 bit).

The most popular hard disk management functions are brought together with powerful data protection including: Partition Manager, Disk & Partition Copy Wizard and Partition Recovery Wizard. Moreover, you can create bootable CD/DVD in case of system boot failure.

New features:

  • Support partitioning removable storage device like flash drives, memory cards, etc.
  • Convert primary partition to logical
  • Convert logical partition to primary
  • Linux partition management: delete, create, format, recover EXT2/EXT3 partition, etc.
  • Wipe partition for privacy security
  • Disk surface test to check and find bad sectors

System Requirements:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7 (x32/x64)


CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development



File Size:

41.8 MB



Comments on EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1 Professional

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I have gotten the exact same message as #26, after even trying numerous times and I could really use this.

Reply   |   Comment by Eric  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Further to my #16 Cannot make Boot Disc

Noted Mikes #29, especially the comment "& includes the boot CD ISO (~30MB)". Found the ISO in the BIN folder and burnt it direct using ImgBurn, result....Good Bootable Disc.

Thanks to Mike for the useful (as usual) info , and of course to Easeus and GOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by terryq  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

Installed on winxp-pro-sp3.
Tried to create a partition on an HD and got an error: Run Time error 216 at 06a65a5e. I cannot get rid of the error and the program is frozen and cannot be closed. What to do?
Thanks for any help, Eldad

Reply   |   Comment by Eldad  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

I will use any software with the name "Easeus" on it. I have been using software from them for a while and it always does just what it states it will do. I have the greatest respect for the company. I have been using the partition home edition this week so getting this one today was perfect timing. I know I can restore my hard drives now! Thanks GAOTD! AND thanks Easeus!

Reply   |   Comment by Cheryl  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)


Reply   |   Comment by PAULO  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I have been using the free version and looked forward to using the "Rebuild MBR" feature so I downloaded the software today.

My hard drive is split into three partitions. Winxp, it's cloned backup [set to 'hidden'] and my old W2K partition which I've been trying to make bootable for days. Still can't use it, but I'm fairly sure that's my fault.

In any case, when it comes to copying, formatting, changing drive letters, moving partitions, setting attributes such as 'hidden' or 'active' while running it on Windows, Easeus does it fast and simple. I really admire it's speed. My biggest hard drive is 15 gigs, and it moved it before I was done with my lunch break. Thumbs up!

I'm afraid I had no luck at all with the bootable CD it made. It burnt correctly, and it started correctly, but crashed constantly without making any changes. I think this part needs work.

Even without this feature, I like this software very much and will continue to use it or it's free version.

Dell GX280 3.6 Processor, 2 Gigs Ram, Hyper Thread. WinXP Pro SP3.

Reply   |   Comment by Vey  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Don't know what is going on but when I tried to install it and it said I had a previous version and then when it said to uninstall it and I said yes there was a file missing and it could not be uninstalled, so I tried the control panel uninstaller and it said the same thing. This is unfortunate as I will never be able to uninstall it. So I booted into another partition and after extracting the files and running setup.exe
I was told that the giveaway period was over....what should I do?

Reply   |   Comment by mike s  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Appears to have installed without a problem on Windows XP Professional (non-64-bit).

However, are ALL of the Partition Operations greyed out. Why???


Reply   |   Comment by CurlySue  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The thing I really miss the most is the ability to create bootable usb or flash disks, I do not use CD's or DVD's frequently.

Reply   |   Comment by catorce  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Reply   |   Comment by hidy hi  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

I love this program - it's been VERY useful. I've actually downloaded older versions here, so this is an update for me. Keep up the good work!

Reply   |   Comment by bd  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Already had version 6.1 from an earlier GAOTD. On Win 7 64bit system. Uninstalled prior to installing 6.5.1. When I run setup I get a "Failed to connect. Try again later." message each time. I have tried disabling the Firewall. Any suggestions?

Reply   |   Comment by JohnC  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

?Should one delete/uninstall the previous Easeus Partition Master version 6.1.1pro ed before one installs this ver 6.5.1pro ed?

And with the current hysteria (wikileaks) about the chin gov't sponsoring hacks through shill companies, should one be concerned about installing this chinese software on one's personal computer?

Reply   |   Comment by bubu  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

#7: "Can I add the free space available at the end of the HDD to the partition not near to the free space?"

When it comes to visualizing partitions, maybe think of them as adjustable drawer dividers, or one of those pill boxes where the dividers pop in/out. Move a drawer divider to the right, one of the divisions grows, the other shrinks, but that divider only effects the space on either side of it. Likewise you can pull a divider out of the pill box, combining 2 of the spaces, but that has nothing to do with those spaces at the other end of the box.

That said, moving a drawer divider, or inserting a divider into a pill box where there's something already there can be impossible or cause damage. If the space is full of pills you might crush a few trying but you're probably not going to get the divider to slide into place. Likewise you're not going to be able to slide a drawer divider & make 1/2 a drawer full of knives take up less than 1/2 a drawer's worth of space.

TO make a partition grow you expand the end so it takes up more of the disk. If there's something already there it's not gonna happen (think drawer divider) until you empty that part of the drawer, at least partway, shoving all the knives towards the far end.

* * *

#15: "Their website says you can copy a complete drive including Windows OS without reinstall. Will it work with Office Outlook, Publisher, Word etc without re-install as well?? It would be nice to be able to migrate everything to another/new computor without drama. Will this program do so?"

Depends on what you call Drama. ;-) It will copy the partition(s) on one drive to another. Drives have different serials, so that could trigger licensing DRM for Windows or any apps that use that serial ID... if the new drive is in another PC/laptop, more so. Another problem is that if the hardware is too different between PC #1 & PC #2, Windows won't run. In that case the best option is still start from scratch, but you might try deleting drivers in Safe Mode on the new PC, &/or 1 of Paragon's apps with P2P Adjust.

* * *

#17: "I recently upgraded my HDD from 500GB to 1TB and made a copy of the entire disc, which worked well. But I had a C: partition (67GB) and a D: partition (400GB). I needed to add some of that extra space to the C: drive – but Easeus could not do it, I had to use Paragon Partition manager instead."

Should have... If D: was empty, delete it, increase C:, create a new D:. If D: wasn't empty, reduce size, create E:, copy D: to E:, delete D:, resize C:, change drive letter E: to D: & so on... Add a 2nd (optionally external) drive & possibilities only increase.

At any rate, data should be towards the beginning of the partition, & when you grow/shrink you're normally dealing with the free space at the further end. Doesn't hurt to defrag before reducing a partition's size either, as that in a nutshell crams all the data at the beginning. Problem is that while you can cut off the top of a bottle & not lose a drop, doesn't work so well at the bottom end, unless you turn the bottle upside down. TO make C: grow, you have to chop off the start of D: to give it room. TO chop off the beginning of D: you have to move the data towards the other end so only free space gets chopped off. Some apps will do that sort of thing for you, but I guess I'm more a traditionalist, figuring too much to go wrong, too few checks along the way, nothing really to gain... can only move data so fast, & that's normally more about your hardware (& AV software) than the app doing the moving.

* * *

#18: "... I fail to see the point of partitioning flash drives or memory cards with this program… Am I missing something? Can anybody kindly comment?"

It's possible to partition USB Flash RAM devices, but as more PCs/laptops work with & can boot from those devices formatted to NTFS, it's not that common AFAIK outside of whatever hacks. What I think is useful is the ability to see, check, delete/replace a single partition on a USB stick, something that's not altogether rare running 7 on this AMD rig. :-( FWIW I checked an 8 GB Super Talent stick & neither EASEUS or Paragon would do more than that -- see, check, delete/add a partition. Also FWIW, some people use TrueCrypt just because it works so well on a removable drive as a virtual disk, bypassing many reasons for added partitiona.

* * *

#19: "Does “disk copy” with this program mean exactly the same as “disk clone”? In other words, will I be able to boot up from a copied C HD?"

I've only ever used partition copy, which is the same as cloning in that everything's transferred & the new partition is bootable [assuming the orig was ;-) ], but unlike cloning [or restoring a disk image backup] you get new file tables.

"... I have the previous giveaway version (6.1.1), should I uninstall it"

I uninstall to be safe, but from what others have posted you have no choice -- setup will uninstall for you.

* * *

#21: "... The reason I ask is because bad sectors often crash partition management software – and so a program that can fix the bad sectors would be very useful."

From what I learned the hard way, many Seagate drives at least -- I don't know how common this is -- have extra space that they can use to in effect replace a bad sector, but you have to use their software. If/when it can't be repaired & that sector is just not used, their software will map it that way in the drive itself.

Now when/if Windows gets involved, & if the drive/partition uses NTFS, the NTFS tables mark that sector as bad -- permanently -- but they don't, can't Fix anything... they just practice avoidance. Clone that drive/partition, & the new one will show that same sector as bad. Use something like Seagate's app to fix it, & Windows still shows it bad. That in itself will prevent a lot of disk apps from running. Google/Bing & you'll find a fairly involved method of fixing the NTFS table, or, copy (not clone) the partition to get a new NTFS table.

* * *

#24: "... Got a message saying I had a previous version ( 5.5.1) installed and to uninstall it. I hit yes or whatever the choice was and got a message saying the previous version was not installed and could not be uninstalled."

After backing up to be safe, run "Autoruns" [you can download free from Microsoft.com] [run it as admin in Vista/7], looking for any of the system files EASEUS Partition Master installs -- setupempdrvXXX.exe, EuGdiDrv.sys, EuEpmGdi.dll, epmntdrv.sys, & BootMan.exe -- Note that you'll probably see epmntdrv & eugdidrv with no description or publisher listed, so if you use Find, use the file names. Make sure the boxes are un-checked for any you find, re-boot, then delete the actual files in Windows\System32 &/or Windows\SysWOW64. [If Windows tries to load a missing driver on startup, it may not.] Now start Regedit [type regedit in Run box etc.] & look mainly for 2 keys -- using Find, searching for EASEUS, look for an uninstall key in HKLM & an app key in HKCU... delete both. If you want to go further (it's probably optional) search the same way to find & delete keys named eugdidrv & epmntdrv under HKLM\ system\ CurrentControlSet \Services. That should remove the old app so Partition Master 6.5.1 Pro will install.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

@7 - No problem you just move the partitions till the space is where it is needed and then expand the relevant partition. EASEUS makes partition moving and resizing effortless.
@19 - I recently used EASEUS PM in conjunction with EASEUS TODO BACKUP to upgrade my laptop HDD. I did this by copying the whole drive to file on an external drive then fit the new HDD and after booting up with the boot CD, I copied only the C: partition to the new HDD and then made it 'active'. I rebooted on the new HDD and then expanded the partition to fit the new HDD. I tried to do this with other products and failed.

Reply   |   Comment by Don Quixote de LaMancha  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

After reading all the comments I don't think I should download this program. Seems like there are too many ways you could really screw up your system if you aren't a techy type. Am I over reading here?

Reply   |   Comment by SamF  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

#2 and 26: I used to have this problem all the time. Am using Comodo Internet security and after downloading and unzipping the Giveaway tried to run Setup. Immediately Commodo would flash a screen in the lower righthand corner ...XYZ is trying to connect to the Internet..Allow...Deny. Before you are able to Allow the "Failed to connect ..Pls try again later" appears, followed by "The process cannot access the file etc.etc.
Tried terminating Comodo but then the Activation screen appears and nothing further.
Tried disabling Comodo on startup and rebooting but again Activation screen appears and nothing further.
I use netmeter and can usually see the Green activation data uploading and the Red Reply from Gaotd but in the last two cases only the green upload is visible.
Fix: Just before running setup Set your firewall and Antivirus settings to "Disable". As soon as the Giveaway Program's Installation screen appears, activation has taken place and you can return your Firewall settings to their normal values. Antivirus disable may not be necessary depending on which product you are using.
In my case I am using a G3 USB Modem so disable the firewall settings, connect to the Internet, run setup and disconnect from the net as soon as the Installation screen appears.

Reply   |   Comment by Richard  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

#18 Mark: Where would you want to partition a USB flash drive? For example, you have created a Linux or UBCD4Win booting stick on active partition # 2 and a FAT data volume on partition # 1. This allows you to access your data on any Windows system and keep the Linux / WinPE / recovery partition from being screwed around on an infected Windows system.

Lexar (OEM for Kodak and some labels as well) USB flash drives have the ability to appear as a proper "non-removable" hard drive with its unsupported & "not-publicized" bit-flipping utility. Once set, it makes the the above situation much easier to manage with some persnickety BIOSes.

Note that EASEUS Partiton Manager should only be used with proper education. It can do serious damage, so READ, READ, READ the manual and all other information regarding what you are attempting before using it.

This is a great utility. Thanks for the improvements, but still looking forward for GPT and better support for other partition types.

Reply   |   Comment by CompNetTeach  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

EASEUS Partition Master is a very nice app that differs from Paragon's partition software mainly by sticking just to partitions, i.e. Paragon often combines backup, partitioning, & sometimes virtualization all in one application. I have & use both, since in my experience Paragon's apps can sometimes try to be a bit *too* helpful, e.g. using Paragon software to copy or restore a partition to a virtual disk in 7, Paragon's app automatically adds it to 7's boot menu -- I don't want that, so I'll use EASEUS instead [it's not a huge deal to remove that .vhd from 7's boot menu using EasyBCD, but when you can save a step, why not?]. Otherwise when it comes to working with partitions they pretty much do the same things, & many (most?) will just notice that EASEUS Partition Master has a more "down-to-business" look to it. Checking the EASEUS version comparison -- http://goo.gl/tQM4 -- with Partition Master Pro you get a bootable CD -- since today's GOTD will only install today, keep that CD in a safe place & you can (re)install the free version if you ever have (or want) to. Partition Master 6.51 Pro updates/adds quite a few files [200+] vs. the last version I had installed, 6.1.1, & as the GOTD description notes, adds 6 new features -- IMHO the most noteworthy is working with Flash memory devices [USB sticks, SD cards etc.], while the new Disk Surface Check bothers me... if your hard drive manufacturer has a repair utility [like Seagate's], it might actually repair a bad cluster(s), but once it's marked as bad in Windows [if/when a Windows app does a disk surface check & finds a bad sector] NTFS file tables will *Never* forget, & several disk utilities like defraggers will refuse to run [the easiest cure I've found or figured out is to copy the partition, which unlike cloning or backup/restore creates a new NTFS file table, but you need the available disk space to copy your partition to, & it of course takes some time].

I did have one problem installing/running EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1 Pro in 7 ult SP1 RC 64... I uninstalled the old version 6.1.1, deleted the program's folder [it wasn't removed because it contained a log file], & installed today's GOTD, finding that it would only run once until a re-boot, with error messages that the app was still running (it wasn't). Installation adds 5 files to Windows' system folder: setupempdrvXXX.exe, EuGdiDrv.sys, EuEpmGdi.dll, epmntdrv.sys, & BootMan.exe [the only new 1 of the 5], & these account for the bulk of the ~100 new registry entries... however if you're updating to a newer version like I did, the net difference [before/after] amounts to a new uninstall key. The program's folder takes up ~75 MB with 708 files, 48 folders, & includes the boot CD ISO [~30 MB] that you can delete after burning if need be.

When you work with a *System* hard drive/partition [the one Windows is installed to], you very often can't be running Windows from that drive/partition -- you have to boot into another OS on some other drive or device. Paragon has both *nix & WinPE boot discs/USB devices, as does EASEUS -- for EASEUS Partition Master WinPE see http://goo.gl/KTYH6 ... I don't know if GOTD users qualify (you have to contact support for a URL), & reading on that page the list of stuff EASEUS doesn't recommend doing with their WinPE version, I'm not sure you'd be *that* interested. That said, *If* the problem I had today in 7 (requiring a re-boot) was an anomaly [it's never happened to me before], the several WinPE-type boot discs/devices I've used all create a RAM disk (a virtual hard drive in memory) that they actually run from -- once you boot into them, it's not that big of a deal to install & then use an app like Partition Master. OTOH Acronis is much more popular & often already included in many of the WinPE-type setups you can download (Paragon comes in a somewhat distant 2nd), and many of these downloaded setups already include other partitioning utilities, so again I'm not sure you'd want to bother. Many people just stick to the tried & true Linux boot CDs with GParted [like this one: http://goo.gl/zQpz ]. If you have special requirements, e.g. a RAID drive setup, that can narrow your choices, but for basic partition creation & sizing [the stuff IMHO most users are interested in] pretty much all of these apps will do the job.

As virtualization has started to become more popular, lead by Microsoft it's also become more popular to virtualize your old Windows install so you can run it in the new version (usually 7). The BIG problem with that is you usually need to get rid of all that free space on the original system drive/partition... EASEUS Partition Master (& similar) can do that, shrinking the partition on a real or virtual drive. Cloning, restoring a backup, or copying a partition works fast & efficiently by transferring all the data *as data* rather than files & folders, BUT, the downside is that the original & target partitions are going to be the same size [apps that allow you to change size or filter what's transferred/backed up usually slow dramatically if you use that feature], so Partition Master comes in handy to reduce the partition size of the original, or expand the target. And as *Very* large hard drives become common, adding partitions can make a whole lot of practical sense, dividing all that space up into more manageable pieces that are easier to maintain -- e.g. there's less [if any] reason to defrag 3 movies that won't be on your hard drive once you watch them, so just defrag the smaller partition with Windows & your software. Again Partition Master will work well. Needing to partition an SDHC card or USB stick is less common nowadays, but simply checking &/or replacing a single partition on one is unfortunately common, and many partition apps won't work with these USB devices -- now Partition Master will... that might be especially handy if you've gotten one of those sticks that came with 2 FAT partitions.

All in all I like EASEUS Partition Master & use it whenever I'm afraid Paragon's app might try too hard to help, for example changing Windows to boot with a new partition or whatever. I've never had it screw up & I've used it several dozen times. I've never had reason to use it outside of Windows, unless you count the times that, like Paragon it requires a re-boot into a DOS-like mode, does its thing, then goes into Windows... that's always worked fine. I wish Partition Master worked portably [e.g. why install partition software in a Virtual Machine to use 1 time when you don't have to?], but to me that's less a negative & more the absence of a positive.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+36)

Re #25, Now installed OK.
For some reason my Kaspersky Internet Security was blocking activation. It doesn't normally do this.

Reply   |   Comment by oddbodd  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

This is really great software. I have an older version and recently used it to upgrade a hard drive. The new drive had to replace the old boot drive so the MBR and all the partitions had to be copied over. the software handled it all flawlessly and fairly quickly (about an hour for a 500Gig drive almost full). The only issue came when I went to boot up with the new drive. I found that the order that the SATA cables were plugged in made a difference but after I plugged them in correctly I was up and running with the new drive!

Reply   |   Comment by Wayne  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

I've been trying to install this for about the last 6 hours, but keep getting the error message...

"Failed to connect. Please try again later"

...when the app tries to connect and activate.

Reply   |   Comment by oddbodd  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

installed fine. cannot create bootable disk

Reply   |   Comment by Mike  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-7)

Help !! I downloaded the program and tried to install. Got a message saying I had a previous version ( 5.5.1) installed and to uninstall it. I hit yes or whatever the choice was and got a message saying the previous version was not installed and could not be uninstalled.

I downloaded the vrevious version a long time ago but never used it.

My desktop has an icon with the arrow which I understand it is a program. . My "All Programs list showes it and I tried to uninstall it there but got the same message !!

I hit "start" and run and entered " Desktop " and the previous version did not appear (as I mentioned above there is an icom on the desktop.

Can anyone help ??


Reply   |   Comment by George Hale  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Nice program & worth the cost (if you miss the GAOTD promo). The free Home is not an alternative if you need 64-bit support. I use the PRO edition side-by-side with Acronis Disk Director Suite (both of which I paid for) and find together they meet my needs (as each seems to fill in the gaps of the other - sorry I don't have a list of what those gaps are!).

Bottom line - this is a great opportunity! Download, activate & use! 4 stars (out of 5).

Reply   |   Comment by barsook8  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

i just used the free home version yesterday to re-size a partition i didn't even re-move the 2 back-up images that was in it it worked with no problems thanks gaotd

Reply   |   Comment by hangdawg  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Does anyone know whether the 'find bad sectors' really does mark them as bad? On Easeus's website it says it 'marks them as red' and it reads as if might only mark them as red in the graphical display of the sectors, not actually mark them as bad?

The reason I ask is because bad sectors often crash partition management software - and so a program that can fix the bad sectors would be very useful.

Reply   |   Comment by Jon  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

installed and registered like a breeze. i must admit that i havent tried it yet but have had this recommended to me by people i trust so i am very hopeful. will get back after a test run.have been looking for one of these, so i can try a linux install. thank you gaotd!

Reply   |   Comment by indianacarnie  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-4)

Sorry to ask a silly question:
Does "disk copy" with this program mean exactly the same as "disk clone"? In other words, will I be able to boot up from a copied C HD?

Another, less silly question:
I have the previous giveaway version (6.1.1), should I uninstall it before installing this newer version?, or install over it?
Thanks, Eldad

Reply   |   Comment by Eldad  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

In the "New features" (page top) the 1st item in the list is:

"Support partitioning removable storage device like flash drives, memory cards, etc."

I have tried to partition an USB flash drive and this prompt pops up:

"Windows only recognize the first primary partition on a removable device. If no primary partitions, only the first logical partition is recognized. Do you want to continue?" with the YES / NO options.

I fail to see the point of partitioning flash drives or memory cards with this program... Am I missing something? Can anybody kindly comment?

Besides that it definitely has all the necessary features one would expect to find in a partitioning application.

Reply   |   Comment by Mark  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

@ #6 - that's actually an excellent comment.

I recently upgraded my HDD from 500GB to 1TB and made a copy of the entire disc, which worked well. But I had a C: partition (67GB) and a D: partition (400GB). I needed to add some of that extra space to the C: drive - but Easeus could not do it, I had to use Paragon Partition manager instead.

Reply   |   Comment by Nukkels  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

Downloaded installed and registered fine.

Tried to make boot disc, program went through the motions and said burning complete, this took all of 15 sec which didnt seem right.

Disc did not boot. (in fact nothing written to disc.)

Just to check my equipment made a Paragon and an Avira recovery disc with the same burner and both OK. Had previous Easeus Partition Manager pro which DID produce a bootable disc.

Any one else have this prob ??

Reply   |   Comment by terryq  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+12)

Hi all, Their website says you can copy a complete drive including Windows OS without reinstall. Will it work with Office Outlook, Publisher, Word etc without re-install as well?? It would be nice to be able to migrate everything to another/new computor without drama. Will this program do so?

Reply   |   Comment by LLeon  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

I had an earlier version, which I have used a lot, this is a very good program. This latest version replaces any previous installed, setup is fast and easy. If you are new to this type of software, read the help file, it is easy to understand, this program is easy to use. Thumbs up on this one.
Well done Giveawayoftheday for providing this updated version.
Thanks to Easeus too.

from Aideebar

Reply   |   Comment by AideeBar  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

When putting a new HD in, tried a few different types of partition manager to do the different partitioning - all bolloxed up.
Easeus did it simply and accurately.
Better than the rest - to put it mildly.

Reply   |   Comment by Phil K  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

This is a great program - I really ran 6.0.1 thorougly in Win 7 64bit and it performs without issue.

Paragon will probably offer something next since these companies always try to 1up eachother on GAOTD

Bot this and Paragon's are worthy - but please remember to backup any partition you plan to move or modify because problems can occur

Right now is a good time to buy this one too! I just noticed their offering it for $20 on the site. It's worth every penny, and you'll own it for that new machine Santa got you for Christmas.

Reply   |   Comment by Rob  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

I wonder how many regs it will dump to my system. The previous GAOTD program, Cyber Power Audio Editing Lab, modified +200 reg entries that my system, V64, now doesn't work like it used to. I'm sorry if my question is stupid, but i really don't want another hundreds of reg modification. Please publish my question, Mike usually state about reg edits. Thank you in advance.

Reply   |   Comment by mike's-follower  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks for the great software today but I will stick to the previous version offered only because I need to save cap. Checked Wondershare site straight after visiting GAOTD and was supprised to see they also
have a free DISK MANAGER available since 11-10-2010. Requires registration to get free Serial. Downloaded registered but not tested
yet. Maybe worth a look. Link http://www.wondershare.com/company/news.php?id=1130&page=1. 6mb Download

Reply   |   Comment by Richard  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+13)

I've used this in the past,from a magazine giveaway. Very reliable.
I still have it in my programs. Backup your data first. I tried to do too many tasks first time I used it and wiped my hard drive clean. A backup saved me. One task at a time and it works beautifully.

Reply   |   Comment by Hrad  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+32)

I won't have time to evaluate all of the features of EASEUS Partition Master 6.5.1, but I can tell you some things about EASEUS and other products and issues related to disk management. I'm finally upgrading to Win7x64 now that Microsoft has released various patches, such as proper support for greater than 2TB volumes, and I've managed to get some utility vendors to fix the problems with their products, especially on Vista and higher. In the past, EASEUS hasn't supported some USB devices, but this version claims to. I wanted a clean copy of Vista x32 before upgrading, and that involved a special system recovery partition on my system drive. Paragon failed miserably, but EASEUS and StorageCraft ShadowProtect Desktop had no problems dealing with the special partition. EASEUS performed the partition copy at boot time, which made me a little nervous because it didn't display useful status information during that time, and I had a lot of very high-capacity drives connected, but it appeared to do the copy correctly. Giveaway versions will never include WinPE boot disks because of licensing issues. Paragon uses outdated WinPE boot disks, a couple of generations old. ShadowProtect uses WinPE3/2008/Win7 boot disks, which work great. GPT volumes are required for greater than 2TB volumes, and have useful improvements, but support isn't so hot across the board, especially if you try to copy/restore a GPT volume to another drive. I installed a TRIM-enabled SSD as my system volume, which is extremely fast in Win7, but doesn't have much capacity. I installed four 2TB disks to use as RAID volumes using Intel Rapid Storage Technology 9.6, which permits multiple types of RAID volumes on the same drive set. I wanted some RAID 10 and some RAID 5 volumes. First problem right off the bat, I didn't need to worry about the GPT vs. MBR issue, because my Intel RAID Option ROM doesn't support greater than 2TB RAID volumes. Out of 8TB raw, I created a relatively small 200GB RAID 10 volume, which took longer than I expected to create (definitely going to be a problem for larger volumes). The whole point of higher RAID versions is to allow at least one drive to die without impact, and adding a replacement drive isn't supposed to impact performance either, as the rebuilding process is supposed to occur in the background. It turns out that a data cable to one of the drives is defective (major headache considering how much of the computer I'm going to have to disassemble to get to it), so that drive dropped out on reboot. So that tested RAID single-drive failure handling. Intel Rapid Storage Technology failed miserably. Win7 boot was held while the Intel RAID tried to deal with the issue, which shouldn't have caused any problems. After many hours longer than the original volume took to create, it was still churning away on the empty RAID volume, preventing Windows from booting. I had to give up, no telling how long it would have taken, and clearly utilizing all 8TB could have prevented use of the computer for a week or more. So I'm going to replace the cable, but create small RAID volumes of various types, then pull the plug on one of the drives and see if it can handle the drive failure correctly. Obviously, if Intel Rapid Storage Technology can't handle a RAID drive failure correctly, then there's no point in using RAID.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

Let me ask a general question. Can I add the free space available at the end of the HDD to the partition not near to the free space?

Reply   |   Comment by Hariks  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-12)

Quick look/comapaartion at specs: Not improved/updated with anything compared with PM 6.1.1 Pro from September2 (still no supports SSD harddrive alignment??) No need to change THAT, but definitely A MUST. (PS: a 6.5.2 Home is available too on the site)

Reply   |   Comment by Miska  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-14)

I had installed previous version 5.x.x pro from GAOD and using it for a while. I have tried all available soft wares as i am fond of trying each. Though i dont write up, this one is my fav.
I have never find any sw uninstaller as simple, fast as these guyz. It was almost clean uninstall.
Installed - gone smooth and the interface havent changed much, yet added few more new interesting features. I cant try it out at 3.30AM morning. But i hope they work as well. I am eager to try the flash drive options.
If you are a regular joe, have this in your machine, it is worth it. If you are a techie, i know you wont like to miss.

You never know when you need*(it has a recovery wizard inbuilt). Good night.

Reply   |   Comment by Selva  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+21)

used the free d/l version to save a 160 gb firewire hdd that had data, programs, files, docs and tns of other things collected over several years. the mbr (master boot record) for the drive had become corrupted and the drive no longer showed under my computer but was shown under device manager. was able to repair the mbr, reover all the files to dvd's and reformatted the drive which works perfectly once again. recommend this to anyone who wants to save any hdd if it can be saved by repairing the mbr. top not h software, in my humble opinion. get it while you can. it's worth having.

Reply   |   Comment by charles  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+43)

When I install it, it gives me an error message "the process can not access the file because its being used by another process"

Nothing is open except this one trying to install

I really wanted this program too.

Reply   |   Comment by Michael  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-1)

The Good
* Straightforward and fairly easy to use.
* Has the typical partition management tools (resize, format, delete, etc.).
* Supports Windows and Linux filesystems (FAT, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/EXT3).
* Supports internal and external hard drives/devices.
* Users can change the letter and name of a partition, convert primary partition to logical partition and vice versa, and hide/unhide partitions.
* Users can copy a whole hard drive or partition.
* Supports hardware RAID.
* Supports MBR and GPT volumes.
* Works on hard disks of upto 2 TB in size.
* Has "error checking" features.
* Has the ability to copy dynamic disks.
* Has the ability to recover deleted/lost partitions.
* Has the ability to defrag partitions.
* Has the abilty to "rebuild MBR".
* Has the ability to securely delete/wipe hard drives and partitions.
* Users can create a Linux-based bootable disk.
* Users can password protect the program.

The Bad
* No support for Mac filesystems or EXT4 Linux filesystem.
* The defrag feature does not allow the user to view any sort of "analysis" before conducting the actual defrag.
* Users can only defrag single partitions at a time.
* Only supports Linux-based bootable disk; does not support WinPE.
* Lacks the ability to create a bootable USB/flash drive.
* Bootable disk has some limitations, such as no defrag feature.
* The program window always opens up fully maximized.

Free Alternatives
EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition
Paragon Partition Manager Free Edition

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Reply   |   Comment by Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+123)
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