Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Amigabit Disk Defrag was available as a giveaway on March 6, 2013!
Easily defrag your Hard Disk in seconds with Amigabit Disk Defrag.
Amigabit Disk Defrag provides you with a one-click defrag option for selected Hard Drive(s), when you are in a hurry or do not have much time. It is possible to speed up your slow computer by merging scattered pieces of free space into a contiguous block, avoiding fragmentation of newly created files.
You can schedule your computer to defrag disk at night, early in the morning, or any time when you are not next to your PC. Just set the time and frequency (once, every day, or every week) and get a faster computer even while you are sleeping. There is an option to shut down the PC automatically once the defragmentation process is complete.
In addition to everything listed Amigabit Disk Defrag offers Top File Finder feature to scan and find the largerst files (the top 10, 50, 100, 200 or 1000 biggest files) on Hard Disks. It lets you handle the detected files the following ways: view details, open destination folder, delete from computer to Recycle Bin, or move to other locations.
Windows 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP/ earlier
11.1 MB
Amigabit PowerBooster offers a complete solution to speed up, clean, fix and power up your computer. With 25+ useful PC utilities included, it has never been easier to speed up your slow computer safely and quickly! It also allows users to customize scan times by day and time with the Scan Schedule feature.
Amigabit Registry Cleaner is a solid program to scan, clean and repair Registry errors causing slow speed, PC crashing or freezing, blue screens, error messages, etc. with 1-click option. It also automatic backup any repairs made. So you always can restore Windows registry to the original state using restore button.
The first time I tried this program it crashed halfway through the defrag so decided to uninstall it and stick to Piriform's Defragger. That does the job very well.
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this does not work on an Amiga 1200 change the name to Pcbit
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Ill pass on today's offer, and withhold judgement since not wanting to try it.
However, one of the BEST FREE alternatives, I personally, have taken quite a liking to (that I haven't seen mentioned) is Glarysoft's Disk SpeedUp. One of the fastest & thorough defrag I have used and my #1 recommendation to practically anyone & everyone.
And I use it on a portable USB too! Have a look and try it out peeps, Goodluck!
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@ Jlnum #4: Did you really believe you could keep on fooling people like that forever? I tried letting you know on February 27th in my post #20, in a rather polite manner, that I was calling your bluff and that you needed to drop the act as you were succeeding only in making a fool of YOURSELF (I've noticed you actually did that at least once before on February 25th). Either you never came back to read any follow-up comments or didn't bother to heed the advice. Today, therefore, I feel obliged say that I fully endorse MikeR's comment #9 regarding you. Others like ric (#14) have been observing you as well and I expect to see a drop in the up-votes you receive the next time you show up around here, i.e., in the event you decide to keep persisting with you dishonesty. Hopefully this (getting up-votes) is not the only joy in your life.
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buit-in windows defragger is enough :)
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Oh forgot to mention... Defraggler is my Defrag software of choice.
it's free, and does a fantastic job of defragmenting files, defragmenting free space, specific files, scheduled defrag... oh and it's portable too!
Also, it comes from Piriform, the reputable makers of Recuva, so you know it has to be good!
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#12: “Does Defraging a PC greatly increase the speed of a slow running PC, I’ve read conflicting reports on this?”
on a standard HDD Yes
on a SSD No
A standard hard drive works like a record player. There are platters (like the records) and a swing arm that reads them. If the drive is fragmented, the swing arm has to move around all over the place to find the pieces of the files. All of this extra movement can certainly slow things down, as well as create more 'chatter' from your drive. The extra movement of the arm will ultimately reduce the life of your hard drive. When you defrag, the files are complete, so the swing arm reads it from one place on the platter instead of swinging around looking for parts. Less movement, less chatter, less wearing out of moving parts.
On a SSD (Solid state disk) there is no swing arm, no moving parts. it is all done digitally on a chip, and defragmenting makes no difference in speed. In fact, defragmenting a SSD is bad because they can only be written to a limited number of times and defragmenting them only creates more read/write cycles.
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I use Raxco's PerfectDisk Pro. That seems good enough.
Auslogics Disk Defrag, both Free and Pro versions, are great, too.
Switching to a different programme, or even a different algorithm, and running the reconfiguration of your hard drive, takes a long time, especially if you have a lot on there. It's frustrating, too, if there's no gain in performance.
In a competitive field, a newcomer has a lot to prove. People aren't going to change over, unless it brings something special. The places to create interest are the review and comparison sites, and user forums. And here, of course. They're supposed to do the work of testing, evaluating, and reporting.
New software gets a good reputation from being consistently good enough to generate positive interest in all those areas.
Of course, customers want to encourage innovation. But developers, please don't pretend to be better if you're not.
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#12: "Does Defraging a PC greatly increase the speed of a slow running PC, I’ve read conflicting reports on this?"
Obviously it has no effect if you're only using SSDs, but beyond that it's a matter of in the course of using your PC are things slowed down by reading highly fragmented files? You can have 100 GB of very badly fragmented files, but if they're all video's you never watch, the fact they need defragging is irrelevant. The Windows folder OTOH may take up less than a quarter of that space, but if it's badly fragmented you should notice an improvement after defragging it.
It's all about the files you use regularly. The one file that most every Windows PC always uses is the swap file, yet because Windows always uses it, that file gets skipped by a defrag in Windows. While there are other methods, here's a Microsoft article on handling that, though it's written for a purpose other than basic maintenance http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2533911
* * *
#13: "Any of you out there please benchmark before and after installing software that is supposed to speed up your computer. That would be real criticism."
And thus you hit the problem of comparing defrag apps [at least their results] squarely on the head. :)
You might try to compare thoroughness of the defrag operation, but you'd have to do something like clone a HDD to another drive, then defrag both & compare -- otherwise your start conditions wouldn't be the same. Since different apps use different strategies, move different files to the faster front of the partition, any comparison there would be Apples & Oranges -- the same for any speedup, since the files & apps you use most often are not the same as mine.
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If it helps... AFAIK most defraggers use the built-in Windows API -- they analyze the files on a hard drive partition, then tell Windows to move what, where. Some will work with the hidden 1st track, e.g. Paragon & MyDefrag, some will work with Windows' files that are normally in use [by defragging them during a re-boot before Windows starts], e.g. Ultra Defrag, and most use an optimization strategy [sometimes they'll have several to choose from] that puts the files you use most often on the fastest portion of that drive/partition.
[Std. hard drives use a spinning platter (or platters) to store data -- for one revolution of the disc, the drive heads pass over (can read/write) more data on the outer edge than the inner because the circumference or distance is greater on the outer edge than the inner.]
The big questions are: *What files do you use most often, & what do you want sped up, e.g. Windows' start times or an app [or apps] that does a lot of reading from the hard drive"? MyDefrag evolved into a script interpreter that lets you write you own script or procedure, but otherwise it's up to the developers to make their best guess, to figure out what makes the most people, the most potential customers happy. There are a lot of things that influence how well people like one defrag app vs. another, but from a purely practical results standpoint, the best defrag software is the one that's figured out how to speed up the stuff *You* feel is most important to *You*.
Beyond that all defrag software takes the small portions of data that makes up a file & makes sure they're next to each other rather than being scattered across the hard drive's platter(s) -- it's physically less work that way because the drive heads that do the actual reading don't have to jump all over the place, from the outer edge to the inner & everywhere in between. That's also an obvious advantage of SSDs, which have no moving parts. [Trivia Note: the same thing applies to CD/DVDs/Blu-Ray discs -- there you don't have to worry about fragmentation so much, but a less well designed video DVD for example will have the player or drive skipping back & forth between the inner & outer edges, helping to make playback seem unresponsive.]
Generally all data is moved towards the start of the drive partition because that's where things are faster, & that's why you want to defrag a partition before you do something like shrink it, cutting off or trimming some of the free space at the end of that partition. That's not to say all the data on a hard drive partition is tightly packed after you defrag it -- hard drives have steadily become larger & faster, so a) a more complete defrag takes longer, & b) you're less likely to notice if the defrag was not 100% complete. If a defrag app seems especially fast, it could be that the code or methods of analyzing your files is better/faster, or it could be that it doesn't move as much data around as the app(s) you compared it to -- as long as a the pieces of a file are next to each other, you'll likely not notice any difference if it's in the middle of the partition or packed in at the beginning, so defrag apps aren't equally aggressive about packing all that data at the front of the disk/partition. TO most people that won't matter a whole lot -- just be aware that if one defrag app seems a lot faster, maybe it's because that app is doing a lot less work... MyDefrag is up front about it, giving you the choice between quick & thorough, but for some apps it's just one way that they cut corners & maybe you should look for the other shortcuts they've taken?
That all said, recent tech expands on the idea of making access to certain files faster... A Hybrid drive [a smaller SSD tacked onto a std. hard disk] takes the files you read most often & copies them to the SSD portion as a sort of ready cache -- if you regularly do the same thing with your PC/laptop, it can make a big difference. Some Intel-based motherboards let you do the same thing using a small, sometimes special SSD for the cache regardless what kind or brand of hard drives. And some Intel motherboards let you set up a relatively small cache on a larger SSD where data's stored when your PC/laptop goes to sleep, making wake-up faster.
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If you are using something other than Puran Defrag, it is because you haven't *tried* Puran Defrag. Free for non-commercial use and the best there is. Period.
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I am particularly fond of IOBits Smart Defrag 2.7. So this one is a no-go for my purposes. Actually the Windows version wasn't bad either, except like most native Windows utilities, it is bare-bones. And there is no boot defrag.
IOBits Smart Degrag does just about everything you could expect from a solid, reliable defragger, including boot defrag of critical files periodically on boot, and its completely (that 4-letter word we all love), "FREE"!
It can also run in the background as necessary, but I usually don't find that advantageous because it will create some slowdown in CPU activity, at least on XP Pro SP3.
But all-in-all, it would be hard to do a better job. Have never had problem 1 with the IOBits version. Highly recommended!
And yes HDD defragging is very necessary, including boot versions. It will often speed up your system to a noticeable degree. Perhaps more than any other single thing one can do. Assuming your HDD is indeed fragmented. And sooner or later, it will be.
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@1 Ashraf is correct. Auslogics Disk Defrag Pro is outstanding and worth every penny if you want a great piece of software that has so many features it will amaze you. Give the free version a try and see for yourself. Lost the license to Pro 2 months after GOAD install and the company promptly replaced it. How is that for customer service?
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I refer to Jinum's post #4.
And MikeR's post #9.
This is not the first time. Jinum is a plagiariser.
On 2 March 2013 GOTD gave away Leawo DVD Copy 2.1
Jinum left this post:
I like the ability to rip/copy/backup DVDs to a lossless DVD folder or ISO. I just don’t like Leawo DVD Copy. Not only is it slow, but it isn’t able to bypass all DRM protection. Plus it costs $29.95. For only $10 more (aka $39.95) WinX DVD Ripper Platinum allows you to rip/copy/backup DVD to lossless formats (e.g. ISO), rip to other video formats, is very fast, and has the ability to bypass the latest DRM protection like Disney X-project.
Comment by Jlnum — March 2nd, 2013 at 5:22 am
Did you find this comment useful? yes | no (+6)
That was an EXACT copy verbatim plagiarised from the 1st paragraph of the Conclusion in the Review done by DotTech staff on 2 Mar 2013; and published in the DotTech website.
[Windows] Backup your DVDs in lossless format with Leawo DVD Copy
I like the ability to rip/copy/backup DVDs to a lossless DVD folder or ISO. I just don’t like Leawo DVD Copy. Not only is it slow, but it isn’t able to bypass all DRM protection. Plus it costs $29.95. For only $10 more (aka $39.95) WinX DVD Ripper Platinum allows you to rip/copy/backup DVD to lossless formats (e.g. ISO), rip to other video formats, is very fast, and has the ability to bypass the latest DRM protection like Disney X-project.
Thought I let him off once, but he repeated the wrong doing today.
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Any of you out there please benchmark before and after installing software that is supposed to speed up your computer. That would be real criticism.
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Does Defraging a PC greatly increase the speed of a slow running PC, I've read conflicting reports on this?
Just thought I's also add my props to Giovanni - I always enjoy reading his 2 cents worth and have found your advice useful on more than one occasion. Can you help in the bedroom too?...............I have some wallpaper to put up.
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I am of the opinion that any defrag program which doesn't offer the option of a boot defrag is basically useless.
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If you can get past all of their pop-ups and ads, PC Magazine has Defrag-A-File 2. It isn't free, but for a year's subscription, you can download all of their software that you want. I use their original Defrag-A-File.
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@ Jinum, post #4: I know today's giveaway is a defragger but that doesn't mean you can blithely come on here and fragment the dot.tech review so as to pretend that post is all your own work. Idiot.
As to this giveaway: thanks GAOTD, but really, this developer has kicked itself out of contention from the outset. Like many here, if I have a GAOTD app or program that I like, then I'll happily pay for an upgrade later, or the cost of a re-install.
One thing I'll never, ever do is pay $29.95 for a piece of unknown software from an obscure developer who all too obviously is offering nothing that's superior to existing freeware or the products from long-established and respected publishers like Auslogics. Amigabit is wasting its time.
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I think there is already a defrager in all windows versions. I am using windows disc defragment option in my win.XP. But thanks.
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I'll pass on this simply because there are better FREEWARE alternatives out there, not to mention that I still have a copy of the award-winning AUSLOGICS DISK DEFRAG PRO, given away here a few months ago, which outclasses this GAOTD 10 times out of 10!!
Dudes, this is a SUPER SATURATED field, so if you don't provide us with a better and more comprehensive tool with more advanced features, honestly I can't see any reason to download & install it in my machine.
BETTER FREE (and always updatable) ALTERNATIVES
* (Portable) UltimateDefrag Freeware Edition
This is a revolutionary Defragmenter packed with an amazing array of advanced options. Why is it better than others similar (paid & free) products out there?? Simply because it's actually much more than just a defragger: in fact, not only defrags your HD deeply & effectively, but it's also able to automatically place all of your files and folders in the right areas of your HD so that your PC may achieve maximum performance. In fact, according to recent surveys, about 80% of the time PC users only use 20% of the files stored in their hard drive: so why not move the rarely used files onto the slower performing areas of HD and, on the other side, the most frequently used files onto the higher performing areas where data transfer rates are doubled?? This is where this magic tool comes in!!
Official version is shareware but here it's still amazingly FREE of charges:
And to make it PORTABLE just follow instructions here:
Other great free tools (Google them as I can't post any other link today):
(Portable) UltraDefrag
Portable Auslogics Disk Defrag
(Portable) Iobit Smart Defrag
MyDefrag (==> Softpedia Editor Pick)
Puran Defrag
Toolwiz Smart Defrag
If you are instead eager to only defragment specific files and/or folders (for instance the most used ones) rather than the whole disk, well the portable freeware "WinContig" can do it for you, without charging you a dime for that:
And for a limited period of time, you can even grab the award-winning O&O DEFRAG 15 PRO (last but one version): did you know that? Of course not....LOL!!
Download it from here:
Get the KEY here:
Finally, you should also know that the latest disks require for best performance the right alignment of read/write operations in relation to the physical sector.
This FREE & PORTABLE gem checks the volume alignment status of your Advanced Format disks, telling you when an alignment is required: cool, isn't it??
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I'll pass on this simply because there are better FREEWARE alternatives out there, not to mention that I still have a copy of the award-winning AUSLOGICS DISK DEFRAG PRO, given away here a few months ago, which outclasses this GAOTD 10 times out of 10!!
Dudes, this is a SUPER SATURATED field, so if you don't provide us with a better and more comprehensive tool with more advanced features, honestly I can't see any reason to download & install it in my machine.
BETTER FREE (and always updatable) ALTERNATIVES
* (Portable) UltimateDefrag Freeware Edition
This is a revolutionary Defragmenter packed with an amazing array of advanced options. Why is it better than others similar (paid & free) products out there?? Simply because it's actually much more than just a defragger: in fact, not only defrags your HD deeply & effectively, but it's also able to automatically place all of your files and folders in the right areas of your HD so that your PC may achieve maximum performance. In fact, according to recent surveys, about 80% of the time PC users only use 20% of the files stored in their hard drive: so why not move the rarely used files onto the slower performing areas of HD and, on the other side, the most frequently used files onto the higher performing areas where data transfer rates are doubled?? This is where this magic tool comes in!!
Official version is shareware but here it's still amazingly FREE of charges:
And to make it PORTABLE just follow instructions here:
* (Portable) UltraDefrag
* Portable Auslogics Disk Defrag
* (Portable) Iobit Smart Defrag
* MyDefrag (==> Softpedia Editor Pick)
* Puran Defrag
* Toolwiz Smart Defrag
If you are instead eager to only defragment specific files and/or folders (for instance the most used ones) rather than the whole disk, well the portable freeware "WinContig" can do it for you, without charging you a dime for that:
And finally, for a limited period of time, you can even grab the award-winning O&O DEFRAG 15 PRO (last but one version): did you know that? Of course not....LOL!!
Download it from here:
Get the KEY here:
Finally, you should also know that the latest disks require for best performance the right alignment of read/write operations in relation to the physical sector.
This FREE & PORTABLE gem checks the volume alignment status of your Advanced Format disks, telling you when an alignment is required: cool, isn't it??
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For that kind of price I would expect to see some tools that windows,norton security suite,advanced system care,etc. don't already bundle in their software. Maybe a compare feature that only defrags items written to disk since the last defrag. Something for my money that I don't already have.
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Amigabit Disk Defrag is just an ordinary defragger. There isn’t another majorly wrong with it per se but there isn’t anything “wow” about it either; there are no features that warrant a $29.95 considering the fact that there are many great freeware defraggers which do the exact same thing — defrag your hard drive(s). It isn’t that the program is bad; the program is not bad. It is just nothing special.
You are welcome to give Amigabit Disk Defrag a try if you like but my recommendation is to stick to a freeware defragger. My favorite has always been Auslogics Disk Defrag but there are plenty of other viable options too, such as IObit Smart Defrag, MyDefrag, UltraDefrag, Defraggler, and more. You can even use Windows’ built-in defrag tool. Toss a coin and pick one or read dotTech’s list of 7 free defrag programs.
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Wow, I'm finally impressed with GAOTD! Two good giveaways, one day after the next!
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Does it consider SSD drives (for exclusion)? (They don't need defragmentation.)
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*You can either defrag one partition or defrag multiple partitions
*You have the option of receiving a fragmentation analysis report prior to actually defragging
*Has a ‘Top File Finder
*Has the ability to schedule automatic defrags
*Has the ability to automatically shut down computer after defrag
*Sets itself to automatically start at Windows boot. There really is no reason for a defragger to automatically run with Windows unless it is defragging files at boot, which this program does not do. You can disable this behavior from ‘Settings’.
Free Alternatives
7 free defraggers for Windows
Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review
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