Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Crave World Clock Pro was available as a giveaway on July 23, 2021!
Crave World Clock allows you to keep track of current time for major cities and time zones on a real world map. You can also add themed analog and digital clocks on your Windows desktop to keep track of current time for any city you like. You can also set the world clock with map as your desktop wallpaper or use it as a screensaver. A time finder tool allows you to quickly find current time for any city or country you like. A reminder tool allows you to set reminders for appointments, meetings, phone calls, etc. according to other time zones. A popup will be displayed with a reminder message at the specified time in the specified city or time zone. It also has a calendar tool which displays a calendar for the entire year at a glance. You can choose the year for which the calendar needs to be displayed apart from current year. Crave World Clock also has a tool which displays international dial codes for all countries in a list which you can refer for your phone calls.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10
12 MB
Lifetime with no free updates
Still ok to register at 1030 Aust central time
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Note: don't forget to temporarily turn off your Kaspersky anti-virus program or it won't install successfully!
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I have ver
Searched web site, but cannot find what changed in ver 1.6.5
I am wary of installing today's giveaway, as I am concerned that it will not register.
Can anyone reply telling us if registration problems are solved ?
PS Whilst searching for the version info, I noticed the web site said that from ver 1.6.5 they are using a new registration system.
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In Windows 10 Microsoft already provides this app.
Type Alarms & Clock in the bottom left command window of the screen then click on World Time on the left of the screen.
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Brian, when I open that, it surely does give me the time for a city, but it does not appear to have an option to display a clock on your desktop.
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Their server is working now. You can enter the activation code and it will work!
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Download the application from their site and works with the serial number given. It did for me.
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There are only four hours left to activate. Can the deadline be extended to after the problem with registration is resolved?
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With Win 10, and other versions probably, you can have time for three different locations displayed on your task bar...Just saying.
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Excellent application, I use to use it on my laptop when traveling the world and needing to contact friends and business associates scattered around the globe at times convenient to them. Well worth downloading and installing.
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Andrew Roberts,
Our server was having issues momentarily. Please try activation again. It should work now.
If you still get problems please let me know.
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Dear users,
the registration problem is fixed and you might try the key again as it is the same!
Sorry for the inconvenience!
GOTD team
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Helen, will there be a notification here when the activation problem is fixed, or do we randomly try the program for the rest of the day until it activates, hopefully not by tomorrow?
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Helen, thanks for trying. It's nice that we get the occasional gem, not too surprising that there's a hiccup now and then.
Thanks for your efforts. Appreciated
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How will we know about the fix for this? Do we need to keep an eye on this page?
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Helen, Our server was having issues momentarily. Please try activation again. It should work now.
If you still get problems please let me know.
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Helen, Has he been able to fix the registration problem yet?
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TAB, it seems to be working now.
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Richard, yes, seems to be working now.
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I cannot get it to activate, I have tried several times, keeps saying it is unsuccessful, try again. I copy/pasted from readme file
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Bill, Our server was having issues momentarily. Please try activation again. It should work now.
If you still get problems please let me know.
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Bill, Our server was having issues momentarily. Please try activation again. It should work now.
If you still get problems please let me know.
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I put the code in and it says activation successful then another box pops up saying it was not successful?
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David, Our server was having issues momentarily. Please try activation again. It should work now.
If you still get problems please let me know.
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Cannot get the program to activate using the code provided. Error message states "License activation unsuccessful!" Tried uninstalling and installing again with same result.
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Janet, Our server was having issues momentarily. Please try activation again. It should work now.
If you still get problems please let me know.
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Just curious:
After many years offering v1.6.4 on these pages, what is new about v1.6.5?
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Many attempts for the last half hour to enter the supplied license key (copied/pasted) keep resulting in "License activation was unsuccessful, try again!"
Server momentarily overloaded due to popularity? Another temporary "victim" of the recent Akamai Internet domain website service disruption outages? Problem with v1.6.5.0 itself? Am I alone in having these problems?
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For more information on what this program can do, please visit http://www.craveworldclock.com/online-help.aspx
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Clock Watcher,
Thanks for the link.
I received an answer to my question regarding automatic adaptation to DST changes. The lack of ability of the program to find and update by itself for DST changes is a big minus for a person like me that regularly schedule teleconference meetings with people from other countries.
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Does it update automatically for daylight saving time (DST) beginning/ending date in every country?
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I recently was looking for a clock to be displayed on my computer screen.
I wanted a clock that stayed visible regardless of what I do.
So far, this appears to do just what I want.
It has a number of features that I have not tried yet.
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I was pleased to see that it has opacity setting so I can "see through it" to what is below. This may not be for everyone but so far appears to be just what I was looking for (and more).
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Perfect, just what I needed, registered easily and works great, nice one!
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Takes 2-3 seconds to Google "What time is it in [City/Country] ?
Are people that lazy ?
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John H, How do you know it takes 2-3 Seconds ? hahaha Just Joking :)
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Greg, Because I have family and friends in Australia and Canada with whom I'm in frequent contact, and after contacting them a few times, I don't even need to Google the time anymore, I just know +/- 1 hour if it's the middle of the night or day.
....and I have previously tried similar programs to this one in the past, but after awhile realised I didn't need them.
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John H, Same here, I'm from Singapore and in constant contact with my daughter in Vancouver, I just need to remember her time is -3 from mine
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John H,
Well... my daughter lives in Geneve - Switzerland, and I have
a very close nephew that lives in Silicon Valey - California USA.
5 hour ahead...
4 hour behind
I live in São Jose dos Campos - São Paulo - Brasil - city of Embraer - the 4th. biggest airplanes constructor in the world ( Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier and Embraer ).
NOW,it's 1:51 pm in here!
I still think I can add 5 and figure out it is 6:51 pm in Switzerland,
can substract 4 and figure out is 9:51 in Silicon Valley....
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Windows clock on your taskbar can be configured to display several different times of the day around the world as mine does for the UK, New Zealand and the Philippines but this application is still a useful addition to your desktop.
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mario, congratulations for knowing you can add and subtract numbers up to 5!? Seriously why waste time commenting, if you don't want the software then just move along. Simple
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