Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.

AVIToolbox 2.2 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — AVIToolbox 2.2

AVIToolbox is a user- friendly toolbox for common video files operations.
$14.99 EXPIRED
User rating: 243 38 comments

AVIToolbox 2.2 was available as a giveaway on July 28, 2013!

Today Giveaway of the Day
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Extract iPhone data from iTunes backup files on Windows.

AVIToolbox is a user-friendly toolbox for common video files operations such as video splitting, audio extraction, picture capture and much more!


  • User friendly interface.
  • Split : Extracts parts of vide files.
  • Extracts soundtracks.
  • Pictures capture (still image).
  • Ability to burn / convert DVDs (requires CopyTo and ConvertXToDVD).
  • International support.
  • And much more!

System Requirements:

Windows NT/ 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ Server 2008/ 7/ 8


KC Softwares



File Size:

10.3 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by MPCSTAR
Transform media files for playback on various devices.
Developed by VSO Software
View the feedback from multiple IP cameras.

Comments on AVIToolbox 2.2

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Free alternatives..

Free Video Dub - free video editing software which lets you delete unwanted parts from video files without re-encoding.

Hamster Free Video Converter

Videora Converter - converts video files, YouTube videos, movies and DVD's so you can play them on your video playing device.

Lightworks Free (Probably the best free video editor)

Ainishare Free Video Editor

Video to Video Converter (portable) - Probably the best free video converter, no ads/spyware!

Reply   |   Comment by Darra  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+1)

Thank God for Giovanni and Ashraf. May they write more articles on DotTech in the future for us all.

Reply   |   Comment by David Roper  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

To BobbyA (Post #20)- thank you for the non-helpful advice about your problem with the (commonly used) word "proggy". I would have much preferred a helpful answer to my posts 8 & particularly 11.

This probby (problem) was also pointed out by GhenghisMcCann @ post #3, Bingo & post #26 and NoName @ post #30.

Scanning over the posts there seems to be only 7 of the 34 commenting on this offering from GAOTD. You made up one of the balance of wasted space. btw, I apologise for my speeling error of "Downlaoded"

What I am waiting for is an answer to mine but it appears I have to contact them personally, as would everyone else wishing for an answer rather than them post it here for all.

Could KC Softwares please respond here before I remove the proggy?

Reply   |   Comment by Thatwey  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

I have installed, tried and uninstalled various software from:
KC Softwares

It is true that KC Software products are loaded with other unwholesome stuff, except when you are vigilant enough to exclude them during install.
But even so, when you are using the software, there is a hook to demand that you download some other thing like codecs, giving the impression that otherwise the software cannot proceed further.

Even when the software is functioning, it is not an excellent software.

Similarly, I dislike SuperEasy software (though maybe less or no enticement to download and install malware).

Both software developers are regularly featured and their products presented as giveaways in many giveaway websites.

Locate32 comes in handy to search for and delete these software, such as VideoInspector, etc....from your computer.

After a while, you get the drift and know how to sniff out the unwholesome giveaways.

There are indeed other marvelous giveaway of excellent software in GOTD and other giveaway websites. Such as those excellent software from Paragon, O&O, Zoner, Kryptel, uRex, Digiarty, Wondershare and Ashampoo (I never had an issue with receiving Ashampoo email advertisements - that's fine with me).

Reply   |   Comment by ric  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

USE THIS PROGRAM WITH EXTREME CARE!!! It comes complete with a huge amount of baggage including malware such as Snapdo. This pain in the backside hijacks your web browser, search results and sends information to unknown destinations unauthorised. It then uses aggressive marketing strategies on you for ever more. My antispyware picked up well over 1000 instance hidden within my computer. A nasty program USE WITH EXTREME CARE OR BETTER YET, AVOID INSTALLING IT!

Reply   |   Comment by Rob  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

When I see KC Software as a giveaway, I always create a restore point as most of it is junk.

This time after trying to load a file, a box popped up for checking Video codecs and I should download VideoInspector. My Spyware Doctor with Antivirus immediately quarantined it. Running VideoInspector through Virus total, it comes up with numerous spyware components. Detection ratio: 15 / 46.

First off, I have all the neccessary video codecs on my system

Secondly I will by pass all downloads from KC Softwares in the future

Total thumbs down.

Reply   |   Comment by Jim  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Rarely use avi media anymore due fact most video downloaded is flac off you tube! I used to convert rhat to avi in past but observed the converted flac to avi was grossly larger in size! With all the thousands of stuff to download, I now keep the video in flac to save room for more stuff to download! Software for avi, I have no need for it, regardless of quality! External harddrives at $100 to store a few avi films, doesn't make sense when I can store lots more FILMS in flac!

Reply   |   Comment by wot  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Giovanni and Ashraf are so helpful to giveawayoftheday members they should always be treated in a respectful way by all.

Reply   |   Comment by j007m  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

#5 boozehelps. Yes, you CAN download a copy of the program without Relevant Knowledge from the developer's website. But, each program on the page is in a text box with a BIG BLUE BUTTON saying 'Download' at the bottom. Beside the button are three small icons which are explained at the top of the page as being 'NoRK / Portable (Zip) / Lite (no sponsors)'. There's nowhere on the page where it says what 'NoRK' means; 'No Rice Krispies?','No Republic of Korea?', definitely no mention of Relevant Knowledge . The developers know,(and I wonder if you're connected to them), that nearly everybody is going to click on the BIG BLUE BUTTON and download a copy with Relevant Knowledge. If KC Software are going to be so devious, (or less than open?), as well as lying about awards from websites, why should we trust them?

Reply   |   Comment by Ghenghis McCann  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

so, since I installed it to check for bloatware I thought let's try it out. Took an avi music video of only 41.5mb and got the message
"IndiceImage List Incorrect" when clicking this away I got the same message about video codecs other people get. Uninstalled and installed the GOTD version, same issue

in short..useless piece of software probably a vehicle to sell their other products better

Reply   |   Comment by NoName  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

@boozehelps have you downloaded the no RK version? did you notice the screen where you get the option between default installation or custom installation? Did you notice that if you do not react within a second or two there will come a pop-up that covers the "custom setup" asking "would you like to continue and install selected items? By clicking OK you agreee to the terms listed below"?
Did you see it covers up if you want to install (along with the program) Basic serve and desk365 search.
did you notice the next screen asking you to install Webcake?
the next screen asking you to install PriceKeep?
the next screen asking you to install Uniblue SpeedUpMyPC?

You did not? or you did and just want to bleep over Ashraf....
You realise he is right? it DOES come with bloatware

thumbs down, although the version offered here does NOT contain said bloatware, the functionality of this software is way to limited to be considered a serious tool voor the video enthousiast

Reply   |   Comment by NoName  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

It seems very clear to me that GOTD and the people who have left feedback today, love to waste their time on limited apps like this.
Giovanni got it right.....again ;-))
Here's one I suggest (Video Editor):
Zwei-Stein 3.01 FREE
OR: ZS4 Video Editing Software 0.960
(next generation Zwei-Stein Video Editor)


Reply   |   Comment by Software Babe  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)

Earlier giveaway for reference: http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/avi-toolbox-2-0/

> common video files

if you leave it at that, you would expect "common video files". so something like AVI, *and* WMV & FLV & MPG & MP4 & ....

but that is NOT the case, & Ashraf is correct in that respect.

and even with AVI alone, which is far from "common" these days, there will be many AVI's that it cannot do anything with for lack of having proper codecs; either supplied or already installed, or even if installed, that the program still cannot handle.

now once you add the word "operations", in context, (and dismissing the odd bolding on his website) it becomes clearer that it is not "common video files" [as in video file types] that he is speaking of but "operations".

> common video files operations

"operations", he defines as "video splitting, audio extraction, picture capture and much more" - whatever "much more" may be.

so you have a limited program, that only works on AVI's, & will only handle some AVI's at that, & with it you can do "operations".

that makes perfect sense.

no help.
there is a website, with a dearth of information.
"Help" takes you to their website, but provides no information.
there are forums, with no posts.
IOW, no help.

searching through my AVI's, which i do have a fair number of, mostly old, there were very few that could be read by this program, perhaps 1 out of 20.

IMO, there is very little value to this software.

Reply   |   Comment by therube  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+4)

I have no use for today's free giveaway but thank you for trying GAOTD! Please try to bring back some of your past photo editing software. Everyone likes that stuff and you haven't had any in a long time! I lost all of mine due to a complete windows reinstall a few weeks ago.

Reply   |   Comment by Bill Kuff  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-2)

I never...never comment on the opinions of other members here at GOTD, but today I felt like I needed to make an exception. I have never seen such a group of ungrateful people to complain about getting something for free. It annoys me when I see that someone writes about a free alternative (YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THIS SOFTWARE....THUS....IT IS FREE!)or complains about having to supply an email address. Geez people. Say thank you and move on. If you don't want to supply your email address to register, then hit that nice little red (X) at the upper right side of your computer screen and move on. Have a great day!

Reply   |   Comment by JoizeFnF  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (0)

Further to the heading
"Ability to burn / convert DVDs (requires CopyTo and ConvertXToDVD)."

Perhaps we could add
"Ability to defrag video files (requires a defragging utility.)

Reply   |   Comment by Alan  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

AVI Toolbox is a small [single file with a load of language files] harmless app that adds 2 registry keys [uninstalll + KC Softwares] as long as you stick to the GOTD version -- the trial adds a PowerPack key even if you decline the add-ons. Functionally it does some of the same stuff you can do with VirtualDub [free at virtualdub.org & elsewhere] -- AVI Toolbox displays the video & lets you split/trim, extract the audio, or do a frame grab [screen shot].

AVI Toolbox [like VirtualDub] depends at on what you've already got installed to read, decode, & if you split or trim, rewrite the video file. That's not to say it'll work with every codec or format that can be stuck inside a avi file.

FWIW, I think this GOTD's best attribute is its simplicity -- I can't imagine it being any easier to use -- so if that's what you're after, & if it does what you need, great. Worst case it won't work with the video you want to trim or split, so you'll have to move on to something more complicated. Personally I use VirtualDub set to DIrect Stream Copy for this sort of thing, but while I can't say V/Dub is hard to use, it is harder than AVI Toolbox.

As far as AVI being an older container format, yes it is, but that doesn't mean it's not still used by millions [maybe billions?] daily.

Reply   |   Comment by mike  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

@ Mac Trinity, post #2: Ashraf's summary at post #1 was obviously intended to provide a quick heads-up. It was therefore quite thoughtful of him to remind any visitor to this page that, contrary to the impression given by this offer's descriptive text on this page:

AVIToolbox is a user-friendly toolbox for common video files operations such as video splitting, audio extraction, picture capture and much more!

that 'common video files' relates, in this instance, to just one type of video file, and thus the 'box' only has one particular tool in it rather than several different tools to deal with several different formats.

@ boozehelps, post #5: I sincerely hope that booze is of help to you. 'S odd, how reminiscent the tone and content of your comments are to that of comments on earlier giveaways from posters of quite different names who for reasons which aren't entirely clear always rush in here to drip malice over any and all contributions freely made by Ashraf.

Is there some underlying reason for this seemingly obsessive need to constantly malign a guy who teams up with GAOTD to provide unbiased information of help to prospective downloaders of an offer of the day??

@ #3, Genghis McCann: agreed. It is commercially counter-productive for any developer to deck out a product with awards that are easily discovered to be anything but. One hopes today's developer will note your comment and take it on board -- after all: GAOTD exists to help developers with useful feedback just as much as it exists to help GAOTDers discover new software and download and use it, free of charge.

Re today's offer: a single tool in a 'video toolbox' is, well, a bit pointless nowadays, bearing in mind that boxes of multiple tools are widely available, both paid-for and free. Thanks then, GAOTD, and thanks, KC Softwares, but the era of single-purpose video software ended a few years ago.

Reply   |   Comment by MikeR  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+31)

Just wanted to mention, "program" is only 1 more letter to type than "proggy", and much easier to read.

Reply   |   Comment by BobbyA  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+2)

Thanks to Ashraf and all the others who commented. It sounds as though this is not a well thought out program or offering. I'll pass on toadau GAOTD.

Reply   |   Comment by William Gorman  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+3)

To those concerned:
I installed it and, as I always do, monitored the installation; I saw no Relevant Knowledge being installed...

Reply   |   Comment by Avid Gamer  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+10)

Seems like a good product and the price is very reasonable for an AVI editing tool.

Reply   |   Comment by Brian S. Wilson  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-25)

@Mac Trinity

But a yellow school bus CAN carry fertilizer - and could even carry both at the same time (though Health and Safety might have a problem, depending on the fertilizer's format...).

I think what Ashraf (NOT Asif) was trying to point up is that such 'one-format-pony' programs are - irritating (to say the least). Sure, you can get hold of format converters, but there are often inconsistencies within the 'accepted' definition/coding of whatever you're converting from/to that mean your converter(s) and this may well not understand what each outputs. And is this particular software good enough to warrant trying to find a converter it WILL work with, when there are other similar programs that DO work with multiple formats?

Personally, I have sufficient multi-format editors and converters that I'm not going to bother with this - if you (or anyone else) wants a 'one-format-pony' specifically for AVI's, then good luck.

Reply   |   Comment by Lee  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

#2 @Trinity, yes the name IS AVIToolbox, BUT the description says "it works with common VIDEO FILES", a little more than implying it works with different filetypes.

It IS, I think, a typo because the next line makes no sence if it's not. But it IS right there in the description. On it's own line!

Reply   |   Comment by James K  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+14)

Everybody likes all in one tools but sometimes tools with one or few funtions performs the best. Recently I wanted to cut a clip from a TV show and then extract the audio to an MP3 to use to create a slideshow with sound. Like most GOTD regulars I have a ton of tools but didn't know which would be best. Video editing can be a pain. Windows has a built in Windows Live Movie Maker but only works for .wmv format and has a lot of bells and whistles I didn't feel dealing with. Freemake has a lot of free video tools.
I looked in my Tools folder, sub folder Video and saw this from a previous giveaway. It quickly and seamlessly cut out the scene I needed. That's the part that usually is a pain. A+ there. It's realy easy so if you want to make clips out of .avi video file, this is great. However, the Extract Audio button was grayed out. I tried it again this morning on this version and it's still grayed out: http://imgur.com/eVD31mE I guess it doesn't know the audio format. So, I used audacity to extract the audio.
Yes I would like this to be able to edit any video but converters are a dime a dozen and this is simple and fast. My vote is add this lightweight tool to your collection. It's great formaking clips or just shortening a file to make a .gif.

Reply   |   Comment by SoftwareJunkie  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+5)

This Program can only operate oldest avi file, no divx either xvid etc. Pretty unusable and full of bloatware.

Reply   |   Comment by Robert P.  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+15)

#2 Mac Trinity, unknown in contrast to meritorious Ashraf - not Asif - very discourteous!!!!!!!!!

I have never used any AVI in the last years.
As far as I remember AVI is only a container format for different codecs, and Ashraf has told in his full review: "Doesn’t come with the required codec ..."
and that for above "Ability to burn / convert DVDs (requires CopyTo and ConvertXToDVD)" costly additional software is needed.

Too restricted usage for me, too.

For splitting videos and conversion I use free AviDemux (AVI, MPEG TS/PS, MP5, MKV, FLV etc), which works lossless and utmost fast if cut is done on keyframes. If you get several files of same type it even asks whether you want to join them. With actual version I never encountered any sound delay, which often is a problem with many other softwares of this type. In the Audio menu you may "save audio".

Multi format free VLC (portable too) comes with a pre-defined snapshot hotkey:
Windows / Linux / Unix: Ctrl+Alt+S
Mac OS X: Command+Alt+s

Reply   |   Comment by FrancisBorne  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+11)

Regarding my problem with the proggy giving me the "Indice Imagelist Incorrect"....

I tried another .avi after restarting the proggy and got the same error but this time the proggy was responding and I noticed "Unable to extract frame" under the "III" error button. Also there was a "Check Video Codecs" button.

So I hit that to be told to download KC Softwares VideoInspector 'tool'(?)

Downlaoded, installed, got this crap mentioned by Ashraf earlier here.

Eventually got to run the "VideoInspector" and got some info about the .avi file.

No clues as to what to do next.

Now what?

Reply   |   Comment by Thatwey  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-3)

Usual software supplier crap description of system requirements: "Windows NT/ 98/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ Server 2008/ 7/ 8". Refuses to install under 98SE, "expects a newer version of Windows - Upgrade your Windows version."
Why can't software houses actually get this right? Is it that hard? After all, they create the installer which throws the above message.

Reply   |   Comment by Pedro  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+8)

Dear Mac Trinity

The comment of Ashraf ( not Asif)here is leading me to remember that there is many others (free or not)software with more compatibility.
Limited to avi format is limiting the software, not a positive point.
I admit it is not a strong point to introduce ;) but as a reminder, this needed to be said. Comparing it to the competition make it look older. May be it is obvious for some, not for all.
Remember this site is open to all country and to every kind of peoples.
In some country they carry the children, the goats and the rest of it in the same bus, even on the roof if they have to!
Sometime names means nothing or something else.
Please visit dotTech web site (Asraf)and open your mind, it is good to learn and to let the others learning.
Have a good day

Reply   |   Comment by Col-Hectorz  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+23)

Loaded all good. First .avi attempted, during load I got "AVI Toolbox (Not Responding) Indice Imagelist Incorrect"

I could not close it because of the (Not Responding)

What is Indice Imagelist Incorrect?

Reply   |   Comment by Thatwey  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+9)

Very limited in its functionality; there is much more versatile freeware available, one I particularly like to use is the following:-
Avidemux 2.6.
It will split files, join files, extract images, allow modifications to the brightness and contrast, the sharpness can also be changed and to add to this it does a few other functions.
It will do all the above for a variety of video formats without requiring any extra downloads.
It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux at the following link:-

Reply   |   Comment by XP-Man  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+17)

Holy CRAP!!!

Very poor software in my view and not just because it only supports AVI format.

15 $ for a buggy tool supporting only AVI format? Come on...

Most developers here behave as if they were living on another planet....

* Portable AsfBin (==> My Personal First Choice)

* Free Video Joiner

* Freemore Audio Video Suite

* VirtualDub

* Avidemux

To extract soundtracks from videos (AVI, MPEG, MPG, FLV, DAT, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP) and then (why not?) create music videos/movies, putting them together in video montages with filters and mixer layers for FREE:


The sound quality is no good enough? OK, NO Problem!!

How about quickly optimize your MP3 files to an insane sound quality (320 Kbit/s, 48 kHz, Stereo) or just change their bitrate and size in batch, keeping the same level of audio quality and all ID3 tags intact for FREE?


==> ALL FREE <== Enjoy!!

Reply   |   Comment by Giovanni  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+172)

@Mac Trinity

Well spoken and excellent input. Love the fact Con#3:
"I haven’t downloaded the GOTD version being given out today but AVIToolbox from the developer’s website comes with bloatware (Relevant Knowledge) so I suggest you be watchful while installing today’s giveaway in case it has it too"

Meaning, maybe - perhaps, things are improved with today's giveaway?
Or if by chance you actually pay attention, which Asrash may not have noticed. If you visit KCSOFTWARE's site download option located at http://www.kcsoftwares.com/?download

You'll easily see a NO RK version "hence" no Relevant Knowledge"

If it was myself, and I wanted to make a legitimate name for myself, I wouldn't skimp upon giving informed, factual based, helpful reviews of actual software made available for GOTD. I mean why compare yesterday or last year to today or this year?

I only wish, I had a use for today's giveaway to download it. Thanks GOTD!!


Reply   |   Comment by boozehelps  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-62)

@Mac Trinity
To go by your own analogy - it's like that "schoolbus" (different colours in other countries) ONLY carrying children of a certain sex and a certain height, a certain hair colour, etc

Reply   |   Comment by PhilK5  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-54)

Tried this out with three different AVI files and each time got the message 'Unable to open file'. Uninstalling.

Another point, if you go to the developer's website, under 'Awards and Reviews' they claim the 'Editor's Pick' and 'Most Downloaded' awards from Software Informer. Click on one of the graphics and it takes you to the AVIToolbox page on the Software Informer website. There under Awards it says 'This program received 2 awards'. If you then click on this you see the awards. Not the ones claimed on developers website, but the Software Informer '100% clean. No Adware, Spyware or Viruses' and the Softonic rating of 'Average' and underneath that 'Softonic Rating: Not bad'. From what #1 Ashraf has said about the download from the developers website coming with 'Relevant Knowledge' added, I don't think it deserves the '100% Clean' award.

I know it's an old complaint about claims of non-existent awards from websites but why do they do it when they can be found out with just a few mouse clicks?

Reply   |   Comment by GhenghisMcCann  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+69)


That is why it's called AVIToolbox and not anything else. So, I don't think your Con should read:

"Works with AVI videos only — does not support other video formats"

In other words, it shouldn't have been mentioned at all. That's like saying the yellow school bus can carry children but it can't carry fertilizer. One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other. I wish the rating system here was a lot better, however, thank you GOTD...

Reply   |   Comment by Mac Trinity  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (-151)

*Can split AVIs, extract audios, and take snapshots

*Works with AVI videos only -- does not support other video formats
*I haven't downloaded the GOTD version being given out today but AVIToolbox from the developer's website comes with bloatware (Relevant Knowledge) so I suggest you be watchful while installing today's giveaway in case it has it too

Free Alternatives
Review of best free video converters (video converters can split videos and extract audio)
Video Dub module of Free Studio

Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review

Reply   |   Comment by Ashraf  –  11 years ago  –  Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+167)
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