Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 3 was available as a giveaway on November 29, 2016!
Turn your housing dreams into a reality on your PC! Ashampoo Home Designer 3 helps you build the outside and inside of your dream house. Smart wizards will guide you from start to finish and help you produce either rough drafts or detailed construction plans. Bring your ideas to life with Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 3.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 8.1/ 10; CPU: 1200 MHz (or higher); RAM: Min. 4 GB RAM; Hard Drive Space: 1,7 GB; Software: Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0, VS 2010 Redistributables
1.36 GB
Dear GOTD users,
please note that you still can finish the started downloads and activate your build today!!!
We are working on the possibility to have the program rerun but we'll need some time to make sure we won't have the same situation like yesterday.
Also, I would like to note that the project has some rules of the operating and we make agreements with the developer, so we can't change the way of registration or distribution in the middle of the campaign!
Sorry for the inconvenience and we'll do our best to fix the situation.
GOTD team!
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Helen, Thank you, I'm at 1.96 Gb now after almost 24h, so will likely have done downloading it in a few hours at that pace.
I have a suggestion that you can put to the developers of such large setup files :
Why do they not also provide it in the form of a torrent -- there are such as large number of downloads, if everyone used uTorrent etc and seeded for the 24 hours duration, I have no doubt everyone will be able to download this size file between 30 minutes to 3 hours, even on the slower speed ADSL lines.
Thank you for your friendly service as always !
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All that is shown is the trial version. How do you register it for a valid license/code?
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Tried the download of trial from Ashamppo site. After a 30 minute DL time it failed again.. Gotta be a better solution
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Can you give me a reply for registering or any possibly upcoming GAOTD offers..VEry disappointed in the way this was handled.
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TK, Quite right, I made a typo -- I meant to type that I managed to download 1.26 GB (not 1.96 which I typed by mistake) after about 24 h as mentioned (1,267,267 KB to be precise), before summarily cut off by a 'server failed' message, and refusal to accept the resume download.....
I hoped that Ashampoo will activate the full trial copy that I did manage to download directly from their website though -- I asked that they send me a serial key earlier, but received no response.
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I started to download the huge file with approximately 28 minutes until the deal expired.
I had downloaded 1.28GB (of the expected 1.37GB file) and then the download stalled and that was as far as it got it NEVER resumed downloading.
As a PAiD owner of about 6 different Ashampoo products, I'm VERY VERY Disappointed with the way this was organised. Anyone with a slow connection has a right to be extremely upset
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Well, so much for that. After a 4 hour download, the file wouldn't open. It said it was corrupted. I think thy should try this again with a file that you can actually download. I'm very disappointed I couldn't get this. :(
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I also tried to download. After 8+ hours, the download was terminated. There is a zip file, but only 500 MB. I tried to run the file, but wouldn't allow, saying file was corrupted. It appears the complete file didn't download. How can I finish downloading, if the offer is still active? I can't see a place to finish download from GOTD site. Can I download from Ashampoo and then use the activation code from GOTD?
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Downloaded after three attempts, look a long time to do so, after that it installed for a while and when it shut shut down to restart it took all night. had to force stop the startup. Now its asking for a key which I don't have. hope Ashampoo sends one.
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I patiently waited the many hours for the file to download, went to the website to get my registration key, logged in, and the site failed to give me the registration -- repeatedly. It acknowledged my sign-in, I could see my other Ashampoo registration codes, it shows me logged in, but on *Step 2* Show License Key -- it doesn't. I get a green check on Step 1 -- no green check on Step 2. Was all this time wasted?????
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zip file would not open, tried downloading on two different computers.
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The requirements should have specified 64 bit OS, because as I understand it, a 32 bit OS only handles up to 2 G. RAM and this requires 4 G.
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Works fine on my 32 bit XP with 3GB RAM.
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Tried 2 times, both download crashes! My connection is 10 Gb! Both shows around 4 (this morning) or 8 (yesterday evening) hours. Both crashed unfinished!
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took 27 hours but as said above the activation does still work today even though it was past the deadline.
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Well, I initially started with the download this morning and it stated 6 - 7 hours to download. I had stuff to do so I just let it download. Came back about five hours later and it was finished. Went to the setup file and was informed that the download corrupted and was told I needed to attempt to download again. So I did attempt to do so, this time I saw that it would take 11 - 12 hours to download. At this time I still have four hours to finish the download and it is almost 3 am Central time in the USA. So, even if this DOES happen to complete the download, will I be able to use it??????? Or is all this just a complete wast of time?
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Seems like lots of community members have been having trouble with this one. With a broadband speed of 100MB I should have been able to download this in a matter of seconds but it said over 10 hours last night. I left my computer on all night in the hope it would download in time, but this morning it had hardly moved. Don't know what could have strangled the download speeds so badly. Never had that problem ever since I discovered the giveaway project back in early November 2006
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Just realized why the download speed is so slow. The download files are 1.4GB in size. With literally thousands of community members downloading at any one time due to the size of the download, a bottleneck has been created at the download servers. The giveaway project only has so much bandwidth. The more community members downloading at the same time, the slower their download speed becomes due to the bandwidth restrictions.
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Maybe they should work with a few downloaders.
No more than 100 at the same time.
I could provide the ZIP like in the old days, but that is not permitted by GOTD.
It took me just 30 minutes to get the file.
And the speed is 1,3Mb/s.
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Finally downloaded the program with 54 minutes to spare. It's 1:20 in the morning & I'm headed to bed. Much to late to evaluate the program to night.
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I would have liked to take advantage of this opportunity. However, download still has 11 hours remaining. Will registration be extended GOTD?
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...after several retries I found that files2.giveawayoftheday.com has the fastest throughput at 130KB/sec - only 3hr 6mins remaining Please extend this offer 8^(
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Third try at download. First time it stopped at 28Mb, second at 52Mb. But time is running out. 6 hours left it says and I have less than 1hour left.
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I highly recommend using a download manager. It took 48 minutes with the app. I was able to download, install, and get the key in less than an hour.
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Struggling to download. Had 6 hours left then it went up to 8hrs currently it's sitting at 11hrs! No point in hanging on so will now abandon download. Pity because I've never had any problems with Ashampoo products and this one looked pretty good.
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Tried earlier today and gave up after an hour with a 2day estimate. Tried again just now and it bounces between 8 and 14hours. Too bad, looked interesting.
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I've downloaded it. Took about 14 hours. Ran the install and now have the license key window up. Clicked on Get free activation key button, gotten browser tab opened asking for email and click on Request full version key button. It says it sent an email, but not receiving email with activation link. Tried it four times. Nothing in inbox, nothing in spam folder, nothing. Only 2 hours left for this GAOTD offer. Hope I can get it registered by then.
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Dave, This might be a problem with my computer or browser. My wife was able to to the full process and get the activation key sent to her email.
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Tried to download, but very slow. Downloaded during night to install today, but zipped file was corrupt and have to start all over again to download and will never meet the download within the next 2 hours. why is the giveaway time limited and thereafter find that the zipped file is corrupt after download completed.
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A Barnard, SAME HERE ..........can't EXTRACT.........too many HOURS and NOTHING.
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A Barnard,
Took 14 hours to download, but I got a good zipp file that was able to unzip. However, when I run the setup, it asks language (English) and to accept conditions, then get window to get free activation key. But it never emails me the activation link, even though it says it did. Oh, well. Hope this built in license key thing still works after the download deadline.
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Dave, do you have look in the junk/spam folder?
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OK, it actually finished downloading and installing. Now all of the menus are in German. Yes, I selected English when installing but everything is in German. I don't see anything resembling a preference tab to change this.
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Downloaded after 8 hours 45 min. Looking forward to trying this program out. Thanks.
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Fred, Were you able to get the activation key / license key?
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Dave, Yes, instillation was fairly easy.
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It took over 16 hours to download, but it installed and activated very easily on Windows 10. It took so long to download that I was not able to evaluate it very long, but what I was able to check out seems to be a very good program. I will continue to evaluate it, but the giveaway will expire before I can comment again. So far it seems to be a keeper.
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It took all day but I finally got it downloaded.
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I have successfully downloaded the file from the Ashampoo website (took about 10 minutes - I have e very fast computer.)
As my Giveawayof the Day download won't finish for another 6 hours, can you please send my the rest of the login info?
(Lots of other people would also benefit from this).
Many thanks.
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Othello86, this will not works with the download from the ashampoo-website.
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Man started at 8:03 am but lost connection 3 times says I have 1 hour till finished but 25 minutes till 12.
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No way to download this in time. i have a fiber optic connection but does me no good. Why offer this if most can't d/l it before deadline? 11:24 PM and 5-6 hrs. of d/l left...WHY?
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I started the download this morning and it just finished. However, when I tried to extract the zip file, I got the following error message:
Unexpected end of data
Data error: Setup .exe
I don't have time to download it again. It's a pity because I really wanted to try out this software.
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Long time GAotD user here. I've tried Ashampoo Home Designer 1.0 before and thought it was great.
Would like to try todays version but yep, like everyone else, the download speed available is too slow. Even with my 150mbps cable internet the download will take 5.5 hours. (Average 70kbps approx.)
Lets all hope this is offered again at GAotD because todays giveaway is worth it!
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Same issue as everyone else: no way to download (10+ hrs) & activate before the deadline...
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Same story as everyone... too slow on the download (still over 9 hours) to make the cutoff time for activation (just over 4 hours).
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Odysseus DeWander, I just pulled the plug off the download, time to go to bed. Eleven hours wasted and just 45% downloaded.
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This download is "DOG Slow........" You need to fix the problem and re-offer it again.. I have been downloading for over 12 hours and only about 1/2 of it........ HELP
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George Veazey, In my estimate, about 100000 people tried to download, but only 1000 or less will succeed.
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George Veazey, Don't feel bad, I did the first download yesterday.........11 hours and couldn't extract........again last nite.......over 8 hours on a 50mb connection......finally extracted, but impossible to get the KEY........after 6-7 attempts.........wasted A LOT OF TIME......
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This is a test of ones patiences. 15 hours to download and install. I started this a couple of hours after it was offer. Don't know what the others that started downloading later than that are going to do. The 24 hours are closing fast. Hope they can still install past the end of the day. IMO; it wouldn't be fair if they couldn't!
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Like others, download is taking forever despite good speed (cord cutter, whole house is networked so speed fluctuates a bit); avoiding streaming isn't speeding this up any & it likely won't be done until hours after expiration. Will this be extended due to this problem?
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Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 3 download was terrible, I let it run for Four hours and it only downloaded 23%. I have fiber optic cables from Comcast out side to my computer.
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I wish I had been able to download this about 12 hours ago. in the morning... it might have been done by now.
Too bad, I really like most of Ashampoo's products, this one would have been nice to try out.
GAOTD, I hope you offer this again SOON!!!!! And have it on faster servers!
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I have 11 hrs left on the download and it has been like that for few hours already??
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Serious. I'm hoping to finish by midnight, but only if GOTD plugs in a couple of them new ISDN modems.. I hear they can do 128K ! - which is better than my average 20 - 30KBS .. down from the blazing 48K it was running at .. haa.
The good old days! - thanks for the reminder guys.
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My download went for 7 hours and said I had 45 minutes left. Then it jumped to wanting to download 9 more hours. I stopped the download and now want to delete the files it downloaded but can't find them under control panel. Should I be looking for some other file than Ashampoo Home Designer??
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Control Panel?? Nah...
Do a search on your computer for a zip file called AshampooHomeDesignerPro3-fgh164.zip
That's what you want to delete. If you can't delete it, reboot computer then you should be able to.
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You really need to extend the time to install this software. I started downloading around 11AM ET and download status bar says I've only gotten 55% in. Most of the time it's reporting download speeds 20-50KB/s with occasional spurts up to 100 KB/s. My computer is not running slow, and all other internet sites are working as normal on my FiOS connection, so the problem is on the server's end. As of right now it's going to be close as to whether the download will be compete before the offer expires.
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13-19 hours to download. And last available as a Giveaway of the day at 6:53.
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7 hours left to activate - 13-15 hours left to download. will it install?
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Failed- network error. I am not starting it again.
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I've been downloading for the best part of today, and it's telling me that there's another 14 hours and 24 minutes to go before download completes, and I'm using a 50 Mb cable connection. Sadly, the 24 hours in which to install and register is over in less than 8 hours now. I've cancelled the download.
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What's really sad is that giveaway is hosting this download for which they don't have the bandwidth to handle large numbers of people downloading a file that's over 1 gigabyte. It's too bad Ashampoo dot com can't host this giveaway, Ashampoo Home Designer Pro 3 (GOTD).
What I did do is copy and paste the direct link to this offer into a download manager like IDM. Of course, there are free alternatives too. I have Cox high speed internet and I'm getting about 2 hours to download this 1.366 GB file. So I feel for those that not so fast ISP'ers.
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I've tried several times and no luck, if not downloaded by end of giveaway will we still be able to get it?
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I'm so disappointed. We lost power while I was at work today so no cable (my router doesn't have battery backup). My download failed. I've restarted the dl but looks like a minimum of 16 - 19 hours so I'm out of luck. It won't finish before the giveaway is over.
I don't understand this.
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Wow....8 second download from ashampoo site. But how do I get the registration key in time. GOTD is stil downloading and will no make the cutoff time?
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Modem speeds are back. 24 hours to go. not usefull
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Download and installed, then program asks you to update addon-started it and saw it was downloading Ashampoo 3D CAD Architecture 6 I stopped it immediately. ugh so all is good
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Download was going to take over 12 hours. I got better things to do.
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