Every day we offer FREE licensed software you’d have to buy otherwise.
Advanced Registry Doctor Pro 9.4 was available as a giveaway on November 19, 2012!
Advanced Registry Doctor Pro is capable of scanning for, diagnosing and curing multiple registry problems, which averts possible malfunctions and crashes, and significantly improves the speed of computer loading and performance.
In addition, the program comes with a set of advanced options, like registry defragmenting, built-in scheduler, backup and restore feature, history log and many other perks - a registry toolkit, for example.
Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP (x32/x64)
7.28 MB
My point in reminding us that Microsoft PROGRAMMERS believe in registry scrubbing is to remind us that not every product comes from it's supplier with everything needed to satisfy the needs of their customers -- many marketing decisions involves compromises that diminish their offering for reasons we may never know or understand.
Would we all suggest that the original Peter Norton Utilities, including UNERASE and UNFORMAT, were not needed and in fact probably are dangerous because Microsoft did not include them in their original product?
Remember, the original After Dark screen saver was a after thought.
Do a search for [ utility missing in windows ] or [ feature missing in windows ] and you'll see what the software and independent programmer market is all about, heck, you'll see what GOTD is all about -- people want -w-a-y- more than Microsoft delivers.
And that's a good thing.
I think the negative reviews here are generally deserved and are aimed at NRFPTY Not Ready For Prime Time Yet (sounds like "nerf putty") sub-standard offerings, and we become especially bitting with the same type of shoddy perpetual-freshmen offering, especially from the same vendor over and over.
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this one is double LOL:
"Does nobody remember Microsoft’s own RegClean?
I’m just saying."
date 2002-1023
editor's note: regclean utility is no longer supported and has been removed from microsoft download sites.
and yup, i did not remember it.
the point of my comment is a built-in utility such as microsoft defragmenter whip ships with the windows OS.
microsoft did not build any reg cleaner from windows vista/7/8 afaik.
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The program crashes on Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium when doing
smart scan.
It's a no go here, CCleaner does this same job plus lots more for FREE.
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Endlessly contributed: "... if it’s really needed, then microsoft would have included some utility like it ..."
Does nobody remember Microsoft's own RegClean?
I'm just saying.
Does anybody remember Quarterdeck CleanSweep, virtually the only remnant of value of good old Quarterdeck that Symantec actually kept alive after acquisition as Norton CleanSweep (though dumbed down minus the program mover that could backup and reinstall any program and all it's registry entries and menus and icons to another drive, even to another computer)?
Look, registry cleaners are not usually the pivot for repair, more as a confirmation of things going well or needing rebuild.
It's nice to cleanup old references to .net and Java and MRU Most Recently Used lists, but those references hardly hurt anything, and MRU is actually useful occasionally.
If someone's PC is really -s-l-o-w- then maybe they need ComboFix to remove invasions and reset almost everything, and or SpinRite/HDDRegenerator because their hard drive has endless retries on bad sectors, or a new drive or a complete OS reinstall ... or more memory, or an SSD Solid State Drive.
There's a point where software tweaks just ain't gonna change a system that's beat or already running near it's peak anyway.
My problem with Registry Doctor is it's wild-a** guess as to what program should be at the end of a registry pointer, often giving me endless lists of inappropriate suggestions to consider ... I just delete the registry entry anyway after reviewing a whole painful list of wasted silly suggestions.
If Registry Doctor was really so smart, it would know that the same Setup.exe program it found, for example, can't possibly be right for every single missing Setup.exe.
Get smart, Registry Doctor, and do some internal sniffing for logical matches, rather then mere filename look ups without regard to directory names just so you look like your's doing a lot of work -- most suggestions you find are useless.
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#9 I am one of those who will NOT dl this and try it out before I comment. Why? Well even though I do normally dl and try out an appy when I do (rarely) make a comment, had too MANY bad experiences with ANY registry cleaner etc. that I will not contemplate trying something which experience has shown me does not improve the speed of my PCs and will invariably stuff up my system.
If it isn't broken why try to fix it?
P.S. The King of Freebies - Giovanni thanks for your regular posts (and others who help in this way) I have got some damn good products from the links you provide :-)
PPS. How come your English diction etc. is often better than many whose 1st language is English? :-) Cheers
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Well on 7 it installed happily, but when I went to try this little giveaway, it crashed. I was asked to send in a crash report, so I did. I tried it again and this time it just crashed and I was told to close the program. Uninstalled.
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I have no qualms with what Mr. G wrote but about not having the same type of programs over and over again I disagree. There are many new bee's to GOTD and many people like myself who need to re-install programs that have been lost due to a computer or hard drive change. Sure, for yourself the program may be useless because you already have it or similar software but for others a redo of the exact same program that they had and lost is heaven sent. For me after I lost my hard drive and "InPaint" came up I was thrilled. That was one of 3 must haves for me. Now I am waiting for Wondershare the paid version. I know that will be a negative for many because they have it already but others don't. Thanks GOTD for providing access to free software that I many not have had the opportunity to get if it was not for your efforts.
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Crashes on Dos scan on Win 7 Ultimate 64bit. Tried running as admin, no joy. Waste of time downloading and installing.
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Just installed software on Windows 8. Errors out on MS-Dos part.
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Re @ 4 Giovanni - Your reviews are terrific, keep them coming. However, despite the long list of boring similar programs presented in the categories you mentioned, I believe that you may have been a bit harsh on GAOTD and aspiring developers in the first two paragraphs of this article.
Firstly, every developer deserves to have their products assessed to see how they might improve them, despite there being numerous similar products already out there. They may just have an idea which adds another dimension to the mix, and it might be just what may attract capital to help them develop the product further, or have it taken up by a large company already in the field and take them to the best in their field.
Secondly, GAOTD is to be applauded for giving these people equal opportunity to have feedback on how to improve their products.
We, as guests of this site should applaud all those who try their skills - the only way to improve is the "school of hard Knocks" -- I am an Australian so you may not get this!
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#15 Ton - You maybe didnt get my POW. Last time there was a Cleaner I wrote comment about the effect of Cleaners... or more the missing effect !
Todays test PC is an old 2002 eMachines with Win XP SP3 OS, so 74 seconds on this PC is very fast. My Win7 notebook use 41 seconds, so I guess you got yourself a fast PC :)
As I wrote last time too... I manually removes unused keys in the registry and I have done that for many years with more success than any software could ever achieving !
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Can get register key. I'm sick of this. How hard could it be to giveaway something?
"program stop to work"..... VISTA
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A Pro version.finally, Thank you.m but..........
As stated, registry cleaners can be dangerous.
A scan by Registry Mechanic showed 40 problems. The scan by Advanced Registry Doctor showed 117 problems in the COM/ActiveX section. This is a dangerous area. Taking out these entries can break giveawayofthedays programs.
I'll stick with my less aggressive cleaner.
Also, Elcor is known for spamming, which I loathe.
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Stop being selfish guys. You should consider those people that don't have registry cleaner and newbie. And don't forget we review the product so the developer will know the weakness of their product. We are just tester and if we like it we buy it.
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This PUP(potentially unwanted program) deleted a Malwarebytes registry key , Chameleon key.
Elcor Software Bastaroos.
Luckily I had done a System Restore Point and Registry Backup with Tweaking.com's Windows Repair All In One.
Get it from here:
Tweaking.coms (SUPERB) Windows Repair All in One program is freeware , by the way, and has a neat forum on their website.
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As they say in IT, a registy a day, will keep the doctor away! Get it? Registy Docter? anyway Thank :-)
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Installed and registered just fine on Win 7 64-bit.
I'm always weary of registry cleaners and usually steer away from them. But given the discussion today, I gave Advanced Registry Doctor Pro 9.4 a go.
For starters a compliment to Elcor, they list genuine reviews on their site and that's becoming increasingly rare. And I wouldn't trust any company with fake reviews and awards to come anywhere near my registry.
First impression is good, a nice, clean interface without too much clutter. Scanning however is really slow...
Then it crashed on me, probably because of those DOS shortcuts mentioned earlier. Well, that was enough for me. Uninstalled, my registry is too valuable to be used as a testing ground.
Now in the past I've spoken out against registry cleaners/optimizers for various reasons. For one the fact that each succesive Windows version has better internal handling of the registry and needs very little third-party meddling. But there's also the false promise of being a one-click solution for all systems and all users everywhere, that is just impossible. Or the promised imaginary performance gain of maybe a few 10's of microseconds which is unnoticable to humans. Only if your registry is really, really bloated and you haven't done any system maintenance for months then yea, it will have an impact obviously. But if you do regular (weekly) maintenance and restart atleast once every 24 hours then you're quite likely in the safe zone and programs like this will do little for you. And if you're running on a 10 year old box with less than 1000 MHz CPU then switching to a lightweight Linux OS will do more for your performance than deleting some redundant registry keys.
But I still edit and clean my registry, usually by hand or trusting those apps that I know by experience can be trusted (CCleaner, Glary Utils, Revo Uninstaller). I can assess fairly accurately what is safe and unsafe to remove because in the past I've destroyed my registry more than once by being hasty. And by extention I also know that no registry tool can ever know my system like I do.
But if you still want to trust programs like Advanded Registry Doctor Pro then fine, but do not trust them blindly. After a scan, don't just backup and hit 'Go!' but actually take some time to search entries online and find out what they're about. Try to understand why the program thinks it's safe to remove and then assess if you feel the same about it. Most often you'll learn this as I do, the hard way, but trust me it'll stick in your mind forever after you've painstakingly rebuild your system.
Thanks GOTD and Elcor, but not today.
@Sukhen K Mitra: Am I wrong? Yes, because imho Giovanni misses the point of GOTD and is just as wrong scathing GOTD and the companies offering their products. If his tone would be less condescending (as if software developers don't need to eat) and more constructive (exactly how does CCleaner compare to Advanded Registry Doctor Pro and why is it a better alternative?) I bet he would gain much more genuine respect than he gets now. I bet IRL he's a really nice guy but OTI he sounds like he wants a Free Lunch.
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The program seems to work properly. However it would be nice if you would not be forced to export the findings to html to see them before "fixing" them (In the program it just states xxxx errors).
btw. my comment about the GAOTD vs. GOTD rant:
GAOTD was officially used on the website as you can see on http://web.archive.org/web/20070603150314/http://giveawayoftheday.com/ . This is the webpage from the 3. June 2007. So don't blame people just because they have a been around since the time GAOTD was the common usage. freedictionary.org lists both versions.
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Giovanni is just tired, as am I, that GOTD offers a lot of the same types of programs. It would be nice to see something different that we might be able to use.
As to this particular program, I will not use it. Nothing against the program, I've just used other registry cleaners that do nothing to speed up my system, though they usually reclaim some hard drive space.
I would suggest that whichever program you use, to be careful what you let it do. I tried the Puran cleaner and had to restore my system when I allowed it to do everything automatically.
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I agree with Giovanni's opinion who really guides by comparing the giveaways with freely available other online softwares, which saves our times too, to search and study the inner contents.
We have to respect the developer for his effort but there is no NEED of accepting all the giveaways ONLY because of FREE of cost and should not forget that there are number of Free, featured, stable applications flowing in today's online software ocean!!
If we are wise, we could select the right one amongst these softwares.. right??
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What is offered hear at GOTD or GAOTD if you prefer, is a chance to try out software that otherwise might be passed by due to the cost of the software, an hard to understand web site, or just understated or confusing features. I also have become a customer to many of the company's offering software here.
Many have complained about the converters offered here... I run a video production company that generates products for others. That being said these persons bring in all sorts of video and Audio formats, some rarely known (like some camcorder formats) to be transferred into DVD format. I have tried many free and pay converter products, some great, others not so good, The great ones I buy, the others I regret buying or in the case of this site I just uninstall.
Registry Repair/Cleaners have a place here. I have used several offered here, some Good some not so good. A note of caution here, research it before you delete it or change it. This could make the difference between a "Healthy PC" or "DEAD PC". Think about it Doctors don't just start chopping at a problem not knowing what is wrong and neither should anyone attempting a repair of a PC. So know what you are doing and all will work out well.
Evaluating today's offering,
Scan went fairly quickly until "Search for solutions" - 1 error found in start-up section.
Personally would like to know what the problem is that the software is working on when it stops at "Search for solutions - scanning", maybe a check to show section would help here. Otherwise the software seems to work fairly well (clicked skip after waiting 5min for a solution to the one error, a key to an uninstalled program "High Priority:Missing or Invalid Startup Info Entry". I don't really like a one click solution (a stab in the dark as it were), I would like to see the error and be offered solutions for it.
Dell Precision 490
1.2gh Quad core
4gb ram
2 internal 2tb hard drives partitioned to 2-1tb each
6 external (Fire Wire) 1tb hard drives
3 external (E-SATA) 2tb hard drives partitioned to 2-1tb each
Win XP Pro sp3
Long "Search for solutions" may be due to the quantity of data I have on the drives, further checking might reveal this.
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It took a while to get my computer back after running the scans. It deleted a lot of programs I use everyday, including the link to system restore. I always check with CNET to find out what they say and they gave this one a good review. It's a big thumbs down from me, though.
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Part Deux: This particular version coughed up a debugger/bug tracker with the crash information and allowed me to save the information and continue with the scan. Apparently something was changed under the hood that didn't warrant an uptick in the Build Number. I chose to continue... Crashed again, saved bug report and again hit Continue... System notifies me: Advanced Registry Pro has stopped working. Stop program? I replied yes and will uninstall.
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To the early poster who claims we no loner need registry utilities, I say otherwise. The registry is a database of all that is referenced the system. It points to users, hardware and software; any changes that are made. Any addition or deletion of programs; adding of devices or users - all are referenced by the registry and needs to be constantly updated to run optimally. Win 7 does not do this task on its own.
I use another 3rd party app to do this.(Which I will not mention here)
This brings me to the next topic. Why do some many of you list OTHER utilities when GAOTD is listing one - the one you should be talking about. This is not the place to tell us what is better. Tell us what you think about the app in question. I'm surprised GAOTD even allows these rants.
Let's keep on point. We don't care what you use. We want to know if you tried THIS one. Does it work? Why does it suck? why is it great?
My eyes gloss over so much of the time when I see other links posted here in this forum.
Let's use this space for what it was intended: to talk about a daily free app that is offered to us. No more.
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Giovanni is the most respected member here. Why blame him? He is throwing challenges that the similar and/or another capable freeware is available. If Giovanni does not tell, may be Google or Bing will help find the freewares. Then will you go against Google or Bing or similar? Bring something really better than the ones shown by Giovanni, and people will be more than happy to buy them. Scathing Giovanni is futile.Am I wrong?
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Oh good, a quibble over semantics. Here are some facts:
“give away” is a verb phrase. It denotes the act of giving something away.
“giveaway” is a noun. It denotes the thing being given away. It is not slang.
The name of the website is “Giveaway of the Day”, not “Give Away of the Day”.
Here is an entry from the FAQ in the forums:
“What is GOTD?
GOTD is the official abbreviation for Giveaway Of The Day.
Shouldn't there be an "A" in there too?
No. The correct word is "Giveaway". It is a single word. There are many interesting typos, like GOATD, GOTAD GAOTD, or GATD. But the correct abbreviation is GOTD. If you can't manage this, we generally get the idea of what you meant to say. With practice most people eventually get it correct. :)
also see http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/forums/topic/6815”
Peace to all. I think we all understand what people mean when they use different abbreviations.
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Program dies while it was scanning for Windows/MS-DOS Program Shortcuts. My configuration: used program's “Perform smart system-scan (recommended)” on a Windows 7 Home Premium desktop.
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Installed and ran ok on Vista32. I can see no difference between this version and the one I had earlier. Still does what it says, though no one program finds everything. This one just does it much slower. Work on speeding up your engine, especially in MS-DOS shortcuts. That takes longer than the entire rest of the scan. I have freebies that scan the registry in a fraction of the time with excellent results. A 'pro' app should do better.
Way too many windows and steps to get the job done. Still needs to be streamlined in this regard. This was a main reason for uninstall of previous offering. Too much hassle for the return compared to other products. That and the lack of 'memory' for preferences. Forget to uncheck other drives and it really does take a long time.
As to my pet peeve: There are no brownie points for user interfaces so small that you have to scroll, especially when the rest of the program is Full Window. Knock it off.
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Thank you for this giveaway!
Question: Why is this difference in size between the GOTD version and the website version? Just another crippleware?
Setup.exe (GOTD installer) - 3,323 kg
AdvRegDoctorProSetup.exe (Elcor website) - 6,545 kb
Information: on GOTD forum it has been established that GOTD is the accurate acronym and not GAOTD because "giveaway" is just one word.
Thank you for reading and, probably, voting this comment, but I expect an accurate answer to my question about the size of the installer.
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I agree with Givani. We all appreciate what GAOTD is doing here, we are sick of video converters, DVD burners, registry cleaners, wlapapers etc.
It would be great if you offer other tools too.
For example I would love to see some webmaster tools. Or a premium Wordpress theme or plugin.
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For the sake of comparison I ran the same (version and build number) from the last timee this was offered. It died on DOS Shorcuts. Ran thia one's setup and it declared that the former installation was an older version and offered to uninstall it. I agreed, it uninstalled the old then installed the new. Double clicked Activate and got no confirmation of activation or anything else. Ran the program and it warned me it was a 31 day evaluation version (so much for Activation, which this message confirms that it didn't activate anything). Told it to scan and, voila! Crashed and burned on DOS Shortcuts, same as the former one. My System: Windows 7 Professional (64-bit) Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Quad CPU Q8300@ 2.50GHz (2493 MHz) 4030 GB RAM, granted not a very powerful machine but it works and the package doesn't. Thumbs down and uninstalling.
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@MikeR #18 You lost me at "reviws".
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- Giovanni - please stop the whining about getting stuff for free that we can already get for free. Everyone already knows we'd rather have some nifty office tool with a high retail value. Even though I didn't get all giddy about today's deal, it's not fair to criticize GAOTD for offering us free stuff we don't need. In fact, considering all the useless stuff available in the world, GAOTD is pretty amazing in finding stuff I'm interested in all the time. I'm a customer of several of these companies now - including one that gets roasted by our users every time.
'Bout Advanced Registry Doctor Pro 9.4:
Thumbs up ^ for actually being the full product... several deals over the last month were neutered trials pretending to be full version products. I tend not to rant about getting the full product because it's subjective opinion.... At least this one IS the real deal.
Operation in initial tests:
Can't clean or tune registry withour using "Run as Admin.." in Win7 64bit (after an hour of siting there doing nothing, and being totally unresponsive, I logged out of Windows to close it - worked OK in Admin mode).
I'm pretty skeptical about this one. It takes a very long time and sits there, (probably thrashing my hard drive the whole time :p )
CCleaner and Glary both chug right through their chores and are reliable. I'll try this one, but I'm not expecting additional cleaning magic - perhaps it's about the same except needs to be better optimized.
Thanks GAOTD and Elcor - I'm giving it a fair chance...
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Yes, I can exactly confirm what Nr. 3, 13 and 17 have stated. So Giovanni please be a lot more careful with your recommendations. Obviously you haven't tested this software. Your tips seem to be the only result of a websearch so who should follow your advice?
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if it hasn't already been said, let me say it now, all registry editors, cleaners and mechanic type programs need to be handled like nitro, because if you let it change the wrong setting, delete the wrong entry or anything, your computer could wind up being nuked.
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"That is not the intent or intended function of CCcleaner."
you too, can't spell ccleaner.
lol, lambasting giovanni for gaotd = GiveAwayOfTheDay
i also use the abbreviation gaotd because it's more proper,imo.
now for the "common use" of registry cleaner.
browse from any tech support forum, you will find that registry cleaner use is a big no.
if it's really needed, then microsoft would have included some utility like it.
i use ccleaner too but only for deleting some internet temporary files and some registry entries which i'm familiar to delete or manipulate.
rather than fixating on spelling/grammar errors, let's concentrate on why we like/dislike a gaotd offering (or gotd if you like it).
we have different taste buds so to each his own.
while this program may have features similar to other registry cleaners, i pass.
ccleaner is more "proven and trustworthy" through the years.
ccleaner also is free and has a paid version for those who want customer support.
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I will not and have never used any register cleaner. BUT I have had to re-install many XP systems for those people who have used a register cleaner.
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@9, Bigun: Thanks for today's lesson in pedantry. Most English speakers of my acquaintance would never compound "give" with "away", even though the words do flow into each other when spoken together. They wouldn't do so because "giveaway" is a slang term, a convenient vernacular.
When it comes to describing this website, posters here can choose to separate out and capitalise every word for acronymic usage -- GAOTD -- or compound "give" and "away" to arrive at GOTD.
Neither is wrong. Sorry if that offends your literary sensitivities, and sorry, too, that you attach "no credence" to anyone here who employs the GAOTD acronym, because -- strangely enough -- these individuals often come up with useful tips and comments which you, of course, are duty-bound to ignore.
They also, these GAOTDers, actually write reviws of their experience of using a GAOTD software -- but it seems, you're too busy being superior to everyone else to bother with stuff like that.
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Crashes when running smart scan.
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: AdvRegDocPro.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 2a425e19
Fault Module Name: AdvRegDocPro.exe
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 2a425e19
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00007698
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: cba8
Additional Information 2: cba86c3f8f79212e3950227a1e1cd6b0
Additional Information 3: 279d
Additional Information 4: 279db855ca4b46ffab4a0c1ba38d616e
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Well said Bigun in comment #9.
What you have to think about is which companies are prepared to offer their software FREE OF CHARGE on this site and why they have chosen to do this?
You have to also think about who the software is aimed at and what level of experience they have.
If users of this site decide to give each days offering a chance by installing and using it before making negative comments it could lead to more companies giving a wider range of products for evaluation.
I would think companies use GOTD for two main purposes. To give their products wider exposure and to get feedback on their products. Users posting negative comments without actually installing and using the product stand out like a sore thumb and be disregarded by the companies.
If GOTD users actually give companies good feedback both positive and negative companies will be more inclined to offer a greater range of products to GOTD. Companies that have never used this site may start to think about giving their products for evaluation.
Please think about what you are posting and why you are doing so. The future of this site is in your hands.
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8 Trucker:
some what you say is valid to Windows versions before Windows 8.
- startup time windows 8 is on my machine 28 seconds including the time I need to type my pin and hit IE10 and load hotmail
- Windows 8 has 2 features: reset and refresh PC (in case you didn't know)
- and the most important command you do need to know if something is wrong on Windows is this:
Windows key + X
cmd (as Administrator)
and type
sfc /scannow
(if errors found they get repaired automatically - then restart your PC)
performance-wise Windows 8 is king because of the resource management including the registry.
oh hell, I didn't wanna go into the subject... there ya go
if you want a life with registry cleaners and PC fixers, the web is full of it....
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Having gotten this on a previous giveaway I personally have no need for it today.Have used it and have encountered no problems with it.BUT, as with any program that can change system files,common sense and caution should be used.If YOU don't know whether the problems it finds can be safely removed DON'T let the program fix them. Thanks GOTD & ELCOR for a good registry utility
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Same as #3, it crashes when searching for Dos/Windows shortcuts. Other than that it runs well on Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Thanks GAOTD
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I'm a noob when it comes to the registry therefore this program is worthless to me but thanks all the same GOTD
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Whilst I haven't always agreed with Giovanni, but he's right with this.
Software like this, you get offered on every website you visit in form of banner-ads and the like.
registry cleaners... not going into the subject again, because I did last time.
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I used to love installing several of these registry cleaners, before, and have few problems, but after I populated my computer with tons of installations, these cleaners started to wreak havoc on me -- non-working installations, BSODs, disappearing partitions, prompt for re-format, error messages -- that is why I always have several images of my OS hard drive always ready for recovery. After painful experiences, I now have to heed to the wise advise of many here in this forum to be careful on using them. Now, I backup my registry before making any changes. For this I suggest ERUNT, a freeware, that can even be configured to automatically do a backup of your registry daily.
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Same complaints, probably from the same quarters, that dominate the GOTD front page any time that GOTD provides an offer that includes a utility that affects the Windows registry. Those who lambaste the offer often don't even abbreviate "GiveawayoftheDay" correctly. The correct abbreviation is "GOTD"there is no "A". It's difficult to give any credence to those that comment without trying an offer much less those that complain about GOTD and can't even use the correct abbreviation.
A proper empirical evaluation does not start off with making the assumption that all registry "cleaners", "compactors", "defragmenters" and so on are all the same. I have made copies of the registry on my XP and Windows 7 computers before and after the registry has been operated on by the last two GOTD offered "registry cleaners". I used a program that copies the text in designated sections of the registry before and after a change in the registry is made manually or by a program. The program then compares the two copies and highlights the changes in the registry made by a registry operator being evaluated - in this case a registry cleaner. After evaluating the changes I've not seen anything that the registry cleaning program made that I would not agree to had I been cleaning the registry manually entry by entry. These comparisons and studies take long time to complete. At this point I am about 20 minutes into evaluating changes made to the registry before and after running "Advanced Registry Doctor Pro" and it appears that I have a long way to go before I finish my valuation. Changes that I've seen made by "Advanced "Registry Doctor Pro" to this point would not have a negative effect on the proper operation of my computer.
I've no reason to believe that those making negative comments so far have tested this program in any meaningful way since it was offered by GOTD at this time or in the past. A good example refers back to the comment concerning the use of "Ccleaner" as a registry cleaner. That is not the intent or intended function of CCcleaner.
There's no reason trash a developer's effort simply because you think that his project does not work. I will be interested to count how many comments will say that this project is "garbage" with the comment giving away the fact that this software has not been given a fair trial.
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Another registry expert tool... well, you can call it Cleaner, Optimizer or Doctor as much as you like, but one thing is 100% realistic:
This kind of software can make even more harm to your OS than you´re able to do on your own...
Don´t you trust me ? But you blindly trust these programs ?
Okay, lets make a simple test:
You run todays software and let it clean your registry so the result is a cleaned OS...
I go into my registry and manually removes whatever there isn´t needed...
The best method ? The fastest OS...
When you turn on the PC and the PC is ready to go online and turn off the PC within Windows ! Remember the OS may not report anything next time you turn on the PC !
Ohh... one more thing... if you decide to go manually ahead in the registry then remember this important lesson:
Many people say, just save a copy of the registry !
Just because you save (export) ALL keys in the registry it don´t mean that you´re able to import them ALL again !!! Because you´re NOT !!! That goes for most registry cleaners too !
My PC use 74 seconds to get online and 12 seconds to close down !!!
Last thing... depending on the OS then do the registry hold 2-4 copies of the installed software, depending on the software too !!!
So more programs mean longer start up process !
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Free alternatives:
CCleaner(+ CCEnhancer), Auslogics Registry Cleaner, Wise Registry Cleaner, Glary Utilities, nCleaner, EasyCleaner, Kingsoft PC Doctor, WinUtilities, Comodo System Cleaner, Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, Toolwiz Care, Mz Ultimate Tools, TweakNow PowerPack Free Version (http://tweaknow.com/download/PowerPack410.exe), Argente – Registry Cleaner, Pointstone Registry Cleaner, Free Window Registry Repair, Registry Life, jv16 PowerTools Lite, Glary Registry Repair
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Proceed with CAUTION as some of these registry cleaners can do more harm than good. I would like to see these programs come with a numbering system that would let you know how much of an improvement in speed, in minutes or percent, you will see if you proceed after the analysis is completed. The programmers always seem to leave that information out. If you decide to use this software, be sure you have a CURRENT BACKUP. You may need it. I'll respectfully pass on this one.
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