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BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0

Detects and blocks spyware, adware, Trojans and spy bots.
$29.95 EXPIRED
User rating: 328 90 comments

BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0 was available as a giveaway on December 25, 2008!

Today Giveaway of the Day
free today
A system cleaning and tuning suite for Windows.

BeeThink SpyDetector detects and blocks unknown spyware, adware, Trojans and spy bots by means of monitoring network traffic. It checks unusual network activities in real-time and Trojans network communication will easily be noticed by users.

If users want to know where their computers communicate, the "IP address look up" program will tell them more. In addition to this, BeeThink SpyDetector records each unusual network packet for the purpose of collecting spyware tracks. By digging out this information, users can find out who is spying on them. Meanwhile, it is an easy-to-use personal firewall. Users can easily build up their blacklist or whitelist by simply clicking.

System Requirements:

Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista(32-bit); Intel Pentium or compatible processor; 20MB of available hard-disk space; 64MB RAM or more


BeeThink SoftWare



File Size:

1.67 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Log in to your system and web browsers using fingerprint management.
Developed by New Softwares.net
Developed by Kaspersky Lab
The standard anti-malware solution for Windows.

Comments on BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0

Thank you for voting!
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I'm using zone alarm free firewall. Do you have experienced zone alarm and if so which one is better? .Anyway, thanks for this info.

Reply   |   Comment by threats-review  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed on XP Pro SP3.

Registered OK.

Does not work due to the “filter driver failed to load” issue.

Reply   |   Comment by Seascoot  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#68, Giovanni, I look at multiple sources of information on products (depending, of course, on whether it interests me enough), including professional and user reviews, the website, release notes and support information, forums, etc. Awards and Editor's Choices mean little to me, for a lot of reasons. I give my opinion, but I don't tell others what to think or choose. If you like Comodo, fine. Yes, it passes leak tests, but the release notes tell me that the quality is quite far below what I'm willing to accept. I use Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro 2009. It has plenty of problems, bugs, and needs a number of UI improvements, but it doesn't have anything like the very fundamental bugs listed in Comodo's release notes. Jetico doesn't rate well. Online Armor is certainly worth a look. I haven't tried it, but the website is moderately good. They publish their security ratings of known software. It has a number of good features. It's clearly different from Outpost in many respects. They don't indicate how their databases are updated and distributed. It's capable of using firewall rules, but generally doesn't (applications are simply allowed Internet access or not). Outpost is heavily rule-based, but most applications are automatically identified and predefined application-specific rules applied. It can automatically learn rules (this is the best choice on a clean system for known-clean applications). If it prompts a user for rules, it selects probable rules which the user can modify. It uses secure hashes to identify and check all executables.

I don't see where SpyDetector does much of anything that a real firewall doesn't already do, and it certainly does far less. As for your query about email addresses, etc., I'll tell you how Outpost works. In the first place, no communication can occur unless the application or process is known to be safe (identified via a secure hash), or the user has given explicit permission. The whole point of anti-leak technology and HIPS is to prevent the firewall from being bypassed by any means. Outpost Security Suite has twenty-five logs, not counting temporary logs, intentionally kept as text so they can be read by humans or processed by other software, if you find Outpost's log viewers to be insufficient. The logs cover different things, some cover firewall functions, some cover anti-malware functions, and some cover the operation of Outpost itself. You can specify the maximum sizes for the logs. Since I normally use webmail, for the purposes of this test I used webcam security software which monitors motion, captures audio and video, and sends email stills to my cell phone. The logs show when the webcam software is launched, that it's scanned and verified, shows when it launches other components, shows them being scanned, shows when the email is sent (and from which process), the size, from and to email addresses, etc., shows the names of the JPEG files being attached, shows them being scanned, etc. True, Outpost only logs information about data being sent and received, it doesn't store that data. Its own log viewers will do DNS lookups, but not Whois (you can always do that based on the information supplied). You have access to both the text log files, and the text from the processed log files via Outpost's UI. In addition to logs, you have all sorts of realtime connection information. SpyDetector is unlikely to be compatible with Outpost, and I don't see where it provides any useful information that Outpost doesn't, and Outpost certainly provides far more information.

Being a true firewall, Outpost has all the functions that one would expect a firewall to have, including stealth ports, attack detection, blocking, etc. There are plenty of settings for advanced users to play with. "Macros" (named ports, ranges, protocols, etc.) are available so that you frequently don't have to use numbers.

#74, Blackstickman, I strongly recommend Agnitum Outpost Security Suite Pro over Outpost Firewall because the firewall, like most modern firewalls, performs considerable scanning for HIPS, etc., and will shut down many of its features, especially on Vista, when you use other security software, which you'll need to. Outpost Security Suite has fully integrated anti-virus and anti-malware scanners, which avoids compatibility issues and wasted compute and disk access. Its anti-virus and anti-malware signature scanners and UI aren't that good, but the overall protection of the integrated suite is better than a crippled Outpost Firewall with separate top-notch anti-virus and anti-malware scanners. In the early (pre-Internet) days, malware was generally designed to either do something annoying, like display messages or mess with your display, or something harmful, like delete files or reformat your disk. While that can still happen, most malware today is either designed to download data, such as to display ads in your browser, or send out data, such as passwords, credit card numbers, etc., or to propagate itself to other computers. Therefor, the malware will be caught when it tries to communicate, so the signatures are less important. You'll get some false positives, but you can exclude those. Outpost also includes ad blocking, which you may also need to exclude some websites from.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thank you for using BeeThink SpyDetector. But it does not support 64-bit Windows system in 2.0 version.

Reply   |   Comment by BeeThink  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Phil, what has the Moscow based to do with it? Kaspersky runs in english! Easy to use!
Or do you really think a USA or UK/European based company is more trustworthy?
Is it not UK New Labour and Germany that are planning the "big brother" attack on the internet? I didn't hear anything from Russia yet!

Reply   |   Comment by cashgangnet  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

At this late hour nobody will read this anybody, but I'll post it

From Beethink....

I think the main purpose of BeeThink SpyDetector is network monitoring, it can even display suspect packet detailed contents by double-clicking it. If you try it, you will get more interesting things—some programmes which you trust have strange behavior.
BeeThink SpyDetector is not a spyware remover tool. There are so many spyware remover tools out there.

Most everyone here is missing the whole point, including me earlier.

This is similar to an intrusion detection system. supposedly to analyze network traffic signatures by using signature analysis.

It's basically a packet sniffer with a whois lookup

If you want the best, download Wireshark:

You'll also need to download WinPcap to use it:

Reply   |   Comment by reghacker  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#83: Ad-Aware works very well on Vista. It always did.

Reply   |   Comment by Harry  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Software installed on Windows XP 64 bit without error, however the Filter does not load, so the software is essentially, crippled.

Activation was successful and easy.

The "BeeThink IP Address WhoIs 1.0" application will only search on IP addresses and will not find domain names; it would to have that at times.

Running the main application (which also notifies you of the Filter load error), displays a simple interface. The GUI is clean, but the font choosen for the Icons and the location of them make it alsmost impossible to read.

Fields/columns) can be resized, but can not be re-arraged (moving location of a column or sorting by it.

You can create firewall rules that are pretty customized. instead of using a drop down, you may wish to use a Logic Tree approach. As the user selects options, a new set of dropdowns or checkboxes are displayed.

The application has a Wizard which is useful for first time users. Better screen shots can lead to better usability and understanding of the software.

The software does not have a way to allow you to back up the registration key once it is installed.

I could not test the application any further on a 64 bit system due to the filter load failure. If the application is not meant to work on 64bit systems, validation needs to be put in place to prevent installation of the application. If it does work, then there is a serious bug in the system.

Unfurtunetly, I will not have time to test this app in a 32 bit OS since it will be after 12am my time by the time I get to test it, and registaration will fail. I will be happy test it if the company would like to make arrangements.


Reply   |   Comment by Luis Perez  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#4, Ad-Aware didn't have a Vista version a couple of days ago. They disappoint me because they found much more than Spybot ever did.

Again, thanks for the alternates.

Reply   |   Comment by William  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Ever wonder why Google analytics are tracking your surfing? I didn't wonder about it either, cause I did not know until I installed this software.
They aren't now. I guess thats what the block feature is for.


Reply   |   Comment by SLUGGO  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To the folks at BeeThink: Thank you for allowing GAOTD to post this giveaway on their website.

Your posting your comments on their website is greatly appreciated! Not many providers are wise enough to do this.

I think that you have a great concept. The GUI is very nice, and I like the "NUM" ,"CAP" , and "SCRL" notifications in the lower right hand corner. However, I would like to continue using ZONEALARM until you finish the firewall part of the software. Is there a way to disable your existing firewall? For the time being, I have deleted the rules for both the white list and the black list. In other words, I have no rules for either list. Does this allow me to use ZONEALARM?

I noticed one typo error. In the lower pane, there is information like this:
Occurrence time: 23:06:05
Remote: 80
Protocol: HTTP(World Wide Web HTTP), a communications ......
Information: Access www-google-analytics.l.google.com
Possible Backdoor.Nodelm, Backdoor.......
Note: Many prgrams update itself on port 80

The last line should read:

Note: Many programs update themselves on port 80.

Suggestion: I think it would be a good idea to add pages at the end of the wizard that would briefly explain the white list, the black list, and how to add a site to one of the lists.

Problem: I downloaded and installed the program with no problem. However, I could not get rid of the big red 'REGISTRATION" button, even after following the GAOTD instructions in their "readme.txt" file, uninstalling the program, and starting over again.

FYI: My system is
Pentium 1.8 GHz
1 Gig Memory
900Mb free space on a 4 gig SATA drive
Windows XP r3

Thanks again for working with GAOTD, and your software is definitely a "keeper"!

Reply   |   Comment by HIPOCKETS  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


I downloaded the software from the Softpedia, installed and used the registration code you sent to me to register the product.

After that, in the software, I navigate to "Details" and look at the Traffic Detail View. This is what I see. Lots of garbage. I am pasting the view below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? Is it the software or is it me?

Attachment of Traffic Detail View:

13:14:41 Outgoing packet
13:14:41 Incoming packet
13:14:41 Incoming packet
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2008 05:14:43 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: IGTP=TP=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgkGBQYPAK5VCQYFZg0HI2tFLKKCkpsNLXLy8v10vPz0_PSdVLzs_Vz0zXz81PKc1JLdavzC8tKU1Kjc-ESOuXGcGE9Cpyc5Q8GCMOX7h4iqWAwcueQ1KCSYFRS9cIbmxRcbFecl4e2EwgWx_Iji_JLyguyS_KTC3WAwopeTDBDXAGuosJ6C5DYtyVkliSWpKZC3UFM9wQIQ5OCUagIQweLDCxAIYuRqbUvEmMTMXpN5hYupiB9CRmoAgAYAuN4BABAAA:LM=1230268483; expires=Sun, 26-Dec-2010 05:14:43 GMT; path=/ig; domain=www.google.com
Set-Cookie: PREF=ID=f20abf733217306c:TM=1230268483:LM=1230268483:S=3IDiMn9kIDd3BTwZ; expires=Sun, 26-Dec-2010 05:14:43 GMT; path=/; domain=.google.com
Content-Encoding: gzip
Server: igfe
Content-Length: 1302

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13:14:51 Incoming packet

13:14:54 Outgoing packet

Reply   |   Comment by Lu Hulu  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have tried most of the software mentioned above, and have settled with Spybot search & destroy with Tea-Timer. Unbeatable, free, with free updates.

Reply   |   Comment by Fred  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Bottom line, if a developer doesn't pass the Windows Logo testing, it means one of two things - they legitimately tried to pass it and couldn't... or more likely, they haven't spent the money to get certified. It's around $10-20K US baseline to comply with all Windows testing on a new product, and possibly a lot more. Chinese companies don't work on the same plane as everyone else in the software biz - they are commonly installing into pirated operating systems and don't give a rat about handing MS over $20K to comply - simple as that. Walk down the street in any Chinese city and you'll find a shop on every corner selling pirated _everything_. If these guys are developing primarly for that market - can you really blame them for not bothering to get it certified ? It's a culture thing.

So... this stuff might be great, or it might be junk - but the Windows logo failure is a cultural issue, not a software issue. That said - without it, you can't trust a thing they produce to not royally screw up your machine, so you..." pays your money and you takes your chances..." Do a good backup and set a restore point before playing with this fire.

Reply   |   Comment by CluelessNewbie  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

This software will not do it for me, i am running a previous GOTD offering A-squared anti malware, with Spybot and Avast. Great combo.

By the way, Acronis producers of the well regarded "Acronis True Image Home 2009" PC Back up and Recovery image cloning software are running a promotion ending Jan 15th.

Click to register the promo and enter your email to be eligible for the offer. Each entry knocks 1c off the price, which could reduce the price to only 25 dollars (half price). The more people enter the cheaper it gets!


Happy holidays!

Reply   |   Comment by niks  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I finally managed to sort out today's games (26th December). They are the classic R.P.G game called Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, A physics based puzzle game called Towerball and a retro racer called Trans Am:


Reply   |   Comment by whiterabbit aka Stephen  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

To #55 & #64 Giovi69, @#4, #6, #8, #20, & #58 Ashraf, @#18, #29, #33, & #63 Fubar - I think you all should review comment #39 by the Renegade and #59 WSE.

What are you kidding? This is a great program! Being able to not only detect spyware but trace it to its source makes it a winner in my book. Thanks BeeThink for giving us this opportunity to check it out and Thanks GAOTD for bringing it to us. This is real Holiday Treat! :)

Reply   |   Comment by NewKidOnTheBlock  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Spydetector is not for someone like me who doesn't understand protocols and things. I couldn't figure out how to set it up to allow only some applications through.

Fubar, thanks for informing us about the Agnitum offer. By the way, why do you say Agnitum Suite is better than the firewall alone?

Reply   |   Comment by Blackstickman  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

@43 there is a free version of Malware Bytes antimalware. It doesn't offer real time protection, just a scanner and remover. The paid version offers real time protection and support. My brother got this nasty Antivirus 360 virus that kept telling him to buy this Antivirus 360. Symantec let it through. I did a search on this antivirus 360 and it is in fact a virus itself. It pops up over and over and say your computer is infected with all kinds of fake made up names for virus. Malware Bytes free version was the only thing that got rid of it. Spybot S&D couldn't, Syamntec couldn't and neither did threatfire. No Malware Bytes doesn't offer full real time protection for free, but the scanner and remover are free. We have become so lazy that we can't even click on an icon and personally run a scan?

Reply   |   Comment by Ryan  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


oh good grief #45, didn’t your mother teach you to not believe everything you read
Or read the other replies in the Download. com review.
The sky is falling haha

reply by: davecollins1 on December 8, 2008 ->

Dave Collins? WTH are you even talking about here?

@49 who said that
I mean no offense, and I understand your dismay of the auto-renewal process, but this is not an uncommon practice, I have a friend who purchased Webroot Spysweeper and the registration company did the exact same thing. Another friend purchased TZ Spyware Remover (don't even know if their still in business), and they did the same thing. If this is occurring with just two spyware removers I just mentioned,

Imagine all the other software companies selling any type of program who could be using this same practice. Please don't judge a company that provides excellent tools on it's registration process. As I mentioned earlier, it just takes a simple e-mail to rectify the problem.

In conclusion, I guess we the reviewers missed the point of the actual software. When I read the description that stated "detects and blocks unknown spyware, adware, Trojans and spy bots", I assumed it was a spyware remover. The whole sentence reads BeeThink SpyDetector detects and blocks unknown spyware, adware, Trojans and spy bots by means of monitoring network traffic. It checks unusual network activities in real-time and Trojans network communication will easily be noticed by users." which makes it a unique program. I commend the developer for a better explanation and am now going to install this app and give it a try. One thing I did notice on their sight was a screenshot of their program capturing output from a very popular open source program called Wireshare (formerly Etheral). Wireshark is the most popular protocol packet sniffer and analyzer used by security personal and even law enforcement.

Reply   |   Comment by reghacker  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

The free version of Malwarebytes does not expire, but does not do real- time monitoring, which I find annoying anyways. I have Avast and my built-in Vista firewall to do that function just fine, along with Spywareblaster. Marwarebytes is the finest program of it's kind that I have found, especially for removing key-loggers and hard to find malware. I run a Quick Scan just before I turn off my computer, to ensure nothing gets has infected my startup and boot files. I haven't had a BSOD for a very long time now.
Thanks GOTD, for todays offering, and the other comments here. But I think I will stick with the Free Stuff.

Reply   |   Comment by George  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#64 and #55
Thank Giovanni for your comment
Quote"Finally you said in your previous message that this SW is still not a good FIREWALL because it misses out several feautures but at the same time you promised to add more firewall features in the future to make it better: what do you mean by that? Can you please give me some examples of missing features your SW still doesn’t have?"
BeeThink SpyDetector was designed by the idea that it had to monitor each outgoing packet from one computer, but not the packets from all applications in the computer. I mean there may be 100 packets go out from one computer but only 90 of them come from applications. In fact, advanced spyware can bypass application based firwall and sends data through a lower network layer without being noticed. You can find more about this by google.
But application based firewall is really easy-to-use for common users, just because the users can see some packets are sent from a certain application. The application based firewall is what beethink will realize.

"So how can one use your SW? Can it be combined with other more famous and complete Personal Firewall such as COMODO as network monitoring tool?"In our test, BeeThink SpyDetector can work with ZoneAlarm. But we did not test COMODO.

"Finally you also said that at the moment the big trouble you have to deal with is that BeeThink SpyDetector has not acquired “Microsoft Digital signature” and for this reason it still works under a low network layer and a filter driver has to be installed."
The reason that BeeThink SpyDetector working with a filter driver is not 'Microsoft Digital signature', it is for the purpose of monitoring EACH outgoing packet. The issue 'Microsoft Digital signature' is about Microsoft law which every software company will follow.

Reply   |   Comment by BeeThink  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#62, TigaAyes, I read the first page of your Wilders Security Forum link. It was a bunch of crap, which is why I rarely read what they have to say. It's true that Matousec primarily tests anti-leak and HIPS functionality, but that's precisely what you want a modern firewall to do. As I said, they don't test usability. In the first place, everyone should be behind a router with a firewall. The software firewalls do function as true firewalls with all the functionality and logging that entails. Agnitum's logging is one of the major reasons I use it. One Wilders member complained about anything which requires any user response. I've always said that user interaction needs to be minimized, which is another reason why I use Agnitum OSS. They keep an updated database with a large number of secure hashes and rules for applications. Another Wilders member was complaining about some extremely ancient version of Outpost. Like most forums, I think a lot of the people there just like to hear themselves talk. Like most forums, very few of them actually know what they're talking about. For some reason, people think that because it's a security forum, the members are all knowledgeable or screened. Neither is the case; it's just like any other forum, where any bozo can post anything. If by "OnlineArmour Premium" you mean Online Armor Premium (I didn't see any other hits), then you yourself are using a product which consistently receives top scores at Matousec, along with Agnitum Outpost.

#55, G i o v i 6 9, oh, great, another a-squared Anti-Malware 4.0 booster. Emsi's behavior analysis (part of HIPS) is abysmal, it's significantly inferior to that in the top-rated firewalls. Read Mamutu's test, which I mentioned earlier.

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)


Yes I utterly agree with your comment!!

Just wondering which FIREWALL are you using now to protect yourself given that you consider the award-winning Free Personal Firewall COMODO a bad software or even like a crap one.

If you check the last freeware FIREWALL LEAK TESTS Comodo Firewall has always reached the top rank as BEST FREEWARE FIREWALL PROGRAM along with JETICO (very difficult to configure though) and ONLINE ARMOR FIREWALL which, according to many geeks, appears to be a little bit better than the last version of COMODO FIREWALL!

As for this GAOTD maybe we’d better change the FREE ALTERNATIVES mentioned above focusing our attention more on FREE NETWORK MONITORING TOOLS (if any) rather than on PERSONAL FIREWALLS, ANTISPYWARE or HIPS programs since this GAOTD, according to its developer’s words (see his last post above), cannot be considered as a PERSONAL FIREWALL let alone as a SPYWARE REMOVER TOOL yet but just as a cutting-edge NETWORK MONITORING TOOL with new and, in my view, advanced features that other similar tools still don't have.

What do you make of it, mate?

So why not add BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0 (just 1.6 MB so not heavy at all) to COMODO or whatever else FIREWALL so as to get more information about any possible spyware activity on our network which other FREE Personal Firewall usually fail to deliver?

As far as you know does it enter into conflict with COMODO or other good firewall such as ONLINE ARMOURED?

After all, if you think about it, the award-winning Personal Firewall COMODO and, as far as I know, the other FREEWARE PERSONAL FIREWALL as well don’t have the same BeeThink SpyDetector's features such as the EMAIL addresses where hackers send their data to, don’t they?

Merry Christmas from Italy!


Reply   |   Comment by Giovi 69  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I was willing to give it a try, but as someone else mentioned, I get a "filter driver failed to load" message and the red REGISTER button doesn't go away, whether I run activate before or after. I guess it's nice that a rep is here, but I'm not interested in giving out my email to yet another unknown company to get a working key. Given the number of freeware alternatives out there, I think they should at least get the activation straightened out before offering it here again.


Reply   |   Comment by KuoH  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#32 and #43...
There is indeed a free version of Malwarebytes !!!
available here: http://tinyurl.com/6pawqb

Reply   |   Comment by Rick  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts, experiences, observations and ideas with regard to Bee Think Spyware. This is one time I practically read all reviews made by both users and non-users and the whole experience has been very enriching--makes for safer surfing.

Please keep your reviews coming so the rest of the world gets to learn about software and their usage. All the best!!!

Reply   |   Comment by LEO O FORTUGALEZA  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

# BeeThink


I've just read a review of your nice SW from an unbiased American websites in which the reviewer says that BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0 displays not only the hackers' IP addresses but also the EMAIL addresses where hackers send data to.

Is it really like that?

If so this could actually be a GREAT PLUS for your program since as far as I know just a few Professional Firewalls have this feature (if I'm not mistaken the award winning COMODO doesn't have it, does it?).

Finally you said in your previous message that this SW is still not a good FIREWALL because it misses out several feautures but at the same time you promised to add more firewall features in the future to make it better: what do you mean by that? Can you please give me some examples of missing features your SW still doesn't have?

So how can one use your SW? Can it be combined with other more famous and complete Personal Firewall such as COMODO as network monitoring tool?

I mean if one has the FREE Personal Firewall COMODO what can gain more by installing your SW taking into account that, as you previously admitted, BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0 is not a good and complete personal firewall yet?

Will we have to UPGRADE and pay the licence once you add the new Personal FIREWALL features you talked about in your message?

Finally you also said that at the moment the big trouble you have to deal with is that BeeThink SpyDetector has not acquired “Microsoft Digital signature” and for this reason it still works under a low network layer and a filter driver has to be installed.

Could you please be more precise about it telling me what does all of this in a practical way mean?

Thanks for your consideration and Merry Christmas from Italy!



Reply   |   Comment by G i o v i 6 9  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I wanted to enjoy the holiday today rather than spend time here, but security is an important issue and unprotected computers not only cause grief for their owners, but can be used to attack and spread malware to other computer.

Windows Firewall offers zero protection. Encrypting your router's wireless link does absolutely nothing to protect your own Internet access. Any computer which is connected to the Internet is vulnerable whether you're browsing or not (of course, browsing, opening email attachments, and installing software significantly increases the risks).

Always be leery of claims by security vendors that their products do something new and different. Detecting unknown spyware is what all good firewalls do. Monitoring network traffic is the primary function of firewalls. A real firewall doesn't wait until data has been transferred in or out of your computer and then tell you that it might have been suspicious, it stops the transfer from occurring in the first place. A real firewall doesn't look at the packet traffic and try to guess whether it's good or bad, it associates traffic with processes, and makes decisions based on what those processes are allowed to do (and it tells you exactly what processes have which connections). Real firewalls verify that all network-capable applications and all of their components are valid via secure hashes, and use secure hash lists and rules which are updated via the firewall vendor, whenever possible. Real firewalls monitor every aspect of the behavior of network-capable applications and processes on the host computer, quite far beyond network use.

#51, marinus, it's more likely that you're getting a bunch of false positives from looking at the network traffic alone. In any case, if you used real security software, malware wouldn't get on your computer in the first place.

As for my comments on Comodo, particularly read the Version : 22nd May, 2008, release notes for a good laugh (or cry, if you're actually using it).

Reply   |   Comment by Fubar  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

fubar - 18

Matousec test's only one aspect of a firewall, this is known as "Anti Leak Racing". The primary function of a firewall is to stop malevolent EXTERNAL access to a computer or network. Anti Leak Racing is about detecting programs that "call home", it's important but it's the functionality of a HIPS application .

This is an exchange I once had with Matousec

ME : You have ProSecurity rated as your number 4 product, why is an product from a vendor that's not longer trading even on the list.

MATOUSEC : It may be possible to purchase ProSecurity in the future, so we think it is ok to have ProSecurity on the list.

That exchange was the nail on the coffin as far as I was concerned, Matousec obviously needs a good dose of reality enhancer.

If you interested here's a discussion on Matousec's testing methods at Wilder's Security Forum -- http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=212594

I'll give this one a miss, many folks seem to have had to many issues.

FTR my guards are OnlineArmour Premium, Avira Premium, Ad-Ware Pro, I demand scan with MalwareBytes, SuperAntiSpyware and Avast

Reply   |   Comment by TigaAyes  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I NEVER worry about virusus or malware, EVER. Want to know why?

I have DeepFreeze installed on my system, first of all. I can turn my machine over to a 5 year old, they can then delete all the operating system files, mess with all settings, etc., and all I have to do is reboot and it's right back to normal...clean as a whistle, instantly.

And for diehard techies who say...but what about when you want to actually install something permanent, below deep freeze? No problemo! I install THOSE APPS using Total Uninstall, which tracks every last byte so I can remove even those programs, cleanly. It's the ideal combination, really.

For data I want to keep while running in frozen mode, I simply have a secondary drive that is "unfrozen." It's a beautiful arrangement.

The setup I just described is PERFECT for trying out new software that you are unsure about. If any of this sounds greek to you, check out deepfreeze at faronics.com and also Total Uninstall at www.martau.com. Makes for interesting reading.

The ONLY risk that remains in this configuration is of a rogue app sending data out. I still use a firewall for that. But again, if you are doing anything sensitive, a simple reboot will give you a flawless clean system again, and you can rest easy.

I have been using this configuration for 1-1/2 years, and it has worked like a charm.

Reply   |   Comment by Santa  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Installed OK on XP (had to click continue a few times)
Works well. Found amazon.com and NTT.

Not sure if these are spyware or not. I do know that I don't have any amazon.com toolbars etc.

Reply   |   Comment by Joel B1  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

No 39 and No 48
Thankyou very much for your posts. I find it amazing people cannot understand this website and what it is about either, similarly I do not belive for one second people have not encountered a lack of MS Certification before when installing programmes OF A GOOD NATURE!
Sadly this particular offering is pointless for me as i have an all encompassing SW that wont allow me to uninstall a particular unit in order to install this and I refuse to give up my AV in order to trial this product.
It appears at first in depth read (obviously not on here as nobody has reviewed anything but SpywareTerminator (which is about as much use for people using this site as a chocolate fireguard.. reviews ON TOPIC please!)
I will download it onto my other computer in a short while and review it once I have given it a decent time test. Many thanks for the free product, BeeThink. It is appreciated

Reply   |   Comment by WSE  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I have personally used Malware myself and it causes no such problems on my laptop.

Anyway, dont take my word for it. Here some PCMag Reviews:
Threatfire Review
Comodo Review
SAS Review
Spyware Terminator Review

For the most part, PCMag seems to think Comodo and Threatfire are excellent while not recommending SAS and Spyware Terminator.

Reply   |   Comment by Ashraf  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Just wanted to thank the folks at "Bee Think". I'm always open to new things so per comment #48 (from Bee Think), I emailed them at the given support address & within 3 hours, received my own license just like they stated. To my way of thinking, that shows honesty from a software publisher I knew nothing about before today. Thats alyways a big plus to me!
I too am behind an encrypted router so enabling/disabling a software firewall can't hurt a thing. I installed it with a download from "Softpedia", (sorry give away) applied the promised code & now have the full, paid version. It does display some very useful information & it's fun to play with.
As to it's true value, I can't comment yet. That because I knew I installed it on a clean, fresh "XP Media Center OS" thats only 2 weeks old. I've learned to pay little attention to MS warnings or MS approved logo software (on an XP OS anyway). What matters most to me, is a reputable publisher who keeps their word.
This one does and I thank you. I'll review it at download.com & Softpedia at some later date when I know more about it's true value as a security app. For now I can say it doesn't block my internet connection, doesn't interfere with any other installed program & it's a tiny program thats tiny on the load. It's size of 1.6 MB does give me a bit of concern as to it's real abilities but I'll see.

Reply   |   Comment by ww2vet56  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Sorry, may I digress from the topic. Does anyone uses AVAST Anti-virus software. I am using it. It is free, but every time when I do a scan, the software will stop when it discover a virus and then I have to act to "move it to chest", "delete" or "continue". Doesn't AVAST has a command to make the action automatic?

Another interesting aspect which I like to share on anti-virus software. When one configure to scan "archives", the anti-virus always return the log after the scan that it "cannot scan the archive as it is protected". If this is the case, it defeats the purpose of having an anti-virus software if it cannot scan "archive" files, isn't it?

Reply   |   Comment by Lu Hulu  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Hi all and Merry Christmas to everybody!

This application has been reviewed in many PC magazines and professional renowned websites such as SOFTPEDIA, for instance, getting a GOOD rate from its users who have paid 30 bucks to install it:

h ttp://www.soft pedia.com/get/Internet/Popup-Ad-Spyware-Blockers/BeeThink-SpyDetector.shtml

(remove spaces in the link)

Nice and detailed SCREENSHOTS of the program can be found here:

h ttp://www.sof tpedia.com/progScreenshots/BeeThink-SpyDetector-Screenshot-90408.html

(remove spaces in the link)

As you can see from the SOFTPEDIA review BeeThink SpyDetector 2.0 works not only as an Antispyware but also as a FIREWALL as it enables users to monitor network activities in real time even letting them know the remote IP address and ownership information of thoese would-be hackers who are trying to enter into your system to spy on you.

With this application you can also protect your computer by setting firewall rules such as remote address, port, protocol, users' black list and white list exactly, as we usually do with more famous FIREWALLS such as ZONE ALARM or COMODO, but you can also collect spyware tracks thanks to a nice feature that records each packet passing through your PC.

So it's not a bad (and unknown) product at all and since it's exceptionally FREE today why not give it a try?

If a product is less known than others it doesn't necessarily mean that it's CRAP...LOL!!!

Having said that I think that for people like me who run COMODO as FIREWALL (but ONLINEARMOR FIREWALL appears to be even better than COMODO as FIREWALL and HIPS program) and AVIRA ANTIVIR PERSONAL FREE ANTIVIRUS with active WEB GUARD as AV this kind of applications are pretty useless unless you have lots of spare resources on your PC to use which unfortunately is not my case.

Moreover I already have a fabulous ANTISPYWARE running in my PC with Double realtime protection and behavior-based detection (Malware-IDS) called A-SQUARED ANTIMALWARE 4 which has repeatedly been awarded as the best ANTISPYWARE currently available in the market.

It keeps your PC free from Trojans, Viruses/Worms, Keyloggers, Dialer, Rootkits and Spyware/Adware in REAL TIME with the power of two major scan engines!

Of course it's not FREEWARE but I was able to get it for FREE here when it was given earlier by GAOTD a few months ago (last August, if I'm not mistaken), so if I were in your shoes I'd wait for it because it's likely to be offered for free by GAOTD once again soon...LOL!


Just a few days ago the DEVELOPER has released a NEW FREE VERSION of A-SQUARED 4 which uses the same scan engines for the Scanner used by the SHAREWARE version A-SQUARED ANTIMALWARE 4 with the only difference that the FREE VERSION doesn't have the behavior blocker module (Malware-IDS) which this GAOTD instead has!!

So a fabulous DETECTION and REMOVAL TOOL ON DEMAND, that does not provide any protection in real time from infections as the resident guard/onExecution A-SQUARED ANTIMALWARE 4 scan feature is missing.

You can find all information of this astounishing FREE product here:

h ttp://www.ems isoft.com/en/software/free/

(remove spaces in the link)

Alternatively why not use the A-squared Commandline Scanner (best results in SAFE MODE):

h ttp://www.emsi soft.com/en/software/cmd/

(remove spaces in the link)

Let's have a try in Safe Mode where most malicious programs can be caught 'sleeping' as Windows loads only system-critical services: you guys have no idea what this stunning TOOL can find!!

Other good FREEWARE ANTISPYWARE capable to make a deep scansion ON DEMAND of your PC are:

- MALWAREBYTES' ANTIMALWARE, a very good AS whose MIRRORS have recently experienced lots of troubles to UPDATE its SIGNATURES DATABASE;

- SPYWARE DOCTOR (downloadable for FREE from GOOGLEPACK), one of the best ANTISPYWARE products I ever seen despite using too much CPU and RAM resources (so not suitable for PC with low RAM and old CPU).

Finally, as for as the HIPS programs are concerned, namely those particular SW capable to detect malware programs that are cleverly disguised to avoid being detected by the most common ANTIVIRUS and ANRISPYWARE programs, well there are dozens of good ones in the market you can istall for FREE although most of them generate a lot of needless and annoying warning messages and turn out to be very intrusive and cryptic indeed.

THREATFIRE (formerly Cyberhawk) is definetely a good FREE and not intrusive HIPS program because it uses white lists, black lists, policies and behavior analysis rules, along with other techniques, so as to reduce the number of messages users must deal with.

Other good FREEWARE and not intrusive HIPS for ADVANCED USERS, that are worth having a look at, are:

- ProcessGuard Free

- WinPatrol

- Samurai

(very GOOD PROGRAM despite being pretty unknown: http://turbotramp.fre3.com/)

- Comodo BoClean

(excellent HACKER PROOF SW: http://www.comodo.com/boclean/boclean.html)

- ArovaxShield

- System Safety Monitor PRO, exceptionally FREE here:

h ttp://www.syss afety.com/online.html?depart=support

(remove spaces in the link)

Just fill in the form to get the free lifetime unlimited license key of the PRO version. The key will be emailed to any regular (paid or free) license holder via email).

But the MASS of PC USERS who has not the right skills to use the HIPS mentioned above, maybe can easily replace them with sandboxes HIPS, which are much easier to understand and use with no frills.

The best ones I know are:

- Sandboxie
- GeSWall
- SafeSpace

Hope you found my information and all the GEMS I mentioned above useful.

Cheers from Italy and once again MERRY CHRISTMAS to everybody!!


Reply   |   Comment by G i o v i 6 9  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I will pass on this one. Most users have programs that address the purpose of this program. My biggest concerns about this is the future updates. Doesn't this type of program require updates to be effective? With GAOTD policy of no updates, I don't see how this would remain effective on your system. I use Adaware but be careful not to delete entries after one run. Test it weekly to make sure it is for real. I got A-Aquared here. I like it sometimes but it does tend to be annoying to me. As for Malwarebytes, I use this also and have never had a problem with it. I guess the bottom line is you have to decide what protection you feel comfortable using. After all it is your computer. Protect it with what you feel is right for you. and bring free is not always right.

Reply   |   Comment by gpc111  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

the reviews for spy detector were so bad that i didnt try the software. my biggest concern was that it blocked internet connections, and wasnt certified.

Reply   |   Comment by george ducas  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Dirty junk program leaves 91 registry entries after uninstall.
Hope you know how to handle that problem, doesn't work with Vista 64-bit...Pure waste....

Reply   |   Comment by Roxanne002  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

I can't comment on the recommendations of others, mostly because i've tried so many that i've forgotten my individual reactions.
I can say that BeeThink found a whole raft of spyware on my machine that other apps missed, despite my use of Sandboxie, Spyware Terminator, Ad-Aware etc.
I wish i could nuke it all, but its Who'is feature [find url's responsible] and black list does well enough.
I agree that some Giveaways of the Day are yawns [small failed companies dumping their soon-to-be-orphanwares], but BeeThink isn't one of them.
Thanks Giveaway people: I'm a happy camper.


Skeleton walks into a bar, orders a beer and a mop.

Reply   |   Comment by marinus  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

If you have any good ideas about BeeThink SpyDetector, please email us to beethink@beethink.com or just post it here. Both negative or positive will be appreciated.
Thank you again!

Reply   |   Comment by BeeThink  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

#45, I think you misread my comment about "Threatfire" and "PC Tools". I'm quite aware theres a free verion. They have many free versions now.

"Spyware Dr. Light", "PC Tools Firewall Free", "PC Tools Anti-virus Free and as you stated, "Threatfire Free". What I meant is simply this: "I don't like "PC Tools" period"! They tried me like a duck, which had nothing at all to do with any of those. I just think auto-renewal is bad business. It left a horrible taste in my mouth that "Listerine" hasn't gotten rid of an it's been over a year now.

Thanks for the feedback just the same.

Reply   |   Comment by who said that  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Merry Christmas everybody! I am from beethink.
I have downloaded BeeThink SpyDetector hosted in this site and installed it in my computer. Activate ran successfully. If you get "a big red register button stays on the application", please email us to beethink@beethink.com, we will give you registered code for FREE. We will send our free registered for THREE DAYS.
As everybody says, BeeThink SpyDetector is really a new tool. It comes with the thought that most of the current anti-virus tools can not detect unknown spyware. BeeThink SpyDetector shows unusual network activities to users, and let the users to find out what happened on their computers. It looks like a personal firewall, but it is not a good one(We will add more firewall features in the future). I think the main purpose of BeeThink SpyDetector is network monitoring, it can even display suspect packet detailed contents by double-clicking it. If you try it, you will get more interesting things---some programmes which you trust have strange behavior.
BeeThink SpyDetector is not a spyware remover tool. There are so many spyware remover tools out there.
We guarantee that BeeThink SpyDetector hosted in this site is 100% clean. If BeeThink SpyDetector has any spy activities, it will show the strange network communication by itself. In fact, BeeThink SpyDetector has already hosted by Download.com, Softpedia, and Tucows. In addtion, BeeThink have provided other 100% clean freeware-BeeThink MusicHandle and BeeThink IP whois- for years.
We know that the big trouble is that BeeThink SpyDetector has not acquired "Microsoft Digital signature". It works under a low network layer and a filter driver has to be installed. We did filter function by a driver just for the purpose of filtering EVERY outgoing packets. Maybe we will get "Microsoft Digital Signature" in the future.
We really think the future anti-virus tools will be different and the future Internet will be better.
Thanks you for using BeeThink SpyDetector.

Reply   |   Comment by BeeThink  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Wow what a mess installing this was, it installed fine but no matter what I did I could not connect to the Internet AT ALL, I uninstalled it and now everything is fine. XPSP2, good computer, so I guess this is not for me.

Reply   |   Comment by Donna  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

oh good grief #45, didn't your mother teach you to not believe everything you read
Or read the other replies in the Download.com review.
The sky is falling haha

reply by: davecollins1 on December 8, 2008 ->

Sorry mate, how you think this is a paid app, defeats me. I downloaded the new version and have been running it for 1 week and there is nothing i have found that indicates it to be any different from the previous version in that its totally free. ->

Expertly trained Hijack This log readers, MAMB is always used to start the cleanup.
Crystal clear that the paid version provides blocking.
Amazing comments found here and there...

Reply   |   Comment by Roxanne002  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

You are completely right about the software warning. This warning is given any time a "file system" driver is installed (.sys. which this and all other spyware remover install. They have to be able to monitor the file system for spyware...Simple. Some do not ask because the developers have chosen to pay a third part certification company (like Verisign) to have their driver certified. This developer apparently didn't want top pay that price.
The first thing you do when you install a new software package is go to the options menu and see what they and enable or disable features to your liking.
Threatfire also has a free version. For your billing dispute, simple contact PCTools and inform them that you do not want your subscription automatically renewed.

Reply   |   Comment by reghacker  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Running vista home premium I ran setup as administrator on my notebook and it started out fine but when it came up saying that it was un verified etc. which it had said to install anyway I did and it opened up a dos window and began trying to install it twice locking the setup program. I ended the setup but the only way to end the dos was to remove the battery from my notebook. It also stopped my dial up from working. I uninstalled it after that and will not touch this program ever again. Bad news and big time.

Reply   |   Comment by Spacepixie  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Folks please read the other comments! There "IS NO LONGER A FREE VERSION OF MALWARE BITES"! They quickly became to big for their britches.

#32 is 100% correct. It went from nice freeware to a garbage free trial! Each to their own, use whatever you have confidence in is what I say!

If todays offer acts anything like a 2nd firewall, I strongly recommend against installing it. Especially if you already have one active.

I've been with ESET & Webroot since March & stay clean. My firewall is set on automatic because I'm behind an encrypted, hardware router. It's possible to be hacked but it would take a real pro to disable my routers encryption. Even if someone did, theres zero on the system to steel. Thats what thumb drives are for. I bought two 8GB San Disk, Cruzer Micros on Black Friday for slightly under $30.00 at Staples!

Reply   |   Comment by Charles K  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

As the one person said being known to be good and being good for the hard drive is two different things although I will try this I will not activate the fire wall as the XP and The Vista fire wall is all you kneed why get one that bothers you top death over all packets coming to your hard drive . one person mentioned adware 08 , unless they have not quit being subservient to the bad guys who threatened them with law suit then they are worthless as a Spyware program, I would not use it, although it is advisable to have two spyware programs I must warn all of you that one anti virus program is all you need as two or more will only conflict and cause all kinds of trouble with your system . The spy ware malware-bytes is a great program for free , spyware terminator is another good choice but to install a third party fire wall is your preference but I will stick with Micro Soft fire wall for now , what you must look at is how much ram does it use at all times some are real hogs . I may give this one atry I can always uninstall and clean up later if it turns out to be a bummer I will post later on its use .

Reply   |   Comment by Ken Roberts  –  16 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)
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