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AthTek IP - MAC Scanner 2.0.5 was available as a giveaway on July 15, 2014!
AthTek IP - MAC Scanner can fast scan your network for IP addresses and MAC addressess including DHCP connections. It can also find suspicious clients among hundred of connections in seconds. It can scan the whole network by UDP or ARP, and backup the detailed scanning results to database.
A ping tool is included in IP – MAC Scanner, for you to easily ping any IP address from the scanning results. IP – MAC Scanner also has remote control and email notification functions!
Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; Processor: 1GHz Intel/AMD processor or above; RAM: 256MB RAM (512MB recommended); Free Hard Disk: 100MB; Graphics Card: Super VGA (800×600) resolution, 16-bit graphics card or higher
11.4 MB
AthTek NetWalk concentrates on enterprise network management. It enables the enterprise owner or the network administrator to monitor traffic throughout the network, and gives a graphical real-time collection of data which the network adapter is accessing, including all the different websites/host address, ports, trends, etc. AthTek NetWalk is expert in packet sniffing.
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AthTek Registry Cleaner is a killer of system errors and crashes. It is a comprehensive system maintenance tool which can deeply scan, clean and optimize registry entries.
An interesting Windows application for Skype users which can change your accent in Skype calls. It can also send funny sound emotions to the contacts and record the entire prank over Skype including your funny new voice.
If someone is missed that one
There is true gem:
Greetings to X-man & king of freebies Giovanni :D
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Hi Everyone,
Downloaded and installed AthTek IP – MAC Scanner 2.0.5 per instructions and everything want very fast and as expected on a Windows 7 64Bit AMD 6 Core Bulldozer with 16MB of RAM.
I Just copied the Registration code to a TXT File and then copied each set of numbers and pasted to the appropriate box! I'm not a Speed typing Expert! (o; So, This process was a bit faster then typing the numbers in one at a time! (o; We have gotten spoiled by the copy/cut and past in everything we register! Or, Do! So, Yeah! This could be updated by the Author? But, Its No Deal breaker! Or, Anything like that! (o;
I was very happy with AthTek IP – MAC Scanner 2.0.5 As it found everything on my primary Router, From my Cell phone to my Vizio Smart TV! It found the IP Address for my second router! But, It is setup as privet and AthTek IP – MAC Scanner 2.0.5 Could not Identify names! Or, IDs But it did see the device and and the IP Addresses associated with it! Cool! It Also Identified the IP Address for utilities like ABIT that connect to there home WEB Site to Analise potential problems and for Updates! etc. I did not find anything I could not Identify and that is a Good Thing! Right? (o;
I pinged a few things and I got a detailed response, Very fast and Although it may seem? Or, Feel Dated A little? It Does Everything it says and I can see it being Very useful for finding potential problems and things that should NOT Be accessing your PC! Or, Home Network! I See AthTek IP – MAC Scanner 2.0.5 as being a very handy tool for checking out issues with your home network and also, Finding a hacker trying to manipulate your system! I would say that AthTek IP – MAC Scanner 2.0.5 is a Keeper! A Valued tool to add to your arsenal to help you spot connecting problems with a device to a host of other human? Or, Computer controlled robots that may be looking into your network to corrupt? Or, Just cause major problems in your life! Just a neat host of tools and reports that are both educational and helpful in see how your network functions? And Who's using it! (o;
I would give AthTek IP – MAC Scanner 2.0.5 Two Thumbs Up! And A Life time license to boot! Thanks to: AthTek Software for allowing GOTD to Promote there Great Application for us Geeks you try and use!
And as Always Special Thanks to Everyone at GOTD for all the work you all do! Every Day! To bring us Geeks great Applications like AthTek IP – MAC Scanner 2.0.5 For us to Revue, Test, Try, and Use for as long as we like for FREE! Thank You!
Thanks Everyone, Take Care, Always Have FUN!!! Rick D.
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Surprised that the Ath Tek IP-MAC Scanner cannot provide the Host Name and Workgroup name of my cell phone and a wireless computer currently connected to my home router. However, the Host Name and NIC Vendor are shown using Fing Network Discovery Tool app on my smartphone. Also, Fing retains the information of all devices that have connected to the home router.
I'll try Colasoft mentioned by Gorman in #14.
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not impress. better alternative angry ip scanner. to the developer it would be great if you could include the features of angry ip scanner which is it can scan ip's with specified ports, etc.
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Downloaded, installed, finally figured out how to get to the web page and got a registration code.
started and registered the program.
entered the range for my network.
clicked on analyze.
Program found my PC and my wife's PC.
Program did NOT find :
My tablet
My cell phone
My wife's NOOK
My Chromecast
My SqueezeboxRadio
My Granddaughter's laptop
My step daughter's PC
My step son's PC
I tried to do a 'ping' ... pop up tells me that 'ping [] Request timed out." ... I did NOT get a chance to enter the address to ping ... function is useless.
Bottom line ... I guess I do not understand what this program does.
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Softperfect.com's free network scanner shows the host name which another post above said the give away does not. The network scanner does not keep a database but their free wifi guard does and you can run the wifi guard at specified intervals to watch for a new intruder. But a better plan is to secure your wifi by changing the router password and enabling encryption so an intruder cannot get in.
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After further testing, I found out this software communicates in the background with home base every time I run this software, very much of concern to me and therefore, uninstalled it.
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I'm behind 2 firewalls DHCP servers, the IP addresses are scrambled and I'm getting errors, which means this software can not MAC addresses with sub nets installed.
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Seems to miss a LOT of devices. I have switches and servers on addresses .1 thru .25 and none show up using UDP. If I use ARP they show up without names and will not save into the database. Scan for addresses 01-.25 returns nothing.
Also the Analysis shows everything as potential abuse.
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I installed and registered the program. I did a side-by-side scan with this program, IP MAC Scanner, and the free one from Colasoft. The Colasoft provides the names given in the DHCP Registration List whereas the IP MAC Scanner gives the manufacturer of the device or no name at all. When performing an analysis a number of the addresses came back with the message..............maybe it is illegal. Nonsense.
The program is as fast as Colasoft but I don't see any particular advantage of IP MAC Scanner over Colasoft MAC Scanner I'll keep both for the time being and see if there are any hiden advantages to IP MAC Scanner that make it more desirable than the Colasoft offering.
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So, if you're running a server and you want to control who is using your network - if you are like a micro-ISP, that is - you'll find this program a nice tool. This is what I understand. Is that it? Can someone please enlighten me? Tx.
For instance: I am using a public wireless network. What's the use of this tool for me?
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Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.
A company without name and address. The software version is from April 2010 - as already mentioned.
A resizable window opens, you can scan a defined IP range of your network in ARP or UPD mode. The software finds in my case four connected devices, so far so good. In the moment I want to check the checkbox left to the results, the software crashes - although in the compatibilty mode. So I cannot add the results to the database - or delete them.
What this software claims to do, does my router FRITZ!Box 7490(and every good router) for me. I hold a list of known MAC addresses, their connected IP addresses and denies or gives admission to other devices.
Uninstalled via reboot. Not enough tested and no progress in the last four years.
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Re #7 BenAsp. I wonder if there is a way do stop this or prevent it. I am concern that once I begin the installation some system files will be replaced and I will not find out for several days when I can not longer keep ttrack of what happened. Is there a way around this?
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Pay attention during installation - may attempt to replace a couple of ocx files in System32 with older evrsions.Thanks AthTek and GotD for this gift.
Agree with #2, it's unusual and outdated to have to paste each portion of the licence key separately (also the text boxes don't recognise Ctrl-V, only right-click-paste. This requires a little attention by the developer.
One complaint about the UI: selecting the "About" menu option opens a web page, for goodness' sake! I've never before encountered a program that doesn't provide a way of viewing a simple version/registration/info splash window. This also requires attention by the developer.
A handy utility and well worth keeping. Thanks to the developer AthTek and GotD.
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readme Text Document
there is link
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From where?
"You can’t just copy/paste the entire key at once"
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Is the paid version also for lifetime if I choose to buy instead?
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Version History of IP & MAC Addr. Scanner
AthTek IP - MAC Scanner V2.0.5
Release Date: April 25, 2010
AthTek IP - MAC Scanner V1.0
Release Date: March 17, 2010
The both versions are previous to the Windows 8 output (2012).
Since four years, there is no update or upgrade.
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Message from AthTek Software - the vendor of AthTek IP - MAC Scanner:
Installation and Registration
1. Please download the package and follow the steps to install AthTek IP - MAC Scanner to your computer.
2. You will be asked to generate the registration code on AthTek.com. Simply fill in the form and then you will get a registration code.
3. Copy and paste the registration code to the authorization window of AthTek IP - MAC Scanner, you will register a full version for lifetime use.
AthTek Software provides free online support for this giveaway. If you have any question about AthTek IP - MAC Scanner, please feel free to contact our support team directly at http://www.athtek.com/contact.php
It is recommended to read the Software Overview and Tutorial of AthTek IP - MAC Scanner before you send out the support ticket.
If you have any question or suggestion to AthTek IP - MAC Scanner, please leave your comment below or contact us directly. We will try to make a response as soon as possible. We will read all your comments carefully and make efforts to improve the software based on your suggestions.
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