Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 was available as a giveaway on January 20, 2013!
The Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 combines a modern and clear program interface, which is already prepared for the touch screen controls of the latest monitors and laptops, with intuitive usage and a thought-out range of functions.
Among the features of the program are several effects that you can apply to your photos and that will shed new light on them. An absolute highlight among the effects is the age image effect with which you will set your photo back to the pioneering days of photography. First class results are also achieved with other effects or rather functions, for example red eye correction, inversion of colors or watermarking.
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8; 1500 MHz (or higher) x86/x64 CPU; 1 GB RAM or more; hard disk space 75 MB; Graphics card: min. resolution 800 x 600 with 1 MB memory and 16-bit color (high color)
34.5 MB
Lori Breault (51) You didn't read what softangel wrote. He cannot unsubscribe. For him/her the mail is spam, he/she cannot choose to not get the mail.
Francis (52) softangel shares his/her opinion, you don't have to agree with him/her, neither he/she has to agree with you. You share your opinion, why should this not be rightfull for him/her to do? Some are free to speek and others you choose are not?
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Hi Everyone,
Well, This is another great product from Ashampoo I love it!
Download when easy with no problems as usual from GAOTD, I'm Running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 runs perfect no problems at all and I'm really getting to like Ashampoo products. They do exactly what they say they will do and a lot more! I have 3 of their Applications now and use them more all the time, All their products are very low priced and if you register? You get even better deals all the time!
I don't understand all the complaints about spam? and programs loaded on your PC you didn't want? I just said NO or unchecked the box because I didn't want another browser search engine etc. But some people may like it? I am just used to using what I like and don't want to setup something else right now? May use it later and can always get it if I want it.
I registered on there WEB site and I get a news letter and some offers on stuff there selling for half price or deals from them, I suppose its 2 to 4 emails a month? If I don't want to read them the delete key is right there takes half a second and its gone, Big deal? and if I was to no longer wish to receive there emails it takes all of a few seconds to say STOP! Big Deal? I haven't received any spam, Maybe if you register and get more options like online support from the app you just got for free has something to do with the spam there getting or all these mysterious applications being downloaded to there PC's Maybe there not even coming from Ashampoo? Maybe they need to fix there firewall or spam, virus, hacker, Trogen, on and on software to work correctly or maybe its not working at all because if anyone can be hacked its me! I get it all! in fact I have one PC I just leave on as a dumb terminal, and it gets hit somedays 7 or 8 times! If it gets killed I just reload from a CD and let it run! But I get Nothing I didn't know about or want from Ashampoo!
There software is not only Free, for the day But last year I had Ashampoo Photo Commander 7, from a GAOTD from 2010! and I liked it a lot! I had my application HDD die on me and I lost it! SO I been waiting for it or maybe a newer version to come along! But when I registered Ashampoo Burning Studio 2013 a month ago or about I found out that they have all my software GOTD serial numbers on a list to download! They even let me re-download that version 7 of the app and I put the numbers back in and I have it back again! No that's a great company that cares about service! and takes care of the customers very well I think!
One more thing, When you install a Ashampoo application from GOTD its got a box you can check to allow ALL USERS of this PC to use the App! That means my family can use it and don't have to use my ID to login and use it, They just login where all there photos are and launch the program and use it! Again I feel Ashampoo is very generous where they don't have to be but DO! I am going to start buying some of there apps as the more I use them the more I like them and they are fare cheaper then a lot of there competitors and you get a very nice, easy to learn and use applications that get the work done as well or better and most other things I've tried! I guess some people just have to complain about everything! I'm glad I don't have any of that in my life at all! I would much rather use a good product then wast time complaining of phantom problems or spam etc?
Almost makes you think? maybe there working for the other guys?? Who knows? But I don't care It works for me and I know the strait up users on this network have no problems with it ether, some may not use it or like it but they give an honest revue and they are the ones I read and beleave and I offer thanks and appreciation for toughs individuals the take there valuable time to do research, test the software and give a concise and truthful revue of the GAOTD software on this site, Thank You all! If you need an application like this grab it! Don't be scared away! Read the revues and opinions of the guys in here that know what there talking about, You can tell who they are, and Grab this app while its for FREE!
Thank you GAOTD and Ashampoo for giving us Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4 another fine application for us to try and use for as long as we like for FREE! Don't miss out! Thanks, have a great day, and have fun! Rick D.
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SoftAngel (#33): What you and many others don't seem to understand is that when a company tells you it will send emails, with the option to cancel them, THAT IS NOT SPAM. Spam is unsolicited and indiscriminate. It is certainly your right to refuse the software, but you have absolutely nothing to complain about if the problem is you being too lazy, or in your case apparently, too inept to unsubscribe. If you won't or can't spare a couple of mouse clicks to stop this perfectly legitimate email, that's fine. It's your loss. But stop the kicking and whining over injustices that exist only in your mind.
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#33 SoftAngel. The solution to your problem, "I know about the settings in my account. The trouble is such that these settings are frozen in an enabled state", is to use a more updated Browser, which
will unlock the check markes. I had the same problem w/IE 8. Used
opera browser and all is well.
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I'm not sure as I never looked over v3 at all, but v5 sure looks better than v4. just having a splt image with original and altered image areas visible while editing is much nicer and easier to compare results than having to use a button to temporarily redisplay the unaltered image.
amusingly, I got a promomail today offering an upgrade offer from v3 to v5 for only $4.49- 50 cents *less* than the "Special upgrade price from within Photo Optimizer 4: $4.99"!
if [as mine did] the upgrade comes via the 'downloader', as soon as the real installer starts- pause, search for and copy temp.exe to a save location- that's the v5 installer!
the different versions install to unique directories and co-exist just fine.
use the email unsubscribe links to kill the spam.
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42 you will have to reconfigure all your browsers, google it, it explains it quicker and better than i could, each one is dfferent
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No, it's not a very common way to market software to German companies. It's a very common way for nearly every company in the world, the "Spam" that you mention, have you ever read one of those mails? They actually aren't spam, they contain upgrade offers, new products, discounts etc. all in all an valid "Newsletter", like the name says.
You should click into the checkmarks or onto the whole bar http://www.abload.de/img/2101201305485877dyc.png , if they are not clickable for you or frozen into enabled state you should check one of your browser settings or addons. And of course, enable and allow JavaScript!
I have no problems with reviews of softwares in general but something like this, where you obviously misconfigured something in your browser (with or without knowing, not knowing better), seriously? Ashampoo is not a tipps site for things like "How do i configure my browser correctly?" or similar, you will have the same problems on any other site that works with JavaScript. That can be pop-ups, clickable frames etc. you don't even try to have in mind, that it can be a problem on your side or your browser setup, you just say everyone but definitely not you. That is why the internet is full of support boards for everything and unanswered topics. Learning resistent = Full support boards.
Last but not least for the additional stuff that came with the installer, i'm surprised how many (when you see the latest intervalls between the last Ashampoo GOTD offers) people still have the same "reasons" like on every other Ashampoo offer on GOTD, "i clicked thru the setup too fast with closed eyes, it was like bam bam bam - hijacked" or "they spam me to death, i get like 10 mails per minute, i check my inbox every minute, or second, it goes too fast too", maybe it's time to come up with something new, those "reasons" are very common for people that can't find serious negative points (from my POV). Also, everyone who complains about being hijacked with Ashampoos OWN toolbar, search etc. hasn't even read the License Agreement, now ask yourself why you missed the Custom Installation (no, it's not anywhere else, it's on the same page like the Express Installation, the Toolbar License Agreement and the Toolbar Privacy Policy), it's not a CAN, it's a MUST, if you are not willing to take the 3 minutes of your life, then there is nothing anyone can do about it and no one can force you to have an open mind and no one can force you to not install software with closed eyes.
But later it's simple to say it's not your fault, some people need to accept they missed really much in the past obviously with such closed eyes and closed minds.
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Do what i do if they require email address just for you to be bombarded with advertising. Use disposable email like "10 minute mail".
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I currently have Ashampoo photo optimiser 3 installed on my xp sp3 and I have used it several times I really like the program.Question do I need to uninstall version 3 first or can I install version 4 also? Will they work independently of each other? Thank you Ashampoo for your offer today and thank you GOTD.
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When I installed the software, I used the express installation (silly me). Now I've got Ashampoo as the default search engine on Firefox. I got rid of the Ashampoo toolbar. Can anyone help me get my normal settings back? I want firefox to show me my most common sites I go to when I open a new tab. Now all I get is the Ashampoo search.
Photo Optimizer installed easily, though the registration process was a bit of a run around. Sampling a couple pictures showed it to be very user friendly and intuitive.
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@20 20.I like the programs from Ashampoo, but why in the hell do I have to install on HD C:
I wnt to install on a different HD :-(
Note most installs have browes to install to change where you want to install! If they don't - go file you want to install - check properies of it's location - Example install wanted by game - "C:\Program Files\absolutist.com\PacDoom2"! STEP 2 go to FILE YOU WANT IT IN, checks files properties - example - I:\Seagate Backup\E-HIVE\C\Program Files\absolutist.com - delete install URL wanted by software and insert your url for install! Option 2 install where software wants - cut it out and paste it where you want! I do this all the time! Transfer progams file to 1 Tb external if infrequently used and use them a portable software! Note on propertie will see
marks " on both sides of url! Remove those marks before paste new destination file to be installed! Have great day, more great stuff from gotd!!!!
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Thank goodness for Webroot AV. they caught some malware/adware that Ashampoo tried to install. Sleazy.
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#13 - Giovanni - suggested a Microsoft package as his favorite, so I tried it.
I give it a BIG thumbs down. - First of all the site that offers it gives you many misleading Download buttons, and I wasted time installing another program before I realized what was happening. After I did get the right link, it wanted to install MANY programs - be careful to select only the item you want.
But here is where the pain comes: took over 2 hrs to install on my relatively fast system (W7 Ult x64 w/ 12G) - it involve over 3500 files! AND it made over 5400 registry entries!!! Tripple YUK. Then it required a Reboot - painful on my system, because I load in so many tools.
Then after I located the place it installed & found the correct file to run (no icon on the desktop), It asked for several permissions, and then started to come up looking pretty much just like Picassa - where the immages on my system are displayed by date. I find that choice of display less than useable.
So, I'm glad I used an uninstaller program to monitor the install, & was able to remove it ALL from my system. What a huge and annoying waste of time!
I am thankful for Giovanni's contributions here, but this one is bad news.
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Ashampoo has given us many great softwares free, but we must not forget Ashampoo and other companies do want our business, and it is not nice criticizing them for offering us deals by email. Instead of whining, we must learn how to avoid toolbars as well as how to unsub emails.
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Thanks for the offer ....But if I wanted spam..That Ashampoo is famous
for loading..I will buy a can of spam at the store. I am tired of deleting software loaded with spamware.
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Ashampoo products are really excellent, & this one is no different. I won't repeat all the valid, positives said already. But I will respond to a few other comments:
1. You should ALWAYS pay attention to the installation screens, and not bitch when you don't and you wind up with something else installed on your system, such as a toolbar. That is NOT the fault of the software manufacturer. If you install the software and wind up with "crapware", it's your own fault, no-one else's.
2. So, Ashampoo puts an icon on your desktop to advertise their product. So what? So you simply delete it and that is the end of that. They are giving you the program for free, so don't begrudge them one simple-to-remove ad. Are you that petty and cheap? Really??
3. If you absolutely have to have the latest most current version of a product, you probably should go buy it and not be looking to cop a freebie here. So what if this offering is the previous version? We all fully know that there typically isn't a whole heckava lot of difference between versions these days. Its an excellent product in & of itself, and an outstanding way to "drive before you buy".
Photo Optimizer is a great, easy-to-use-&-learn product which functions well. Thanks, Ashampoo and GOTD, for offering this product again.
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Ashampoo products are very useful and Ashampoo are to be commended for making slightly older products available free of charge.
Opting out of toolbars etc. is easy provided you always think before you click and unsubsciribing is also simple.
If you wonder why so many companies, large and small,try to get you to install "crapware" read this article from a recent ZDnet Tech Today newsletter:-
"Why does crapware still exist? Follow the Silicon Valley money trail"
The potential earnings are very large.
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5 free ashampoo software. Full versions Free gift. Gift site is in German, but the dowloaded programs are multi-language and will be in your own language.
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To all posters telling me that it is easy to opt out from Ashampoo-spam (#15 'Janet' / #17 'FrancisBorne' / #18 'DEBEERIZ' / #19 'Rob' / #23 'Lori Breault' / #25 'ALLEN' and whoever will show up after them):
I know about the settings in my account. The trouble is such that these settings are frozen in an enabled state.
Opting out is no option, getting spam will be a must.
I know my mail client has spamfilters, but I just hate to be forced to have to use them. Not: "Just because I can do something against spam, therefore spam should be allowed or at least you may not complaint about that". Spam should not be allowed in the first place, don't turn things around in a wrong way. Warning me upfront is no license to spam me, there shouldn't be spam under any circumstances.
Still APO4 is common software, nothing special and the sliders are terrible. I am free not to use this software and I am entitled to have my opinion about it. I will be the one who decides that spam is a lot of unwanted trouble for me, don't tell me otherwise, you're not entitled to do such.
By the way: I decide to complaint about it whenever I want. See you here at next Ashampoo offer (in case Ashampoo doesn't change anything ofcourse).
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Given the number of things this download changes without asking, I'm going to pass. I have paint.net for my image processing needs and with that and some of their great plugins, I manage just fine. If Ashampoo ever decides to be a responsible company and stop trying to take over my system, I,ll give them another look. Until then, they are on the S list for me.
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I've used Ashampoo programs before, this is a very good giveaway. Thank You GAOTD.
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NR 15. I agree. Why people make such a fuss about "stuff" getting "secretly" installed when they should PAY MORE ATTENTION to what the screens display rather then just pull the tigger on the defaults. I've got a few of ashampoos software and have marked all thier emails as spam. It's that simple.
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Question: How is v4 different from v3?
Oh! To all you people that complain about Ashampoo (and it seems to be the same people everytime), if you don't like the product or the company then don't take the giveaway and STFU. Now wasn't that simple?
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I downloaded and installed it but it's telling my trial period is over. I did install the trial previously so it doesn't allow me to get the GOTD key. Anyone have the direct link to get the key?
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Ref. comments on installing drv C:\ only. I selected custom install, scrolled to bottom and clicked "Browse". The install went OK on different drive.
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I will not knock this because I am sure it does more than optimize - but if you just want a good free photo optimizer, get RIOT free from snapfiles - http://www.snapfiles.com/get/riot.html
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Yes it has tool bars and sends you email spam OPT OUT its very simple. ashampoo products are one of the best and most reasonably priced products out there I use a lot of ashampoo products and love all of them..
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#9 Herman,
I don't know what the fuss is about with .net is?
.net is only a library of commonly used interfaces on which to build programs, Just like the programming language C abd C++ with their libraries of commonly used commands.
I have a lot of Ashampoo programs and I can't fault any of them.
You just have to remember to do a custom install so you don't install the toolbar.
Since I'm currently rebuilding my main PC I can't check whether I have this at present, but if not, It will be downloaded.
Thanks GOTD and Ashampoo for another great offering.
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I've always been very pleased with Ashampoo products. They do what they say and do it well. This particular software is easy to get the hang of and has lots of nice features. It's not meant to replace Photoshop (or anything else for that matter), but you can greatly improve your photos or just have fun with effects. It also makes it very easy to share your pictures.
I rarely hear people knocking the quality of Ashampoo software. The complaints are usually about unwanted add-ons and spam. As for the add-ons, there is a very clear, seperate screen describing these toolbars and homepage changes. You have to click it to proceed, and if you click it without reading it, you have no business crying when you find yourself with a new toolbar. Just press "custom" and let them know you want no changes. It's that simple.
And Ashampoo is very upfront about letting you know they'll be sending you emails with offers. That isn't spam. And I've never received a single email that didn't have the option to unsuscribe at the bottom. When I've unsubscribed, the emails cease. But before I've unsuscribed, I've seen some really good deals on their software. Again, this isn't trickery on their part. It's advertising. There's such a sense of entitlement that's grown at GOTD that people are actually offended when they find out that companies are trying to make money. It's not just about giving away free software.
The people who won't take the time to read items that pop up right in front of their faces are certainly not bothering to read a EULA. And these people are the first ones to cry foul when something happens that they didn't expect.
Having said all that, I do agree that .NET 4.0 should be mentioned in the system requirements. They make it easy to install before you download, but it's something that should be stated up front.
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I've downloaded it, looks nice and simple to use which suits me for the basic stuff i want to do, but still waiting for my license key!
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Nice giveaway. Had version 4 and now use version 5 to batch correct photos taken with one certain older camera. The colors in that older camera always needed a boost, so I had actually shelved it even though I liked the manual zoom. But and this little utility works perfectly to brighten up those dull pictures. Try it - it is easy. It is not a substitute for a full photo editor but is most useful to tweak pictures quickly after they are downloaded. Just remember to uncheck that annoying toolbar during install. If you forget you can always remove the toolbar later.
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I like the programs from Ashampoo, but why in the hell do I have to install on HD C:
I wnt to install on a different HD :-(
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This is a great simple program for quickly cleaning up pictures. It's advantage is the interface and simplicity. It does what it does well. It is not a full featured image editor and I wouldn't spend much on it. If you would like it for purchase, it's often offered for a nice discount through the deal emails if you miss it today.
SoftAngel #8
I wonder if you actually have an Ashampoo account and have gotten their emails. Perhaps you have them confused with somebody else.
You may opt out of their deal news and updates through your account, and you can always block specific emails in your client or web based mail. Why would you claim otherwise? Those random source Male enhancement emails are spam, I think you have to rethink your definition of spam.
It's unfortunate when I see Ashampoo apparently slandered - some of my free software and all of my purchased software keys are kept in my account to reinstall - this supposed "spamming" of account holders is not spamming at all. The deals are awesome, and they keep your license information for you on account. I own a few of their programs and all of the software runs flawlessly in Win7 64bit - the emails are optional and the email deals are one of the best benefits of Ashampoo. They are one of my favorites around here.
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To opt out of spam just untick the service channel box, to opt out of the emails either unsubscribe or set up a filter
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#8 SoftAngel and similiar complaints about unwanted advertisement mails called spam from several companies:
Every email programm nowadays has got spam filters. Block their mail address and you will be happy forever. And we would be glad to hear such complaints only once a year!!!!
By the way I'm glad about any automatic pic improvement program I can get hold of without incorporated risc. I compare the results for each photo and keep the best one (and its original, too!).
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This is an easy software to use for most of us. But for those who are more professional, there are some free alternatives. This is one of them that I found out to be very useful, with much much more features, but that confuses. It will take one sometime to learn, but anyway, I downloaded some of them, tried them, and will still find time to learn. Below is the website, one may try it:
http://www.adobe.com/downloads/cs2_downloads/index.html -- these are all legal copies giveaway with legal serials.
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It is ridiculously easy to unsubscribe from all Ashampoo notices!!!
Just go to Settings on your account and UNCHECK the ones you do not want to receive! My account page even lists at the bottom "Unsubscription from the Ashampoo service letters: 01/15/2013 12:23". The unsubscription works very well. You do have to do this each time you install a new Ashampoo program, but I think it is perfectly reasonable for them to offer you the opportunity to receive deal notices! It only takes a second to say no. I believe there is a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of every notice. On your accounts page you can unsubscribe to all of them.
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This is an excellent programme and it should be noted that like all Ashampoo giveaways it can be reinstalled after the Giveaway of the Day period is over as the licence code can be used even if the software is re-installed.
(The download does not include a *.gcd file so is not limited to being installed just today.)
I generally like Ashampoo software and use many of their programs, and although I do get offers from them by e-mail a few times a week, I personally do not find this a problem as many of these are excellent value and are worth buying.
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Nice program which does what it claims with no hassle. However this is NOT the last version of the program (v5).
Looks like most developers here give us their outdated software only, in the hope we upgrade (and give them some money of course) to the last version of their programs.
That's no good because this was not the original mission on the basis of which this marvellous website was launched a few years ago.
* Windows Live Photo Gallery 2012 (==> My Personal First Choice)
* (Portable) Hornil StylePix (==> COOL lightweight app)
* Portable RealWorld Paint 2011.1
* Phoxo
Very powerful FREE post-production software for retouching both your videos and pictures in one go.
In short it helps you transform your pictures into professional video files, as well as edit and encode your video sequences.
Finally, to watermark any pictures (either text or graphics) and even edit your photos' metadata, with the additional ability to add on them your name as an Artist/Author, fix the taken Date or add a picture title and/or description, just give this FREE GEM a whirl:
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I can't get a registration code. I fill in my email address and then it goes to a page asking for my password. Guess I'lll have to uninstall and pass on this one.
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Ashraf from dotTech...the GOTD version does give us the choice of custom installation and deselection all the added crapware.
Thanks for your helpful comments.
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Requires .net 4.0 Framework.
Don't have and don't WANT .net.
Why is that not mentioned in the system requirements above?
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Ashampoo is very well known about their spamming ways. When I see Ashampoo or Engelmann, I immediatley think "Spam". Be warned!
This is a very common way to market software to German companies.
When you look into your newly made account, you cannot opt out from spam anymore.
Besides spam, Ashammpoo also produces some software like given away today. Nothing special but quite common features. The GUI looks well though, but the slider controls are a bit rusty and not smooth operated. Just try them.
note: .Net 4 is required. Download option is included.
You decide, to take this or one of the many many others on the web. Rely on Giovanni for this one.
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Today's GAOTD also sneaked an advertising shortcut onto my desktop!
Browser homepage hijack, search engine hijack, sneak installation of toolbar, advertising shortcut sneaked onto my desktop, that makes 4 MALICIOUS ACTIONS that TODAYS GIVEAWAY MADE to my system!
And as for Microsoft, its well known that quite a few of their actions would be considered malware, trojans, etc if it was some other company doing them.
It's not right for any company to be doing these things.
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Oh dear, I really wanted to be able to download Photo-optimizer 1 and comment on how it might be improved to no purpose whatsoever. Even version 2 would have been utterly pointless. However, with today's giveaway being just one generation removed from the current Photo-optimizer 5, there is a slight danger that suggestions won't be completely redundant.
Perhaps v4 could be rearranged and restructured so that photo optimization could be started straight away. How about an impressive “facelift” for the user interface?
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The latest edition that I bought 1 month ago is version 5, bundled together with Ashampoo Photo Commander 10 at this low price. Very good quality photo-optimizer with a screen of your photo divided into half one optimized and another in its original form. Never disappointed with its performance. I bought this when Photomizer was being offered, but decided on Ashampoo Photo-optimizer when its functions are identical, but with a much lower price. That is the advantage you get if you do not care much about the "spam" that they sent you now and then.
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Is this version 4.0.3 ?
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This is a well rounded and simple to use photo editor. Yes the interface is intuitive (to me) and the work flow is efficient and natural. It has all the correction tools that most home photographers would want. A couple of adjustments to contrast and color balance when necessary, everything to make your photos look immeasurably better.
Personally I use Photoshop as I have a background in professional photography. However, I will be honest when I say that I will be keeping this handy. There are times when I take a quick photo and just want to clean it up a little before forwarding it to someone (family or friend). In cases like that it's hardly worth firing up Photoshop.
Now I must also add that one needs to be careful when editing JPG photos. JPEGs are lossy... since they are compressed some of the image quality is lost. As a result, I always stress NOT to save the edited image in the same JPEG format since if you want to make more adjustments later you will be constantly degrading the image. Instead, save the edited image in a non-lossy format like PNG (actually your best choice IMHO)
Happy editing all. This is most definitely a keeper.
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This is a nice program. It works great for touching up pictures with the added benefit that some times will not only improve the quality of your image but also reduce it's size.
MY only question is why version 4.0 when version 5.0 is available? I greatly appreciate the offer but if I am going have to deal with this publisher's email registration requirement and then have to receive their email offers from them, I want to at least receive the latest program. Thank you for this offer but I will pass.
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Oh Dear!! another Ashampoo giveaway for people to knock AShampoo
Just to let the Knockers know, recently I had to Download % install from Microsoft, DirectX, it immediately asked me if I want 3 other Programmes (I declined) and on Installing it wanted to add the BING Toolbar (I declined that also)
Tut Tut Microsoft, you will get a reputation like Ashampoo
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