Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
AllMedia Grabber 5.2 was available as a giveaway on September 18, 2011!
Extract thousands Pictures, Videos, Music, Sounds hidden inside programs/ files on your computer with AllMedia Grabber.
AllMedia Grabber searches in files (executables, libraries, custom controls, data files e.t.c.) and extracts multimedia files.
Currently AllMedia Grabber has been translated to: English, Deutsch, French, Spanish, Danish, Dutch, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Greek.
Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7
6.24 MB
SysResources Manager is a system utility for watching the current state of the system such as CPU usage, RAM and Virtual RAM availability, Disks, Processes, Network Monitoring (Processes accessing Internet, Network Traffic/Speed), Services, StartUp Programs.
Music library for cataloging and manage music files and AudioCD. Supports MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV, FLAC e.t.c music files formats. Easily find any song from your music collection according to title, album, artist, genre e.t.c. or any complex conditions.
#50 Joel
Dragon UnPACKer supports OGG Vorbis. I did extract OGG music from games many times. Dragon works fine.
For those, who recommend Nirsoft's ResourcesExtract and ResourceHack (again): it is DIFFERENT type of software. These can't extract media from word files, game resources and other non-executable files. These programs can only extract data FROM FILE HEADERS OF .exe, .dll and other EXECUTABLE files. There are tons of such free software and even plugins for Total Commander.
AllMedia Grabber provides rare functionality to extract RAW DATA FROM ANY TYPE OF FILE. In many cases it even can't extract what ResourcesExtract can - as example icons from .exe file (if icons are stored in compressed file header). You see - Grabber even can not provide functionality of ResourceHacker, and vice versa. These are totally different kinds of software.
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I'm waiting for the Advanced version. This offer doesn't support OGG Vordis File and ShockWave Flash.
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I have a Toshiba Laptop with Windows 7X64 Home Premium, and it installed but never ran, tried a number of things like turning off virus and firewall. None of it worked. just my 2 cents
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Doesn't work on all programs. Wanted to use a picture as wallpaper from the game Elementals, But it doesn't find anything; no pictures, icons, or sound files. Someone mention another program, I'll give it a try.
The program installs, registers & runs fine on Vista 64, just doesn't do what it's supposed to. :~P
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I downloaded it even though I have never really had a need for something like this. As someone mentioned, it might be good to recover from corrupt files. However, after installation I found it installed only to the admin account and further, it requires administrator privileges to run. There is no reason for this- it should be able to be run as a standard user and just skip any files in the search that require the higher access.
No thanks.
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I also get the message, "All Media Grabber is not available on GAOTD" when I try to register. The name and code fields are pre-filled with "GiveawayOfTheDay" and don't work. I tried using "Giveawayoftheday" as shown in the ReadMe.txt file and that resulted in the same error message. I used to like this program a LOT, it let me extract pictures quickly from Powerpoint slideshows and many other sources. But, just like the last time it was offered, the installation does not work and I'm left with only a limited trial program. Too bad, it gets deleted once again. I'm using Vista Home Premium 32 bit.
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For all those who couldn't register the program, and got popup saying: "AllMedia Grabber is not available on GAOTD"
This happens because the Name and Code boxes in the registration window are already filled with "GiveAwayOfTheDay", which is wrong.
Change it to "Giveawayoftheday" (only the first letter capital) in both boxes, and then you'll be able to register.
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I've tried the earlier versions of AllMedia Grabber offered here and found it useful enough on occasion to keep, so I downloaded and installed this new version. One strange thing: on the list of files shown as a tree under "Desktop" > "My Computer" in the box on the left-hand side of the program window it lists my C: drive (listed everywhere else as "Local disk C:" as "5'0-Inch Floppy Disk (C:)"
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Couldn't install. Got message "could not create uninstall data folder". This is the first time I've had this problem with a program from here. Anybody know what I can do about this?
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It is very useful to me.
I have v5.0 from a previous giveaway, tried it then and it sucked.
Uninstalled now and got back whatever space it used and will NOT be wasting time on new, improved crap.
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Installed and tried AllMedia Grabber when it was offered the last time on GOTD. It did find a lot of image and multimedia files (aside from content created by me). But virtually all of what AllMedia found was useless for my purposes...or rather, it found the junk files that I use CCleaner to get rid of. I uninstalled AllMedia Grabber...and I concur with those who view this software as a waste of hard drive space.
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I've been looking for this kind of program for literally YEARS!!
I finally managed to extract all the files in some MMOs I had here, now I have the soundtrack and enough material to modify and play around *w*
FINALLY a giveaway which I will make good use of *w*
P.S. - My first comment x3
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#3 umaxy - I imagine that this can be used for graphic artists. Sure, copyright laws interfere, but for personal wallpapers or something, it could be useful.
I wanted to extract images from a small .exe file years ago for a game that I used to play; just out of curiosity. This program did that for me.
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#7 Thanks for the heads up on Nirsoft. I didn't even have to download it. I've been using their utilities for years, but I've never discovered that one before. I found some real jewels in my caches.
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Personally I've always liked this program although I agree the price may be too high when it has a number of freeware & lower-priced competitors. Nirsoft's freeware apps in particular are equal to or better than today's Giveaway. Nirsoft Resources Extract freeware has the advantage of being portable. Nirsoft's freeware IE Cache viewer & Firefox cache viewer are great for this. I also often manually find & save photos, icons, etc directly from my browser caches, etc that I want.
To set it apart from its freeware & lower priced competitors, a software that is overpriced needs to have some unique qualities that users want & need & that competitors fail to offer.
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From beginning to end the program work very well, but in more than 25 years of using Windows I have only needed a problem this type once. Possibly this explains the very high price as so few people need it and they have to make their money somehow.
The user rating is very high from very early on, generally the comments reflect a totally different opinion, what is going on here!
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This program has saved me on several occasions. I had to use it to extract data from corrupted Word files and also from a corrupted png file. I was able to extract the background image needed for my wedding invites from a corrupted file and it did it flawlessly. This program is great for opening basic files like corrupted .doc, bmp, png, etc. I recommend it because it may be useful in a tight spot.
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I agree with Prince (Comment #31) it sucks downloading and get a popup saying:
AllMedia Grabber is not available on GAOTD
At noon, hour and date is right at -6GMT time zone How the H.???
It's true, nothing is available today, September 18, when you go to the download page the links just "POOF"!!! LIKE NEVER BEEN THERE!!!
Links available at spanish giveaway:
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This doesn't work with todays game giveaway check for yourselves. Good night.
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Downloaded and installed on my Win7/64 laptop without any problems.
Today's offering is not as bad as yesterday's giveaway as far as usefulness or should I say uselessness? I think that maybe Fotis Software should do a little research and see what is available as freeware and set their price accordingly. I don't see any reason that anyone would pay $48.90 for this program.
Thank you to the GATD team and the software producers who allow us to try their products.
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Great deal for grabbing music,for decorating your YouTube page or game fansite!
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Pointless, useless and utterly pointless all this does is take up hard drive space that could be used for more worthwhile stuff - Thanks but NO THANKS!
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@Ozawa this isnt something that downloads from the internet if that's what you want to do download realplayer and that will allow you to download videos
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wow. I am amazed. Nice one, GAOTD! A software that is totally useless! I would really LOVE to spend 50 dollars on a program that isn't even as good as FREEWARE programs that do the same thing- only better.Who would need this? and who would pay 50 dollars for it?!Like almost any other comment said, its terrible. I could buy a year of antivirus that is TOP QUALITY that could protect me from attacks, or I can extract useless pictures and videos.
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I'll try it but it better NOT use the .NET framework!
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#20: Win7 Temp Dir = C:\Users\"yourname here"\AppData\Local\Temp
Win7 Internet Explorer Cache Dir =
C:\Users\"yourname here"\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.ie5\
or Search for Vista I.E CacheImage View Plus 2...
AllMedia Grabber 5.2 is an OK Program but not Great, other Freeware can do better and the Price is way too high...
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According to the message seen in red when registering this app, the software is limited to files of 300 Kb.
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After installed 5.2, I still have 5.1 ,are this suppose to remove or just keep both?
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This sounds a lot like ResHacker, which is free.
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I'm hoping moderators will allow a dedicated, respectful, and proud user of GOTD to redeem himself. Yesterday I was s-o-o-o tired and bubble headed when I posted the link for Expert PDF that I BLEW IT. Here is the actual link for the giveaway and it's still valid as of just testing it.
Thanks GOTD.
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The most useless program I have seen in long time. I would not use it even for free.
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# Trucker And where pray tell is the temp folder? Any that I navigate to are empty.
I used to be able to do this in XP, but I can't find them in Win 7.
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Program is worthless to the average user. I don't need to get hidden pictures from any program totally worthless.
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install of 7MB into directory of your choice. adds an
uninstall.exe into C:\Windows\AllMedia Grabber\ (that
is certainly strange.) not sure if it added an .ocx
or two into \system32\?
a short html help included in the install directory.
seemingly there are "standard" & "advanced" versions
of the program, with difference in the types of files
they can extract. (Advanced can extract more. This
is the "Standard".)
seemingly it uses some FreeImage library, which it
includes a "license" for.
when you first run the program, it brings up a screen
with the license Name/Code pre-filled in, GiveAwayOfTheDay.
you click Register.
so this is NOT the advanced version, because various
formats cannot be selected.
you can search within files or folders.
on a LARGE file (1 GB) search is SLOW SLOW SLOW & VERY
resource intensive. (There is an option to limit the
search to the first 100 KB.)
files are stored in inidividual directories (by file
type, by size) *WITHIN* the program directory, with
no option to change the location. that is certainly
all files are numerically prefixed so any, what would
otherwise could be a duplicate, just gets the next
number, so nothing is overwritten, but dups can occur.
enumerating (opening the folder tree) of a large
directory /system32/ (2902 files) takes quite a bit of
time & is resource itensive.
scanning /system32/ is time consuming & resource intensive.
you can move/copy saved media to a different folder.
media is displayed by PAGES. so if you have 6,000
ICO files extracted (& depending on thumbnail size?),
that takes 30 pages to display. so you are only
seeing 1/30 (so 200) of then entire 6000 at any one
while you can move them to another folder, you would
have to click on each individual page (30 of them),
select all files (right-click context menu) & then
move them to you selected folder. (you would have
to do this 30 times. at least the last folder is
would be much easier to do mass moving though
windows explorer (cough, cough, err a true file
manager, & if that file manager displayed icons,
all the better & in a "flat" manner, better too.)
image files, you can relate to visually.
music/video files, are only numbered. 1, 2, 3 ...
so no means to know what they are or anything
about them without actually opening them. there
is no context what so ever to the files. not
where they came from, not the path they were found,
nothing. just numbered files. so you've found
51 AVI files &, & what do you do? click on one,
click on the next? tiring. no way to select them
all & send the (in mass) to your media player.
(again it would be much easier to use your file
manager where you can do things like that.)
nirsoft's utility, while finding less, if far
quicker & efficient
does what it says, but could be better, more
oh, & they do show a link on their webpage to
Softpedia - which is actually valid. (that
is quit unusual compared with many of the
programs offered here with bogus links.)
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@ #2 Ozwa, you can use Firefox with the add-on Downloadhelper to do what you want.
Anyhow, this offer for today is great ( back in the days of Windows 98 ) lol, but the images it extracts are in very low quality. However, if you folks want to get some sound files, this might be good if you like a certain sound that may be on your pc. You then could if you wanted to take that sound file and use it for a Ringtone on your cellphone. Other then that, the images it grabs is really only good for changing icons on your pc which that feature is already in Windows.
Thanks for the offer GOTD and Fotis but I will pass up on this offering as a program like this is somewhat of ancient.
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#4 Neiio
ResourcesExtract is not alternative. It extracts only resources indexed in executable file header. It doesn't extract not indexed resources, and doesn't extract resources from not executable files. Also ResourcesExtract is bad example of such program.
AllMedia Grabber is different type of software. It scans any type of file for data embedded directly into binary. File header is not required. I recommend Dragon UnPACKer as better alternative. Dragon is more powerful, supports more data formats and is FREE.
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This has always been a problem app.
New error message is a dialog box named LodeTreview which states invalid key
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Can it extract a picture when it's imbedded in a pdf page?
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Nice Program but a little buggy. The initial splash screen appears and doesn't disappear until you press outside on the wallpaper somewhere. Also, program closed when minimized a few times.
Most desired would be to find tempoary internet movies and save them to a folder.
I would like to see a "data extract" program that takes repetative data appearing on a text/excel/pdf file that appears in the same position i.e. a report print file and extract only the selected data to a dbf/db file.
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I extract icons and paste the icons on top of the generic folder icon to create my own folder icons.
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This is excellent! Installs in seconds. Does what it says. You can jump into any program on your PC and find all images, movies, and music inside. Great for grabbing game music, or for decorating your YouTube page or game fansite! All files found are the original files, so there is no problem with quality as they are not duplicates. Nice one! Thanks GAOTD!
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#3 umaxy
I extract music from game resources using similar program - Dragon UnPACKer. You will be surprised what you can find there. Often this is the only way to get music I like because game soundtracks are rarely published.
I didn't try AllMedia Grabber though so I can't say whether it can extract music or not.
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#2 Ozawa – There is a faster way to do that… go to the temp folder and set sort for the biggest files size on the top ! No programs needed for that !
and try sort by date as latest is what you just watched?
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Used this once before and didn't see any merit in it then. Most of what it pulls up consists of trademarked logos and other assorted garbage you'd never want to use.
And, c'mon, $50 for this? That's about $48 more than what it should cost for what you get.
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#2 Ozawa: Another alternative to #6's suggestion is to download Nirsoft's VideoCacheView v1.98. It will help you to extract the video file from the cache and save it after watching a video from sites like youtube.
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#2 Ozawa - There is a faster way to do that... go to the temp folder and set sort for the biggest files size on the top ! No programs needed for that !
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$46.90 for a program that grabs pictures inside another program ? That must be todays joke ! You can´t use the pictures for in any commercial !
For $46.90 you can buy a program that makes similar logo´s that you find inside those EXE files and you can use them the way you like too !
Why do the developers not make a program that can find and remove malware code inside the EXE/DLL/OCX files ? Well, a quick answer could be that they knock themself out of business !
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A queezy little program, although there is a free alternative called ResourcesExtract by Nirsoft which I recommend since ResourcesExtract doesn't require install :D
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Installed and activated in seconds. It works and found all BMP and ICO files. I extracted a bunch of useless low quality images embedded in my programs. I have no use for a program like this one. May be someone can tell me what this program is good for. Thanks
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Ok, i'm watching a video on a site that doesn't let me download the video. Can this guy search my temporary folder and grab the video (if video is temporarily stored somewhere there)?
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