Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
CrazyTalk Animator Standard 2.14 (rerun) was available as a giveaway on February 13, 2017!
CrazyTalk Animator is a revolutionary animation suite with all the necessary tools to easily create pro-level animation. It provides an exciting new approach to traditional 2D animation with innovative new tools that allow users to apply 3D motions to 2D characters.
New powerful features have opened new possibilities for freely editing 2D motions and viewing them from any angle with a single click. In addition to HumanIK motion editing and seamless mix-and-match character customization, CrazyTalk Animator also offers creative and fun visual render styles that can dictate or enhance the mood of any scene.
Powerful features like body motion puppet and auto lip-sync further reinforce its position as the most creative tool for 2D character animation. It’s designed for everyone from cartoon and movie creators to artists, illustrators, web designers, and educators.
New Features Guide:
Windows XP (With Service Pack 2 or later)/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; Pentium4 2GHz; 2GB free hard disk space; Display Resolution: 1024x720; Color Depth: True Color (32-bit); Graphics Card: Support for DirectX 9.0; Video Memory: 256MB RAM
475 MB
I registered but got no seriel number to put in. How do I get one?
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the link page below worked but it should be a lot easier to figure out.
Hopefully it will be fun. I'll have to try it later now, having spent too much time on the serial # issue.
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You must go to thr website to get the SN
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Unable to locate serial number for downloaded software.
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Impossible to activate this program. You can not activate without a Reg number and you can''t get a Reg number without activation - It's a Catch -22
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2nd time around! I could never download the program the 1st time! this time when requesting the registration key it keeps going to a blank page. I've tried with 3 different browsers, over and over. I wonder how long i'll keep wasting my time on this site? There's more to life than this.
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You have to go back to this link and log in (not the products home page or login page) https://www.reallusion.com/event/CTA2Std/giveawayoftheday.html This is the link for the giveaway of the day link.
Scroll down and click the red color login that will take you to the product login page. Login and you will have the code.
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Downloaded and tried to install. Asks for a serial number. Not found in readme.txt nor anywhere on the site once registered.
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Been trying to create account since 10 AM EST. Still waiting for verification e-mail. Have asked for it to be resent. Still no response. Checked spam folders, etc and not there.
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I have followed instructions in "readme.txt ".
I created an account with Reallusion and confirmed it.
There was on serial number given to me at any stage of this process.
How do I get a serial number?
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There is no serial number? Obviously others are installing it fine, so what has gone wrong for me? I cannot finish the installation without a serial number. The software is NOT on my computer, until I finsh the install.
I have registered and confirmed my account. I have logged in and it says before I can register the software, I need to add the serial number...
Reallusion do say on their site "You may get serial number by opening your Reallusion application. After the application has launched, please click the "Help" button or "?" icon on the top-right corner and select "About ..." with the application name."
BUT I cannot install the software, until I input the serial number, so how can I get the serial from the program??? When I try, it just aborts the installation and nothing is installed. I can't seem to find a way around this problem...
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45 minutes of downloads only to stop at 83%, bloody waste of time!
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This is my second comment. I never received an answer to the first. I followed allof the instructions up to loading the program with the serial number. I activated my account, but they never gave me a serial number and nobody seems to know how to get one. So, I can't load the program without a serial number. Now what?
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Did everything up to get my serial number. I have an account now, but no serial number, so I can't load the program. How do I get the serial number? I even called the company, and the guy who answered the phone doesn't know anything.
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Installed initial program, bonus pack, and upgrade patch with absolutely no issues.
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I followed the readme.txt instructions and this installed perfectly for me and runs fine, thanks!
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Susan Z, but this is only Version 2.14 and not Version 2.15.
Login in to you account and than open https://www.reallusion.com/member/#/en/registration. Here you will find all your registered software from Reallusion and you will also find here Patch and Bonus for the software. Download and install "v2.15 patch". It will change your installed version from 2.14 into 2.15.
PS: The Bonus-Pack could you also download and install.
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downloaded and installed without any issues, Win10 64bit OS/based Processor. Just follow the instructions, although the initial install package is version 2.14, an update patch to version 2.15 pops up right after the installation and opening of the program...i had their older version in my old laptop, and now that i just had a new one this latest rev. came just in time. Sorry, can't give much review as i'm just trying to learn it. Except to confirm the smooth install. Don't miss this offer. Thanks GOTD team and Reallusion, as always!
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Worst activation process ever, first got my download link from GOTD, then Went to website to register for account as stated in Readme text, after that nothing, no serial number sent and no way to input information for your product or find your product, their search engine gives no info on this product but takes you to their newest trial for the same product upgrade to buy. When installing Program it asks for serial number or key of your software download which is not given in the GOTD README.TXT file so just nothing more than an information Harvesting Routine for email address My computer serial number does not appear in box but all other info does like computer name etc and even tried to set properties to run setup.ex as an administrator and still same results, if your gonna give out a software program for people to try then at least make sure there is a way to get to get a serial key to continue the install process for people to try rather than leaveing them in a infinte loop!!!!!!!
Very disapointed, Total crock!!! wasted time and 450 megs of download band with!!!!
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Their never send the serials per mail. Open the link from the ReadMe again and then click on the Login Now link. Log in and then it will shown you Links for two Downloads and under this you will find also your serial.
After this you can open https://www.reallusion.com/member/#/en/registration. Here you will find all your registered software from Reallusion and you will also find here Patch and Bonus for the software. Download and install "v2.15 patch". It will change your installed version from 2.14 into 2.15.
PS: The Bonus-Packs could you also download and install or unzip.
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Ron Romano, I had similar trouble but used Edge browser and received key without problems. Both Firefox and Vivaldi browsers seem to stutter on my internet connection and freeze on reallusion's site. Hope this helps.
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a small example[1,4Mb]:
A larger one [132Mb]:
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Ootje, my browser cannot play it. i'd love to see them. can it export to flash?
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hardgirl, there is a page with a download button.
Download the file and play it with a media-program .
Just like a video
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blank page I'd tried countless times same bologna
remove from computer
second time around no fix whatsoever
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victor h, delete cache and cookies and than try it again or use an other browser.
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victor h, I had difficulties similar to yours. I copied the address given in the readme file into Firefox but got a blank page with no registration number on it. Then I tried IE, and allowed all cookies. I got the registration number. Getting the download is weird, and installing the program is weird, too. I think the developers must never have seen a modern setup file. I finally got the program installed, but haven't yet been able to do very much with it.
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victor h, Maybe you should try Edge browser. That worked for me after failing with both Firefox and Vivaldi.
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When I tried to install Giveaway of the day — CrazyTalk Animator Standard 2.15 (rerun), it told me that I had a previous version installed that I had to remove first. I had installed CrazyTalk Animator Standard 2.14 from GOTD previously so I uninstalled it.
Upon, installing this new version, I found out that it installs as CrazyTalk Animator Standard 2.14, and not 2.15? guess that is what is meant as (rerun)? The actual version installed was: 2.14.2103.1.
In the future, I for one would appreciate it if Reallusion Inc. would list the actual version of the software they are offering as it would have saved me a lot of time uninstalling and reinstalling software I already had.
That said, CrazyTalk Animator Standard is a good piece of software that I have enjoyed using. A big Thank you to Reallusion Inc. and GOTD for offering it free.
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CFT, here was I wrote to frederic_johnson, login in to you account and than open https://www.reallusion.com/member/#/en/registration. Here you will find all your registered software from reallusion and you will also find here Patch and Bonus for the software. Download and install "v2.15 patch". It will change your installed version from 2.14 into 2.15.
PS: The Bonus-Pack could you also download and install.
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CFT, forgotten to write that this giveaway is a rerun. The first offer was on the 5th January 2017.
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CFT, Giveaway of the day — CrazyTalk Animator Standard 2.14 (rerun). This is copied and pasted from GOTD. It does not say 2.15.
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I have downloaded the previous 2 versions but of the 2 I really like the Crazy Talk 'Standard' as I'm a cat person
and love using the 'cat' software to talk to my friends for sure some of the very best software given here in my opinion
thanks to GOTD and the publisher for the great offer
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Well I jumped all the hoops and still no serial number. Got the email but that don't help much..
Thanks anyway, but I don't want to jump hoops all day.
And please cancel my membership.
Thanks GOTD
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I have created an account. But I have not yet received any serial number to my mail address !!!!!
How do I activate the software on my laptop?
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Well, I found the serial number.
Software was loaded in my laptop
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umesh nayak, Could you tell us where you found it?
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umesh nayak, I've got same problem!!!! Where do I get the serial #????
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Weirdest setup and registration that I've run into on Giveaway of the Day. I've run setup.exe until it gets to the point at which a registration number is required, but I don't have a registration number. I've tried to go to the page on which a registration number is to be found, and have gotten just a blank page. Crazy Talk website must be overloaded. Maybe I'll try again later.
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I cannot login to register the software, the page is blank. I have tried Firefox and Chrome. :-(
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Olaf, delete cache and cookies. Also deactivate all AddOns and then try it again.
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Olaf, try using IE. I got a blank page with Firefox, but IE was able to display the page and I found the registration number. I had to allow all cookies.
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he's correct
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After a waiting nearly 45 minutes for the download to complete I started the installation and using the link https://www.reallusion.com/event/CTA2Std/giveawayoftheday.html provided in the read me file got the message Sorry! The page you tried was not found. You may have used an outdated link or may have typed the address (URL) incorrectly. Checked that I'd copied the link correctly and tried again and got exactly the same result. I've never been able to get this to work when offered by GOTD. Don't know about Reallusion but certainly disillusioned. Gave up after several further attempts and uninstalled.
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DaveC, the problem must be in your system or browser, because when I click the link in your comment I get to a CrazyTalk Animator page.
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DaveC, scan your pc with Antimalwaresoftware like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
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DaveC, the link works correct.
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DaveC, Hi Dave, have you tried alternative browsers like firefox, opera, chrome?
I checked the posted link you provided, it seems to be the correct url, have you tried clicking it from within your post above, I ask because due to how this forum works it posts the actual link even when you accidentally added some spaces before or behind the url (believe me, that can screw things up)
If all fails send an email to https://www.reallusion.com/CustomerSupport/UserEx/QForm.aspx?lang=1 and see if they can help. Normally no support is given on giveaways but many developers tend to help out on the actual giveaway day
good luck
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nibo1978, thanks to all for your advice the problem isn't with my PC it's been checked for malware and viruses and is 100% clean. Problem must be elsewhere, but can't spare the time to figure it out, got a living to make.
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nibo1978, and to everyone else, thanks for your suggestions but I my PC is 100%, I work as an IT tech so know what I'm doing and the problem isn't at my end. I did try it again after a while and everything worked without any problem, must have been a minor glitch or gremlins somewhere. Haven't had a chance to play with this properly but looking forward to seeing what I can do with it. Again thanks to all for your useful suggestions.
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DaveC, I couldn't get the registration number with Firefox, but was able to get it with IE. Had to allow all cookies. And then Bitdefender blocked setup.exe. Bit of a pain to get this downloaded and installed and registered, but it can be done.
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When I opened my 2.14 version which I got from here recently , (checking to see what version it was) I got a message asking if I wanted to download the update patch. I said okay, and the updated version 2.15 was downloaded, installed and registered. Very easy. Thank you, Reallusion and GAOTD.
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Thank you for posting this. I would have gone and done the download again. I hope those of you that downloaded this previously read these reviews before you start the download. This was a wonderfully simple process. Updated in no time on Windows 10 anniversary update 64 bit, AMD Elite Quad Core A8-6500, 8gb DDR. It's a fun program. I'd like to that Reallusion and GAOTD as well.
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It's not version 2.15 but 2.14 according to the installer message (user account control on win 7)
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frederic_johnson, login in to you account and than open https://www.reallusion.com/member/#/en/registration. Here you will find all your registered software from reallusion and you will also find here Patch and Bonus for the software. Download and install "v2.15 patch". It will change your installed version from 2.14 into 2.15.
PS: The Bonus-Pack could you also download and install.
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This was first offered on january 5 but their server got overloaded. Comments here:
(CrazyTalk and CrazyTalk Animator are two different programs)
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Brilliant piece of software, thank you GOTD!!!
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