Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
DayMate 6.5 was available as a giveaway on November 17, 2011!
DayMate is a versatile intuitive day planner. This professionally developed and well designed application allows to create and schedule reminders that can pop up messages with optional sound effects; start applications or open documents; and shut down, reboot, or power down your system. DayMate can also check for new e-mail, dial phone numbers, synchronize system time via the Internet, send messages, and open a specified Web sites.
You can create single or recurring appointments, color-code different item types, set reminders for upcoming appointments, and more. A drag and drop feature allows you to easily reschedule an appointment or change its duration.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
8.05 MB
Maple Professional is the flagship of the tree outline managers for power users. It offers all features of Maple, plus several advanced commands of interest to the professional users.
I downloaded and tried this product, and have to agree with other comments above. It leaves unsightly background where items are removed.
I also have used Inpaint and have found its results were much better.
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This program is not getting a fair shake! I download and test 300-400 programs a year. My special interest is information management (databases, PIMS etc). This is one of the most professionally built calendar programs I've used. Yes I wish it synchronized with Google especially for access by my other computers. Theire website is overly under-impressive! Easy to install and has 24 hour clock! So cut through the typical crappys. Note though all require $$ to get updates after a year.
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Thanks to all who creplied with help for those of us with a registration issue.
I installed just after DayMate was offered and tried several times to register, to no avail. I came back just a few minutes ago in hopes to have an answer. Sure enough the good folks at GOTD posted their many comments to remedy the problem. I am now registered and will be using DayMate as a replacement for my very outdate remider software.
Thanks to all who posted, GOTD and Crystal Office Systems for this very handy program :)
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You can choose whether to see the clock “Always on top”. i.e. if you de-select this, then the clock will not remain on the screen when you
minimise orclose the program.Save | Cancel
You can customise the look of the clock.
Right click on the clock to see options.
You can choose the size of the clock.
As mentioned before, you can choose whether to see the digital time readout in a small window.
You can remove the "glass" (with its pseudo reflection) to see a sharper image of the clock.
(I prefer to see the sharper image without the "glass")
You can choose the colour of the clock.
You can choose whether to see the second hand.
You can choose whether to see the clock "Always on top". i.e. if you de-select this, then the clock will not remain on the screen when you minimise or close the program.
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Thank You GOTD and Crystal Office Systems. This is just what I need. It is simple to use and easy to understand. This is one of the few programs that I would purchase if the case arises.
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Activation SUCEESFUL on XP. After installation, restart your computer. Good luck.
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See my comment #14 re activation. Did the same as #11, restarted computer and it is now showing as activated. Thank you for the tip Herbie, and thank you GAOTD
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@53 thanks a lot for the hint!!
Tried portabel usb on my laptop , did work but not as registrated but trial form. I don't understand how to make a portable.fag file and how it makes your portable working. Any idea?
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I get frustrated with schedulers like this that only approach time by chopping it up in little chunks. Some of us have a looser approach in our lives that is served by to-do lists within larger contexts like a day/week/month that don't need a specific appointment. We're not all businessmen. I would suggest that the developer consider pop-up to do lists for day/week/month. I'm not aware of other software that has this feature.
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Activate confirms the GAOTD date & presets the Windows Registry with the registration key
Setup is DayMateSetup.exe
version 6.5
installs to user selectable directory, 9 MB in size. essentially, all there is is the daymate.exe program file itself.
(have to assume it will NOT run portable, i.e. setting the portable flag will run it in demo & not registered mode. True, it reverts to evaluation mode if you try to run portable.)
the installer includes an (old) copy of gdiplus.dll which does not get installed unless needed (& most likely it would not be needed).
includes CHM help file
application closes to the system tray. it is from the tray icon, that you can Exit the program.
by default the data file is save in the "User\My Documents\" hierarchy (something i don't care for), but doing a Save As will allow you to save elsewhere.
the clock didn't really do anything for me. the second hand (optional) was distracting.
a digital clock does not replace the round clock, it only displays within it.
can assign a hotkey to open the app has a number of themes (i found the default, XP Classic if you will, the most pleasing)
today, takes you to today, but also changes the calendar layout to day mode (where otherwise you may have been in month mode) it should not do that IMO. (day mode is like an appointment book)
the navigator panel does give visual indication of appointments, but it really doesn't stand out. likewise, holidays can be marked (displaying in red) but they to don't really stand out well (in my partially color-blind eyes).
i would like to set an appointment on a particular date, & then set occurrence to both past & future times, but seems it can only do future. (IOW, i want to be notified ahead of time that i've got
something coming up, & then the day of, & then some period after. you know how that goes, procrastination & such.)
i've never really look at any other similar apps so can't say how it would compare.
without having looked at it too long, some operations seem a bit quirky or non-intuitive & i feel could be better presented. but it looks to work.
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@20 Right click on left hand side on the times and a menu with 5, 10, 13, 30, 60 minutes appear. Check your choice. I like to check Show Minutes as well.
Installed without a hitch: Vista 64. Just made sure not to open program first, but first activated it, then opened from desktop icon. A reminder it sits in the task tray once opened.
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had no problems at all in installing or activating the software. I like its abilitys and am looking forward to using it on a daily basis.
Thanks GAOTD and to you Crystal office systems.
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I haven't tried this yet, or downloaded. But, just wanted to say with reading above. Why would you go through the process of instant install anyways? Everything should always be check for a virus,first, then install it.
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For those who want to run it as a portable app, here is what the built-in Help says:
You can run DayMate directly from the external disk (such as: USB drive, thumb drive, flash drive, memory stick, etc.) Just install DayMate to the external drive (or, DayMate program files from your hard disk), and place an empty portable.flag file into DayMate folder. This file can be created using any text editor, such as Notepad. Please note that you should re-register the purchased version to run from external disk.
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Seems to be a decent calendar and reminder system, am still testing.
One thing would make it complete is to network it on a main computer and be able to share on all other workstations.
Also synch. with other mail servers besides Outlook
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Nice organizer! For those having problems registering, here's a tip: after installing any program from GOTD, uncheck the box that says to run the program now. (Then, for those programs that require activation, just run "activate".) After that, start it from the Start menu.
One thing I liked was the program did NOT put an icon on my desktop. Most of them do, even though I uncheck this option. It also did not put a bunch of extras in the Start menu; just the program link. I know they're easy to delete, but this program did what it was asked during installation.
Default during installation is to run at startup; you can change this under the "Tools -- Preferences" menu. I can see the little clock being useful; it can be easily turned on when needed.
Thank-you GOTD and Crystal Office Systems.
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A nice little electronic diary. I activated it before running it and had no problems whatsoever on XPsp3. I guess you normally only hear the squeaky wheels, as they say.
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Easily installed and activated.
Hopes this helps those who have problems activating:
Remember that the software resides in your tray (bottom right hand corner of your monitor screen) after you close it for the first time, i.e. it does not Exit but minimises to the tray. The true "Exit" is shown on the bottom of the menu box choices, when you right click on the tray icon to open the program.
Right click that tray icon and choose "Exit".
The next time you run the program, it will show that the software has been activated and licensed to GiveAwayoftheday.
Bill & MNX88
Hope this helps:
The analog clock is only 12 hour. Don't look for 24 hour analog clock face.
If you choose to see digital as well, a green digital LED readout in digital numbers will show. The digital readout will switch accordingly between 12 hour or 24 hour format as per your choice. In the 12 hour format the digital clock readout will have an Underscore __ at the rightmost position to represent or signify "AM" to the user.
If you choose 12 hour format in Preferences, then it will not only impact the clock; when you make appointments, the time indicated will be in 12 hour format with AM or PM properly shown.
If you has chosen 24 hour format, then the appointment time will be in 24 hour format, e.g. 1PM is 13:00 hours.
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Very nice and simple to use and view. Installed on Win7 32-bit. Ran both setup and activate as administrator then had to restart computer for it to fully activate - no bother. Like all software it has its own default settings but if you don't like them you can reset all to suit yourself. If you're Bill Gates I guess it won't manage your life but for someone who just keeps track of everyday happenings it's great. Been trying various software for this purpose but I think I can now stop looking. Thank you GAOTD for offering software to suit all needs and levels of expertise. If it's not for you then don't diss it for
that reason - be glad you have the skill to cope with more complex programs!
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I have just installed on xp following instructions and everything seems fine. I have opened and closed it a few times and changed some of the settings and I have not been asked to register or activate. Now my only problem is that my external bose speaker switches it self off after a certain time if there is no sound being played so the sound alert will not help me, lol. But that is not the programs fault.
I tested an automatic opening of mozbackup which worked but of course I still had to be here to push the buttons, next etc.....
I think I am going to like this program. Its a shame it is only on the day that questions can be asked. Knowing me, I will have some more later.
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@ #4 Aworawo , You may only have to close the program fully (CTRL+ALT+DEL) to open task manager and kill (daymate.exe) and after activating the product once more for good measure :-), just open the program again making sure to see it registered. I hope this helps :-)
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Installed and ran OK in Win 7 Pro x64. By default it is set to run at boot up, something I didn't appreciate, but it was easily changed. Like others, after activation it still says evaluation copy, although I can see a key for giveawayoftheday in the registry. Let's hope it doesn't stop working after the evaluation period. Hopefully Crystal can give us some reassurance.
It's a simple program, and would have been ideal for my work when I was self-employed. Unfortunately I can no longer work so it's not really of any use to me. Still, I reckon it's a good little program for those with a need of such a thing. I might hang on to it just for the popup alarms.
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I think what's confusing people is when you close the program, it's still running in the tray (by the clock), and so it doesn't show that it's registered until it is launched again, which means you have to quit it by right clicking it (by the clock on the lower right on your screen), or restarting the computer.
For those having problems, try killing the process in your System tray, then registering, and launching the program. Or perhaps it registers on restart.
This has been common for GAOTD offers that stay running in the background even though you close the window - you are not actually quitting the program.
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For those having some troubles, I'm running win XP service pack3 and after installing the program it also came up saying it was an evaluation 30days... but after activating and closing the program. you should make sure it's not still open in the bottom right in your task bar( near the clock). After it's fully closed (including the process "notepro.exe") just open the program again. It should be activated.
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Thank you, #27--
Your message appeared right after I submitted my comment (#34 above). I restarted my computer and now it is registered
I for one try not to judge anything in haste. This looks wonderful for my needs and I just got it, so the jury is still out, but if I had to guess it will be one I will buy when the time comes. Thank you GAOD and the folks at Crystal Software for the chance to try this over a decent period of time. And thanks to everyone for patiently (and repeatedly!) explaining how to register it. I am not an idiot but sometimes cannot quite get the computer thing first time 'round.
Be well.
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1. Exit from Task-tray icon.
2. Run Activate.exe
3. Restart application.
Try it.
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The recurrant works in the registered GAOTD version. I seen a post about it not working, I think it is disabled in the trial. I was easily able to set one setting/one event to occur the same time on thurs, fri, sat, for eternity - recurrent with no expiration. You can also set an expiry for the alarm event or action.
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I am not great with computers but this looks like an application that would really help me. I am also running Windows 7 64 bit. I think I've tried the solutions above correctly. Even if it means repeating slowly for a dummy I'd be grateful for some more advice on getting this program to register.
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I am also having the same trouble activating the program. I have tried it in Administrator and still get trial mode. Can some at GOTD please help us with this.
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#10 Bill and #22 Papin put me on to it -- so I reinstalled the programme, and THEN "activated" it... WITHOUT it being loaded. Still it says "Evaluation" version! I tried to uninstall it -- but it does not appear in the list of installed programmes. I finally took a closer look at the "Evaluation" version -- and decided it wasn't worth any more effort....
But heavens, why can't we have some standardisation here? Sometimes you need to activate first, sometimes afterwards.... I didn't read ALL the comments before I decided to download it.
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Very basic software that is not worth its price.
Thumbs Down from me!
As best freeware alternative I recommend this tool...FREE & PORTABLE!!
h t t p : // w w w. s o ftp edia. c o m /get/Office-tools/Diary-Organizers-Calendar/EfficientPIM-Free-Portable.s h t m l
So no need to pay and install anything in your PC.
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Same Problem Here ! As in Comment no. 13, 14 & 16, I unzipped & followed instructions as per the Doc.,but in vain. The GiveAway of the Day page opens saying your program is activated successfully,but when you run the program, it is an Evaluation version demanding lisence Key.I repeated the process several times without any result !
I request GiveAway to take care of such problems, which are occuring often recently.
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ok it works, it activates. No what ? A stand alone program that can't import (sync !) .ical...
Good if you're an extra light user of calendars.
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They should make the registration process more sure -- after downloading and installing without probs, it ALWAYS says 'Evaluation Version', even though I've hit 'Activate' about three times -- both when running the programme, and with it closed.
It seems to me you're more likely to frustrate people and turn them away from your product if you can't deliver what you promise. Now I am wondering just WHEN my copy will 'die'...
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Just checked GAOTD registration: works as expected. Note that you should restart DayMate to make effect.
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Heavens. It makes such a difference when actually discussing the program and not only the free alternatives, or the bits that you haven't figured out yet (sure ask questions but don't just complain). I went from beings sure I was not going to download to seriously considering it now. Curious and might find a keeper.
Re activation: I run a 64 bit Vista set-up and this order has always worked if there is a separate activation key:
* download
* unzip
* install
* DO NO allow installation to open program
* run activation key and get confirmation
* now find shortcut key and open
* 90% of the time works and is registered
* if not, close program (make sure it is not quietly active in task bar)
* run activation again, open, and with with luck all well
* worse case scenario, restart computer
Seriously fun to try out stuff I have no idea about most times. And if it does not work for you, uninstall.
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I don't usually go for this kind of program, but...
Win7 64 bit...if you follow the instructions in the readme file to the letter, you should not have any problems installing this (even if you have Vista). I installed the setup program first (as Admin), then ran the activation program as admin without launching Daymate. Didn't have to restart the computer or anything.
Haven't checked web functionality, but it seems to launch programs pretty well. I personally won't be using this to send e-mails and the like but this certainly looks very neat and tidy ('polished' as was mentioned by someone else earlier).
The clock is a bit of a quirky little thing. I get both analogue and digital at the same time...the notification sound is good enough without being annoying, it's all relatively simple to tweak and adjust according to personal tastes and requirements (I prefer the office 2007 black theme for example...it goes with the rest of my desktop)...
I think this is a keeper. Thanks GAOTD.
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Installed and activated on 32bits Windows 7 Ultimate without trouble.
Registered to GiveAwayoftheDay without upgrades/support (as been said in the readme).
If any of you have problems with the zip-file, try using 7-zip.org (which I used).
Did some tests and worked as expected (haven't im-/exported to office/outlook, since I don't use those programs).
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Installed perfectly. Runs correctly. No problems. When checked for registration it said "Registered to GOTD" Looks like a saver. Thanks
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Check the about menu after activation. Still states this is an evaluation copy and you need to register.
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About activation: it worked after I read #10: do NOT run program before activating it.
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Activation doesn't work even if it says so. Ran activate.exe several times in vain. Blocked in evaluation mode.
Holidays can be mixed, which is good when dealing with other people in multiple countries (e.g. Central America, Europe).Choice of time synchronizer sources.Voice for time alerts (but I don't like the voice)
Monthly recurrent events disabled!!!
Business usage very limited (e.g. no reminder/call for meeting/conference, no user management, no sharing).
Only one instance (cannot view multiple agendas)
Interface in English only (not even Russian, the country it comes from)
Not really a bad product, though. It has even good reviews.
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@ Ryan John, how did you manage to change the time interval. Seems a nice program. Installed without problem.
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I would probably find this useful if my cell phone didn't already have a similar program already installed when I got it. Having it on my phone makes much more sense than putting it on a computer. Since I don't carry my laptop with me everywhere I go, this doesn't help me much.
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I also had a problem registering this. I restarted my computer and now it's registered. Problem solved.
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Installed with setup.exe on my XP Pro installation - no problems at all! I didn't lanch the app from the inst window, but activated first before I started the app for the first time. When I then looked into the help file, I saw the possibility and the fine instruction how to make the app portable, i.e. plugged in the usbkey, copied the installation zip onto it and ran the installation again, then you have to make an empty file called portable.flag inside the Daymate folder, run activation again, and the registration worked fine also this time. Haven't yet tried to syncronize the usb with the harddisk installation, but I hope it works. A very fine and handy app - thank you GAOTD!!!
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Installed Software as Advised when I open the Program and click on about
it says TRAIL VERSION uninstalled tried again same result TRIAL VERSION
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To change clock's hour format...
1. Left click on the Clock.
2. Click to the Digital Clock.
3. 12/24 from Preference.
This option is only for Digital Clock.
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Installed ok but did not activate properly. Still showing as evaluation version. The help menu requires a name and product key. I ran the install and register programmes as administrator in Windows 7
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