Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Desktop3D 2.0 was available as a giveaway on July 1, 2009!
Desktop3D is tailored to replace the standard Windows Desktop and bring new features. Desktop3D includes more of 100 icons that replaces the default icons on a large and beautiful with alpha - effect (Transparency).
Desktop3D replaces the wallpaper on animated pictures that will definitely give a twist to your desktop. The default setup includes three skins, there are a beautiful blue sea representation, a fire and a nice looking rainy autumn day.
PS: Dear GOTD Visitors, we need your feedback on our new software! Please, try Jet Screenshot, and write us what you think about it using this form. Jet Screenshot is screen capture software for instant screenshot sharing.
Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista; DirectX 9.0c.
13.4 MB
Jet Screenshot is a freeware screen capture utility enabling you to share screenshot via the internet in seconds. It allows you to take a screen snap, edit it and send it to the Web, so that you can immediately provide anyone with a link to the image. Such an approach allows you to speed up sharing of ideas, facilitating further discussion. It's ideal for remote work of programmers, designers, QA testers, bloggers, technical assistance specialists, sales managers, etc... A MUST HAVE! Test it now!
Change folder icon to mark it by priority (high, normal, low), project completeness level (done, half-done, planned) by work status (approved, rejected, pending) and type of information stored within (work, important, temp and private files).
60+ additional Vista folder icons for Folder Marker Home. The best choice anywhere on the Web. Use them to customize your folders. Each icon is designed to look impeccable in all sizes. A must-have!
Web Form SPAM Protection is a utility to protect forms from being scanned, analyzed and used to send SPAM emails. It encodes form source code, so that form spiders can't work with it and can't use it to send SPAM emails. Web Form SPAM Protection can work both with HTML documents (located on the Internet or on a local computer) and with a separate form source code.
Dis-functional on a 64 bit system
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I agree with #11, despite his obvious typo (since he is not designing software to test on my PC, I care not).
We're talking about the title page here, 1st impressions - number one rule of sales: presentation and appearance - and they're saying things like:
"includes more of (than?) 100 icons"
"replaces the wallpaper on (or?) animated pictures"
...and the words:
"on a large and beautiful with" should never appear in that order - sorry.
If I wanted to sell something in a foreign country, I would take the time to find someone qualified to at least proof my product description.
That is, unless I'm in a hurry to sell a superfluous, over-priced product (seriously folks, you can do all of this desktop silliness for free anyways) and trust that I can rely on the relaxed standards and growing illiteracy rate of the (at least the English speaking) rest of us; for whom so often "free" or “cheap” everything is more important than “quality” anything.
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Looks great, changed all icon size to small and is alot better
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To #29 Kevin - Excellent remark, well put it. It ought to be posted in many international forums as well.
[BTW, your remark is intended to #11 Pete, (not to #10)...Many has done that wrong reference...].
To #10 graham barnaby - thanks for you idea of IcoFX. Good indeed. Appreciate it.
To #34 BrainGel - Your remark is so true, that I reckon this site team ought to have put it up front in this web-site...
Thanks for GAOTD team for all their work and mainly their patience with all the critics here... ;-)
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If GAOTD continues to promote companies, their websites and their products that include "X"-rated icons; ie: the boob-shot of the icon for "Everyday Folder Icons for Vista", then perhaps they should start another GAOTD that features such rated products. I may be the only one offended, but offended I am.
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very good
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this is amazing.thank you guys
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Installed fine. I like it and my wife likes it; Not a bad program.
Thanks GAOTD!!!
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Here's some programs that automate putting a shockwave file (.swf) as your desktop http://www.swftools.com/tools-category.php?cat=564
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People have to start out someplace besides just their home country. At least they try which is a lot more than i can say for a lot of you people. This is just like in real life usually people from certain countries believe every one should speak their language, and put them down when they don't speak it perfectly, however most of those same people visiting another country don't even try speaking the native language and still think it's the host countries peoples fault. Give me a break most of these people speak better English than most of you whom have never attempted to speak a foreign language. I agree sometimes it's irritating when you can't understand their speaking but at least they try which is a lot more than i can say for the majority of us.
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Go for Bumptop or my favorite and useful desktop Stardocks "Fences"
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In winXP you can use shockwave files (.swf extension) as wallpaper by using an html file as a desktop wallpaper that calls the swf file... Here's an installer for a specific one http://www.fabulouswallpaper.com/Clouds_in_the_sky_animated_wallpaper.shtml
Once installed you can edit the html file and change the .swf file to what-ever you wish (you can even have a game as your background!)
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Seemed to install fine on Win XP SP3. On running immediately displays the message "Desktop 3D has encountered a problem and has to close."
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#78 and others who are concerned about resources or animated background, right click on the desktop and choose windows desktop as your skin. you are able to select backgrounds (wallpaper) as you normally would and still have the option of the icon effects within the program.
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Hey guys, this software looks good but when I tried to open it, you need a video card, which it did not say in the requirements. So I would give a thumbs down on this software.
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#76, it's no longer in beta. it has a free version or a paid version. great program
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I must agree with David, Pete and others regarding English. After all, this is a commercial software, which means it should be professionally presented. Presentation is everything in our world. You do not need to spend arm and the leg for spellchecking small paragraph - your NES friends can do it for you. Via Facebook etc.
About program: thank you GAOTD, but I have more important tasks for my cpu than working hard on fading menus and shortcuts transparency:)I am sure, some people love it "pretty"; after all why not, if you have enough recourses? But this program is definitely not for me. Thank you anyway.
P.S. Oh, and sorry for any mistakes and typos.:)
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Installed on Vista but this program slowed down my PC. Uninstalling it. I must admit I get put off by poor English and presentation, especially if its in the help section. GOA and other sites are giving a chance for new software developers to showcase their product. To do so with poor presentation is like forgetting to comb your hair and dress neatly for a job interview.
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@51. Ha! Ha! You say state findings and facts not opinions - and proceed to give five separate paragraphs of your own opinion! I dont see any findings or facts. Welcome to the opinions club!
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Forget it, I can't even install it. Got error message, file corrupt.
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@11 Pete, Please don't talk about something negatively and then do the exact same thing you were whining about. It makes you look stupid. Thanks for the program GAOTD.
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Alternative free programs that do work really well, and efficiently on XP :
1 Vertuawin, for multiple desktops, which is far superior to MSVDM, you MUST uninstall MSVDM first.
2 Wimpwall, to cycle your wallpapers, which uses no resources.
3 UXThemepatcher or UXtheme Multipatcher, depending on which version you need, to allow you to use third party themes.
4 Google Amberglow, my favorite theme after modifying it, and this will lead you to a multitude of themes. Themes must not be WBA files, only exe, zip, or ms styles.
Google fractals, for some amazing, colorful wallpapers.
5 Icons can be collected from programs with Recourse Hacker, and then you can change them through the properties of the folder.
It is important to remember, that most of the time you do not see your desktop as you are looking at a program, so obviously you want to use as little of your computers resources as possible, the above achieves that objective, with a fantastic, personalized, desktop.
Enjoy and Regards Bill.
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Although I would normally test out this software before posting a review, I use Stardock Object Desktop.
Stardock is the leader in this particular industry. Every one of their programs is totally top notch and their customer service is beyond compare. Not an employee, but I certainly wouldn't turn down a job :)
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Tried it, registered it, uninstalled it! Looked like a fun app, however, it messed up my icons and desktop. I had to use Perfect Uninstaller and Revo Uninstaller to get rid of all the extra and hidden files.
I will say, Thank you GOTD! Just had problems with this program. Maybe tomorrow's offering will be better and maybe this program will work for those with more tech knowledge.
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Hi everyone. First of all, when I open GATD and read the comments, Pete is #11, not #10 as everyone has been writing about. Another suggestion, is to use Rocketdock. I installed this on my computer last summer, and it is great. I no longer have a crowded desktop, only a great photo is on the desktop now. I hide the icons that I do not use on a regular basis, and the "cannot live without" icons, are in my "rocketdock". It's free, fun, fast to install.
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I don't like it. How do you turn it off????
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#28 and #67 were right on the money (probably others but didn't read every single post. The screenshots turned me off instantly towards this program. Why would you want your desktop to look like that?? As it is I barely have icons on my desktop since it is better to use other methods like a dock to organize icons.
I don't know where they get 3D from those screenshots, having icons in 3d is not what I call 3d really. One of the most useless programs I've ever seen.
Good thing its free, certainly not worth paying for if you think you need this monstrosity.
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I'm using Vista Home Basic &, while it installs fine, it doesn't work. No errror message but when I start it, nothing happens except that when I open another window and close it, the desktop doesn't refresh.
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I apologize for being such a critic but seriously.. These icons are gaudy. You could easy make icons your self or find some online for free. and what's so 3D about them? The backgrounds looked like they were thrown together with no regard of quality and there's nothing captivating about them.. Just check out the screen shots. I mean, I guess you could consider the icons coolish, but definitely nothing near being 3Dish. And this product was posted Feb 2nd on GAOTD as version 2.0.. Guess what? It's STILL 2.0. That's 5 months with NO progress. That should tell you that they haven't put any more effort into improvements because it's a failed product that they put too much time into and they just want people's money to make up for the time loss. They use advertisements like GAOTD to promote their product, which is fine but when you do it because you know your product sucks, it's like saying "HEY!! Please buy my product!!! Someone? Anyone?" Seriously.. put some heart and passion into this product and find a new name for it, lower the price to be more reasonable or improve the product to match it. Offer people something they will want, something desirable. It has to stand out and make someone say OOOOH, that really looks awesome! Also the description is horridly put together.. it's like, "UGh "scratch's butt" yous guys, by me produck. n stuf! it grate otay? mmkay? plese? tanks.." Improve on all of what I stated and I bet you the product will sell. People work hard for their money and don't want to spend that hard labor on something unsatisfactory. If you're a simple person, like me, then you'll have no interest or need for this product. If you want really nice looking backgrounds that have had much heart and passion put into them, then I suggest checking out Digital Blasphemy. As far as icons go I couldn't help ya. I'm not picky on those so I just use the default. They look fine enough and serve the purpose of helping me find my files.
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It worked well on my laptop, but it crashed on 3 other computers I tired it on.
A 25% success rate is not very good.
While I did like the look on my laptop, I uninstalled it on my laptop because I am afraid it won't remain stable.
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@51 BrainGel - "Opinions are like assholes - everybody's got one" - Clint Eastwood.
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I wouldn't pay $20 for this either. And I agree that it is also cluttered, those icons are so huge. There is other free software will allow much better backgrounds as well as a clean desktop. Such as Launchy (which only uses cpu when you use it) And if you really want the boring black background, just right click on your desktop and change the background. lol. If you want icons just go through windows to replace the icon.
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#39 - if you want free alternatives for fancy desktops, many distributions of Linux, including Fedora, have had some spectacular 3D desktops and desktop switching devices for over four years now. I would be surprised if Ubantu and its many variants don't have that option. The fancy linux multiple desktops do NOT result in massive slowing down of your computer, though if you demand animation of course that will take some extra resources.
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I run only 3 of XP's visual enhancements, much less desktop dress-ups. My CPU power is used for actual applications. HOWEVER, I'd love to offer a commercial service to foreign developers to correct spelling and grammatical errors in Help files and websites to make programs more credible and appealing to the English-speaking market. GAOTD, please let anyone interested have my email address. Thanks!
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#11 - Pete, I do agree with you not trusting companies that make spelling mistakes in their product description. However, before you post your complaint, you should check YOUR spelling errors and typos. (use of Emglish, raed). That's the pot calling the kettle black....
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i do not really like this product #1 because it has to have an background the whole time, #2 i thought you can customize your own icons not the icons the program it starts, #3 the moving background is a killer and Slows your PC down, like seriously folks... who would want a moving Background?
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I honestly don't see why I should do that to my desktop. The preview pictures on the programmers website are horrible.
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Try to get a Beta test version of BumpTop, it is way more user friendly, looks better, and is a lot more fun.
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I tested a trial version of this program and it worked great on Windows XP SP3.
There's no real use for this program. But if you want to play with your desktop (and waste your system resources) you can try it.
Thanks GAOTD, but I'll pass today.
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Today's offering is Desktop 3D 2.0
Installation of the program was a breeze on Windows Vista Service Pack 2. Upon installing the program I ran it , and for the most part the desktop looks impressive. I did not get much time play around with it , but I noticed something really weird. On Vista, It does not change the background of your wallpaper to something solid while in use , meaning its just an overlay on your desktop and nothing more. You can even see your old paper in the backgrounds on versions higher then Vista Basic. Some icons will not load appropriately and may require a reboot in order to take effect. For $19.99 I find Desktop X a more complete solution with a whole lot of content to download from its affiliate site WinCustomize. For a program that not well known and does not promote third party sites like Stardock does for use made content , I find it very hard to justify $19.99 as a purchase price.
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The program stops working as soon as you start it in window vista ultimate.. can't get it to run at all.. Rick
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Only 3 free skins.You must pay for others.
Bad.Really bad...
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This is not exactly a need.
Just make up. Unuseful.
MAC users will love it.
I have installed, tested, and my conclusion: I do not need it.
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Ok well, this is a useless program. Installs ok on XP SP3, un-installs about as well. As #10 said, if you want fun, different icons, make them your self. It's cheaper and easier. Also, I have to agree with #11. When I was in school first learning programming, one of the things impressed on us, OVER and OVER, was to learn how to proof read your descriptions, tech specs, read-me's and help files. It may be inaccurate, but people do judge how good a software package is based on things like spelling and grammar, and a simple mistake on the box can kill the sales of any product. No matter how good it is. Spelling mistakes are also one way we use to spot counterfeiters.
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No list of system requirements anywhere. Not even going to try on my older machine, not worth the potential hassle.
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Sony Ericsson Onyx Series Hypersuite (XP Theme) is currently rocking my world for free at 640k mem and 0 cpu.
The company behind this has some commercial Disney, Star Trek, and generic XP themes which are inexpensive and awesome.
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"Turns Your Desktop into a Dream"
No, its more like a nightmare!!
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@sriadverts, #63:
With due respect, but sending a screenshot by mail is something completely different then publishing a screenshot.
Just try to mail us, the visitors of this site, a screenshot of some situation on your pc. You will be doing all kind of things except mailing; all kind of things that Jet Screenshot covers with great ease.
Oranges and apples do differ.
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This one is a head scratcher for me. What's the benefit of this software? From what I can determine it is totally cosmetic and has a resident app running that will use system resources all the time.
Am I missing something?
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It worked fine for me but it was just too weird...
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