Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AnyPic Image Resizer Pro was available as a giveaway on May 8, 2011!
AnyPic Image Resizer Pro allows you to resize, convert, add watermark to hundreds of images in batch mode. It supports the most popular image formats: JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, PSD, GIF, TGA, RAW, etc. It's a fast and easy-to-use image conversion tool for both amateur and professional photographers to deal with digital photos, with one click your digial photos will be just right for the Web, blog, e-mail, photo printing, etc.
Windows 7/ 2000/ XP/ Vista
5.89 MB
I love it! I will be unistalling most of the other resize programs I have. I only tried the resize option and that was enough for me. Worked great, so easy. I wish I would of found this program from the start. Thanks GOTD!
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to #33, try, as others have suggested, Irfanview. It will do the resizing, will deal with just about any image format known, is a great viewer, and has lots of other features too. Thanks for the offer GotD, if I wanted the watermark feature then I would get this. But I personally don't care for watermarks and Irfanview does everything else and a lot more.
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FWIW if it just simple and quick right-click resizing you are after then the Microsoft Power Toy imageresizer http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/downloads/windows-xp has been rewritten (and improved) for Windows 7. You'll find it at http://imageresizer.codeplex.com/releases/view/30247. For those who love this simple tool.
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Quick and easy download and set up
Works well even from RAW to jpeg raw 11.8mb jpeg 92k :-)
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Downloaded, unzipped, installed and registration all went smooth. Have already tried in on a couple of images and liked the results received. Able to send my images to the same source folder and renamed okay. I then took my images (original ones) and went through the process again, saving them in different extensions and putting them in the same folder and also different folders. Sometimes, you need something quick and right to the point. That is what I got. I like the clean and uncluttered look of the program. I, like others, have a cadre of image resizers/conversion tools, some free and some purchased. However, I do like this and will keep it. Thank you GAOTD and AnyPic Soft for another chance to try a software program.
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Hi, when I saw Today's Offer of AnyPic Image Resizer Pro - and especially that it deals with gif files (resizing/shrinking) - my nose immediately started twitching..
Installed it and tested my own "creation" of gif - the size of 2.38 MB. My particular interest was (always is) in retaining the original dimensions but shrinking the size of file (for sending) whilst keeping the pristine quality (not asking much, but there you are:)
Today's Software quite easily let me do that experiment saving files to my chosen destination - the only "problem" is - the Results tested on all 3 Resample Filters are pretty much the same (in quality) - but managed to shrink it ONLY to 2.26 MB.
From that point of view of my interest (directed at gifs) - dismal Result! -- As I said before - each Programe might have ONLY one useful function, but if it's that magic you're looking for and works for you - you'll love it (and stay faithful) forever.
Thanks GAOTD, this one might work it's "magic", but not for me.
PS. I'll tell you magic..(and my weired luck!) - Couple of years ago I created GIF for Christmas (using PSP/Photoshop/Squirlz Water Reflections for sparkles and snow effects) and when happy with result I realized I cannot possibly send 8 MB "Card" to peeps.. Found this Software online (after some searching..) - installed the Trial - Bang! My 8 MB gif shrunk to 442 Kb - and they both looked Identical in dimensions and quality!! - without hesitation went and bought it in a blinding speed:) - To my dismay The Software NEVER repeated the same "trick" again, and kept crashing on any further attempts (following the exact method!) The Company kindly returned my money (about 40 box, of "best spent" cash!) - telling me (that's the best bit, wait for it:) - It was NOT POSSIBLE for their Software to shrink my File so much!! (sending them snapshots didn't help either I might add) - Well, I still have my "Trophy" to prove that it WAS:))
Please GAOTD, have a similar Software that resizes/shrinks all Image formats (or just one, but with that "wow" factor:) in mind.
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This is my first ever comment on GOTD and I'm sorry but it has to be negative! I Why would I pay for this when rfanview does everything this does and more. Besides, the ver. of Irfanview I've been using is portable.
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Irfanview. It is free, and the best resizer ever made.
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Thumbs Up on this one - Simple, easy to use, didn't have to study ANYTHING to figure out how to use it. Installed flawlessly and worked fine on Vista Home Premium/32
A common complaint here is that (whatever program) does not do (every possible thing) like some other program does. Well, disk space is dirt cheap (~$59 USD/Terabyte) and I like having a variety of programs that do what they do very well, instead of one that tries to do everything and does some things marginally well.
For image resizing, watermarking, and simplicity of use, this one's a keeper - and a welcome addition to my toolbox.
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#15: "I downloaded it 3 times but every time I kept getting some error message on the last install window,"
If the GOTD zip file you download unpacks, the file is good -- software inside may or may not have an error, but the zip file is good & re-downloading the same thing won't help unless they put a new version with new contents up.
Far as install goes, it doesn't do much more than extract 2 folders, one under Program Files [(x86)] & one under User App/Application Data. That 2nd location might need permission in Vista/7 however, so maybe try running setup.exe as admin, &/or make sure your AV software isn't protecting the User folders.
* * *
#20: "... Would have been nice to have right click function to add symbols from character map..."
Ctrl + V keys work to paste, & you can also use the Alt key + # that you'll often see on the lower right corner of Character Map. BTW, remembering a few of those Alt key combos can come in handy, e.g. I often use Alt + 0151 & Alt + 0150 for dashes [em & en], & Alt + 0133 to add a real Ellipsis […].
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AnyPic Image Resizer Pro seems nice, & using the command line ImageMagick code [ http://goo.gl/MgTR ] it does a nice enough job. Intended more for batch resizing [reducing] a collection of images for a web page, e-mail etc. it includes 16 output profiles & you can create & save your own. While it lets you set Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, & Sharpen/Blur, it doesn't have the auto correction features you often see in many free & low cost apps, for example the software that comes with your camera or printer. Image Resizer Pro also lets on it's more for casual use by leaving out some controls/settings for saving to .gif, .png, & jpg formats [e.g. GIF palettes, any transparency etc.] -- that makes it a bit less confusing & so easier to use, but it also means that many more serious users won't like or use it. Basic Watermarking & File Renaming features are included, & you can add plain, colored borders if you want.
The program folder for AnyPic Image Resizer Pro holds 15 files, 2 folders, & takes up ~ 17 MB -- using the PortableApps.com AppCompactor [default settings] brought that down to ~6 MB if that matters to you. Profiles are stored in a new folder that's added under User App/Application Data with 42 files in 4 folders taking up ~164 KB on a hdd [FWIW there doesn't seem to be any way to relocate that folder into the program's folder]. Setup adds an uninstall key to the registry plus an empty key for the app itself.
There are an enormous number of apps & web sites that will handle image resizing &/or format conversions -- type something like "software to resize images for the web" into Google & you'll get 20+ million hits -- & most all of them use basically the same methods/algorithms to get the job done: Bilinear [faster & maybe better for shrinking] &/or Bicubic [slower & better for enlarging]... those are the 2 choices today's GOTD gives you. As you'd guess with so many apps &/or sites doing pretty much the very same thing, you might see added features & different interface designs, but not likely much of a difference when it comes to results. With image resizing methods & code so widely available, creating an app (or site) to resize images is easier/faster than many other kinds of projects, so there's less to lose if you don't do well against a very large number of competitors using the same basic code to do the same basic thing. In fact IMHO it often comes down to who grabs the most attention since most people won't bother trying to compare every similar app out there when there are dozens, maybe hundreds to chose from -- look at the recurring *Not Another One* reactions when GOTD has a video convertor. ;-) Portableapps.com has a half dozen or so apps under the Graphics & Pictures heading [here http://goo.gl/ZUBZ ] that will do batch resizing & often more, All will run with or without the portableapps.com launcher, All will work from a hard drive as well as USB devices, & most apps on portableapps.com are based on regular, non-portable apps, meaning if you find something you like, you can always go get the regular version.
FWIW... You will occasionally see other methods besides the more-or-less std. Bilinear & Bicubic that can give a quality boost in some (but not all) situations -- short article on image interpolation http://goo.gl/u6vsZ ; Wikipedia on Image Scaling http://goo.gl/egq77 ; info on Avisynth resizers http://goo.gl/h5MbO ; Avisynth resizing filters image comparison http://goo.gl/nNMj6 . There are also some fractal-based apps & plug-ins available that may do better enlarging, but despite being around for years, this kind of enlarging is still not common or widespread.
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that's good now i can resize image for my phone and digital frame now
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Maybe I'm missing something, but my copy only activated as a trial copy, I couldn't figure out how to get the free activation key. Usually there is a readme file, but this one didn't have it. (I tried 3 times). It LOOKS like it might be a very useful tool if I can figure out how to activate it.
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I've noticed at the start of the list of formats it says "The most important formats it can read and write" are:image formats "Photoshop PSD", and "Layers and objects".
For those who have downloaded and installed it can you state if this program can resize into PSD while keeping the "layers and objects" it implies it does?
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I love this~ I really never post any reviews. I was amazed on how easy this was to use, and also it did everything it said it does. I installed with no issues on my XP machine. I would rate this with a over all 8 out of 10!
Thanks Give Away Team!
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Installed without problems. Seems to do what it says on the tin, but nothing outstanding really. Think I will stick with the always free 'FilerFrog' which does this and much, much more, all from the right click menu!
Thanks anyway GAOTD!
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@Stating TheObvious #4 said "Just use FastStone Image Resizer – free all the time..."
Well, I can´t use it for commercial photos, so it is limited to personal and educational use only.
FastStone is cheaper, so there is something for the developer of the todays program to think about...
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To comment #7 -
Thanks for posting about Photoscape. This looks like a GREAT free program. I plan to download it now!!!!!
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Installed without any problems. Program did a good job on watermarking and resing. Would have been nice to have right click function to add symbols from character map. One to keep and use.
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Downloaded,install,register flawless on xpsp3. I agree with #18 comment. I like the simple uncluttered aspects of this. I played around with the watermarking feature and really like that plus the batch file option is great too. I routinely use Quick Image Resizer that was a GOTD a few weeks ago and love it as I am usually resizing on the fly and it is quick and simple to use. I will hang on to this new one more for the batch and watermark features. Thanks GOTD and AnyPic.
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Clean install. Does what it says and has a small number of nice options, but unfinished, much is missing. What's there is well done but lacking in expected features. As is so often the case, entering a very crowded market with nothing to set it apart. Online Help, which is always a bad idea. From the comments thus far, people like this, I guess because it's simple and uncluttered, but is anyone willing to pay for it? There are tons of alternatives, like the free FastStone Photo Resizer.
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Regularly $29.90??
Irfanview is free all the time and does all that this does plus more.
My 2 cents...
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Something that I appreciate the readers here, is that you often receive tips about free software bonded same genre, which can then be compared to today's GAOTD offer. One can then easily decide which one suits you the best. Often the result is that free software is the preferred, although it may lack some features that today's programs provide, but which nevertheless meets the requirements you have!
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I couldn't get it to install, I downloaded it 3 times but every time I kept getting some error message on the last install window,
so I'll check out some of the free ones mentioned above 8=)
Thank you anyways it looked like a really good program
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Thank GOTD
Installed without a hitch on windows 7 64bit
Just tried it with 30 photos resize & watermark good output quality fast worth keeping would not pay the rrp for it thou!as there are many free apps to do the same!
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I like freeware program Faststone Image Resizer - 1.38 MB with the same and even more functions. Official portable version http://www.faststonesoft.net/DN/FSResizer31.zip
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I decided to give this program a test run, but I don´t like all those programs on my PC there is only able to do 1-2 functions. That will give me 100x 12MB for the functions that Paint.Net have and that is far too much...
- Yes, I did use Paint.Net to compare with and the result was better than I had ever expected.
- I took a picture there is 255x321 pixel and asked the program to make it 4 times that size, 1020x1284 pixel.
- I used the very sensitive format JPEG, because other format like BMP wouldn´t show the real quality of the program. But JPEG or BMP, you get the same result in this program.
- I did apply all kind of best quality in both programs and the best program for this task is AnyPic Image Resizer Pro.
Why is it better ?
Simple - It make a sharp and clean picture were you can see the person as you actually stayed in front of the person in real time.
The watermark function can be used with text and picture at the same time. Overall this program do what it says, but the price of $30 is $15 too much...
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Two things I'd like would be the ability to add images from the web, and a visual equivalent of the named sizes, both of which I get on Photobucket. Without these, which I consider basic, I'm not interested, but thanks anyway.
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I am totally into image manipulation (especially batch) so I immediately downloaded and tested today's promotion (my usual thanks to GOTD + developer of the day)... Here is my feedback:
Plenty of -more or less comparable- freeware (FastStone Photo Resizer, Fast Image Resizer, IrfanView, Photoscape, Xnview... etc.) available, so lots of aggressive competitors for AnyPic Soft!
I knew were to look (since I have been testing a few titles in the past days... Yes, that's nice for you too!) so my test took relatively short time to complete.
I will (intentionally) not enter into specific details as results following to image manipulation are bound to a pretty vast array of factors and while one can be pleased by the pure visual aspect, others might be more focused on the technical side or the printing quality or the individual file size... So I will simply express my opinion of today's promoted software in relation to the other applications that I have been testing.
General consideration about this jack of all trades but master of none:
- Overall a nice (not much difference to be noticed when changing skin) and intuitive interface
- Plenty of useful features, but pretty much the same that can be found also in most freeware... I am puzzled therefore about the almost 15 MB of footprint!
- Acceptable processing speed
- Quality of manipulated images is not showing much difference from the one obtained with other (free) programs
Six tasks available in the GUI... And my concise comments and scores (to avoid misunderstandings, 10/10 is the max):
Formats: Several supported formats to convert to (Jpeg, Bmp, Png, Pdf, Tga, Tiff, Psd and Gif) 7/10
Resize: 8/10 (see more elaborated comment at the bottom)
Watermark: Quite good 9/10
Rename: Pretty basic (for example "DATE" will only add current system date and NOT file creation date, which would have been handy especially for pics) 6/10
Corrections: Standard (missing gamma) 6/10
Border: Very basic (missing masks/frames) 5/10
My comment about "Resize":
I definitely miss the "Keep Original Format" option.
Assuming that I have a folder containing multiple png, jpg, bmp files and I want to batch resize them all to a specific size (or batch rename them all to a specific name) without the "Keep Original Format" option during the resize/rename process, the format of some of the files will unavoidably change, whereas if that (useful) option would have been available I could just batch resize/rename all my images without having to affect the file formats... And consequently their file size (don't forget that the same jpg -an average one- converted into a bmp can be 10 times larger in size!) and other important intrinsic features!
Definitely a keeper for all those with basic needs... But (sorry) I fail to see why the "pro" attribute was added to the name (Image Resizer Pro).
Lastly, please remember that the way a person sees or perceive a thing (whether it is a software or a sunset) it is very individual, so my advice to all readers is to take a closer look at the various features of this application (by personally experimenting all available tasks/functions) and -you never know- you might discover that my conclusions do not necessarily reflect yours and it might very well be that this program suits perfectly your current needs.
Hopefully this concluding paragraph will prevent some of the replies I have noticed in other occasions, which are filled with expressions of disagreement (and utterly useless polemics).... Bottom line that's my opinion bearing in mind what the other currently available programs offer and in relation to my current needs and requirements... If some of you don't see it that way there no need to raise an issue here on the GOTD thread... Let's keep it as pleasant as possible for all readers ;)
Hope this was useful reading.
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Installed and activated effortlessly with clock work precession on Windows XP.Tried on 4 photographs and found effective easy to work with.In my opinion worth having .Thank you
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thank yoyu
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Does what it says OK but little more.
It Works very quickly and the results look very good so full marks for ability, AND it is very easy to use so no deep learning curve.
I cannot really see the point of lots of tiny programs for individual jobs, tho. Glad to see that it does support RAW.
Pretty sure Irfanview does this. Photobie DEF does and I think Photoscape does, too. All of the progs mentioned come close to professional offerings (ESP photobie) AND ARE ALL FREE so this one doesn't have a place for me.
Thanks anyway.
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Downloaded as an .exe file only and no text file to activate the software.
Easy download and install and operates extremely quickly.
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It would be better if the puplisher has added other photo-editing features to this software such as special effects, photoskeching, etc. Anyway it is a nice and easy program,thanks GAOTD.
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Just use FastStone Image Resizer - free all the time, awesome piece of kit!
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IT'S GOOD. It has many Key features, wonderful softwares, thank GOTD!
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Rally Good & Useful Program, Thanks GAOTD! :)
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installation went flawless on Windows 7 ultimate 32bits
program looks good, works ok and fairly quick. a keeper for me
you might correct the spelling error though
with one click your digial photos..... should of course say digital
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