All My Movies is a personal movie organizer and intended for those who are tired of managing their movie collection manually or using difficult-to-use software programs. It is an easy-to-use DVD catalog program.
You can use it to catalogue your personal collection of video files (AVI, MKV and other) Blu-rays, DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, etc... You do not need to type all movie details, All My Movies will download all the details from the internet movie database automatically!
Key features:
- Easily import movie details from internet movie databases available in various languages. Additional internet movie databases are supported with the plugins for All My Movies;
- Extended cast details. Automatic lookup for actor photos, birthdays, filmography and biography;
- TV Series support. Auto filling episode title and descriptions;
- Ability to print collection using any existing report. Or you can create your own report with the built-in report editor;
- Ability to add DVD/Blu-ray using UPC/EAN barcodes. Just enter (or scan with a special scanner) barcode numbers and All My Movies downloads all the rest of the information automatically. Cheap CueCat barcode scanners are fully supported;
- Ability to play movies directly from the program. Can be used as video playlister;
- Ability to save your collection to mobile devices like PDA or smartphone
free or donor system alternatives at or and a lot of information at or in czech or slovak languages
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Just to express my total agreement with #37 mike comments on some of the previous negative remarks; the fact is they result from a misunderstanding of the program's real purpose: to build a catalog of the films you own (or like) whether you have them installed on your drive, in a dvd or br-disc, or even on tape.
In that sense, this software may not be perfect (I can't say that yet) but is surely an excellent tool, with a fine layout also.
So, thank you GAOTD for yet another well chosen offer.
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I've spent a lot of time getting this set up,decent so far,but my problem is the tv episodes don't auto fill,I checked the forum and other people mentioned it also.Is this bug not going to be fixed?
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Sorry not a keeper, for a good and simple program try emdb (eric's movie database) its a freebie has a nice interface and works very well.
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19 Brian asks: How many movies do you keep on your PSP/iPhone?? Can’t be a lot, not at any one time,
50 movies so far in my pda cf memory card.
Most all are MP4 formats with srt files.
Am going to be using this for my external movie drive on my pc to keep track of the MP4 movies on it.
Thanks for the new movie organizer.
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Here's a follow-up to my previous post. It successfully imported all 3300+ disks from my DVD Profiler in something over 3 hours. I've found no problems with it so far but have had little time to try many of the features. On balance I prefer DVD Profiler slightly but this is a very solid product. I might change my mind if I needed to use this as a player.
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I have used this program for a few years and it's always worked well, the customer service is also great, When I first bought it, would not run on my vista machine, but over several E-mails in the space of thirty minutes the developer re engineered the program,and it's worked well since. You seldom see that type of excellent service from any company.
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Loads & runs fine in Win 7. As for usefulness, I have a large DVD collection and I'm on dial-up. I find this type of program very useful for keeping track of my collection and giving me instant access to DVD information (after visiting some free high speed).
I like the looks of this program, but I found another program (Movienizer) to be more useful and able to gather better information on some of my more obscure DVDs. Sometimes IMDB just doesn't cut it. I can't comment on the customer service given with AMM, but I had a problem with Movienizer (also a GAOTD) and I DID receive a helpful response. It was a very simple courtesy and it pretty much sold me on that product.
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Why the negative feedback? Download no problem. Installed no problem. Added a DVD via barcode no problem. It's a "keeper" and today the price is right. I downloaded a similar "free" program before, added several DVDs until I ran into the problem "If you would like to add more DVDs you must pay $xxxx for a full version." What a waste of time. Demos disguised as "free software" suck. Hopefully this software does not have such limitations especially after reading comments from users that have over 2,000 movies. Comment No. 39 mentions the software is capable of importing data from other catalogers. That's a big plus. Thanks GAOTD and Bolide Software for your generosity.
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Excellent. I was looking at other programs when this one was offered. Installed quickly and easily (Win XP sp3). I have over 600 DVD's (TCM is a great way to Quickly expand your DVD Selection)and kept just the Title and Year in an Excell Database. This program will simplify the process and give me more info on the movie. Well Done and Thanks for the program GAOTD and Bolide Software.
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Just installed this program and grabbed a handful of DVD's off my shelf to try it - used the enter by barcode method - I am impressed !! Great program - thank you GOTD :o)
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Can anyone tell me if AMM will read a DVD or CD that I put in the drive and list/catalogue all the programs that are on the disc? Not with bar codes but based on the titles. EX. a DVD that might have 9 different programs on it- a news report; 2 episodes of 1 show; and 6 single episodes of 6 different programs. I need something that will do this and maybe assign a muber/code to each disc so I could just enter the program that I want and find out which disc it is on. I have over 2000 DVD's I've recorded from TV and family videos. Most of them are recorded with the same program on them and then kept alphbetically but there are enough with mixed collections on them that I need some help to organize them and I REALLY don't want to type indivudal entries. Thanks for any info you can provide.
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I installed the software, I started to like it, but it is full of bugs. Get lots of errors, has locked up on me several time. The features are nice, but not sure if I want to put up with all the errors.
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win 7 (64) Installed Great, Works Well and a great Prgram. Thank you!
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I use Ant Movie Catalog... Best program ever!
And is't Free all the time !!
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Sorry, for BCReader I meant BcWebCam
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I had another DVD cataloguing program when GOTD previously offered this (v4.9) several years ago. I was able to import that database then.
Have today upgraded to this v6.3 offering, which has improved interface appearance especially the "bookshelf" of DVD covers, and it found and used the database created by v4.9.
It also has ability to search on barcode number. Now here I recommend the free barcode via webcam reader Katanshi KBreader 1.3 (have also had less success with BCReader which can enter the scanned code directly to the active window dialogue box and seems quite reliable.
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Hey Mike #37,
With the price of hard disks getting cheaper all the time I've decided that it's worth "raid"ing my media drives. It's worth it just for the peace of mind.
Anyone, can I just install this version over my older version of AMM without losing my data?
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Not sure whether I can be bothered to type in all the bar codes for all my movies, especially when I don't have them and the program cannot recognise them (Okay, really obscure films like The Bourne Supremacy, Fantastic 4). I was hoping to put the DVD in the drive and the program find it, not give me like 50 films to choose from. A good idea let down by lousy execution. Will be un-installed.
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It seems to be working fine on my Win 7 x64 system. One of the features I like is that it can import the data from DVD Profiler. I've been using that for years. So far it's imported 495/3365 in 17:35 minutes. In three hours or so when it finishes, I'll come back and make some more comments about the program. So far it seems like a better program than collectorz. Right now the main drawbacks seem to be: 1) no version for macintosh, 2) no PDA version so there's way to carry the list electronically with you when you go shopping.
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This is for organizing DVDs that you purchased. For the people who have a DVD collection that is played in a DVD player on your television.
You can track who you lend your DVDs to and print lists of what you have.
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MediaMan v3+ is what I use and swear by, check it.
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All My Movies is a cool app, but like any movie cataloging software [or most any database for that matter], it takes a bit of work to enter the data... being able to use bar codes, import/export several file formats (including Excel), & connecting to on-line databases helps, but data entry can still get old fast. ;-) IMHO that's why lots of people skip keeping any sort of catalog at all, figuring it's not all that necessary unless they loan discs out &/or want to give someone a list of what you've got to loan -- home theater/server software often has it's own lists of video stored on hard drives, & for CD/DVD/BD you'll have to flip through your collection anyway to find the disc you're after, cataloged or not.
All My Movies uses Internet Explorer, Visual Basic for Apps, HTML Help, Direct Show & VFW video libraries/runtimes, & the Microsoft Jet database engine, in case that helps anyone having compatibility problems with a place or two to start troubleshooting. Installation adds the program's folder [373 files, 64 folders, ~15 MB] + both All User & User App/Application Data folders get a new sub-folder. I recorded about 200 new registry entries.
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#5: "This program doesn’t/won’t work if you are ripping your (rented or borrowed) movies and removing “extras” (like copyright protection, trailers, etc)"
It won't copy them if that's what you mean, but otherwise it catalogs video files, whether they happen to be on discs or hard drives.
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#11: "... as others have stated you can get all info just by going to IMBD or some other similar site."
In that respect it's just like music cataloging apps -- you can get the info on your own, but it's usually quicker/easier to let the program do it instead, plus that way all the info's entered into the proper database record fields, so you don't have to copy/paste or type. That's not to say you personally want/need all that data, or printable cover images or anything, but for those who do it's there.
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#17: "The drive scan finds any video files, whether they be movies or TV recordings. But there doesn’t seem to be a way to select what gets added or to indicate whether something is a movie, a video or a TV show."
FWIW I agree that that end of things could be better... It searches based on file-name extensions, has a few filters, & you can delete whatever from the found list, but I know lots of folks who haven't a clue as to what those file-name extensions mean or are [e.g. IFO]. I would think it would make more sense to list individual files that end in .mov, .mp4, .mkv etc., but stop & don't dig further when folder names VIDEO_TS [DVD] &/or BDMV [Blu-Ray] are found. And a small preview window would be great, for those times you're unsure what video a file contains.
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#18: "Storing as MKV/AVI/MP4 files on a hard drive, and streamed to the PC or newer LCD/LED, that is the way to go…no more bulky discs to clutter up my shelves, everything is going onto HDD(s) for me, and this way it is sooo much more accessible, quick and handy to pick and play than to fumble around looking for a disc (DVD or BRay)."
OTOH a drive failure might mean your collection's gone, & some folks want the extras on the original disc, which is problematic with Blu-Ray. Also with Blu-Ray: re-encoding to another video format costs quality, keeping the original format on a hard drive can be hard (if not impossible) to play, & playing Blu-Ray takes some horsepower -- not every system can play Blu-Ray HD, & assuming you can, it takes a lot more electricity than most stand-a-lone players.
FWIW I'm not a big fan of Blu-Ray -- I just haven't seen a ready-for-prime-time alternative. IMHO the most efficient setup would be something like Netflix with a bigger catalog, where using a connected player or TV you don't need any storage, or a PC/laptop to access it. But unfortunately *if* there was enough bandwidth to go around for that sort of thing, AFAIK no one has the rights to all the content you might want to watch.
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A little disappointed as it keeps crashing when I try to import from CSV.
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The help file indicates that there is an advanced sort capability to sort on custom fields, but this capability does not exist on the version we have.
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If you collect DVDs, this program is a great way of cataloguing them.
It's not just for people who pirate film (yes, copying your DVD to a hard drive and selling the original IS still pirating them.)
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If you want to catalog your avi/mpeg files, then I recommend using GCStar. It has plugins to fetch movie information from websites.
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This is cute and all but I use CineCenter. It built a searchable database of all the movies on my hard drive, has built-in players, and looks cool on my bigscreen TV.
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Sweet! I've been using AMM since version 4.9 was given away here several years ago.
Will this current offering install over the older version and keep the data that I've already entered?
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Thank you! Great software and just what I was looking for, even though I didn't know that such software existed. I have a very large library of movie files and have never had anyway of cataloging them. Thank you for the free software.
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Installed ok on Win7 x64. If I'm honest, it took awhile to figure out how to use the IMDB search feature and the 'next movie' features and a little more to add all my movies to the database. It will not read stats for .ISO files, but still searches IMDB fine by name and can add that info to the database. I did have some issues with it adding duplicate entries and not being able to use all codecs installed on my computer. Every so often, it would tell me that the codec was not supported, even though it was a file I know I can play, like a .AVI file. Once, it was showing icons of movies that I had previously clicked on when I clicked on another movie. Closing and reopening stopped it and has not happened again. It did crash a few times when adding movies, but that was when it was trying to read the codec information and may have been due to several things, not just the program.
Overall, I liked this program. While it takes awhile to setup if you have a lot (and I didn't use it at all for DVD media), once it was all setup, for me showed a clean interface with easy access to information. If you double click on the file, it will open with the default program of that file type, including ISO files. The only thing I haven't found yet is how to filter by rating; not sure if that is available or is something that needs to be custom set under the filters.
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I got this the last time it was offered and I loved it. easy to use and you can add your own reviews and info.
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Using XP SP3 and installed fine with no problems.
I have several hundred retail DVDs which I've mostly taken out of their cases and store in a DVD album thing [like a photo album] to save on space. Although you can flip through it I mostly don't and it just gathers dust so I've been looking for software to catalog my collection and filter it in various ways.
This has a thumbnail view which the freeware options don't and using a cuecat I was able to enter barcodes pretty easily but you have to keep selecting the input box for each and there seems to be no bulk entry method. It found just under half of the two dozen I tried the problem being some I have are obscure or ex-rental copies which don't show up on Amazon and the like.
The best paid versions seem to be Movie Collector from and DVD Profiler from Each has a user generated database which you can add to and you get the benefit of detailed info like where the Easter eggs are and such. I've used Comic Collector from Collectorz for years and a while ago I would have endorsed all their stuff but recently for whatever reason maybe overextending themselves in creating version for every platform they've become sloppy with their database, whether it's the same for Movie Collector I don't know. DVD Profiler is cheaper and it's a one time payment instead of just for that version number like Collectorz plus the range of view templates is greater.
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recognition of files by name barely works, if at all. no .nfo creation or renaming. saves no time because you need to manually go to imdb and search when identification fails, which is always
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Oh, and FWIIW...we don't have the movies ON the PC. You don't need them on the PC to USE this program. It can be used to just keep a record of them, borrowed out and a wish list.
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I don't understand the negativity on this one. Obviously, they haven't really used or even installed the program.
If you are into movies, this is pure platinum. It's one of the few programs we have actually bought and we have been on the site since Nov of '06. When he lost the program when they offered it the last time, he begged me to buy it.
My husband loves the fact you can have a list you can print out, how it can pull all the info about a movie from the net, or keep track of what movies you lend out and to whom. It is organization at it's best.
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@grumpy(#16) And Brian(#18):
I see and agree with your point. but some every day computer user's do not / can not afford to have the external hardware that you have mentioned.There ARE a small number of users out there who still only have one drive and 1.0GB of RAM or even less, and some people still use dial up(why I do not know)
So those people might have a small number of movies on that one drive but that takes a lot of space even if the movies are in a smaller format. So they have a few, watch them or burn them then delete. My self,I watch a movie 2 or 3 times than delete it.
Sorry if I offended you with my comments(#11) but I was speaking from the common mans point of view.
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@18 (brian) i agree with you 100%. I buy/trade all my movies,rip them to an external, separate ones for movies and t.v. shows, then trade/give away the actual disc as i have very little "space" (i travel ALOT,see my username). been using "media center master" for my meta-data and the way i keep my movies/shows separated by portable externals kind of cuts out the need for a program like this. having said that i will be giving this program a try.always room for improvement you know!
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Installed and starts up fine on Win7 64bit.
#17... Look under Tools/Import, it will import Text (CSV) or excel spreadsheets. I would think it wouldn't be too hard to convert the Open Office format to one of these. I agree that initial entering and maintaining the database is the major deterrent to changing programs, but as I remember, AMM gave me many ways to enter, including transferring from a text or spreadsheet list. When I was doing this before, I seem to remember that most other programs will export into these formats, which makes it much easier to convert (or to maintain a redundant, albeit different movie database.)
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I lost this a while back and have been awaiting a return. I just don't understand the negative (and often, seemingly mis-informed comments from people who apparently haven't even tried the program.) I haven't had time to evaluate this version yet, but the version I had before was great! I could enter movies many different ways, including writing a list of Movie names in Excel and just importing the list. The program would then populate all the other fields from the online databases. It enabled me to keep track of all my discs, by number, for easy access and so I could organize them and know exactly where they where located in the house.
I'll write more after I have installed this version.
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@11 (Rob) - "Most people just rip/download and then transfer to disc or a portable devise(ie:PSP,iPhone etc…)" ???
Transfer to disc??? That is so pre-2009!! I have over a 200 DVD movies, bought and ripped/repackaged, that I rarely go back to anymore. Storing as MKV/AVI/MP4 files on a hard drive, and streamed to the PC or newer LCD/LED, that is the way to more bulky discs to clutter up my shelves, everything is going onto HDD(s) for me, and this way it is sooo much more accessible, quick and handy to pick and play than to fumble around looking for a disc (DVD or BRay).
How many movies do you keep on your PSP/iPhone?? Can't be a lot, not at any one time, so that's not even a logical point to put forth. I'll put on say 6 or so, when I'm travelling, but then those 6 get removed and replaced by another 6 next month.
Sorry, but there ARE people out there, like me, who have hundreds of movies on a hard drive that do find an organizing tool like this to be handy. I part of a movie-sharing (buddy) club, and between the 6 of us, we share our MKV/AVI/MP4 movies using a portable hard drive...having them organized, with info from IMDB.COM, is handy so we know what to pick and choose from the collection.
...not to say this is the best one to organize all of my HDD-stored movies, but found your comments narrow-minded.
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The drive scan finds any video files, whether they be movies or TV recordings. But there doesn't seem to be a way to select what gets added or to indicate whether something is a movie, a video or a TV show. It would be possible to pre-sort the files into those directories though.
If material is stored on data DVDs there doesn't seem to be any way to indicate which particular disk it's on.
I use OpenOffice's spreadsheet to keep a list of my stuff, including TV recordings and music. It would be handy if the program had an import and export feature for spreadsheets.
The problem with most of these databases is the amount of work required in maintaining them. It does work better for more modern storage like DVDs and HD recordings, but videotapes would still require a fair bit of typing.
It could work fine for someone with a DVD collection but anyone with a sizeable collection has likely already worked out a system and anyone with a small collection likely doesn't need a program.
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#11 = rob.
Even tho I may not use this software I do have 2 internal and 8 external hard drives with over 2000 movies on them..
Yes this type of software is very useful to some of us.
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It installed fine on my Win 7 Home Premium X64 pc. I went into movies -> Add by Barcode and it found the movie without a problem. It is really easy to use, as advertised.
For those whose movie acquisitions do not include getting the barcode, I would think that typing the title in and perhaps adding one or two more fields such as actors or date, should be easy enough.
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A nice program. I haven't used this one in particular but I have used others and they do come in handy if you
A: Put a bunch of movies on a portable hard drive to take to friend's house for the weekend or on vacation.
Or, if you live in the 21st century...
B: You have a media center for your home and want to access movies from any TV in the house that's connected to a central server/computer, this will help you find, pick and play them faster than running up the stairs to the living room and pulling a DVD then running back downstairs to put it in the DVD player there.
Thanks again GOTD team. Another good offer and an even quicker switch to keep the freebies flowing. THANKS!
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I downloaded All My Movies from Give Away of the Day when it was offered a few years ago and subsequently bought it because I liked it so much. I use it as a card catalog for my movies which I store on DVD. It helps to remind me what the movie is about and it lets me know that I have it or have already watched it or even if I have loaned it to a friend. I have found it to be an invaluable tool for my movie collection. Yes you have to type in the titles but after that the program gets all the other information from the internet.
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Another not-so-useful program. #2 mentioned Movie Collector Pro - this is the same thing... Even the interface is incredibly similar.
I was hoping this will be able to scan my hard drives for all movies, catalog them, fill in all the info automatically and monitor for changes... If I have to manually punch in 2000 movies just so I can quickly find what I want to watch, I may as well let Windows index everything and search by name.
Also, there will be multiple conflicts with searching DVDs as IMDB and many alike index movies, not disk editions (Directors cut, special edition, collectors edition, BD...), so it'll be a pain in the @$$ to get info from 2 source (IMDB or alike for the movie info, Amazon or alike for disk info) and merge...
Not worth the effort.
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You're welcome on All My Movies Facebook page: Like it ;)
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I can see how this would be useful if you have a lot of movies on your hard drive, but honestly who keeps that many movies on their hard drive that they need a full program to organize them?
Most people just rip/download and then transfer to disc or a portable devise(ie:PSP,iPhone etc...)
sorry, I can not see any practical use for this software. personally if there is a movie on my computer, I know what it is about, who is in it and what studio produced it. If I did not know this it would not be on my system in the first place. besides as others have stated you can get all info just by going to IMBD or some other similar site.
Thanks GOTD but I think due to the reviews and the testing I have done I will pass.
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I use an excellent free alternative: Ant Movie Catalog (
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